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9An Electric Honey Records Release


'Behind My Eye / PaSt Gone Mad'

new double A side single out now

Available from www.e| and Fopp Record Stores nationwide

Electric Honey Records Launch Night

Odeon Beat Club + support Fn'day 6th June | Glasgow, King Tut's

£4.50 - Tickets from venue | info -

42 THE LIST 22 May —5 June 2003

Video Art and Visual Research ogcrt ll‘gi IVarioux. \al'h‘lh.

15 J l< 13min Scrccmn; and loium Io! lulllicltl uncma Succnlngx incluth-

I. U( ’:(4/( .J' t [1,” “I. \c um: ’JlI’II’H min; ,w H. «\1alol‘ctliu .\.'¢ u u .3” a’mm x to! I: In 1mm i('anc ('apah‘lloi and It; mun-rm.- I(i(i l'aianlolai ('t \. (,‘Imgun Visconti - Work, Witches and Women ucit lln’l «l ut‘hino \ Ixt‘onlL Ital). \anouw 121mm -\ \clu'llon tron] th‘ git-a! (Ullllllllllhl ya) anxtocral'x out put on thy th'lllC\ o1 \xoik. \xoincn and \xilt‘hcs \\cll “Ullll catching lot ghpx

1mm [in .lo/i. and Ihc \Cl_\ lalL' \‘uri \ uI.‘

t; .\'¢ v. \ Ih'lH ln’mizuuu. [aim/3mg}: Welcome to Collinwood 1%

Linc and .'\lllli\ill} thM‘. l S. 300‘» Sam Rm‘k\\cll. (it-mgr (loulu‘). William H May) Minnn In (‘olhnuootL a run do“ n nothing; claxx nclghlmurhoox on (-IL'\L'l.lll\i‘\ caxl \ltlt'. th only \\.I_\ lo make monc) 1x to dual \HlllL‘UllL‘ cle Pcppclctl \th cool local llngo. llih hilariom th uapcx. a rcmakc ol .\lano Monlcclh'x “’53 lilm I Sol!!! (um!!! th’lu lh'u/ on .Um/umm eru'! i. alxo boasts a lrcmcntlom caxl o1 chalaclci actorx l ilw lcllou lilnunakmg \ihllngx .locl and lzlhan ('ocn. lhc Rll\\0\ haw a lrL'lllL'llkiUll\ Hail to: “tiling; qunk} \Iluallonx and won quu'kicr chalat‘lux

‘l'hc (axling couldn't hc lwtlcr; Rock“ cll.

Ill particular. \hlllC\ as lhc haplwx hon-i loo nut to hw a hlc ol unnu- S. In [t (I I't'lt'HH'

O Werckmeister Harmonies 112A» .0... Ilit‘la 'l‘an'. llungar}. lellli Lars Rudolph. l’clcr l‘llz, Hanna Sclqgulla. 145mm. llartlcorc Hungarian nuxcralnhxl 'l‘arr oll'crx hl\ most RICCC\\li‘lC “oil; to tlalc. \xnh lhh stud} ol a small to“ n caught in thc grip ol rcxolunonar} l'cnour, 'l‘hmgx start going wrong “hcn a truck unh a giant \lullcd uhalc trundle into [on n. and uhcn an unwcn charactcr called thc l’nncc Inaltcx

ol‘wurc )ct poltcnloux glannx l'arr‘x \mon ixn'l ncccxxanl) hopclc“ \\ hllc man l\ but a dot on thc gmnnt' lantlxt‘apc. art can lw a wullu! magmthahon ol that H'JllMtlli‘ll Hi I. inn n1. ' Hammnn \ 1x a xuangc. cnchantxng pictc ol \uuk St'c lL‘\ IL‘“ (l \. (Laugh Hi When Brendan Met Trudy . IV C... 'KICI‘UH J \\al\h_ llk'ldlhi. Zooli l’clcr \lclionaltl. l'loia \lonlgonict} "5min Rodd} l)o_\lc\ thxt onginal \x'lk'k‘lil‘ld} hoaxlx lll\ liatlt‘inaik t'u'cnnu \'il.ll.l(lk'l\ aml \haIp-unlcd trap. and lanunc \illt‘x'lfll \\al\h \\l'lll_\_‘\ mu} last onc onc ol lhcm [tom 1! Hlk‘lltiJll. a ncnl} laiglixh lcaghcl \xho luu'x ohl mono. hax hh \\\‘il\i luinctl .ll\t‘ owl m “hle 'l‘lutl) \uutx up lo hnn Ill a pub and \ik’lll.lll\i\ hc liu} hcx ame i’lHlll lllL'lk' lhc luo cmhaik on a it'lallomhip Ihal [alto In \\llki \c\ and not‘lumal la“ lucalting: 'l‘hix n thc tilnny cqunalcnl ol Angcl Dchghl hghl. Hull}. sugau and unatlullcralul. lll\illl_‘._'k'lli tun (ilz'rran¢/11//(i/.‘.(i/tuutm X-Men 2 l ll-M C... tlh}an

Smut-I. IN. 20”“! Hugh .lat'kman. Patrick Sit-“ail. llallc Hui) I l lnun 'l‘hc \ccontl X-llrn lihn lll.lll~\ an L'\olul|onar} lcap lonxanl lrom lhc ownalctl original .‘\I iil\l. II I\ lannhanl} thal hit-nix yonlcnl. unh lhc \xclcolnc lcllun ol all poucrlul lclcpalh (‘hal'lm \a\ icr (Sit-“art: and lll\ llllk'il loxctl mulanh llut .\7 \Ii-n J‘x nt'u culling: cdgc tlcnwx moxtl) lroin ll\ sharp!) dchncalctl human \ Illam. MUM-I

a mulanLhahng nnhlar} \k'lk'lilhl pla}cd h} Brian ('o\. ’l‘hc muting opcnmg an .l\\;l\\lll.lllnn allcinpl on (hr ['8 prcudcnl h) a tlixal'lcctul Inulanl \Cl\ lhc lonc for a \L'qucl \\ how untlcrlyng Man and morc remnant stor) han arc not ti\\;ll'lCti h) lhc Imagmamc \hlltll cl'l'cclx la\ ixhul upon them. Smart. \upcrior popular cntcrlanum'nt. (inn-ml n'lmu:

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