Film Index

Apt-m Smith Illugo \Vcaung l. \x ho hax lound a nu} to t'lonc hIInxcll ’l hc ultra- L'UlllplL". fight bctuccn Nu» and HM Smithx Ix notlIInI: xhort ot gobxmat‘kmg lltcn thcrc'x thc lrccxxa) gar ghaxc. Inxolung mortal combat atop a xpccding IX whcclcr. \NhlL'll llkcwtxc rgllxcx lllL‘ bar on xpcctaclc cmcma Scc chchx (inn-ml r‘r/I'uu'.

Mildred Pierce mm .00. IMIL‘lIacl (‘urtI/. l'S. I‘MSI Joan (‘raxxtord Jaclx ('arxon. Zachar) Scott

l Himn ('ravI lord cxcclx leIL‘ “on an ()xcarI ax thc titular \xoman \x ho turnx her back on hcr huxband and bccomL-x a xuu‘cxxlul ertaurantcur. uhIIc fighting hcr oun xclfixh daughtcr lor thc hcart ol a playbo} (Scott) and gctting cmbroilcd III a Inurdcr plot VIC“ cd b} xomc ax thc xort ol xtrong \xoman'x role that Ix xo cluxnc toda}. Itx xtiggt'xtlon that dcath lollowx ultcn a woman abandonx thc kitchcn xInlI Ix actuall} prctt) patromxmu I‘llmlzuuw. lztlmhuru/I. Moscow Square Ier 1th ll‘crcnc 'l‘orok. Hungary 300] I (iabot' Kat‘al_\o\. lir/xI l’apai 88min \VIIIIIL‘I ol thrcc Hungarian ;t\\;lt'tlx. thIx dclightlul lllllL' film dctale thc growing painx M a group of xtudcnlx xx ho u lllll.‘\\ thc dcxtructlon ol 4() (wan ol xocIaIIxIn m I‘M‘)‘ I'Ilm/Iouu'. Ink/In/mruh,

Mostly Martha ll’(ii 0...

(Sandra Ncltlchcck. (icrman). 2001 l Martina (icdcck. MaVIIIIc l-‘ocrxtc. Sergio (‘axtcllitto 105mm. Martha ((icdcckl Ix no JamIc ()lncr; thc rcalit} ol' bcmg a hcad cltcl Ix aII_\thing but ‘pulxka'. ()hxcxxiw compulxiw III thc cxtrcmc. It'x mil} whcn hcr \l'le‘i' Ix killcd and Martha hCCUlllC\ tcmporar} guardian ot lIcI' mccc lltul xltc (li\L‘()\'Cl'\ a lll'c Utllxtdc ol' lllC kitchcn. Slowly Martha thaux out from hct‘ xlcrilc L'\ixicncc a proch accclcratcd by thc arrixal ol tuo proxpcctivc xuitorx. thn romancc \xith onc finally dcxclopx. you \;l\‘Ulli‘ each and cx'cry dclicatc Inomcnt. llcart- warming and tcndcr, \xatchmg thIx Ix likc xccing a great meal .xltml) axxcmblcd (’(K‘ Ri'It/I‘I’n‘ .S'II'H'I. (i/Ingnu'; (Ilium). lit/inhm'gh.

Moulin Rouge I 12) 0.... IBM l.uhrmann. l'S. 200i I iiwan McGrcgor. Nicolc KIanan. Jim Broadhcnl. IUXInin. l.uhrmann‘x lollou -up to Ronn'u d" .Ill/ll’l ix a wildly unI‘Cxtraincd. gloriouny camp. lcwd ax hcll muxical low xtor) that rc- im-cntx thc lorm. from thc (ioldcn Agc lloll}\\‘ood .xong-and-dancc xpcctacularx up. l.uhrmann hax tranxi'ormcd thc cponymoIIx l‘)th ccntur) l’arixian dancchall-cum-brothcl into thc raw capItal oi liuropc. wcax'ing 20th ccntur)‘ pop Inuxic lntx into thc \cr} dialogue ol' the film xo that it hCL‘UlllC\ almoxt opcra. And xpiralling around a l'airytalc romancc hctwccn McUrcgor'x IdcalixtIc poet and KIdInan‘x dancc girl Ix a barragc ol' riotoux Imagcr) and (lL‘\lgli. 'l’hcrc‘x no middle-ground uIth l.uhrmann‘x film; it you abandon

)ourxcll to It it'll lcmc Iou mtoxwatcd with plcaxurc. ()llt'UIl lli'xll'r Hal/m. Iz'I/I'Iilnu'u/I.

Mulan (l') O... (Barr) (‘ook Ton} Bancrol't. I‘Nb’) Voicm ol': Ming-Na \Vcn, Donn} ()xmond. liddic Murph}. 89min Altcr l)ixnc} 'x taxtIl} dcngde \cnturc Into (ircck Inytholog} \Iith I’UIY'HIUL thc xtudio brought Itx lcnx to bcar on thc rich and colourlul poxxibilitiCx oi (‘hincxc lcgcnd ’l’hc moxt xtriking axpcct ol tlIix romanlIc cpic Ix Itx magnificcnt animatIon. l)ctailx ot‘ charactcr. lltUVClllL‘lll and uperonn arc ax finc ax xhould bc cxpcctcd l'I'om thc uorld'x hL‘\l knoun cartoon xtudio. but thc xtunning laI‘gc-xcalc xct piccm arc truly axtonithg. \Ihilc thc dCngn tcam xtIrx III an authcntic tlamur of (him. North Iz'III'II/mrg/I :lrls (.Ullll‘t'. liI/III/IIII'u/I. Nic (Nothing) (ccrt Ihci ll)0rnl;l ch/icrlaxx‘xka. Poland. l‘)‘)Hi Anita

liorlxoxx xka-Kuxhkoxxxka. l)anuta S/allarxka. 80min. A )oung mothcr oi thrcc dcalx \\ Ith an abuxnc huxband and an unu anth prcgnanc). (il'llll. uncompronnxing drama l-I/mlmuu: I'IIII'II/mrg'lt.

Nowhere in Africa I ISI 0.. I(’arolmc Link. (icrnian). 2003i JulIanc Kohlcr. chinc Xunmcrmann. Mcrab Ninid/c. l-llimm, l.In|x‘x cpit~ talc ol “artimc liaxt Alrtca and Itx cllcct on onc \cr) l'racturcd lamIl} Ix hardl) thc moxt original film _\ott \Ktll xcc thIx )L'ar. but It lookx lzlltlaxltc. ’l‘ltcrc‘x lolx ol' L‘lnolittg from a ch'Ipt that xccmx to haw bccn \IrIttcn b} a \Hlll l'oI'Incr \xith a cruin on l)orIx l.L‘\\lll_L'. and \nillL‘ tcrriblc uxc ol \oIcc-owr. but It Ix \cr) \xatchablc, 'l‘hough It dot-x haw Itx momcntx. thIx Ix ultimatcl) dcxtmcd to bc a InInor xcrIaIIxcd hIt on thc xInall xcrccn. (il- "I; (i/uwuu.

Dougray Scott plays a picture framer who gets framed in Ripley’s Game

Old School I IS) 000 I'loIIIt l’hIllex. [8. Jill“) lulu' \Vleon. \ Inu- Vaughn. \VIII l'cIIcll ‘llmIII ln lodd l’hIllex' latI-xt [III-w ot poptoin tiltlI IxI-I- alxo Rom] IrI/n Mitt‘h MaItIII I\\'I|xonl. don \\ IllI xubuIbIa and Itx naxt} xurprIxCx. and ll'lL'ittl\ licamc I\'.III::lIIII and Frank ll'L'l'lL'lll. xct up an honoIaI} collcgc lIatcrnIl} lll\lllll_‘..' .III and xIIndI} to appl) to thc IrIIlalIoII ol l)I-.III (Bordon l’I'Ilt'haI'd Ia marwlloux m II Jcrcm} l’IwIII. \VleoII. Vaughn .IIIII l’ct'rcll arc Ulll\l.tlltllll}.‘. l‘lllltllllj.’ up thI- xtililL‘lllllL‘\ laI‘LluxtI'I' laughx Into momcnlx ot mxpucd lIIl.IIIt_\. _\I't my film xtIll managL-x to IllumInalI' \Clldlll angular lt‘tllllx about our t'apat'll} .Ix adultx to build our Imn pIIxonx (it until I'('l('(1\(’

Phone Booth I IS» 0.. LIIICI Schumachci. ('8. 2003) (‘olin l‘dHL'll. Kiclct‘ Suth-Iland. KatIc llolnn'x XIIIIIII

oxygen bar : grill

.' 0 Jum— SUNDAY 25m Ilium“!

BUUL My my)


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38 THE LIST 22 Max—5 June 2003