Music rock a pop listings

Wednesday 28 continued

I Skools Out for Summer 'I ht- lilh \olc ('alc. 5” Ni Km; Slim-1.5 loih. ‘ipm Li Sn _\oung_' band\ pla} bat‘lx to baclx

I The 44s, Bipolar and Pink Juice liarll}. 2m (lch Sllccl. (LVN UH" (NW) 5pm. £4. ()\cl- l4\ \hov- Local mdlc lmc up.

I Pylot and Cycle of Zen lhc ('cllar liar. Ramada Jarnx ilngiami llHlL‘l. lllllelllL'l'SllCCl. lnloj 55‘2515, hfl ilipm. her

I Guns N’ Roses Tribute Bourbon Klllct'l. lllh' (lL'HljJL‘ Sllccl. 552N141. 7pm. L5. l)HL'\ uhal ll \a}\ on Ihc nn. hopclull)


I CC Country Band ()uccn (‘hallollc RHHIII\. 5ba ()uccn ('hal‘lollc Slim-l. 555 (mm. 8pm 935019;: Inuxmanxi. ()ld \t}lc counlr}. rockabill} and blucgraxx.

I Gas Giant, 1” Volcano and Red Admiral 'l'hcc l'ndcmorld. llamwrman‘s. Niddr} Slim-l. 55!» 3254. 3.45pm. £4. 'l'rlplc bill ol local mdlc. rock and allcrnalnc \oundx.

I Jase and The Dazes \Vlnxtlclnnklm. 4 South llndgc. 55" 5| l4. ‘lpm. (‘owrx lrom law lolloucd b_\ guitar rock lrom (ilaxgou \ lhc l)a/c\,

I The Tyrant Lizard Kings, Stovepipe, Healing Abigail and The Cherry Kicks Bongo ('lub. I4 Ncu Slrccl. 558 mu. 0pm. £3. l,oudcr 'l'han (iod night ol hardcorc mclal. rock and olhcr \lompmg lunm.

I Chaos Theory Soulhcrn ('r'oxx (3110. (Ha (‘ockburn Sli'ccl. (332 0033. 0pm midnight. l’rcc. ()rlgmal compoxiuonx li'om llll\ nc“ quartcl. lining |a//. lunk and rock. lcaluring Doug 'l‘lplcd} on \awx. l’aul Kirb} on

,1. \ "l ,i i I 1 «\“‘l\““‘x


kgboardx. ch m (ilaxgou on luv and ('hrix \\allagc on drmn\

I Fleamarket Funk (‘ahau-I \‘ollanc. 5b ‘5 Blair Stu-cl. 33H blah llpm iam. l-rcc loyal oullll playng lln'n' o\xn land or big band lunk lll llnx nu“ \wckl} rcwdcnp} \th a \mallcrmg ot l).l \upporh and other lI\C aclx :45 \la} \CC\ .I ll\C \lIH“ tron] (hunk) Bull l'liiik}.l1c;ulmll\_\ Rcwu'nd ('hunk} ol \cxx _\l;l\lL'l\Hlllltl\ lamc p1o\ idmg a w! ol Inc hard lunk/mul \(lk'lll\ .-\nd [hack a lCNlthllh mng on 4 Jun.

Thursday 29


I Stereophonics llal'l'mxland. 344 (iallmxgalc. 552 4otll. 7.30pm. S()l.l) ()l "l‘. Spcual ‘mumato \hou prior to lhcn' pl'opcr \ownlbcr tour. l:\pu‘l a pm IC\\ ol' lorlhconnng album l'uu (int/u (in Ilu'n' In ('uim' Hm A. ll )ou ul‘L‘ HIIL‘ nl llk' 'lUL‘lx'V llClKk'lllUltlL'l\.

I Fishbone and Adequate Seven The (iaragc. 4‘)() Sauclnchall Sll'ccl. 352 Ill). 7,3(lpm. [ll-ll).

()\ c1“ l-l\ \hou. \blcran tunk mclal combo \uppol'lcd b} )oung punk buckx.

I Showaddywaddy, Sweet and The Rubettes RU):Il ('onccrt Hall. 3 SéllIL‘lllL‘llalll Sll‘L'L'l. 55.5 Xllllll. 7.30pm. L‘Ixfio/tInfill/H.150.'I‘Im m cmng ol' \hamclc“ noxlalgla lor lhc 70x. including a couple ol bandx \xho \\ CI'L‘ \llillllt'lk‘\\l} Illixlgllglt‘ lot the Sllx got-x undcr lhc namc (ilill. lilll/ and 7(l\ lllll. l)on'l lorgcl )Ulll ghllcr gl()\\,

I McLusky, Corrigan and Mercury Tilt Switch King Tut‘s \Vah \Vah llul. 272;: St Vinu'nl Strccl. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £0.50. l‘ndcrapprcciatcd ('ardill hand u ho pcrlm‘m likc dcn l\llL'\ thc nnnulc the}

i. ' 3.

arc lcl out lhc Irapx (nom) too. 111 a \\a_\ ol lot ol punk rock prclcndcrx cannot managc lhc} arc currcnll} rcgordmg Ihcn' third album m the Slam \ulh Slcw :\ll‘llll al Ihc t‘olllt'olx 0 V Twin, Dirt-y Sanchez and Scatter \It'c'n'Slcaz}. 421 Sauchichall Strum. 553 “M”. NSllprn L4. llckch m ad\angc lrom Ihc \cnm‘. Monorail. l'opp and .\ll\\lll:_‘ Rccordx Ramxhlu‘klc local la\oul’llc\ blundln; rock‘n'roll. Indlc. clccu'omca and dub 1n lhcn‘ mxnnglnc \ound. cunt-nth bcmg product-d b} lormcr Slonm managcr Audit“ l.oog_' ()ldham. \upporlcd b} Ihc I'oclxm‘ clu'uonn‘a ol Ihc l)ll‘l}. Sanchcz and lhc paxlol'al [an ol St'aucr. 'l‘hc l’axlcl'x man «and pmubl} \xomani lhc lurnlablm upxlan'x. l’url u/ I/lt' ()m‘ III l-nur lewllull.

I Ursula Minor, Love Machine and L. Casio lmmunitas 'l‘hc l5lh NUIC (hilt. 5” (ill Klllg Sll’CL‘l. 5.55 “‘53 ‘lpm. U Spau‘} gromcx and dual drumldl action dcwnbcd ax "l‘hc \Vho Incclx ('an',

I Sound Development Agency, Bob Cuba, Tourniquet and Juniper Sparks llal'll}. 3M) (‘l_\dc Slrccl. 0870 0”" (N‘N 5pm. 14 SW .\lon 201m Bob (‘uba

I Your Sound Sit-rm I3 l4 Kclnnhaugh Stu-cl. 57b 5lll.\’. Sfillpm l‘rcc. chular night \hoxwaxlng ncu rccordcd numc b} local bands nol \lncll} a gig but a na} to appralxc oncxcll ol lhc law happcmng \oundx.

I Tootus, Pogo, Scott McDonald and The Galbraith Brothers lnumalc. lhc lidgc. (icorgc Squarc. t)pm. £4. .-\\ lhc namc \uggcslx. an cwnmg ol rcl'lccuw. inllmalc \Cl\.

I Numb, Pocket Room, Desolation Yes and Wake Slraubcrr) l’icldx 5o ()\\Hll(l Slrccl. 0345 “53 028‘). 7.30pm. £4. Rock and Inclal.

I Indian Bone, Destroy and Baby Dolls l‘hc ('cllar liar. Ramada J.ll'\l\|ll1:_‘l.lllll llolcl. loo .\llllci SUch lnto 555 Z5l5 5 .illpm law I Sticky Fingers Studio (inc. (noanor llolcl. (iroanol lcrlat‘c toll Bun Roadl. i4l b5lo ‘lpm l-rcc Rolling Slonm lributc

I Rutabega 'l‘uhal (hna. 42 (Mayo lanc. 35“ 4534 8pm Scc \\C\l 23

I Maria Leahy and Jimmy Rift l‘hc lcalhcr .lada't l~'olk ('lub. lhc llall lldl. lhll \VtNKllJllLb RUJtl. .504 l525‘ .\‘,3llpm. l‘u‘c \ot \lrlt‘ll) a lolk club blucx. rock and pop ~I_\ lk'\ arc on \ho“ lrom lhcw \mgcr \ongwnlmx plux [wrlormancc pool Donna ('ampbcll

I The Vagabonds lhc Smua.

l l: l l4 Slot‘kncll Slrccl. 55: 5'th ‘lpm. [111' Popular \‘U\Cl\

I Jam Session Samucl l)o\\ \.

o" "l \Ilhxdalc Road. 42 i Hlll" SRllpm. l'i‘cc

I Live Music .\l.I\‘SoI‘IC) 'x. 42 Jamaica Stu-cl. 24.\‘ 85M 8pm l-icc 'l'hrcc llll\l}lllk'kl loyal bandx


I Singleskin, Draw and Doolah lllL' l.lqlll\l Room. ‘lx‘ \lln'lolla SIIL‘CI. 325 3504. 7pm. £4 £5. 'l’nplc bill ol local Indlc and rock.

I Open Mic Night 'l'hc ('anonx' (iall. 232 ('anongalc. 55o -l-l.\’|

7 30pm. lircc. donationx \wlcomc Scc Thu 32.

I August81 and Enki 'l‘hvc l‘mlcrxxorld. llamwrman'x. .\'Iddr_\ Slrccl. 55o 3354. H.3(lpm. l'rcc. llard rocldn' lrom Anglhlh’l and as a cclcbrauon lor lhcm gutting; a I'CL‘UHl dcal ll\ a ll'L‘L‘ \lum. RL‘xull,

I F-Plan and Howard Booker Bridges ligo. l4 l’Icard) l’lacc. 475' 7434. lllpm. £5. .-\ night lo ram' lundx to build lhc Slruan llouw School lor the Scottish Socwl) l'or .'\llll\lll. :\n

macs facts:

the number of girls buying guitars from McCormacks has risen by 50% in the last year/I

m.mccormac| llllfl@l|l80lll‘lll80l8-lllll$il§£0lll 29-35 Bath $11801. “8800* 62"" '0': 0141 332 6544

58 THE LIST Q; Mami‘ VJ“? .X‘i‘f