cut-inn: \IIH'.‘-\.l\III“_' |i\c handx I' I’|.-n ‘I.iI|l|I‘l|l_‘3I| tunk tap cicv. and Howard Ilimkt't “1|thcht('oIHt.idH

xinj_'ct \HllL'U-lllt'ltdll.I|I|l1\.tll\I.tI).I xct tioin I tIlllI‘lllfJII haxcd niuxrcian HI.”

I Chaos Theory IInrnan Iic In.

3 .\ \\C\I('[i)\\\,|1|xg'\‘..1},III): Swill ‘Ilillt I IL'k' SL‘C “HI .3“

I Charles Wood .md Grapefruit \\ III\II\'I\H]I\1(\. I (l \HIIIII IItltIfJL'. 5<q 5| 1-1 ‘lpin I icin niodcrn xct tioiii \Miod loincd Ii} I‘ilc iiic'kclx (iiapctiun

I Elkin and Aether IIctIot \\.rn l'iiiwixit} I nton. I<lc\.llltill.‘ 5 i N ‘ipin I'tcc Strong: \Ullj._‘\\tllll|j,_' ix cniphaxixcd h} Izlkin \HIII crunching: lUk k lioin (iI.tx_‘,_'ii\\ ‘x .\cthct. Sludcnlx .ind thcii pucxlx old}

I Out of the Bedroom \\a\cilc} Ilai. I St \I.ii)'x Slrccl. 55" I05”. ‘lpin midnight I'icc SchIiu 33.

I The Ruffness, Leeroy and Chop Bongo (luh. H .\'c\\ Slicct. “A “not lltpni. L5 tiiiuxicianx ‘3 it. to c Iiip hop and daiicc hcalx ax \tcll .ix opcn nnc and DI Iturlx all in aid ot kltlx clttlt‘lllt‘x.


I Capercaillie I<ii_\aI (‘oncct‘l Hall. 3 Sallt‘lllt'lttlll Sltt‘t'l. 5.55 HIIIII),

iltpin. LII L'lo. Scc pi'cxicn tor inoic on thc (iaclic tolk popxtcrx \xho ha\ c icccnll} iclcaxcd nc\\ alhuin (’liuit e' liuiutmgr.

0 Snow Patrol, Vera Cruise and Surface Emp King: 'l’ut'x \Vah \Vah IIut. 3”3a St \inccnt Strch 331 537‘). Sillpiii. LES. Iickclx in ad\ancc troin Ilic \ciiuc. Monorail. l‘opp and \Iixxiiig: Rccordx. Snon I’alrol arc ciirrcnll} at \uit'k on lhcn' third alhuin. tollou lllfJ rcccnl dixcrxionx to conccnlratc on tlic Rcindccr Scction. \cra ('ruixc arc trim in): aua} troni thcii couiitr} rock tingcd hcginniiigx to a grungici' xound. \\IllIL' Surlacc Iiinp aic Ihc hoxtx ot Stcrco'x rcgular luck} .\Ic Iiip Iiop night. I’m! u/ I/tr‘ ()m- In [our /('\!ll(l/.

O Macrocosmica, Park Attack and The Day I Snapped \rcc‘n'SlcaI}. -l3| Sauchichall Strccl. i3} UM". .\'.3t)pin. LII. IlL'kCh in ad\ancc troin llic \cnuc. Monorail. l'opp and .\Iixxin§_' Rccordx. Shilling: d_\naniicx troin local rock hchcinolhx .\Iact‘ocoxniica. xiipportcd h} poxx ci‘l'ul garagc trio I’ai'k .-\llack and thc Ha} I Siiappcd. \\ lio lia\ c xiipportcd thc grcat and thc good (and thc iiol xo goodi ot' tlic currcnl putik xccnc. .\Iidi IIiI-i I)Jx pla} a xct upxtait'x. I’m! o/ 1111' (Mr Ill I'otu’ I('\IlliI/.

I The Slipper Limpets atid Slave Radio IIlL‘ ('illltolle‘. I5 l'nton Sti'ccl. 3-l.\’ (mot). ",3tlpin. £4. ()\ci'- l-tx xlhm. Rock and punk.

I The Gems and Pan Slcrco.

I3 l-I Kclunhaugh Strch 570 5l|l«\'. .S‘pin. L5. (iai‘agc rock.

I Seven Stone Lighter, Closer and 500th Ilgll'lil}. 3N) (.l}klt' SII'L‘CI. (IN—I‘ll ‘III—~ IN‘N. Nptlt. {—1. I’op punk.

I The Stunts IIIC |3th .‘x‘ntc (kitc. 5” (\II King Strcct. 553 ltfih‘. Uprn. [3. Wm mo handx to hc contirincd.

I Skarsoles, Mush, the Melo Evolution and Weegie Board ‘l‘hc- Soundhaux. 4“ Il}dc I’ark Sli‘cct. 331 ‘Ih5‘l. lttpin. H H33 inciiihcrxi. .\Ionlh|_\ xho\\caxc ot' local unxigncd haiidx \\ ho ichcarxc at lhc Soundliaux coinp|c\.

I The Devotions, Acolyte Zippy and This Familiar Smile I‘ur} .\Iurr_\‘x. no .\Ia\\\ cII Slrcct. 33| o5| 1. 0pm. [4. including cntr} to [NHL cluh. Iriplc hill ot' upcoming local indic handx.

I Zuba Ihc Ilouxxood Inn. .\I;iin Sti'cct. IIounood. t|I5tl5 "()3 ll‘). 8.30pm. \Vorld ninxic xoundclaxh.

I Trampas(}iand ()lc ()pi'}. I).ll\IL‘} Road 'l'oll. 43‘) 5300. 7.30pm, {-1 19.5 incinhcrxi. Country




.' " -r f“ l’

xxx .x {‘39 st "as MuSIC

Robert Smith of the Cure once said if he lived all that he sung about he would have died tour or five times over. If Tindersticks went through all the tumult and anguish of the heart portrayed so vividly in their songs they would sure have expired long ago too, that most trail of muscles being exhausted from the constant ache. They remain the most intuitive of romantics. a band with real understanding that soul doesn’t have to mean funk and that rock doesn’t have to mean grunge, a noirish soundtrack to an altogether more sophisticated and debonair world. (Mark Robertson) I Trude/sticks play Queen's Hall, Edinburgh, Mon 2 Jun.

I Wig Wam Bamz Bourhon Strcct. on (icorgc Sli'ccl. 553 (ll-ll. 7pm. [5 (halt pricc hctorc ltlpin. '4 H50 \\|II| dinncri. ('clchi'ation ot lhc xoundx ot thc glam rock cm.

I Gratis Quo .\I;icSoi'lc} ‘x. -12 Jamaica Sti‘ccl. 3-I.\' 85M. Uptn. I‘rcc, 'I'i'ihulc lo thrcc-chord longhanx Slattix ()UU,

I Blind Pew .\Ic('hui|I'x. It) IIl_L'I| Slrcct. 553 313-15. ltlpin, I-rcc. Rockhtoll.

I Isis Saniucl I)o\\’x. h" "I \ilhxdalc Road. 433 “Ill”, 3.30pm. Inc

I Daniel B Shenkin (‘alc IIuIa. .‘~2I lIiipL‘ SII'L‘L‘I. 5.55 ION), Hptlt. I‘l't'c. .'\L'Ullxllt‘ rock rcxidcnc}.


I Fish 'I'hc \cnnc. I" 3| ('allon Road. 55" 307‘. "pm. (13.5“. Ihc c\ .\Iai‘il|ion xiiigcr tcarx hinixclt ana} troin liix rural caxtlc hidcaxxa} lo pla} tor Io\ crx ot poinp.

I FOOl’S llillt' I.lqllld Rooltl. ‘IL' Victoria Slrcct. 335 3504. 7pm. L'" 'I‘rihntc act pla}iiig thc Slonc Roxcx' hitx. xnch ax ‘.\Iadc ol Stonc' and ‘I :\In Ihc chtirrcction'.

I Baltic and New Ego Stainers Sulma}, (it) ('oxxgatc. 335 (mm. “.Rtlpni. H. Iincrgcnc Iidinhurgh rock thrcc piccc Baltic hcadlinc.

I Glitz Blitz and 70’s Hitz l'xhcr IIall. I.othian Road. 333 l I55. .S'pni. £|-I.5() £18.50. .\ niuxical trrp hack to IIIL' “(Ix xlal‘l'lllg SItii\\;ttItI}\\;ttItI}. S“ CH and thc Ruhcncx.

I Mercury Tilt Switch, Senator and Slowloris 'I'hcc I’ndcrnorld. Itaniicrinan'x. \iddi‘) Strccl. 55!» 3351. 8.45pm. {-1. I)undonian ciiio rockcrx .\IIS hcadlinc “till xupport tor local nole'ttlkx SL‘lialUl‘ and Slim Iot'lx.

I EM-J, Travler and Playtone ()l'“ C” IMtIgC IIUIL‘I. 3‘) I’oI\\;it'lI| ‘I‘cri'acc. 33‘) HUI 0pm. £4. .-\ xturd} hill highlightnig xonic ot thc inorc conxidcrcd and polixhcd rocking pop kidx around at thc inoincnt \\llIl Iiiiiina .Ianc 'I‘hoinincn. an niipaxxioncd xiiigcrxxongn ritcr ot' notc xupportcd h} I\\U UI IIIL' Utptldlix \\ L‘II C\l;tI‘Il\I|L‘LI

L‘l‘o“ d pIL‘axL‘t'x.

I The Leroys and Reasons to Be Cheerful \Vliixtlchinkicx. 4 (i South Bridgc. 55" 5| H. ‘Ipin. I‘unk rock. IoIIoncd h} an Ian Dur} lrihutc act at midnight.

Glasgow I Fools Gold Bai‘ronland. 344

(iallougatc. 553 thttl. ..‘II|H||. I III ()\ci' 1.1x x|io\\. Succcxxtul Scottixh Stonc Roxcx trihutc \kho hax c rcccncd thc hlcxxnig ot toiincr Roxcx haxx pla}ci .\Ianr. Ilapp} Honda.“ galauinting xidc kick Ich ix tonight xtai xpinning a DJ xct ol \Iadclic‘xlm‘ claxxlcx.

O Trashcan Sinatras, Astrid and Eugene Kelly IIIL‘ (iaragc. .wn Sauchicliall Sum. .33 l|3(|. o.-15pin. LS. ()\ cr l-Ix xho\\. IleL‘h in admncc troin thc \cnuc. Monorail. I-opp and .\Iixxing_' Rccordx. Suhlinic rcti'o pop ti'oin Kilniai'nock'x 'I‘raxhcan Siiiati‘ax. l‘L‘c‘L‘lllI) I't'SlL‘lnillt‘tI and gt't‘t‘lt'tl IlkL' hoinccoining ItL't'UL‘\. Support troin lhc inclodic. iangl} .-\xti'id. \xhoxc tortliconnng third alhiiin \xill approprialcl} hc cnlitlcd ()m' In four and local lcgcnd Iiugciic Kcll) \\ ho proinotcx an ncu counli'} -Ill|j_'t'tl IiI’ (Hi/H; I'ilxli‘l' on lIiL' l)1l\lL'I\‘ (icogt‘aphic Iahcl, ’url u/ [/H' ()m' III I'Hlll‘ ti’xttiiil.

I Randy, Saturnine and Nibushi Shang Hong King 'l'ui'x \Vah \Vuh Ilut. 373a St \‘inccnt Sti'cct. 33l 537‘). 8.30pm. £7. Rand} arc a Sucdixh quartcl xpccialixing in gloriouxl} dunih. inclodic garagc punk ot Rainoiicx \ intagc.

O Franz Ferdinand, Hasslehound and Slender Whiteman Nicc'n‘Slca/y 431 Sauchichall Strch 333 0037’. Sillpiii. L11. 'I'ickctx in aduincc troin tlic \cnuc. .\IlHlUl';tlI. I‘opp and .\Iixxing_' Rccordx. I‘ran/ I‘ci‘dinand arc thc ncxx xharp— drcxxcd (ilaxgou hand to uatch. ha\ Illj._' tuxt inkcd a dcal “till |)oinino Rccoi'dx \\llI| xparxc clcctronica xiipporl troin Ilaxxlchoiind and Slcndcr \Vhitcinan. The Radio I Scxxion in Scotland‘x (iill and \'ic [Hing tipxtairx. I’url n! {In} ()nc m I'iuu' ti'xlti‘ul.

I Meanwhile Back in Communist Russia, Fighting Red Adair and Black Nielsen Burl-I}. 3N) (‘I'\tlt' ~SII‘L'L‘I. HS?” (NI-7’ ()(N‘). 8pm. £4. .\lL‘;lll\\IllIL‘ . . arc a poxt-rock coiiiho trorn ()\Iord \xlio ha\ c approxcd dcxci‘iptionx xuch ax ‘pi'ctcritioux arttag poxcurx‘ and

\\ clcoincd coinparixonx to Sonic Youth and thc S\\;tllx.

I Datura and Cnut 'l‘hc- Iind ol thc .\Ionth (’luh. thc l.’~t|i .\'otc (are.

50 (at) King Strcct. 553 this. 0pm. £3. Ito/illa‘x rnonthl} xliititlrg. mth xctx troin thc xlink} xoundtt‘ack} Datura and thc xtridcnt clcctro pop duo ('nul. I Splitbac Stranhcrr} I‘icldx. 5o ()x\\;tItI SII'CL‘I. Uri-1.5 053 933‘). 7.30pm, £4. ()\cr- l-Ix xliou. .\'u inctal.

I Colt 45 (Brand ()Ic ()pi_\. Vault-Ix Road 'I'oll. 43‘) 53‘Hi 3 ‘Hpin H «Li incinhcixi ('oiinti}

I Abba Tribute Itouihon Sticcl. HIS (it-orpc Slicct. 553 til-II "pm I5 tilti.5(| \\tlll dinncii It‘ll‘lllt' to thc Scandina\ ian tah tour

I IIUII Accord. I5I I.“ North Sti'cct. 3134-137. S. illpni I‘icc. Scc Ihu 3‘),

I Jamie Barnes and Cochise \Iiit‘Soi'IC} .\. ~13 .Iatnalca Sli'ccl. 3-I.\' S531. (ipin. I'i'cc. Rtklt icxidcnc}

I Kong MacSorlc} 'x. -I3 .lainaica Sticcl. 3~l.\’ 35M. ‘lpni. I-icc Rock.

I Open Stage Ihc IIaIt IL”. tho \Voodlandx Road. 5(i-I I535. -1 Spin III-CC. \Vt't'kl} \L'\\IUII IHI local

I Tailback IIIL' IIaIt Hat. tho \Voodlandx Road. 5o~1 I533. ‘lpin Inc

I The Outpatients Saniucl |)o\\ 'x_ ()7 7| Nlllixtlzih' Road. ~13 i ()IIIfi. S..‘~l)piii. I‘rcc.

I Deke McGee and the Blue Rockets ’I‘L'IIIIIU. Illtlt'l'xllt' Stt'cct. 3.30pm. I‘t‘cc. Into: Us (MIST Sa\ ch Rtkli rcxidcnc}.

I Live Music .\Ic('hiii||'x. 40 High SII'L‘CI. .553 3| *5, Illpltl. l'It't‘.


I Edinburgh Rock 'l’hc liqmd Room. ()t' Vtcltil‘lgi SII'L'CI. 335 3504. (ipin. £5. Shoucaxc ot xoinc ot lhc hcxt llp-itlltI--L‘Hllllllf_' actx. l'l'Ulll Izdinhuigh \\ c ha\ c Rogucxtar and I’nnch I)runk \Itlllkt‘}x. \xhtlc (ilaxgon ix rcprcxcntcd h} ()dcon Itcalcluh and Iiight I’agc I’ullotil.

I Monstarz of Roc ‘l‘hc \L-nuc. l7 3| ('alton Road. 557 4073. 7pm. Lthc. (‘oxltiincd trihutc act to thc grcat and good In HR" \uit‘Id ol hard rock. that ix .-\('/I)('. Black Sabbath. Ii'on .\Iaidcn ctc.

I Deadenstereo and Won Mississippi (‘alcdoniati Backpackcrx. ()uccnxtcrr} Strcct. «Spin. £4. .-\ pairing ot two thtiuin-prouiking local rock actx troni around town. Mark ('olquhoun inanx thc dcckx. hut i‘cinciiihcr pliolo II) ix i‘cquircd.

I The Splitters, Bombskare and Pork Pie Sulma}. (i‘) (‘ougatu 335 (i766. 7.30pm. £5. Bi}; xka night ot rockxtcad} xoiiiidx hcadcd h} Suh Ska Rockcrx thc Splittcrx.

I The Jackals and The Influence 'I‘hcc l‘ndcruorld. Banncrinan'x. Niddr} Strcct. 556 1254. 3.45pm. £5. .\It)l‘c rock action (Inuit IIIL'L' I'tttlcl‘uol‘ltl,

’35:, ,.' -'.- .7 THE LlST 59