Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to

' L .,' ., -.’3,..f-: on “It, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803. Glasgow listings are compiled by Johnny Regan.

Glasgow Thursdays


I 8 Mile MC Championship at lhc (ilaxgou School ol .‘\r'l. 3pm 3am. £~1 (Hi. 32 Ma} only .\ hugc hclprng ol .\l('x_ UL and lrxc aclx niakc lhix a night not to hc llll\\Cll h} an} lr'uc hip hop hcad. l'rcakriioxcx arc )riur' hoxlx.

I Bed-Sit at lilarikct rlor'riicr‘l} Bclli.

I 1pm 3am. £41£3L \Vcclxl}. Bill} Milligan pro\ idcx lhc \lllllL'lll la\our‘ilcx in thc hack hcllr'oom and Scott 'l‘irigcr'x' .\lc.\h||an mr\cx up a xtorrii in lhc lr'oril hcllroorii.

I Bennet’s al licnncl'x. I lprii 3am. £3 (£3i. \Vcclxl). (la). llll\t‘ll. xlr‘aighl \xho car'cx'.’ Jlixl haw a blood} good liinc. pcoplc. Shaun |o\rri3:|} l;l}x doun lhc crmul plcaxcr'x in llirx cxcr-popular' ‘l'hu night riiaxh up. .r\nnic alxo prm illcx high—oclanc luncagc.

I Carnival at 'l'r'axh. ll).3()pm 3am, £4 (£3 i. \Vcckl}. .-\ niai'di gun at lhix claxxic xlullcnl \cmrc. I)J Rohcrl mi\cx up Rle \xhilc Slmcn lirrmn hlaxlx out lhc chillin‘ houxc aml boll} gr‘rrillin' Latino hcalx. 'l‘hcr‘c'x alxo a hil ol kal'aokc, ll that liloalx _\our boat.

I Columbian al lhc Ax} tum Back Room. 3pm lam. l‘r‘cc to ('l'Sl' mcmhcr'x; £l olhcrxxixc. \Vcckl}. l’ul xomc hrcakiri' tank in _\our lr‘unk \xrlh thix critcrlainrng night ol' xludcnl lllltllllL'xx.

I DogGod at Q Bar: ll).3l)pm 3am. £3. \Vcckl). Ncu night ol' cclcclicixm at lhc hcaulrlul cluh undcr (‘orinlhiarL Il'x hccn cloxcll l'or‘ agcx. and nou lhc} 'r‘c gclling hack into lhc groox c. l’urc claxx. I The Edge ill lhc lillgc. (‘Uallil‘illgc l lprii 3am. £3 lll'L‘L‘l. \Vcckl}. chirlcnlx Slcw llannan and Michacl ()‘Shca gixc lhc dcckx a lull “orkout \\ ilh lhc \cr} hcxt in club claxxicx till 3am.

I Elbow Room at Bar'l'l}. l lprn 3am. £3. \Vcckl}. Part) timc on lhix xludcnl night mm a xclcclion ol lilhrm Room xpccial gucxlx and rcxillcnlx.

I Fire Wire at Bamhoo. 5pm 3am. £5 (£3). \Vcclxl). (ir'aharn l'icrguxon miwx a “MC \ar'icl} ol' iiiuxical \l}ll‘x \\ ith occaxional |i\ c handx in lhc xamc room. Jim Brad} p|a_\x an cclcctic rm\ ol' Ioungc gl‘ooVCx \xhilc (ill\ in NlllL‘lL‘Ull llr‘opx claxxic houxc and dixco.

I Freakmoves .rr (il.l\:_‘li\\ School ot ;\rl. llprii 1arii £-1 ir \\cckl_\ l)criia and Mr \rcc pla} upxtarr'x rn thc main hall and hung: lhc turilx to lhc pcoplc ol lhc xchool. .\xxcrrih|_\ tiriicx \\ L'l'c llL'\Cl llllx good.

I Homework at \‘aull llprn “.tlll £5 r£4i. \Vcckl}. lari .lllll Slcxrc man lhc ho\. xo all rnxccurrticx o\cr thc luncx arc llrxpcllcll. 'l hrx night .irrrix tor \lllllL‘lll happiricxx \\ rlhoul cornprorriixrng: lhc lpialit} lcxclx

I Hype at ('uhc. Ilillprii iarii Li r£3r. \Vcckl}, Jirii l)a licxt lcariix up

\\ rtli lhc ll) pc cum to put on a rirglit ot l\\ixlcll. ullr‘alunk} houxc l’lcnl} ol chcap hoo/c riiakcx lhrx a lllll night out. I Madhouse at lhc Shack,

“hi”le 3am. £5 it. \\ccl\l_\. (II and And} lakc )ou to thc hrrrik ol lll\;lllll_\ \xilh xoriic ol lhc llllixl Ullll‘ugcnllx and clilllilgcrillx \llltlL'lll anlhcriix.

I Old Skool Reunion at .-\rcliaox. llpm 3am. £5 rlrcc £2.5lli. \Vcckl), ()lll \Cliliiil lcchrio L'llhxlcx llllll (ll\L'U xl_\lc luncx lor‘ lhc lr'cn/icll xlullcnlx «loun :\r'chaox \\;i_\.

I Grindin’ 101 at l.ll]llltll.llllll}1l‘. llpm 3am. £~1l£$i.\\'cckl}_t)lll xchool cntliuxraxl l).l Snalu lhgx llccp into hix .illllllwlrong: rccoi'll collcction lo hrrng _\ou lhc liricxt xclccliori ol Ulll xchool hip hop hcalx lrorn lhc lrlxcx ol Rakrni. l‘llr‘a Magnctrc and lullari.

I Polo for Me at lhc l’olo l.olrrij_'c. lllpm lam. l‘r'cc. \Vcckl}. You. lhc luck} punlcr'. talxc lhc hclrn lonrghl. ax rclpicxt carllx arc a\ar|ah|c o\cr lhc liar and in lhc hoolli. Noticc lor' lhc unimagrnalixc oricx: 'l .'\lll “hat | .-\m‘ ix prohihilcd h) Ian and purirxhahlc h} xpankmg.

I Push and Pull at lhc Suh (‘luh llpm 3am. £5. \Vcclxl}. RL‘\l(lClll\ nrghl al thix cliallcnging cclchr‘ation ol' cclcctic dancc nmxic in lhc cit} 'x lincxt

I Record Player: at (ilaxgoxx School ol'.-\rl. lll.3llririi 2.30am. £3 (£3). \Vcclxl). lli-l’i Scan rlh l'idclit}r and llll\llpllpp} ll)i\ inc) pcr'lorm chcap dcck xuckrn‘ lo lhxccau. dumh clcclr‘o and h’llx phimk. 'l‘hc} allx ixc )ou to act up. drcxx lll)\\ll and pla} L‘il\_\ lo gcl.

I Shagtag End of Exam Party at lhc ’l‘unncl. llpm 3am. £51£3L \Vcclxl}. 'l'hix anarchic club night xa_\x a lllllxxiu‘l) lillll) ‘\xc|l llonc’ to all lhoxc unl'orlunalc c\arii cr'calur'cx. \Vhal mimhcr ix xlic‘.’

I Skint al lhc (’atliouxc. l lpiii 3am. £4 (£2). \Vcckl}. \cr} much a night to r'cl‘lccl \xhat‘x going on in (ilaxgou at lhc nioincnl. Tough chcriiical hr‘cakx and hcatx. rock and indic tor a croml much likc thc onc oulxidc lhc (iallcr') Ul- Mmlcl'll :\l't.

The crew from Vegas, Sat 24 May

/ I



I Speakeasy .rr lhc l rir\ «Sauchichall l .iricl lttprii :alll lrcc \\cclxl_\ It )ou tccl lrkc a lc\\ \llllllx\ .rllcr lhc puh. hut llon’l \xarit to go chrhhrng. Spcakcax} rx tor _\ou 'l hc riiuxrc rxn'l corriproriirxcll and thc \ ihc l\ c’lllllx'll

I Soul Shaker at \l \\ llprn Kim £~1r£3r “cckh \ri urillrxcmcrcll gcrii \\c ll.t\ c a llll\k'\l hag; ot clcx'lro. Icchno. houxc .llltl turik courlcx) ol l)rrt_\ larr_\. lhc _llllli\}.lltl Hog .lllll John \lrtchcll

I Wanted at Balm/a .\prri ‘arir lrcc hctorc llprrr. £1 r1 ‘r .rltcr “cl-kl}

l rlcr.rll_\ unllcrgrourill l luh houxrri; xorric hugc \ocal holixc .lllkl garagc lou'lrncxx llcplrncll \xcckl} h} [an lhoriixori arnl \ancc

Glasgow Fridays


I Abnormals Anonymous .rr (illtxgri\\ Xcllrml Ul \ll \C\l \llllt' ll‘x'

I glow .rr .'\ll lrh \c\l llarc lhc

I Archaos at \rchaox llprn \rm '5 (£35m \M'ckl} .\l.irrixlrcarri chart ll.tll\\‘. \Ulll .lllll \‘lll't'u‘ .tl Ullk' Ul lllt‘ huxrcxt l‘rr nighlcrx in [out].

I Black Rabbit Whorehouse .rr lhc Suh (‘hih \c\l llatc lhc

I Bughouse at huh (‘hih \cxl (lJlL' ll‘k'.

I Canvas al .v\rla. llprii ‘arri. £lhc \Vcclxl}. l).| \Vallcl pla_\x .i plcllior‘a ol lunk. xoul and lell at lhrx hcautrlul \lcrclianl ('rl} hat.

I City Sessions at Q ('luh. \l-xr darl- ll‘L‘

I Cold al Rncr‘xlllc Social. \c\l llalc "W.

I The Cathouse .rr lhc (‘arhouxu lll. illpni 3am. £1 hclor'c llprii; £-l r£§r altcr. \Vcckl). Ruling hiin on lhc nu niclal “ax c. lhrx rx onc ol lhc huxicxl rirghlx m ll\\\ll. Rock. gr‘ungc. inlhc and .r llaxh ol hr‘calxhcal acroxx lhr'cc Noon at (ilaxgou ‘x top \cnnc lor' rockcr'x and allci'nalccnx.

I Coded at Vault. llpm iarri. £5 (£4i. \Vcckl}. lhc} 'r‘c lr'om .i r'ccor'll xloi'c. xo lhc luncx arc gorng to hc lr'cxh and higlil} lurilx}. ar‘cri'l lhc) ’.-\ rotating r'oxlcr' ol I).lx alliliatcll to 3rd l’r‘ccrrict xuppl} liouxc lk'll groom-x al lhc ncxx cluh. Slcwri .\lc(‘r‘ccr'.\ ix lhc mam man. hut lhc pool ol talcnt riiclullcx Bill} Krlkic. Hill} \Voollx and Amanda l’r‘rcc.

I Crash at lhc Shcd. “hillle 3am. £31£2r \\‘cckl_\.(‘r'axh mlo lhc \xcckcndx cour‘lcx} ol thrx lirrgcl} popular night “llll lhc Soulhxillc xct. (iar‘agc |)J (icr'r‘) l.)orix hoxtx lhc main hall \\ ith lhc ullimalc cclcctic part} \Ulllltlll'ilk'lx and DJ l)a\c \lulhollarnl r('uhcr lach lhc hclrn m lhc l.otl upxlarrx \\llll;llll;1lll ol claxxic lell, I Death Disco All lllC .-\l'l‘lll‘\. \L‘\l dalc lhc.

I Destiny at l)l'xliii}. llprii iarii. £lhc. \Vcclxl). l)cxlrn_\ 'x r‘claunch conliriucx \xrlh up—lor' it part} lrmcx. houxc and RN” lla\ax.

I The Edge al lhc lalgc ('oalhr'illgc. llprii 3am. £5. \\'cck|}. chnlcntx .v\|c\ Ka} and Scott (irangcr hr'ing )oli lhc lk‘\l til llnllu‘ and club claxxrcx,

I Electric Circus at All rm. Morithl). .\'c\l llalc lhc.

I Fnuk at Big John. lllpm 3am. £-l r£3r. 23 Ma} onl_\. chnlcnlx .-\nlon_\ RL‘C\ and DJ llookct' gtl'l' lliltlL'tl it} \lllll lroni Kink) :\ll'o. iii/x} troni \l} .\lachrricx. (’hr'ix trorn (‘orituxrori and \llixxL‘l) ll'lilll ('lockuorlx,

I Fresh at lhc I’olo l,oung_'c.

llpm 3am, £5. \Vcckl}. \hchcllc arill And) lakc chargc ol lhc iiiuxical drilicx in lhix llclrcioux .\lcr'chant (at) llll\L‘ll cliih \\'hclhcr‘ _\ou'rc in lhc 'lroph} Room ril' UH lllL' liltllt'clllilil‘. lhc lllllcx \Hll lucl _\our' happincxx.

I Fridays in Bed al Blankct rl’ormcrl} Bclli. llprii 3am. £5 r£3r. \Vcckl). \accrii lakcx )or: on an Rx“ and hip hop trip cxcr} \xcclx \xhrlc Bill} \lillrgan hringx lhc tun to thc tronl hcllroorn.

Manga t l'u- fthx-‘rzr-ut t'rrrr"

‘. t tt 'lull‘r..r .'r l) o: .i.” t :rrrnrxu

fv\‘..;v»~_r-tr Ilir'rrrrr'iww’fhw ; tut, ‘liFrrtlls' i\.':.‘~f it".l[ll" l\.ir'r,rrrwhr- an! r“. t ct Tn.- Li». it../\:t,.r,l’. ‘i 17”". The N00 Groove 5;.r. flaw-ix rrrfro- tank to thr‘; rllmll rrrrrttt

of Y'lll‘kh til ultra; tror'r Bruin ‘~.‘.rllr;lr".t;~,r‘. grnrl Nrr1k llruir r)’ i\ llrzrr: tho, roll iriltllftl to thr' llrrr‘.r:rt;;rl, rn fagirrrihrnlttill l .tlltf, and st f;<:;rrrrtf1lrklrrt'f;grrrirrzilmahrt fgrrrrrgil l/rrrrgwrnrl, f/r .' ’{a’ 7m.

Arches 12th Birthday < mi: of 1hr.- rir:ntr(::; for art. rtllrhlrrnr; {tlltl ,orrtnrrrthrt;r:rtr..thr:/\rr1hr§é; (llillrlilltlttf; llf; l)lllll(ll’l:. part2. wrth «t trirrttilr<;rrrr; router. Wr: haw: Hr<1hgrrrl l r:grr'lr:-f;§,. Arthrrr Baker and l‘.‘.rrtr.h orr thl: rl<2r:les. {llltl (t fsrrrattrrrrnr; ol Aruhof, ;irtrt;ts; s;r;;itt<:r<:<l throrrrilxotrt tht: ‘.*‘:lllll: on thr‘) nrrrlrt. Arc/run. .Jr'1?.7’-Z /".r'(i‘,.

Coloursfest lhr: lirririrra rlzinu: rrrlrfar; tr:f;tr'.r;il rrr lllt: r,orrnt' r'otrrr'n‘; for another lrorrt of ll't:ll/lt:(i hotrfa: anrl techno (lrtrolwtrrarra: Carl Cox, Paul Van l)','l<. fionrrrrro 5510.1: l ax'x‘ur trautrrrrrlr and a ioarl of (filth! rrraisrsrvo (iota .‘.r:l| in: In lhr: plant; [3'd‘r3/lth'ld Brianna/ill (rrrr) Arena. firm (’3') r‘"./7(l‘.i

Optimo (Espacio) ()ptrrrrr, (len’tll'l ynrr hon/onx onr; rnorr: Trr'rt; at; Ihr: l (Ll) SULlll’lS/Ulfllll Jorn thorn. llllllllfllllétl pr'orltrcor, l).l :rrr'l étt'IIfsi tlzrrrw, Mtrr‘t/‘lr‘, rt, thr; r'ran hohrnrl rt (ill. fir/l) (Ill/l). fir/r19“; r'.’7(1‘.,

Trevor Nelson l'rrr; krrrr; of UV nan rutrrrnf; to (iléifsllbfl .‘thh a ‘.'(:ll(}€:£tll’;(:. lhr; f,r;(:tl(; rr; (nos/rho rlzi, l); (lay. and here's one of the random ’l’)lllf} what hr,- rloo‘; host. [Jest/r23: Sun 2.") r1451}:

Midi Hi-Fi Who SEX/S tha- (‘jlafsgoxr sea-no r‘)rr't rip/(Jar!) ll<;rr;’<; ;: r'rajor talent from the global rxrr, hop sauna. Pharoahr; Monoho. to show ,rorr .vh, l,rrrr;;il content rf; strll the most rrrrportant threr rrr tnr; genre. Glasgow School of Art. f‘rr .30 Mary

r'.'v:. : , r' ‘r .3],