Glasgow Fridays continued

I Friday Street .II IIIIII l.lIlIIl\ \lnnIhlj. \IIIII l ‘IIIIIII Ll ILJI W \lII} \lnnIhh l<\'\l\lk'lll l),l\ \lILI'} ( IIllllI\. l’IIul \lnlln} IIIIIl l).I\} (‘llllllll \Iun

I lIl\\l\ InnIl \IIllllIl\ .InIl llIlllllI'llI \nul. .IIIIl lll|\ IIInIIIhk _L'llk'\l l\ Rum \l\(i.lllll\'

I Fuel .II l III'l Illl\llII[\l\lIi'_‘_'\|

III {IIIIIII _‘.IIII 2,1 \\I-I'l\l} \k'\\ I hIlI \I'IIIIIII' lInIII IhI- (il I'InIIII. \IhIIh I\ .Illk'lllpllllf; In k‘\[‘.lllll IIII- .I\I-III:'I' (IIIIqu'pIIIIIK IIlI'II nI uhIII \hI'I‘kI'nIlIng lllI'IIll\ I’IIul RI'II IIIII} \ I luh I l.l\\l\ \. l<I\ll. lunk .IIIIl .III}Ih.Ing_' \kllll II :IIIIIxI- \IIIIIINIII‘ .InIl \nIIhxlIII- II'x \lIIlllll_‘_‘ In j_'I'I hlII' I nnIlnn III III-II' \ \wc hII

I Full On .II l’II\IlI'_-.'I' III ‘HIIIII Run 9}) IL"I “Ix-III} lIIIn \\ ll\IIIl. (iI'lIlInhn). XII-\IIIII (III-I‘II, \\ lllIIIlll l).IIIII'l. (I.I\ llnuxlnn. \III llll\l IInIl Inn | I'm .III' _\nuI lIII\l\ .II llll\ \II'I'H} Il.InII~ lll_‘._'lll IlImn nII llan‘ \III‘I‘I

I Funhouse .II IIIIIII} llIIIn ‘IIIII H II_ i) \Mx‘kl} \ Inghl nl \\I\I‘Il up punk ll.l\ll .InIl IIIIhIIIIII nnIIxI'an" pup. Ilk'\|}‘llk'(l In I'II'III .Ill nl IhI- \llll nuI nl )nIII I-qu RIIIhn l‘\ I hIIIInIIIj.‘ \ II' ('IIIlInuII} .InIl \lI I’IIuI \I'I'IllI-x .III* III I'IIIIII'I‘ nl IhI' lllll\|\'

I Funk Room .II IhI‘ \II'hI'x \I'\I IlIIlI' IN

I Funky Friday .II I IIIIIIIl l,nuII;_'I' IIIIIII Run II“ \\I'I'kl} lI'I‘ \\III\nn .InIl ;)III'\I\ [IIIII .I \I'lI'I'IInn nl IunlI. hIp hnp IIIIII Iunlx} Ith‘n InI .Ill IhI‘ llk'IllN\ Ill IhI‘ Inunng',

I Gavin Pearson and Adrian Coll III \lI-IhII. Illun {Inn L‘IhI' \VI'I'kl). 'I III‘ l\\n l)_l\ uhn IIIlnIn IhI' Inp nI llll\ ll\llllj.J. III .l\\U\'lIIllU|l \\llll (Ink 1. III llll\ III‘ul} I'I'\IIIIIpI'Il \I'nuc l’unIpIn’ lllllL'\ and .III Illllll\\ lnI (3. \'nl hIIIl

I Global Groove .II Ihc lunncl. llpnI iIIlll. t" IL'SI. \VI-I‘kl}. “If: nIIInI‘ IIIIIl lnI'III hnuxI‘} III‘IInII. _L'llL‘\l\ IIII‘,

I Goodfoot III IhI' RHI'IxIIlI‘ SncIIIl. \lIIlnthI iIIIn. L5 (I .lunI‘. \lIIIIIlIl}, (ilII\j._‘II\\ \ \I'll IIInI‘lIIIInI'Il HIllellI'Il IIIIII l‘t'\l nnI'IhI'I'n \nul I‘luh \IIIh l).l\ BIII'I'}. SI'nI .IIIIl l'l;l\k‘l. ‘l'I'_\ Ille .|\ IIII IIIII-I'IIIIIIxI' In IhI' leI'\ III hnuxc .IIIIl II‘I'hIIn l_\ In; III‘nunIl (IIIIxynw

I Kinky Afro III IhI' Suh (‘Iuh \cxl IlIIII' IhI‘.

I Hustle and Bustle III llIIhII/II. (IpIn .iI'Illl ll).l\ II'nIn llpInI. l‘II‘I' hclnl'c llpIn. I5 Illlk'l'. \\I'I‘l\|). l’IIul lI.I_\nnI'. llIIl) .lIIllt'\. Rn“ .\lI'.\lI|lIIII .IIIII (".Inun} (‘IIIIg up ll up \\llll \nInI‘ lughl} I‘hIIIggI'Il RIKH .IIIIl lup hnp nII\I'Il \Kllll lunk} IInIl IIIIIkII‘I' II'III‘kx.

I LiveVEvil III (ilIngnu SI'IIIIIII nl .\I'I. llpnI iillll. {III IL'NI. 2“ \lII}. lwIIIIIIglIIl). ()III' III IhI' llllk‘ IIInnI‘I'Ix nI IhuIn I\ luv. ()IIIII‘III. plain III Ilux hIIllIIInI I‘luh. IIlnngxlIlI' l'II‘II‘I' HEB nl \‘II'ux. l'hI' l\'\lllk‘lll\ .II'I' Ill\Il nn hIInIl In I'nquI‘ IhIII Iluugx .II'I' “IllillL'Il up IIII'I-I}, I Latin Fever .II llII\IIII.I. 0pm IIIIII. l'II'I‘. “Ix-kl) I).l Kk‘llll l) \[th up \nIIII' ('nluInhIIIII. ('IIhIIII. .\'c\\ YnI'k IIIIIl :\II'II'IIn \Ill\Il. IIIlIhng: II l\\l\l nI l.IIIIn I‘lIIII'I. RIkll IIIIIl :JlUl‘Ill hI‘IIh In lllL' I'h}IhInII‘IIl \lk‘“. 'l'II\I_\I

I Life III IhI' ('nI‘IIIIhIIIn. IIlpln *IIIn. LII, \VI'I‘H}. Kk‘\lll \lI‘l-III'IIIIII‘ IllI‘III IIIIII [ll;l}\ IhI- lillk'\l III \IIlll. Iunk. RIKH. lIIIII\I‘ IIIIIl IIlIl \I‘hnnl I‘lII\\II‘\,

Manga .II IhI' Suh ('luh. IlpnI iIIlllI {III I£I\'I, 33 Ma} nnl), .\lIIng_'II I‘I‘IIII'II In (iIIngnu \\ IIh IuI I'\I‘lu\I\I~ IhII‘I' hnIII \L‘l II‘nIn [\MI III Ihc \xnI'lIl'x llllt‘\l Ih‘uIn Ik IIIIxx I)‘l\ [\Ilh l\\II \I'I’} \I‘I‘x‘IIIl gIIIWl \nI‘IIhxh I.\l(' ll) llIllllllL‘ .InIl IIInII/Ing II‘IIIIIII‘ \nI‘IIhxl lIlll. InIIlIIn; hcr Sunluxh IlI'huII. I).l\ Rum and |)II' III’I‘ InuI'In; In pI'nInnII- IhI-II' \upcrh III'\\ l»l\'.IInIIIII‘hI pl'IIICCI III] RUIII Sl/t‘.\ l'lllll (‘y‘lc I‘I'I‘nI'le. IIIIIl II'x InnINI'I‘ Ih'unI I\ l‘.l\\ IIll I'nunIl.

I Medicine Wheel .II Ihc Suh (’luh. llpIn RIIIn. (8. RI) .\l;l'\, \lnIIIhl}. ()llL' nI Ihc nc“ l'IIIlI'I'gI'nunIl RI-thIInI‘c II\\;lllll \IIIIIIIl. DJ KIWI I‘nInI'x In Ihc \uh I'nr IIII cwlumc l'K Inghl \II‘IlIc. .\I'I'I\c I‘Iu’l} In II\IIIIl Ill\IIPp01llllllClll III llll\ nnc.

78 THE LIST Liz.

O Midi Hi-Fi III IhI' (ilIngIm Schnnl nl .'\l'l. llpnI RIIIn. L‘Ihc, RI) XIII} nnl). llugI' nIghI nl' hip hnp III IhIx gI'I'III (ilIl\_‘_'II\\ I'luh Ill_‘_‘lll. \\llll IhI' \I-I'} I'III'I‘ IIppI'III'IuII‘I‘ nI l’IIIII'nh .\lnnchc. II II‘III‘ \lI'Il' nl Ihc \I‘I‘nc. and II IlunkI'I' In hnnI. I Moda III .\lnIlII. 9pm 3Iun. l'I'I‘I‘. \VI'I'lxl}. HIII'I'I‘II l)unII Cil\C\ lux \\II_\ Ilu‘nugh Ihc Iughl “llll Ihc lillk'\l III hnuw. gIII‘IIgc IIIIIl RIkll.

I Monox III Ihc SnunIlhIqu.

I National Pop League III IIII-

\VnnleIIlI‘ Silk'lillI 8.15pm IIIIn. U IL'ZI.

.KII XIII}. .\lUllllll_\. l’nxl punk. (‘Xn IIIIIl InIhc pnp plII_wIl h} We [III\\IIIIIIIII‘ \IIIInnIII l’np [.I-IIguc. .lnIn Ihc IIIII‘I) nI‘ l'l\l\ nnl hI'III‘Ing IIIl Ilux gI'I'III lllll\lL‘, 'l'lux Innc I'nuIIIl II\ II Snnllh SpcI'IIII. \n lI-I llIl\ Iug_'hI an-n _\nuI' L'}C\.

I Nocturnal III .’\\l l.ll‘. \I‘\I IlIIII‘ ll‘ul

O The N00 Groove III lllL‘ l'anIxIIl. BIIIh lIIlllL‘I I 1pm .iIIIn. £5.

:3 Mn}. .\lnnIhl_\, 'l‘hc Nnn (irnnu‘ IIIlu‘

M II IthI' no“ \lnl nn Ihc IhII‘Il I‘I'I nl Ihc InnIIIh. \II'k l’I'IIcnI'k IInIl BI'IIIII \VIlthnxnn plII} III/l. \nul. l.IIIIn IInIl hnuxc III llll\ IIIII' I‘luh

I Nurture III (‘IIIII (M Na! Ilillk‘ Ihc. I Off the Hook III IIII' (ilIngIm Schnnl III .\II \C\I IlIIIC Ihc.

I Offset III (‘uhIx III.3(IIIIII IiillllI LN IL; I, \VCL‘lslIM ()ll'u‘l \\ L’lCIllllL‘ II IIIwInIIIIng no“ I'I'xIIlI'nI. nnnI‘ nIhI'I' IhIIII IhI‘ Ilchghll'ul RchckkIIh (l'L‘IIMlIllL'. .lIIIIIm I'nlunuuxI. Sun \lIllI-IIIIIIIIII (iII'l IInIl InI'IIII-I' /)/(1\/’U\ I‘I'nII'I'I'nlIl Suppnrung IlIC In\ cl} IIIII} III'I' Sunnn l-n_\. (IIII‘) (‘III'lcy .lllll l)II liI'xl IInIl RIchIII'Il l.c\ In~nn_

I The Outcome III IhI- Archcx. llpIn .iIun. Uhc. (I Junc. BI-InnnIhl}. .\'n IchIIle II\ nl~ _\Cl InI‘ llII\ III-xx h1- nInnIhl} Inghl III Ihc I‘lII\\II‘ \cnuc.

Krust and Die guest at Manga, Fri 23 May

I Pressure III lllL' .'\I‘I‘hc\_ IIIpIn iI'Illl. {IX IL'InI, .KII XIII). Mnnlhh. .'\llIIlllL'l pI'I-xlIgInux llllL‘ up ll'IIlll SnInII IIIIII SlI’IlllI BI'IIIIIIIII l'IIhI‘II‘ l)J\ 'l'I'I'I'} l'I'IInI‘Ix and (I'm; RIL‘llill'Il\ plII} IIlnngxlIlI' 'l‘nIn \lIIlIllI-Inn III'uI' cth'III'II-I' nI IhI' arm? I. l’lul KII-I'IIII nI ShInI‘ Ill l‘lL‘llIhl. ‘l‘cchnIIxIII IIIIIl RnhI‘I‘I llnnIl. llhnIlI'I' IIIl I'nunIl. I'L‘IIll}.

I Public Spirit III lluIlIlII. I lpIII iIIIn. L.“ (£5). \VL‘L‘lxly JIIII l)II SIl\II l\ IIIIL' nl Ihnxc l)J\ \\lIII “Ill. lIII‘ lllL' I‘L‘\l IIl lll\ IlII_\\. IIIIII IhI- \InI‘le 'IlII' lch'IIIlIII'y IIII‘lII-Il nn In Ihc \lIll'l nI lll\ IIIIIIII: llL' IIIIII lllt‘ .'\\llll'|‘lllllil\‘\ III'I- hII\ III}: IthI \xI-I‘kl} purl} III Ilux InIghI) \vnuc. \n hc Ihcrc. I Radar III IhI‘ (IlIngnu Schnnl nl .‘\l’l. Xk‘\l IIIIII- II»:

I Red and Gold Room III .-\IIII. IIIIIIII .iillllI l'I‘I'I- hI-InI'I- llpIn. L‘" IIIII'I'. \VI-ckly l).l \lII'lIIII-l U'ShI-II pnpx up In \[Hll nnl} Ihc llllL'\l \IleII and l.IIIIn Iuncx III II \CI‘) \\ L'll-lIL’L‘lL‘Il .-\I‘lII I‘I‘IIuIl.

I Relentless III lllt‘ RIwNIII- ('IIIII \L‘U IlIIlL‘ llk‘.

I Rockit III HIIInhnn, 5pm ‘~Iun L'" 1‘5 I. \Vcclxly \I‘u club and hIII' \I'IIIIIII' IhIII hI'Ingx \nInI- nl Ihc Inan \KIIl’lll) I‘I‘xIIlcnh III (ilIngnu Ingclhcr lnI’ Iunk} hnuxc IIIIIl RIKB \L'\\IIIII\. (icnll \lIIIIllIII'Il lIIkLN CIII'C Hl llIL‘ lIIl'IIlCI‘. \\ hllc l’IIul l-’n\ Ichle \Hlll Ihc lIIIIcr. gnIlIlIIInInII.

I Salsa Seduction III ('cnII-III llIIlL'l. .\'c\I IIIIII- Ihc.

I The Social III Ihc SncIIIl. 9pm .‘IIIIII. L; \VL‘L‘lkl}. (lL'l \Cl lIII‘ lllL‘ II'I'IIIIIIIII’Il hchm InIII' nI Km chgIIn I'm-r} l'l'l. II lk'\Pk'(lCtl IInIl pnpulIII' l)J \Ihn I‘IIn I‘IIpIIIIhxc nn II I'nml} I-I'IIIIII In InII\IInuIn L'llCCl

I Southern Soul III Ihc l‘p‘n'lhm II (‘luh ‘IpnI IIIIn. £3. 33 .\lII_\ l-nI'IIIIghIl}. ('lIIvIg nm and "(k II'II\ prm IIchl h} IIIIn

l IIInIII'III nI SupI‘IIl} IIIInI'. plu~ .I hII nI lIIII‘ IughI I‘IIl‘IIII'I III Ihc SnuIlNIlI'\ ncxxcxl I'hIh IughI l’InInnIcIl h} Hugh RI'I'Il InI IhI' \I‘hI'I l ll\lk'lI‘Illll\l .InIl l)IIllL‘ll l)Ill.llll.l\l\Illl

I Sub Tropical III ('IIhII \nIII' \I'\I \lIllC ll‘\'

I Super Scientists Ill I'IIIII II" IIIIIIn ‘xun {a I£5I 3‘ .\l.I_\ ()IIIIIII‘le llll\ hugcl) IIllll‘lllI‘Ih nIghI lI‘lllllh ' \\IIlI IIII .I\\IIIIll IIll lllL‘ \Cll\k'\ SM \lk'kl\\ \I'IIIII'h .InIl llII\. kI‘}lIIIIIIIl\. guIIIII .IIIIl \Inhn. \\llll lh \u. l\’IIIII\ (i l’nInIlI'\II'I. llIIIIn II‘Snu/II. lx’cth. .Inhn (‘IIIxnnI Mulch llnI'InI .InIl .\ll\\ XIIII‘IIlIII'

I Fridays at Trash .II 'I‘I.I\h

IIIIIIII ‘IIIII 1'5 It-XI \\I-I'kl_\ \\IIll In \IIIll Ihunk pcnplc \xIIhI'}' l.l\.l

l llllk'\\(l\l\l .IIIIl SI'nII .\l.II‘l\II_\ IIIII} lll‘llt‘lll hnuxc In .I IIIII'RI'II ILIIII‘I‘ IlnnI. \\ IIII IIIIII} lllllk‘\ III IhI' IIIII InnnI

I Tattooed and Topless .II IIII- \lI-IIIII} lIIpnI iIIIn l'hI‘ HIIII} l\n_\\ kI'I-p II I.IIIIII'lI) III IhI'II panIIIII I’luh IIIghI SI'I‘ (i.h\ ll\llllf._‘\ .len

I Tidy .II IhI' ShIIIlI III ;“pm i iIIIIIn £5 IUI \VI'I'lIl} lI'I IhIII llll\'\'llI\ll\ l'll II'I-hng IIIkI‘ hnIIl nI _\nu \thlI‘ I).| lIllll llIIlIlIIll lIIkL‘\ \‘IIIlllIIl IIl lllI' IlIIlII'I' llIIIII I Lick lt .II IhI‘ \lI'II‘uI} lllplll Run H “Ix-kl} l).l \lII‘hI‘llI' Ilaggn. l’anIIxIII'. \\ IgglI'I pI'nx IIlI‘\ I‘hIIII .IIIIl IIIIII} \IIIlllIl\ In II IanIl I‘Inxnl

I Tronicsole and Tracktion Sessions .II .\l.-\S_ llpIn .iIIIn I“ 1L5) \VI'I'H} I).l HIII'k |IIlll\ IhI- IIIIII) .II llll\ nughl} llllll\L' .InIl Icchnn “I; nuI III IhI' I<II_\II| l:\I'hIIng_'I' \nu I'nuIIl Iln II [III

\xnlxc IhIIn llll\ lll_‘_‘lll nII -i \lII). l II'II

I Unity Reggae III SnunIlhIIus

llpnI SillllI [X IUII (I JIIIII'. \lIIIIIlIly lhg IIIghI nI IIIIIIIl-I‘\pIIIIIlIII3_' lllll\lL' II'nIn llll\ I‘lIIxx I'I'ggIII' IIIghI. SpI-I'IIII yuI-xlx III'I‘ l)L'lllll\ :\lI'IIpnnI‘. u IIh KII'I'IIII IIIIIl IhI- .\h' \Icnl lll'II\\l\k' IIIxn plII} lllf: kIllI‘I' III-qu I'lxI'uhI‘II' III IhI'

I Urban .II IhI' 'luIInI‘I. I IpIn ‘Iun. £5 IUI. \Vcckl}. :\ll RIkB \L'\\l(lll cnuI'II'x) nl I’IIul N'JII' III llll\ III-\xl} I‘I'IIIIIIII‘hI'Il. ClIl\\lL' (ilIngIm \I‘nuc,

I Urban Groove III (‘IIIII lillIlIlIII llpIn .iIIIn, H IUI. \Vcckl}. l'I-IIIIII‘Ing IhI‘ IIIlI'nlx nl' l)(llllClllL' .\lIIrIIn. \xhn \L'IlllllL‘\\l} InI'I'gI-x l'S hnusc IIIIII gIII'IIgc. IlI'I'p hnuw. IthU. \nul. lunk and III//_ “llllt' IIIlIlIng: Ihc nIlIl Ilél\ll III [.IIIIn IInIl .-\I'I'n grnnx L'\,

I Vacuum III IIII- RI\L‘l'\lIlC (‘IIIII .\'I-\I Il‘IIlL‘ llki

I The Winchester Club III lllL' \VnnleIIlc SncIIIl. ‘lpIn ZIIIII. L" I. (I Jun. .\lnnIhl_\. 'l'hc \VIIII'hI-xII'I' (‘luh l)J\ pIII} lllCll' ll\llIIl InI\ nI IIIIhc. pan \nul. hIp hnp IInIl \thIImcr clxc IhI'} lilllL‘} Inr _\nuI' IlIInI‘Ing pchIqu‘c. ('nnIInuIng Ihc ll'l\ll \L'Il\()ll th'c. \w llI'I\L' Dublin pnp \cIIxIIIInnx Ihc (‘hIIII‘I\. IInIl \uppan ll'IHll HI‘IIINK NIIIchIII‘ lIIII'I'nIIIInIIIIl. 'l‘np nIghI. lllxl \IIIII‘h Ihcu' chIIngc nl rcgulIII‘ Iughl IrnIn III In Sill

Glasgow Saturdays


I Aerodynamico III IhI- l.lqlll(l l.nung_'c. Nut IlIIIc Ihc.

I Amatis III SlnIIn'x. cht dIIII' Ihc. O Arches 12th Birthday Party III Ihc Archcx. llpnI 3IIIII. L'III IL'XI. 24 .\lII_\ nnl}. .-\thur BIIlIcr. RIL‘llIlfll l’cIII'lcw 'l‘u llL'll and II Ixhnlc pchhanI nl .‘\l\'llL’\ [k‘l‘lllrlllcr\ IInIl Inc IhI'IIIrc pcnplc u lll InIIkc llll\ II hIthIlII) I'clchrIIIInn In rcIncnIhcr. llnu InIIn} grcIII Iughlx ll;I\L’ )IIII hIIIl III IhIs \cnuc'.’ ll\ cnnugh In hrmg II hIg. prnuIl. nanIIlgII~ lL‘ilr In )nur U} c. I-nr 1/le (/(lH’ IIII/\ 14-1.le I (In! lIn/I/I'I‘I gr! lIu/I pI'II'I' l’IIII'\ l’l'IUH’ "III/IHL’III. .S'I'I' [H'l’l l(‘l'-.

I B'Ding III the l.qul(l l,()llll:._'L'I

llpIn 33!”) £3 IUII 3| XIII}; 'l‘lnx IlchghIlul club \IIIh II \cr} cclchIc InuxII‘IIl rcqu IIIkcx ll\ \IIIrI'x In Ihc [.IIIIIIIl [.IIIIIIgc. lI ucnl Ilnnn II IrczII III Ihc hIIclI rnnIn nl .\ll\h .\l£l\ll III Ihc .-\I'L'hc\. and mm II'll gn Ilnu. II II sIann llL‘rC.