


EDINBURGH (continued)

IFLIthtnished dodale Hum \M'll [I\.III-Il. \"J. ln\'.n \llalc \pat IUII\ plat II nux leaxxmc. (lllllll_‘_'. \lllll:\ ll‘Il kltllltllhll \\ llll l‘llt' HIIK'I [twin 9. Nle m, II-awnahlc l‘lll\ lcl HI 5| I'MIIIII I Young female flatmate vumlul In \llaic mmlcm \pat IIIII\

llaI. I lnxc In \lliilx‘. I k'llll. \‘. llll Ullk'

nIlIcl \\.n|al\lc ,lllllt' L.‘.5II|\III - l‘lll\ l’lcaxc tall IV‘III Iln 5 In I Double room in \mm} \Intklnnlyc IlaI lull} Immxlml. \llaimjg \\|I|1 I\xn lllllk‘l\ \\I'llltl \ml l’InI L.‘ ‘5 [um o l‘lll\ lcl III ‘I 335 .\‘)|»l IOne room in limnNiI-III ll.ll \\llll \lxxlat‘ulal \ mu nl IlIc Iaxllc I..‘."III\III ~ l‘lll\ lam} },'Illll_'.' lX'lV'll l\'(|llllk'tl In \Ilalc \\llll I'Ilt'lllllk'l f.‘ll} III 5I INS (Nil IBruntsfield. Large furnished Ilnlll\lc Innm .I\.ulal\|c m \|\.I\IUII\ hum} llaI lnI II, \ pinlcxxlnnal \Il mntlpnnx LT” I\m o l‘lll\ Icl H"‘-In5.\WI5 I Balgreen flat share. In mmqu linm \\t'\l 11le Sun [Mum \\llll ynntl \cnw nl lmmnm .\ n \ Lllll pun . Ilt'lliHII t It’lt’lt'llt't' III 5I II i Mm m Il"I).1.l will {3.1

I Morningside. 3 double lililllh lnl Icnl. LEVI pun ¢ ('l s l‘lll\ \\.n|al‘lt' .lImc Illll\ lcl: II.-"lIh-IH5II . ICraigmount. Room in % lulinnm. I\Ilgrhl. lllllll\llt‘\l llal. Inlmfgc. kilt'hcn. \llH\\Cl «k lIcaImg; ck: Sct'mll} cull). palkm; t\‘ curllcnl I\ux \cn In" Sml _\nun§_' pinlmxinnal n1 malmc \Ilulcnl {Jill [\m \llaic nl I\illx. lcl: III II n“ ‘nnfl

I Double room suitable I. I: \mglc nl tnlmlt' m | le'IInII .ma 3“ mmqu lmx In [nun L | “5

[x m \mglt' n1 :3“ l pt m tnuplc o ('l +l\1|l\ [cl II] II (In: \xer I Double room in ('I-nnal IIaI |II\I nll llk'tlk'llxlx \Ilccl \ml 11 \ plnlcxxlnnal lcmalc \\.I|l.ll‘lL' mnl .lllllt' 135” [XIII * ("l + l‘lll\ \lt'l’\l\ll lL'l

HI 1| 22man .Illk'l (\pm

I Large sunny room m \m 'lnxxn IlaI. Ill mmulcx \xalk In Ihc ('II} (who \Innkm; IIIcntll) pclxiil] ill L‘Ullplt' \\ t'lLi'lllt' Shaun; \ulh I nllmx L WI [\m ~ I‘lll\ lcl III ‘I 55h V55

I Large double room .nallahlc m \Imlcm Ilal ncai IlIc ('nnlclcnt'c('t-nlic \xailahlc Ihc lwymnm; nl ,IImc L2 III pt'm l'I'IcnIll} \Imlcnl I‘lt'lt'llt'tl In \halc \th I nllmx lcl

Ill *1 3.“) "5"!)

I No spacious rooms m l.ll:_'L' (I‘llllall) likdlt‘tl It‘llt'ln\\ IlaI \Vcll cqmppul I\III'III'ILllugc |I\m§_' I'nnm V\\.nlal\|c mnmctllalcl) L35” pun l‘lll\ lk-l- Rik-,1 H‘wm Hill I]:

I Room in large \mm_\ \Icadmu IlaI. \llallli}: \\Illl 5 nlhcix. I'cmalc n \ I‘It'lk'llL'kl L33“ [X'm ("l + lnllx .\\.nlal\lc Immcillalcl}. 'Icl, HI 5I III Illll I Comely Bank. Single innm a\.ulal\lc m l‘lllell. llllKlL'lll IlaI \hal‘m; \\Illl I Illlit'h \mI n \ [IIUIL‘\\IHII.II. aged mnl INK plux. LII~ [X'm +("l~ + l1|l|\,.\\.ula|\lc Immcilialcl}. 'lcl, HI ‘\| 51515“ IM rooms i1 lull), 1.11;?th lull} Iumixlx‘tl mlh ( K ‘I l. Shaun};

\\ llll \u‘lahlc malc \n \Iuilcnlx L‘l5 I\‘m + ( 'l‘ &- l‘lll\ 4 nnc mnnIlI tlcpmn. ‘l‘cl; II‘II‘I In: (Ill.

ILarge double room 111 IImk}. Iull} Immxlml IlaI \HIII _‘ nIlIch .\ a \.II I5 mmuII-x \xalk linm ( II) (tam,- (IN; I\ I\ \mtlctl III -»I\ \\.nlal\lc munullalcl} 135lllx'm mtlutlmng lcl HI 1I 55> IICN n1 Il"l.\ Mnmfi

I Single room by Ihc \llnic. l \‘llli. mml by a II x \\ lw ya} Iiicmll} :I5H [\m o l‘lll\. Ilcpnxil lt'\|llll\'\l \\,\|c IInm ‘Illl .IImc lcl' HI 5| 553 “hill

I Comfortable fully- furnished Ilnuhlc Innm m lt'llll .llk'J. lllt' \IIUIC. [H \ll.Il\‘ “MI I nIlIcl \ \. pink-“Innal icqmml L ‘3!) [\III. mt lutlmy l‘lll\ o pllnnc lull » LIINIIIcpnxlI. lcl HI 1I 555 ‘Ih5ll and 0pm.

I Double room available Ill lk'llll IlaI. n \ pit-Imiml £5” pcm - l‘lll\ - ('l. lcl: Ill ‘1 (Cl l-IJI. I Double room available m llal m liinuglllnn .m'a. \lIaImf: “Ill! 3 Ulllt'h L.‘ ‘5 pun o l‘lll\ w- \lk'l‘tl\ll. III 5I 55" Nllln.

I Double room in ('cnual IlaI. LI5II1mn I l‘lll\. l'cl: will” 5M I‘ll.

I Nice 8. spacious \mgglc Innm m ‘lwtllnnm IlaI. a\.nlal\lc llnm .Ilmc l~IIlI I\I Scpl. ncal {ll} \"t'llllt'. \mIalIlc lnI \Imlcmx tk chmal palllt‘manlx. LIIIII pt'm + I\Illx. III Ill ‘1 I" ‘HRII.

IVery large double Innm

\\ Illi cn \mlc I\alhnmm/xlnmcl'. ccnIIall} Int‘aIcIl. III mmqu linm l’lmuw Slim. {5-10 mcluilmg l‘Illx «K (III IV]: Ilfihqh 7‘)? SUI). I Win or double Innm .uanlahlc m ('cnII‘al l.IIIIIl\III‘g:lI. l'ull} lmmxhul \\ lIli \\ .\I. t'nlnm‘ I\. \ lilt‘il L'lt'. \Il l‘lll\. [X‘I'

I Double room in \paglnux. Int-lull} \ldlt‘lllllillil llaI. \li.ll'Ill:._' \\Illl znIlIclx \ll Hind t'nlh chnalc piclcnctl. .'\\;lll.ll‘lt‘ llllkltllk‘ nI Ma}. {NH pcm mtlutlmg all lullx cut-pl Ini' IL'lL'PllUllC. 'lcl. Ill 5| 4-1— 320‘). I Great, clean dmble rnnm a\.IIl.IlIlc m llllllL'lll IlaI. lax) \xalk In Ihc lllt‘.l\lil\\\ Sun ll/N £3“) [\‘m 9 ('I’. lt'l' Illll 4'," TIIIK

I Marchmont. Large double nxuna\.ulahlc1n\wll ‘Ik‘\“lt‘lk.\l;:ll‘llll\1'l‘k‘rilIlt llmmg laltllcn. _‘ l‘aIlIInnlIh. lump arm I\ ganlcn "In \li.llt' \\llli 2 nIhcrx, \lul .‘ll'x pinlcxxlnnal pit-Icnul. {30‘ ppm v l‘lll\ ~ I Illnllllh rcnI o Ilt‘[\l\ll 'lL-I: Iflxmm 220,

I Meadows flat. Double innm [HI I [\‘lu‘ll. \haimg mlh _‘ nIlIch. \lldlL‘tl lum; Innm. kllgllcn a InIch. \mlahlc lnI' a yams [llnlt'\\ltlll.ll. lnwl} IlaI m lnu‘l) .uca. £325 pcm + ("I o lullx. 'l'cl: 0795*) In} (In?

I room With a \plcnditl \ 1c“. In! a qmcl [Mxlgl‘atlualc nI' malurc \lllle'Ill. Inp Ilnnl‘ \pannlh Ilal nn Blacklnid :\\cnuc. all mud t'nnx. lull} lumnlicil. n/x. LIZ-I + inllx. ;\\.ulal\lc 4III Junc. 'lt‘l: (II .‘\I -i“.\ 532 5 and 9. 50pm,

I Newington. Single room in mndcrn IlaI. In \harc mm 2 I'ncndl) \Iudcntx. l-‘iw minuch lrnm Kingx lluildlngx. {230 pun Including; hillx. ‘l‘cl: Ill5l 007 lelh.

I Central. Large double Innm m lnwl) I'laI. \hal'mg

\\ Ill] .3 nIlIcrx «k a cal. Sull cax} gnmg: )nunj: pnIlcxxinnal/pnxl gradualc. .-\\ailah|c mm. £210 pun + (‘ l' + l‘lll\. 'lL-l: Illfil

557 2032.

IDodale room it I lllt\\llLlll\t‘l Ilal. lull} Illllll\lk\l mm In mg; num. latclx‘n.«l1mng art-a .\ l\lllllI\‘lli. \lLu‘Ing mlh 2 nihcn ,-\\allal\lc lnI Junc & Jul} nnly £220 [rm + l‘lll\ 'lt‘l: (IE-“ll 305 02—3. IMactlnont. One bectoom lli \paumx \xcll Ilu'maIul Ilal \\ llll all mud cnnx. Sham \\ llli nnc pmlcwnnal .\ nnc \IuIIcnI. 11K

£205 [unfit-I; WWI 2110553.

I Central. Large double I\cdrnnm. cwcllcm \harcd IIIClllllL'x Sml cnllplc {"5 [m mcludmg("l'fl‘cl1Ill 5| 22‘) 5l2~l nl’ “7808 3‘)? 3|:

I Leith Walk. Double I'nnm m lx-aulll'ul. hnghl \paclnux llal aI Ihc lnnl nl' l.ciIlI Walk. \Vnuld \IIII )nungg. n/x [ll‘IlIt‘\\lIIli.ll, £240 pcm + ("l‘ + l\||l\ +- tlcpuxll, 0703‘) 305 (MS,

I Easter Road. Furnished dnuhlc rnnm. Sun Il/\ pl‘nlcxxinnal. cal I'ncndl) pcixnn. £350 pcm + hill\ + tlt'[\l\ll 'lk-l: IIIRI 555 155(mrII7TII HIHNI. I Double room In l‘t‘dllllllll IlaI. l)a|kcllh Rtliitl. \lIarmg \th nnc ya} guy & nnc lcnlalc \Iudcnl. £270 pun + lnllx. :\\allahlc Irnm Ihc L‘nd nI' Ma}. Tc]: ()78l3 793 238.

I Large double room axailahlc m ('axllc 'l‘cn‘aux’l ,nIhIan (irm c. BL‘illlIlllll caxllc \ icux. Video. I\. I)\'l) & cnmpulcr xx Ill] 24 hnur hrnadlmnd mIcmcI in _\nur mm rnnm. I‘ull} lumixhul. l-‘ricndly cmlrnnmcnl. U75 pun all includcd. Tel: 07701 47X 800. I Double room available In clIaracIcrI‘ul Slm'khriilgt-AVI-sl lind mcux Hal. In \harc \\ llll nnc nlhcr. £2751xm+(”l‘+hlllx. Tel: 0131 332 I649.

Flatshare Hotline 09070 201 610

‘* How to place a Flatshare advert

The List Flatshare service is for people offering a room to rent in a shared flat and is a reliable and successful way of finding a new flatmate. It is simple to use and here’s what to do.

When you telephone the Hotline you will be asked for

1. Your name, address, postcode and daytime number, including dialling code 2. Up to 30 words of description about the room, rent and type of person sought 3. A contact number for would-be-flatmates to ring

The List magazine comes out fortnightly on a Thursday and weekly during the festival. Your Flatshare advert will appear in the next available magazine and will be included for one issue only. Subsequent insertions must be telephoned in again. The deadline for flatshare is 12pm on the Thursday before publication.

Each telephone call will be charged at 75p per minute and should last about 3 minutes.

Calls from non-BT and mobile phones may cost more.

If you need help or are concerned about anything, please call our Helpline on 0870-120 1504.

Please note that Flatshare is only for people seeking a flatmate. If you wish to place any other kind of accommodation advert, such as Rooms Wanted, Property to Let or Property Wanted, you should use the booking form in the back of this magazine.

If you are unable to get through please ensure that your phoneline is not barred from Premium Rate numbers. in the event of barring please contact your service provider or telecom company or use another phone.

Only those looking for a flatshare should be using this service and as an advertiser you are advised not to give out personal details

when recieving enquiries about your flat. Always ensure you have someone with you when showing people your property.

122 THE LIST .. -..