Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Miles Fielder

About Schmidt IS: 0... l.’\lk‘\.ili\lt‘i i’.t}ltL'. [8. 3003' Jack \lt‘ltulvin. Kalil) iiJlk'M littpt' l).t\l\r lZ-imrn l’uttm): .imlc .tll hunt}. .liitl ('\\|1L‘\\lli¥ ill\ ktllct \lllllL‘ and Quinn“ .ut hurt." \tt hulwn «lulntnutw nut} lmmc ml lltl\ hlcuk aunt-ti} .ihnttt .i u-u'ntl} rt‘tirctl lihlll'dllL‘L‘ Altllllllihll'ultti' on .t t'l'lmx-c‘nuttll‘) tttl}\\c‘}. .-\\ hL‘ l'C\ t\ll\ lilt''k'\ Hi lil\ L'lllltlllttotl. “lili'l'cli Schmidt tl|\((t\Cl\ that thc map nt iil\ tt‘n/cn hunmn hmtt l\ L‘tiliipl'l\t'tl. Itlw i1l\ lltlll\t' \chmxkn. mmtl} Ht llul. until} \pm'cx This I\ Nicholson's tilnt. hut ktltlnx l\ .tlxu \lUL' in lilt’ culllt'ttllcd dirt-(tron .iml \tthll) comic Ul‘\L‘i'\AlllUli\ nl l’.t}tic .liiti ll|\ scripting partner Jim in} Int. \xhn pl'm IUll\l_\ culltthnt‘ulcd nn th' MlllllL’Atl high \L'hUUI council}

lulu Ilmt. “HUI/UH I'lu'ull‘r‘. Ifrllit/mru/L The Actors IS» 0... it‘mmr Mcl’hcrwn. lrcltmtl. 2003i Michucl ('urnc. l)} \lut'un. Mn'hucl (iumhnn. ‘Htllllil, ’l'tmt'x .u‘c hard I'm ()‘.\l;tllC) 1(‘utnw .Intl 'l'ntnm} l.\iUl‘;tlil. tun struggling: actors \uirktng on u rutnxlmcklc l)uhltn production ul Rtrlmrtl lll. (‘lmux cnxuux tillct‘ ()'.\I;tllc}

cum lliL't‘\ 'l'urntn). .tn upput'cnll) lwpclc“ actor. to warn wmc local gunptcrx h) mutating; thctr In} \lL‘l'lUlh ct'ctlttut' .mtl tnlctu-pttng thc rupnyncnt at .I Inuit iittxctl on .'I \tm‘} h) Neil Juttltm 1 Hit ('runu (hum-t. this lut'ctcul. lL‘L'lgUnti (.llk'l’ U“ (N much it)

plu} xxriglit/xcrccrmrttcr/thrcctnt'

Under expert tuition from members of Rainbow Room International award winning Training 8. Artistic Teams have your hair cut and styled using Rainbow Room luxury hair care products - for only £12.00. Hair Colouring also available from £20.00

i.» an“. ...- l t. 4

\lcl’hcrwn. \xhu \uhxcrtx lhc tchncv putt-mull urth hnllmnll} UlikiCl\idlC\l htttnnut :\ntl then-K .in .hlt'lihiillig pcttnrmnngc trnm \ldiltl up turnip \lumn (it'ltc'ru/ H/rttu

All About my Mother 15» 0000. tl’cdrn Almudmnr. Spam. I‘N‘N ('cgtlm Ruth. l’cnclnpc ('r'ul. .-\lil\tlil.t San Ju.m llllmtn, .-\rgu;ihl_\ Almmhnnr‘x has! tilm in tlntc \thn Madrid hmptlnl unrkcr Munucld'x wn l\ ktllctl tn .t c.” .tcgttlcnt thc grtct-drrckcn “HIHJH wtx out In tttltil hut wtt'x lust \\I\ii to anx lil\ Lithcr. .Illtl gm.“ l0 Burt‘clttlid to lilitl iik‘ lt‘athu’xtttc \hc r.m ;I\\.t_\ it'nm lb _\\ curhcr. RCHU\\IIL‘ti lUl iil\ [mtltn_\.tl ut \llnng mung-n. Alutmlmnr pa) \ li‘li‘lllL‘ hct'c tn thctt mpucil} to act. in mulhcr and to ct‘cgitc strung hnndx nl \Uiltldi‘ll} Hi the lucc nl C\li‘L‘lilillL'\. (11mm lit/In/mru/r

Andaaz tl’(ii tR.t| K.tt1\\.tl. ltnhu. 200‘» Aloha) Kumur.';t l)utt.t .\hn tht~ Rat and Karol haw u puxxmn tnt' utt'cmtt .md ouch ulhct‘. (luv) linllyumd tttttxtcul aimed}. (‘(‘/. I'jr/ln/mrg/t.

Antwone Fisher l 15» .00

(Dun/cl \Vuthgtnn. l'S. 2002! Dcrck l.ukc. Dun/cl “ltxlnngtnn. ll"min, llmx Washington chow .'\lil\\nlk' l‘txhcr‘x uutohuigruphtcgil mcmmt‘ tor lll\ tltt'cctnt‘tul tlchut l\ an curum‘thngtr} slur}. l‘txhcr “as working: Iii thc Sun} studio‘s gift shop uhcn thc ()wut‘m inning actor committal htmwll to telling lill\ hurrmnng hul ultimutcl} ltlc-ul'lirrmng shit} at \unnul‘ .-\h;mtlonctl h) ill\ ltltvlltcl‘ in thc cure til it l'twlct' ltUltlL‘.

\\ hcrc hc ~ut'lct'cd )curx ut’ ph) \tcul. llit‘lilill illitl \C\ll;ll uhuxu l:l\llL'l' cndcd up ill thc l‘S .\';t\.\t llct'c hc t'nuntl u \urrugutc t'urntl}. hul ill\ lilil'L‘Mtthl past munnt that hc \\&l\ ul\\u_\\ in tt'nuhlc. nimtl) tor lighting. Such a slut}. In “high a \}ltl[‘tlliit'llL‘ \iii'llik hclpx u )tiung hluck mun conic to lct'mx mth lhc \humc .tml ungct' cngcmlcrcd h} n crucl

Rainbow Room International

require hairdressing models for their new Training Academy at 70 Howard Street Glasgow

index Film

Deaf, dumb and without kidneys: Sympathy for the Devil

L‘iilltillntttl. \‘ttllltl C;I\ll_\ li.l\L‘ lk't'tt rcdllccd to ‘l‘V-mm lL' plaltlutlcs \\'tt\litlt:_'lntt\ rcxtruinul thin-lion. hmwwr. l\ (illitiltl hut ncwt mplmtnttw. lli\pll';lllt)li;il hut nu c1 \t'lillllit‘lildl ()r/nw xi! I'ltt‘ Quin. (i/uwuu. ()t/nut. lit/ut/mrulr

Artist’s Films it‘ctl lht'i t\'.niuu\i

Call 014i 221 0400 to book an appointment. Open Monday - Saturday 9.000m 6.00pm

17'” I 13mm 'l'ht'cc tiltnx chuth h_\ .u'ltxl lob) l’.ttcrmn \xhu l\ ctrttvntl) C\hlhlllltg .11 the (‘(':\: I'ln‘ lmttuc' Ill .Sr'tm It at Ilu'l/ IVIclnt and John l’uxrnmc I‘Vht. Hun Du up Knmt H'lrul llumr [4min [.1kr' tMut‘thu Rtixlct' I‘Ni). .tntl l'tl/ll't‘II/It'l! 45/ tl't'unt'nh 'l‘t'ulluul l‘Him. ( (II/(l\\'i’H.

' K: 223': THE LIST 29