Vote with your

is house and techno heaven. Words: Johnny Regan

olourstost L’tf'l'LLS is a holtl. d!l‘.l)|il()tlf; stator'torlt to“ tho won. goat: mass"

that (:ltlolrr‘g hasn't he 3!} rn such a statu- of flux for some tzr'm. Houst:

and techno. ‘:;r so long (ht:- stock gtarlros for ,Iust aoout a‘i (Z1;.t)f3. (lit: being pasle ovor rv‘. faxour of more chart trumth scor‘os '<:h as HMS aog "rt;

hop. (Z‘uhhots aw x'otrrrt -.'.;ti: thtarr foot. anti Tilt: lYl(}f;f§{tti(? sooms to ix: f“a‘.

thm‘a‘flmatlorxoug?‘otherng ’(L-Ll2‘10{flu-packaged, /t:‘.'a ;J'><:;:‘.’3'<>t:10min" “‘

iléllltjt? :larr

Ct? that the mat a exotitrtmu; :l(::::

(itril was acceptable.

L‘)()kmtlll‘.'trtf'lit;j.(?;1"t3‘!l‘t3 tltl. {how's the ovulation ‘rzr'r the H'itllét that taken Colours to the too t

;t \. >‘.tt-t>sggostwarmrsr ,_ (,- alt,"‘gsl(.<: those '.'.'tl‘. the underground tiltrtltrl‘ilit't‘». Carl Cox, Paul Van l)\.l\. S()"l(itl(? and Srstor Bliss :l';,:, bombs m the main aroma. ‘.‘.’ill(3 lrmor Rottmtto. Mr (2. Hair. arlzl l):;rrt<3r‘.(: arm

Jonathan Uhssos man the (locks oxw ‘rvo stages

N Llt?t‘lllt)il"i{}ii(?é?1iiilES'fS. tl!‘.'(:;)<:.’ii{tl‘il‘,. atuc" 'toxrsé:

celebration. 1-1M} la:

)t Lla'ttte “on/1» ur‘:l<:r (littl‘.£lts Sasha and Drgwootl play on the same hill for the first limo 1,”. Scotlaer 'l‘ ages. Duty Vegas hung us thorr lli‘rt)l(3§;fil‘.‘0 l!‘.'(3 shot“; and Gallic itlllkaitf'ES Castms mam- a rare appearance, l'l‘u orrgrns of tho Colours part; tttt? iitikfl’. stago turned our to tho Sourltls of Strootraxta. tl‘. ho'rrtah:;,sJoh r‘.’1ti."‘{)l‘lli"l} Bout», hosting such names as Mint Royalt? {it‘d Potlro “’

;r.‘.rl(§<lgt>:i with (r, rotor.

One of tho tostual's RU. toppnmwqdmmng; :5 its tiélptlli‘i‘, to: all ‘.'.’(;;1‘_“g;r v9.5.5". ItjUSt \\./()Ll|(il§'t (1010 iiiixz?{Hughaplxt‘ mulyhooi brigade ‘1‘: 2;; "My, £§,‘L\;Q:E. ,‘ "31::

(int. ano Colours has tlosrgv‘wl the Var", rr‘» accoroaritx} 3.2:.“ :ts


With SOHO stor‘o underfoot arto' acres of toot ouorhc—ag. iiiliS .:; 'lot 41‘i‘:53’.“"‘ r‘

t. "w Glastonhum tratlrtlon. Also. close momma to Glasgow mear‘s that there‘s "o car'

of being stranded rn a from full of :ll-tor‘rpereo sows. 'ri‘s‘réi

a ‘a Honielarms A manor draw at t us year's own: ‘.‘.'ll he Mr C. ox at

the Shame"

16 THE LIST ‘.‘.r.

In". . .


Blending the mainstream and the leftfield, COLOURSFEST 2003

Whom-341'... A" ‘..' ran :; 1;: "Qt: " °."€: 'é"}i:‘i". " ‘f'w ' t, .lt, r;"’;.'.’<:-:l1.5;":ls..0: "MW '. :1, : ' ' ,;,w r a 'w .'."£?".lt;()k!,'lt)‘<,'m:if":;b'};¥," _.~ :r'“ t-i: 'u {30‘0"} 2’10". " i ’2 ' T' -- " :". "‘3' . .t :1a"::<rr"»;;sr:. .1 .{if {,zr‘ x-' '2 ' ‘r ' .2“ flrr"‘;l;<;r.. ;" "::'- I" r»: a”: mural Nutty“. , ‘( .'a‘ Ip“.' “, , o . L - "'E?"T(:'.Lll;s The l , ‘7' C _.:,: W "1;: . '- Ei' tit, ‘11. .'.‘<:'<:, a.“ 1/ .t, " ' W: ',".':' p1" 1' "‘rs s'i;tt’,ro‘<:' f“;:'. j : ‘l' 'f -'.': 1, '1‘ ,1 ' :"s for [MU-i; ' :,' '.’.r'l' 7/ t,- ' ,K: ’.' -'v t/érttgln >Tys‘7,_., .0 ,;,lolo"’(l‘w ( ( "<2 sa,s. ‘il‘rs 's ‘3'“; sf .t" "_ 1.:2' ’- " .' 2W: tif;(:"(§ raw”. {/2 " , "-’ ::‘.“, ‘1 at, r‘. 'r 1‘,- 2 «2th '. fl“:' tins" ‘.' :f f"‘~'- P z r él‘ w a’l' ls ‘r 'r in,» ‘t. .r I W.’ '1," ,r r gist/utm‘w'lt: ' ' :zrrr' f, :' '-'« fa" We"? ' u .;€:r‘~'-' ‘1‘. ' " a‘f‘," '1‘: ' 22w: r\ y tf-f- t v: <- ‘(rw’r' :' r: ' , 1- '- r ’1‘)" »-w 15:02 :2 1' ,.~’«;:' ; ' " ‘. +3 f" gout“ 1'? We?" 27. .‘,' Th{,':,‘(,'/:1“/ " 1' 7 "f >5 H n "l ;'. 2:", ," .4 '.’ r'.-’ ~’:' ': 1" I 3 Jest ; .: 7.“. :3” M. : 'r' :51 32:73 " ." ; :

.{i I. '_ ',"'-’l;1 f. 1‘: ['VI’."'" ‘, '711‘7'.’;"' Ii" .3 .‘.:’:";‘. Hut») ' r‘ ‘-’"'1;1 I‘l'b‘: 1;. I {1" :r’} I." '111r :: ' 3," '2: l'i,’}'5:"‘: ,1. z :t ‘r. '2‘ ./‘v' .‘v " {.r."_.'.' ' ’w’ "' "r'.’ ’ilml'.‘ 'll r'. °"-" 2?:' ' “:fu‘fx' 'wnrv- ' z, ’6 ,I,‘ - h 321'” " L ' " ‘: :,'_ “11.0" ' ;.; -".’-'. ’1‘}; ,z. r- ,rw" ,' f'w; IX," "‘J’," /.),l/II1.’," rA' (J 2 ' . l,‘ l2”: : ’1' ’1'“ I“: 1:.) ll) .Ivr;' fro." NJ], ' /1' 1 (14.13:, (gt: (7‘;