Music Jazz listings

Saturday 24 continued

I Proven Trio \ll ()tlt'cll SllL'L'l liar and chtaurant. hll ()uccn Sliccl. 22(i5ll‘)" 0pm l'rcc lzax} lhlt'lllllj.’ \tandaidx. xiiing. trad. blucx .ind iagliiiic li'oni llll\ \ocal lcd tiio comprising Ioiigiaplionc and tltllll‘lt'l\.!\\


0 Arthur Doyle 'iiiiiximiii. Jall \iiiiii. lllWh 22-itllitl, hpin l).i_\ tickct Ll2 lib» l.cf_‘cllil;il"\ \;i\opllolllxti\ocaltxl \killl ltcc ;l\\l>cl;tlctl \oundx. \catx. horn lonc\ and chanting. making lll\ Scottuh dcbul. 111‘! (If/,(' lli'i'ki'm/

I The No-Neck Blues Band 'lolbooth. Jail \\'_\iid. lll "So 2"-illllll ‘lpiii, l)a} tickct {l2 ithi .\'.\'('l\' ha\c bccn a \iilltill) lll}\lL‘l'lHll\ cum) on tlic axanl liingcx ol Ncu Yoik‘x tlti\\llltl\\ll inuxic \ccnc \\ ith lhcir clcctriHicoiixtic lubi‘id. I’tll'l I" [1’ llt'i'kr'llil.


I The Michael Deans Quintet ('olllcl'.» V5 9.5 ll}ndland Sll'L‘L‘l. 55" 5325. -1. ill 2‘ illpm. l‘rcc. Modcrn ia/I quinlct lcad b_\ tcnoi \a\man l)can\ \Hlll Stmcn llau kcx on lliigclliorn.

I Morph lilackhiah. 3o llcll Strcct. 552 5924. ‘l illpin. l‘i'cc. Ja/I lll\ltlll lrom giiitai'ixt .\lorph.

I Ruth Lambert Quartet lilacklriai‘x. 3t) Bcll Stt‘cct. 552 592+ ‘Ullpm. l'i'cc. l‘i'oiitcd b} (ilaxgoii-lxixcd \ocalixt l.ambcrt. \inging in thc Julic London st) lci


I Mike Rogers Trio with David Patrick ()loi'oxo. 33 ('lec Strcct. 447 3722 I ~lpin. l‘i‘cci In a lit“ ial/ \cnuc loi' lidinbui'gli thc .\likc Rogci'x trio \\llll l)a\ id l’ati‘ick on piano pcrlorin togcthci‘ “llll MC“ )oiiiig talcnt including l.uc} Kciidra. Stixan llcnning and l.orna Rcid on \ocalx.

I Toto’s Jazz Trio 'l'hc (ioll' ’l'awrii. l)iikc Sti'cct. l.citli. 2.3” 4.3”pm. l’i‘cc. This timc it'x .llllllll) (iilmorc ioining Toto l'oi‘ \ocal tnclod}.

I John Russell’s Swing Night llcnr} 'x Ja/l (‘cllaiz 8 .\lorri\on Strcct. Jo? 520i). 8.30pm. £5. 'l‘rai cl back to thc “illx and Killx tor a night ol' Amcrican and hot-club suing.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet lliiinan llc-ln. 2 X \cht (’roxxcaiixcua}. (io2 \‘h’titl, 0pm midnight. lircc. l)ruinincr Bill Kylc'x latmt grouping. l'catiii‘ing (iordon .\lc.\'cil l\;l\L'\l. Stuart (iorinan lguilai'l and no“ 2l)-}c';ii‘-iiltl baxx wmahon Km iii (ilaxgtm,


I Sunday Session with Pete Dowling ‘l‘ollmoili. Jail \\'_\ nil. (ll 71% 274mm, lplll, l'hl‘L'C. l.C \Vcckcnd \pL'Cltll li'oiii clccti‘o-acoiixtic lllll\l(l;lll and composci‘ l’ctc l)o\\|ing. thing \ainplcx gathcrcd ilk‘fth thc \icckcnd. l’urr of [.t‘ l‘t't'kl’ntli

I Brian Irvine’s Tolbooth Sound Orchestra 'l‘olbooth. Jail \\'_\ nd. lll7b'b 274th)“. 3.30pm. lii'cc but book in ad\ancc. .-\ \pccial iwrl'oi'inancc l'roin thc inuIti-incinlwrcd mi\cd agc collcctu c ax part ol l,c \Vcckciid. ax thc} pl‘cxclll thc (icncral .\'oi\c \xith xpccial giicxtx. l’urr u! 1.¢' “i’t'kt'llil.

I Ghost ‘l‘olbooth. Jail \\'_\tid. (ll 780 2"~ll)()ll. Spin. l)a_\ tickct {I2 1923!; [\Hi da_\ paxx £22 (£14); l‘cxtixal pa“ £40 t£2ol l’x) chcdclic rock group that ha\ c bccn actuc on thc cwr l'ci‘tilc 'l‘okyi undcrground \incc lhc latc h’tlx. l’iir! or [4' llk'i'Li-ml.

0 Patty Waters with Burton Greene & Tiitze Vogel 'l‘olbootli. Jail \\')iid. (ll 7'86 2"-1(llltl. t)pin. l)a_\ tickct [l2 it'h‘l'. t\\o da) pa“ £22 til-1i; li'xtiHil paxx {Jll (1.220). 'l‘hc lihl l‘l'L‘L‘ l-Clllillk‘ \ocalixt to cincrgc l'roin thc [Hid-(ilk. bacde b) protcan piani~l Burton (‘irccnc and baxxixt 'l‘jit/c \"ogcli I’m"! or 1.¢' lli't'ki'lld.

62 THE LIST “.19.. 5 Jun:-


Emma Jane Thommen plays Orwell Lodge Hotel, Edinburgh, Fri 30 May

Monday 26


I 4 Jazz (ia\iii'\ .\lill. 3 (ia\in'\ Mill Road. .\li|nga\ic. 956 2255. 3pm. l‘i‘cc. ()iiartcl producing winging ia/l standards lcatui‘ing guitarixt Bob Sloan and \ocalixt ('ainpbcll (‘onxidino

Tuesday 27


I StandEasy 'l‘hc Stand. 333 \Voodltlndx Road. 0870 (ile (i055 7.30pm. £4 lUi. .\‘c\\ night at thc Stand ol' iinpi‘ox iscd and cxpcrimcntal ia/l. soul and hip hop.


I Stephanie Noblett and Jess Abrams llcnr} ‘\ Jal/ ('cllai'. X Mol't‘ixon Strcct. 467 52t)(), 8pm. £5 (£5 l. Singci's chx and Stcphanic pcrl'orm an cwning ol‘ laid-back jal/ lllllt‘\ in aid of lidiuburgli Sittci'x singing a broad rcpcrtoii‘c l'roin Broadua} to Bra/ll.

I Lazy Bones lliiinan Bc-ln. 2 X \cht (‘l‘t)\\C;tll\C\\;l'\‘ (m2 SEN), 0pm. lircc. Jan \ltllltl;ll‘tl\ and \\\ ing \ocal\ l'i'oin thi\ guitar. \a\ and \ocal trio.

Wednesday 28


I Tangalo llcni'} \ JaI/ ('cllar. 8 Morrison Sti'cct. «107 52le. 8.30pm. £5. Taking on tango \xith ia/I. thix lll\ltlll l\ a brcathlcsx l-UI'L‘C.

I Chaos Theory Southcrn ('roxx ('iilc. (Ha (‘ockburn Strcct. (i22 llo22. 0pm midnight. l‘i'cc. ()riginal compositions from thix nc“ quartct. l'uxing ia/l. funk and rock. l'caturing Doug 'l‘iplcd) on \a\c\. l’aul Kii‘b} on kc}boai‘d\. Km in (ilthgou on bass and (‘hrix \Vallacc on drums.

I Fleamarket Funk (‘alxiici Voltaii‘c. 5o 33 Blair Strcct. 2200170. I lpiii 3am. l‘i‘cc. l.ocal outlit pla}uig thcii' oun kind ol’ big band liiiik in llll\ ncu “cc-kl} rcxidcnc) “till a \inattci'ing or DJ supports and othcr ll\L‘ act» 'l‘onight \\ clcoincx acclaimcd .\'c\\ .\la\tci\ound\ \ingci' ch ('hunk} \\Illl

hix lunk/xoul outlit thc (‘hunk_\ liiitt l‘iiiik}.

Thursday 29


I Andrew Bain and Dave Patrick’s New York Vibe ()uccii Margarct l'nion. 22 l'iiixci‘\it} (iai‘dcnx. 33‘) 073+ Spin. L11 1L2 Ur .\'c\\ York driiiiiinci' :\ndi'c\\ llaiii bringx tIic coi'c ol “M ['8 ia/I band to Scotland. alxo l'catiiring Scottixli pianixt |)a\ id Patrick. lligli cncrg} original coiiipoxitionx and lici'} iinpro\i\ing.


0 Micheal Buckley and Colin Steele Quintet llL‘ltl‘) '\ .la/l ('cllgii'. 8 .\lt)l'l'l\()ll Sti'cct. Jr»? 5200. H.5(lplll. U». Dublin baxcd \a\oplioni\l liiicklc) tcaiu up “llll thc c\-(ii'allitti ti‘uiiipctci' ('olin Stcclc and lll\ quintct.

I Millar, Spencer and Travis (‘oiiiinplc\ lltH'lIlL‘l'l} ('Iub Jun”. 40 ('iiltiltlct'cial Sll'L‘cl. l.cilll. 55.5 5022 3.30 lllfillpin. H. Scc 'l‘hu 22.

I Chaos Theory lluinan lic—ln.

2 K \cht (‘i'iixxc‘giiixci\\;i)_ (i(i2 Hh’hl). 9pm. l'il'L'L'. SL‘L‘ \VL‘tl 23,

I Out of the Bedroom “kiwi-IQ Bat. I St \ltii‘}'\ Strch 557 lll5ll,

‘lpiii midnight. l‘i‘cc. Scc lllll 22. Hamilton

I Clyde Rhythm Jazz Quartet \c“ l)ou:.'|;i\ l’ai'k. ('ad/ou :\\ cnuc. ulmx 28(iltl3. N llpiii. l'i‘cci Scc Thu


I The Fusion Experience 'l‘lic Liquid l.oungc. \chi chcnt Sti'cct.

5 8pm. l‘i'cc. Scc In 23.

I The BAAM Big Band Jazz Spectacular ('oiticr 'l'hcatrc. 03 U5 ll}nd|and Sti'cct. ‘)5ll 35-15. 7,3llpin. £5 i924 l. 'l‘hc final night ol thc annual iniixic lcxtnal ol S!i';itlic‘l}dc‘

l iii\ci'\it_\ \ BA in applicd inuxic l'caturing L'l;l\\lL‘ and contcinpoi'ar} ial/ l‘i‘oni thc a\-.ard-\\inning big band. \xith

lel'ch \lol\ lioiii Ruth l .iiiibcit. l‘.~.ul loundiou. \lauiccn \l\ \lullcii and li‘lll.i liioun l’mf [it Hi It ~.' 2"“;


I Melting Pot llciii_\ '\ .l.:/.' (\‘llai. \ \lillllvlll \lit'ct. 1"“ 52H“ \litliii;'lil L5 \cc \.il 2-3

I Carlos Pena and Hot Charanga Sauce llt-iiiik laxi- (‘clliir \ \li‘lllM‘ll \liccli in" 52H“

\ illpiii :5 \cnc/uclaii \llM'li‘. l’t'llil. lliilll\ llll\ poucilul band that ton-i \aiiiba. lllllll‘.l. \on and \.ll\.l

I EM-J, Travler .tllil Playtone ()i\\cll l odgc llotcl. 2" l’ol\\.iilli lk'lldkk'. 22" Ill-H "pin L-l \ \tuiilx bill highlighting \Ulllt' ol tlic inoic coiixidcicd .iiid polidicd iot kiii;' pop kidx .iioiind .it tlic inoiiiciit \\llll l iiiiii.i lanc lhoiniiicii. .iii llllp.l\\lilllt'il

\lllg‘t'l \t\ll_L'\\lllt'l l‘l lll‘lk' \lll‘l‘iillt'tl l‘} l\\o ol thc capital'x \icll C\‘ll\llt'tl

com d [‘lt'.t\t'l\


I Candiru llicl. M ii \\lllt'll l .iiic, H2 ~1‘loo i opin l-icc l)iiiiiiiiici \itk \\c\ton lL'.ltl\ llll\ cu iting iicu |.l// ad I The Michael Deans Quartet lllllx’. l lq ltillll Sllt‘t'l. iii (\lltili ‘liln l‘lL't‘ St‘t' .Sat 21

I The Fusion Experience lilackliiaix. in llcll Sticct. 552 5",‘l

‘l illpiii. l'i'cc Scc l ii 2‘


I The Goat Stew World Jazz Party llciii‘} '\ .|.i// (k'll.ii. .\ \lHlll\Hll Sli'cct.-l(i" 521M \lidiiiglit L5 \\oi|d l'iiill\_ .ilio bcal and I aim ll.i\oiiicd |.i// li‘oin llll\ lob} 'xalxa ('cltica' Sliippc} liontcd \l\ piccc band

I Toto’s Jazz Quartet llaii} \ ll.ii. Randolph l’lacc. i {ll (ipiu l'icc Scc Sat 24,

I Bill Kyle’s Backbeat Band ('abal'ct Vollaiic. it) W lllaii Sticct. 22H (ll-.(i. 5‘. 5” lll. 5“Pill. l‘lt't' SCL' Sal 2‘1 0 Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra llt'lll} .\ ,l.i// ('t‘lltil. N .\loi'i'i\on Sti'cct. ~10" 52”” X illpiii l." Sa\ophoni\l 'l'oiiiiii} Smith bcgan i‘chcai'xing llll\ _\oiing big band laxt \llllllllCl. and thc_\ iiiadc a \ci_\

llllpl't‘\\l\ c caiiico appcai'ancc iii thc S.\'_l()'\ \ii\ciiil\ci gigx \kllll l‘lHl'lilll Rt)\\.


I Jazz Brunch (‘tiic- Strum: Si .'\lltllt'\\\ iii thc Squai'c. St .\lltllt'\\\ Squai‘c. oll Saltiiiai'kct. 5-13 (itljtl lpiii L".‘)5 ili‘cc il iiol catiiigi. llobb} \Vixhait and li‘icndx pla_\ a tan biuiich loi .i chillcd cud to thc \icckcnd l’i‘icc includcx i‘cli'cxhiiicntx but no cliai‘gc loi bar and \ltlt' loungc

I The Michael Deans Quintet ('ottici‘\. ‘H ()5 ll}ndland Sti'ccl. ‘52 5325-130 5. 5llplll. l'lcc. Scc Sun 25 I Scottish Guitar Quartet 'liiiii 'l‘licatic. (ii Al'i‘ongatc. 552 ~l2o“. Xpiii. L" tL'5i. ’l hc popular guitar t'll\t'llll‘lt' cntcrtain \iith a llll\ ol ia//. latin. traditional and \xoi'ld \l}lc\

I Laura MacDonald International Sextet and Tommy Smith with Bojan z ('(‘.-\. Ni Sauchichall Sti'cct. ‘52-1‘Hlll. Hpni Lb lUii. Scotlanth top \;i\tiplltllll\l \iiiitli ltlllh loi‘ccx \iith Sci'bian [‘l.tlll\l Hoian lullikat'paxic. “llllc .\l;icl)oiiald pci'loi‘inx \iilh lici llL'\‘. gioup Scc

prc\ icu loi‘ l.aiii'a .\lacl)onald

I Hermie Longalong liltickll'ltilx. 3t) licll Sti'cct. 552 5924 U illpiii, l'l't't' 'lcnoi‘. Mn» and Soprano San l'ltllc and Wind S}iith pla}ci‘. originall} lioin lhc l’lllllpplllt'\. non bawd in l.»\


I Mike Rogers Trio with David Patrick ()loroxo. H('axllc Slrccl. ~34" 3522. l 4pm, l‘l'L‘C. Scc Sun 25