Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy®, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Maureen Ellis.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurx. l'(i(‘ Building. chircxx Stu-ct, llx7ll 7H7 0707. S. I 5pm. £(i. litltlic Briiiixoii llllllNlllCL‘S Haw \Yilliaiiix. (ilaxgon '\ tmli l-raiikic Bo}|c and lint”) lad} (iiiia Yaxhcrc.

Giggles Mcrcur}. H2 Batli Lanc. 248 I777. ‘)piii. £5. l-or thow oi )Ull not \llll tllSll'ttL’lL‘tl h} last night‘s LWCHIS iii Sm lllt'. Sit back and euro} thc \Hll'ltll) iiitixiiigx oi ccrchral coiiicd} llluSlL'l' l)aii .-\iitopol\ki. \\ ho [ll'L'SL‘lllS a ltiII-lcngth \hoxi.

The Stand 'l‘ltc Slattd. 333 \Voodlandx Road. 0370 (lllll (ill55. 9pm. £5 l£~li. No holds harrcd ranting courtm} ol Rtt)llltllitl .\lcarii\. \kllll \tippoi't i'roiii Joliii Row atid Martin l‘ui‘h).


John Oliver & Rob Deering 'l'i‘awrxc 'l’hcatrc. (’aiiihridgc Strcci. 228 Hill. Spin. £ lll ltll £(il. A dotith licadcr li'oiii ttxo l'oriiicr iiicitihcrx oi thc ('oiiicd} .\'t-t\\ork gang. l)a\'id Baddicl look a likc ()liwi~ ptir\ on a nicc line in ur} ohxciwationx. \xhilc thc chum) grin oi' Dccring liclicx \oiiic lllL‘lSlVL‘ pickings. The Stand 'l‘ht' Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £5 l£-ll. ()pcn Mic lilitlllSI Adrian l’ti}llltill indulges iti \tHllL‘ oi'llwat htittiottr. “till Sandra Johnston. (“lirix ('oopcr and Donna Krachaii.

The Snatch Club ‘l‘hc liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 225 250-1. It).3l)piii 3am. £3.50 (£3). l’t‘cparc to m iiig )t‘i‘ pants and laugh ya head oil at this iiiid-ucck coiticd} {uni-clubbing lllSllllllltili. NC“ host Ton) (‘artcr kccpx \pilllS i‘l_\itig liigli along \tith chm-x}- lllllCS. thc l)J Babes and regular gucxts.


Watson’s Wind-up (iluSgtitt liilm 'lillt‘illl't'. l2 RUSL‘ Slt'L‘L‘l. 50.5 (thlll.

l 1.45pm. l‘t'cc. htil iickctcd. ()nli (III I: lt'llH’ u ritcr Jonathan Watson l'Cllll'liS \\ ith a lit‘“ \L‘l'lL‘S oi~ his radio show. ('all lor tickclx oi' L‘llltlll lickctxm L‘Ulllt‘tl}llllll.L‘U.lll\

Jongleurs Comedy Club Joiiglcurx. l'(i(‘ Btiildiiig. Rctil‘rcw Slt'L'L'l. 0870 7S7 0707. S. I 5pm. £l2. Scc Thu 22.

The Stand 'l‘lic Stand. 33.3 \\'ootll;tittl\ Road. llS7(l MK) 6055. 9pm. £7 tun. Laid-hack. \llltitllll comic

\l) lingx troiii Slillltl-llp stalwart John .\lo|onc_\. Support comm l'roiii Adrian l’o) Mon and Sandra Johnston. Duntocher Comedy Club Duntiglcntian. (YS l)uiiiharioti Road. Duntochcr. (ll 38‘) 892300. 9pm. Free. Hit al\\a_\ \—tlllL‘tillipl‘tilliiSllig R;t)llitititl Mcarnx tops a hill \iliich includm Bratch). Martin and Ncill and compch .-\l;lli :\lltlL‘l‘\tin.


The Stand 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £7 (£6). (icordic jilpL‘SlCl‘ Mark .\laicr pun C)‘\ his dark sarcasm. Scc prcvic“. Bedroom popstar Sandy Nelson and John Ross \ltitid-lip in support.

Saturday 24


Jongleurs Comedy Club Joiiglctirx. l'(i(' Building. chl'rcw Street, ()S7() 787 0707. 8.15pm. £l3. Scc Thu 22.

72 THE LIST 32 May» :3 June 2003

The Stand The Stand. 355 \VlN‘tlltllltlS Road. 037“ (Ml 005.5. ‘lpiti £35, Scc in

Madcap Comedy Club Stait- Bat. 14S Holland Sircct. 9-10 ‘)2S‘). ‘) 3llpiii £5 tHl All hail thc tillllllprcSL’lil lllldl'll} oi thc good chcrciid ()hadtali Sicppcrmolic lll.

Edinburgh The Stand 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lilCL'. 553 7272 ‘lpiii. £8. Scc l'Tl 23.


Bank Holiday Special 'I'hc Stand. 33.3 Woodlandx Road. “35'le N)“ 0055. H.3llpiii. £l. (‘oiiicd_\ \ctcraii Mark .\laicr llt‘iltlllllt‘S \titli lilS \ill'tltllllg‘ \\ it. Scc prcxicu. John Roxx and Wood} alxo ioin hoxt Michacl Rt'diitond.


Bank Holiday Special 't‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55X 7272. S.3(lpiii. u. (£5 l. 'l'lic Rcwrcnd ()hadiah Stcppcnuolic lll prcachcs lllS irrcwrcnt litillilllt‘S. along \Hlll Siiiioii McKiiiiiL‘). .-\tlt'lilll l’o}iiton and Ian McPherson. Jaiic Macka} C(illlpL‘rL‘S.

Monday 26 Edinburgh Red Raw 'l'lic Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55K 7272. S3llpiii. £l. Natural horn \toi')tcllci' Jaiiitc McKcn/ic Illll‘tltlUL‘t‘S (ircg Mclltigh and a clutch oi' liL'\\L‘UlliL‘rS.


Geordie Giggle 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 9pm. £5 t£3l. .»\ \ai'ict} ol‘ conicdianx l‘roiii tlic tiiiitctl \tatc ol'


(icordiclaiid gllt'Sl at llll\ north oi l‘lig‘lailtl Spu‘lal .lt‘lll littl‘l‘} l)l't‘\\Cl. SlL'H‘ [)r.i}tt~ii and “ditch Spccd ior h_\pcrat'ti\c

Wednesday 28


Kevin Bloody Wilson l’axilion 'l'licatrc. l2l Rciiiicld Sti‘cct. 332 lSJo '7 3llpiii. £15 t£l2.5ll halt‘on} t. .-\ti\ti‘a|ia\ outhat'k Ullll.l\\ .iiid king oi hahtool philoxophtt‘x \ll'lllliS a iiicrr} iitclod} oi lcu d xoiigx. con-ring

m cr)thiiig iroiii prt'iiiattirc t'iat‘tilatioii and drinking l‘t't'l to tlit‘ t'oiiiiiici't‘ial

cx ll\ ol ('hrixtiitas.

A Kick up the Tabloids 'l’hc Stand. K‘s} \VoodlatitlS Road. tls‘il (too (M55. ‘lpiii £5 t£Ji Brcaktiig llt‘\\\ ii‘oiii around thc “orld l\ ti'catt‘d \\ itli t'lit‘ck. irrcwrcncc and hlatant contciiipt


The Stand lmprov 'l'lic Stand. 5 York l’lat'c. 55S "2‘2. ‘lpiii, £~l t£3l liiiprm c\pcrt\ Stti and Paul ctiihark on .t thlL‘Sl into thc gicat tiiikiiouii.

Thursday 29


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglctirx. l'(i(‘ Building. Rt‘llll't‘“ Sti‘cct. 0870 7S7 U70". S.l5piii. £(i. Scottish L‘Ulllt‘tl} \taluart Stu \Vho. introduces So _\oti lllllik )titi'i'c l'tiiiii} rtiiiiicr-up Joc llcciiaii. Jo Jo Stiiitli and ion} (icrrard.

The Stand 'l‘lic Stand. 333 \Voodlandx Road, tisTt) (you Miss. 0pm. £5 tut. lilt‘ an!) comic (‘hi'i\ l._\naiii topx thc hill. \Hlll support li'oiii ioriiici' l.L‘llll cahhic l’atil Mchill and tlic l'ki‘;tiiic\ iiuiiihcr l\\o Ctllllt‘tllilll llL‘tiC l.ltiL‘liC\liL‘tl\. Giggles \lci'ctir). H2 Bath lanc. 248 I777. Upiii. £5 t£4l. BB(’ \t-tt (’oiiicd}

The Stand, Edinburgh, Fri 23 & Sat 24 May; the Stand, Glasgow, Sun 25


If the job of a comedian is to make people laugh, then none of that infectious joviality is rubbing off on Mark Maier. Seriously funny he may be, but he could easily give misanthropic Dylan Moran or deadpan Michael Redmond tuition on being a mordant grouch - at least on stage. Typically, his material ranges from the political and observations on war (although he’s given leave to his Israeli soldier character) to character monologues based on inanimate objects. “For instance, I've got a felt-tip pen as one of the characters,’ says Maier. ‘and if the felt-tip pen ran out, what would it


The move from straight stand-up to comic theatre is a natural one for the Newcastle-born comedian. While living and working in America as a copywriter, he became involved with a local improv troupe, and was latterly one of the founding members of the Comedy Store Players. His most recent work is his own Radio 4 series, entitled Trapped. ‘lt’s all based on claustrophobic situations - physical and psychological. One of them is about a bunch of comedians stuck backstage at a comedy venue. When one of them goes onstage, the other three have a go at

them. They come back and they're nice as pie - that

sort of thing.‘

The series is scheduled to be broadcast in August, but Fringe-goers who enjoyed his 2000 effort, Laid Back, and 1999 sketch show,

Radio Daze, will have to wait till next year to catch the full-length Maier in

action. A weekend at the Stand gives a flavour of his dark

humour. While it may not be easy-going observations, the 13- year veteran promises to keep things fresh and interesting. ‘I try

to come up with new ideas and

new routines,’ states Maier. ‘There’s

nothing worse than seeing someone

six months ago and now they’re doing exactly the same stuff. So I have to rake over what I did the last time I was in Scotland . . . if I can remember.‘ (Maureen Ellis)

-\\\.ird iitiali~t Hus \lcl can I\ thc C\Clilll:_"\ lcadiiig man at llllS gay iriciidl} t'oiiicd} night Stippoit t‘oiiicx lioiii (idl) l itllc


Big Word Performance Poetry llic 'l'ioti. ‘l lllllllt'l Squaw. High Stict't. 33o ll‘l3l U llpiii. £3 t£2l .\liltoii Balgoiii. \lairi Jack. Siiiion Spooi and lid l’it‘kxlc} ioiii .lciii Roll\ and \iiita (ioxati ioi' iiioi'c li_\pct.icti\t‘ \t‘rxt‘

The Stand 'l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lat't‘. 55S “2'2 ‘lpiii £5 tt-lt St'ot t‘oiii lioi \hol R.i_\itioiid \lt'.ll'll\ llt‘dtlltllt'S. \\llli .loliii \lt‘Biidc. (iit'g \lt'lltigli .iiid Kcaia \ltiiph)

Reg Anderson’s Comedy Night .'\t‘.llllllll\. l~ \\.l\t‘llt‘_\ Biitlgt'. 550 2355 ‘lpm l-tcc lzdiiihtiigh‘x ptit douii iii.t\tci (iotdoii Brtiiitoii llt'dtlllllt‘S. .tidt'd and ill‘t‘llt‘tl h} .Iohii \lt‘Bi‘idt' .tiid lll.l}.‘l\' Stcwii l)it‘k

Global Comedy l’iit- (ilolw. \rddrn- Siiu‘t. lV‘lll‘l 5523-15 0 illpiii. l'rt't' l‘orttiightl} t‘oiiit-d) (lab in \Klllt'll .itidit‘iiu‘ lllt‘llil‘t‘IS haw lllt‘ t'haiit‘t' to \\ lti ti (.ISt' til l‘t't'l

The Snatch Club l‘ht' liquid Rooiit. ‘lt' \it'ioi‘ia Stit't‘l. 225 250-1

ltl 3UP”) 3am. £ 3.50 l £ it 'l'ht‘ Siiatt'h (‘ltih \litllS tip \hop io|lo\\iiig llllt't‘ )t‘ill\ oi \lt'l‘dllt'llt'tl L'Hllllt' caxortiiig Btit llt‘\t‘l lt'dl. tonight \ccx lllt' lt'l‘lllll oi lllt' Snatch Social. it'attiiiiig llt‘\\ du'oi. liw \idt'o liiik gaiiit‘x. plus giiiiiiiit'kx and gi\t'.i\t;t}\


Watson’s Wind-up (ilaxgou l‘lllll 'l‘llt‘illl't'. l2 RtiSt‘ Sll't‘t‘l. “J5 Ntlll

l l.-l5piii. l'i't'c. htit tit‘kt'tcd. St't- l'll 2 3. Freddie Starr l’a\ilioii 'l'ht'atit'. l2l Rt'llllt'ltl Sll‘t‘t'l. .552 lS—lh. 5.7, 3llpltl. £17.50 t£l5l. 'l'Iit' lopt-iactiw lltlllhlt‘l' lllllllt‘llt'l' l'L‘llll‘llS to turn lllt' aii hlut'. Jongleurs Comedy Club Jtlllglt‘tll'S. l'(i(' Btiildtiig. Rt'iilrmi Slim-L ()S7l) 7S7 ll7ll7. S. l 5pm, £12, Scc Thu 2‘).

The Stand 'l‘ht‘ Stand. 333 \Voodlaiidx Road. 087” (Ml) (il)55 ‘lpiii. £" t£ol :\ll\li‘;tlltlll iiiirth llit‘l‘t‘llillll 'l'i‘mor ('i'ook purwp lllS laid-hack huinotii'. Support L‘Ulllt'S lroiii |.i\t-rpool \toi'dxiiiiili Richard Allen. Kcat‘a .\ltirpli_\ and coiiipci‘c Jitllt' Macka}. Duntocher Comedy Club l)tiiitiglcntiaii. oS l)uiiihartoii Road. Duntochcr.01389802300. 0pm. l-icc. (iag guarantor l)c\ \lclxan tops the hill. \Sllll hacking iroiii tlic dai‘kl} t‘tlllllL' 'l'cdd}. iiinti} lad} Sandra Johnxion aitd a lll_\\lt'l'_\ gut-xi L‘tilllpcrt‘.


0 The Stand 'i‘ht- Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7272. Upiii. £7 i£(ii. The man with thc \tiucakicxt \tilL‘L' in C(llllL'tl}. And} l’ut'StlliS llltllllgL’S iii morc talm ol ihc ridiculous. llix Sllpptirllllg cast lllt‘lllthS (‘hrix l.}littlll and Paul .\lc.\'cill. Stixan Morrison tach coiiipcring honours.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. l'(i(‘ Btiildiiig. Runircu Strcct.l)S7l)7370707. X.l5piii. £13. SCC Thu 2‘).

Freddie Starr l’inllltill 'l‘licatrc. l2l chiicld Strcct. 332 ISM). lit-15pm. £17.5t)t£15i. Scc in it).

The Stand 'l'hc Stand. 33.3 Woodlands Road. 0870 ()llll 6055. 9pm. £8. Scc l"ri 30 but uith Compch Susan Morrison.

Madcap Comedy Club Slatt: Bar. HS Holland Street. 946 928‘). 9.30pm. £5 (£4). Residcnt host Bill_\' Boiikcrs introduces Slttlltl-llp stalu art l’arrot and guL‘xlx

Noah’s Late Night Craic Noah. 84 Albion Street. 552 304-1. 10.45pm 2am. £5 t£3i. A new late-night L'Ulllcd)‘