

Carling Academy. Glasgow. Tue 27 May Broadcast are outsiders. The band. who call pioneering experimental label Warp home. might produce work that rarely strays outwith the confines of pop structures but their world seems hermetically sealed. albeit within a chicly plush space-pod.

‘Yeah. I suppose we sometimes feel like outsiders.’ muses placid mainstay James Cargill. “Everyone feels that “no one can connect with me“ thing at some point but we‘ve got such a direction in our music that I don‘t think it affects our music. Then again whether it does or not might be for someone else to say'.

Inspired by the fluid melodies of soundtracks and initially coalescing around a passion for esoteric 605 space travellers the United States of America (‘They were amazing.‘ Cargill enthuses. ‘l‘m never bored by them‘). Broadcast cling tenacioust to their creative vision. even if it means limiting their output. Their new album. Ha Ha Sound. will only be the band‘s second in seven years and was recorded in difficult circumstances. not least the untimely death of Warp co-founder Messages from interplanetary crafty types Rob Mitchell in 2001. Their 2000 debut, The Noise Made by People. was also a long and complex did our heads in. but once we‘d done it once. it though Cargill assures that this has encouraged birth as Cargill explains. was great‘. them musically. noting that ‘there‘s never been

‘We tried working with different producers and The Pendulum EP. their first new output in three any virtuoso performances - we've always just never got the sound we wanted, so we thought years, features ‘Minus Two‘. a relatively harsh picked up anything‘. we‘d have a go at it ourselves. We had to teach cut‘n‘paste workout whose title references the The time has come to prise open and enter ourselves how to record stuff. Sometimes it just departure of their drummer and keyboardist, Broadcast‘s noirish soundscapes. (Nadine McBay)

“i 1/..‘5 IL. 225?; ‘.‘. ALFIE ~‘ ' DALLAS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA King Tut‘s. Glasgow. Sun 25 “‘ " " l“ ' ' Usher Hall. Edinburgh. SunlJun ,,v‘,.' 1,.\,\ 1-,.'.... " -'-""l"" "' ' ' ': "’-'r l ' :‘5'. "

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Living in perfect harmony Cm, 7.1;». r‘ Litton is another international classic

50 THE LIST ‘.'.:.