Glasgow Sundays continued

I Transistor .II II.I- tutti. I “Inn's” llpn. iaiii 2i “ct-kl} Real pop IoI Ical pcwplc \‘-llll l>ls \I.-.ll \lI \lliiza} and \\.x} IIc l)i‘.Hll

0 Trevor Nelson Ill l’t'\llll}

llpIII l.IIII Ltlx .‘5 \la} ovil} Ilic c\ci siiiootii l‘IIlil RAH l.lll_'.' icIIIIIIs Io l)cstiii} Io: .Iiiotlici \L'\\lt'll \‘.llll (ilasgou \ liiiigcoiiing \Htll scI IiiiIi tip to lieai some real RAH Pl.l}\'\l the \\.I) it should he

I Vinylicious .II I IIIIIIIMII

\litlnighl iaiii 2.< IL *i \\cck|} llic \t'l) \c\} pcoplc Iioiii Sotilsa hiiiig us .Iiiollici Iiiic night oI lIHIISI' Inn and


Glasgow Mondays


I Burn at \l \S llpIIi 1am l'icc lot slaII ol all} piih oi \llll‘. L i to I'm-none olxc. \\cck|} |).ls \oiiiian and /I'll\ pt'csitlc o\cI Ilic higgcst .llltl longcst running \lall night out In IIIsIoI} I’I'cctloin Ioi tlIc \xoikcis. and Ihctc'x also a guest .Ippcaiancc c\ci} llti\\ and again

I Breakaway .Il lllt' Shack

Ilpni iaiii ‘5 IL it, \\cck|) .\lcc and Mid} Iliop Ihcii uniquc lilcntl ol cliaI'I la\otiiilcs. llclinitcl} one lot Ilic part}

I In Bed with Jim Da Best aI lllankct IIoIIIicI|_\ llctli llpiii iain. £4 t£2i \\cckl}. _lIIII lll\Il\‘\ _\ou Io lll\ houtloii Ioi an c\ciiing ol poptastic trash. Iiink_\ shit .llltl a uholc lot else hC\l\lC\,

I Passionality .Il (‘utw

Ilillpni i.iiii l'Icc \\eekl}. l).l Shaun ensures that the \scckcntl l\ sta_\IIig ali\e \Hlll llll\ post \\cckcnd IiiglII oI pleasing chaItisII}.

Glasgow Tuesdays


I 800 at llamhoo. llpiii .iani. £3 I£2i. \Vcckl}, (iiahaiii l‘cigusoii hosts and l).ls III llll\ lieu (ilasgou student night.

I FUN at (‘tihe llillpni .iaiii. l'rce. \Veckl}. l'uiik} umquc and \cr_\ naught} packed \\llll plcasiiig pop music. Ironi Shaun and (icoigc_\ llo}.

I Laid at the Shack. Ill. itlpni 3am. £5 (£3I. \Vcckl}. 'l'lic licst and latest Indic- popvtock gtiitai hip hop-RIM; chart» «lance. the ultimate student 'ltic.

82 THE LIST ..

I Juicy Tuesdays Ill Blanket Itoiiiicil} llctl: llpiii 1.zIII £4 It." \\cckl} Sta} Iicsli. sta} )oiiiig‘ gct Into hell on luc \‘-Illl Hill} \lilligan in the lug hack hctliooin Will] IIIouIli \xatciiiig student Iaxouiitcs uliilc Scott ’l'ingcis' \lc\lillan pIo\itlcs soIiIc lIlll Ila\oui tun in the IIqu thlIooIn Ilic coming loitmght sccs a H l’ait} on I" \la}. and IlIcII the lilaiikct licacli l’ait} on :June llapp} \l.l'\\ all iouIIIl

I Million Dollar Disco .II .\I \.\

l ll‘lll :Iilll Ll '12' “CURB l.UII\l\ ill Itink} tlisIo madness aInictl sIIaIght .II )oiii Iacc \| Kent l\ Ilic main man.

I Pink Pound at the \lcicur}

llipni iani £l. \\cckl} 1).! Michelle pla}\ tip Ii'oiit dancc and paII_\ sounds

\\ itli a one lllllltllk'kl pciicc tlooi charge

I TIT at liash. llpiIi zam £5 l£3i \\cck|} l’atil .\'_lic pla}\ out Rtkll and hip hop. (iiacinc l-cigiison llll\ _\oii “Hit the student classics Iii Iooiii l\\o and Rob ii I\ III Ilic Ihii'tl Iooin pl.I_\IIig part} antlicnis Illltl hai tuiics.

Glasgow Wednesdays


I Allure at the luiiiicl. ll..itlpiii 3am. £3. “cckly 'l he cit} \ ncucst ga) night. lioni the people that hioughl _\oti sonic ol the hitcliiiigcsl pail} nights at ('uhc. it} llll\ loI a laugh.

I Battle of the DJs at .\I.-\S.

llpiii iain £4 I£3I \\cckl}. .\ coIIIpcIIIIoIi that sorts Ilic sheep Ironi Ilie goals. the men Ironi Ilic hop. Ilic I\\al\ lioni Ilic gods. Ilic niaiii Iiicn Ironi the sad haslaitls UK. It's Iiot reall} Iliat clean cut. but It‘s a Iatlicr Lot} 1)] competition. \\ Illi £25” and a gig at tile end oI Ilic light loI' Ilic “tuner.

I Bennet’s Ill llcnnct‘s.

ll..illpllt iaiii. £3.50 I£l.5I)I. \Vcckl). Sara takes control once more III Ilie cluh Iainous Ior madness and an. ahein. lihcial cliaI sup polic).

I Cubata Ill liantlioo. 5pm 3am. £5 l£3i. “cc-kl). Scotti ll and Junior (‘anipos tom the Ilots ltcmccn ia/l. I‘unk. soiil. hip hop. lell and latin Io deln er a \xorltll} musical um.

I The IIl lllk' lttlg‘c‘ (.ItIIll‘t'ltlgL‘. lipiii 3am. £3 Ilrcci. \\'eekl_\. 1)] James ('urric pla_\ing all Ilic best part} tunes to an tip-Ioi‘ II otiI-ol-loun cloud.

I Elastik at Bar”) Ilttl‘lIlL‘l'l} Ilic |3Ih Note (‘luhi Ilpni 3am. £2. \Vcekl}. 1)] ()na Iaka .'\lllIIllIlIl lt'tttll llisi and [)1 .\lIIigo-go. lake o\cr Ilic musical

selection to: llic toic~ecahlc Iuture \\liilc \' ': l.tlsC\ I: l‘l'c‘Iils li‘ \l‘ll\ 'c'llllalg‘ «‘ll i‘lll'c'l things lnlccling some much needed ocstiogcn Into the \xoilIl ot |)Jing and I‘lIi}llI:_‘ sonic Ilaiiin Iinc clcctro tuned Into a IaIiIlonil) selected sounIlscapc

I FAB at llaha/a llpin Fain l-Ice hcloic llpin.£~1I£‘IaIIei \\cekl) l’aul Rea. (ioidoii .\lillci and ('Iaig KL‘lIIIIIll hlcntl gaiagc. RI\li .IIIIl lunk} house. pla_\ mg to a dressed up cIouIl \\ ho help to make lill\ one o! the l‘ll\lC\l IIIIIlueck nights in (ilasgou

I Fourplay at I~.II\_\ I 1pm 3am £4 ILZI \Vcckl} \eu night ol daiiccteria IoI tlic (ilasgou set (‘ainhiitlge Strch \\Ill likih

I Jungo at :\lclIIII‘\ llpiii .‘iaiii £3 Ilicci \\cckl_\ Student cl.I\\lc\. indie and cheese arc the ordei oI Ilic Ila} at llll\

\\ :Ckl} “Cd

I Joints and Jams .II (‘uhe

llpIII .iain £3 I£Zi Weekly The auard- “Inning cluh hriiigs )«tti Ilie licst RIkll. hip hop and soul [Us III Ilic cit}. Remlents .\larIIIi lleskcth. John l._\on\. l’uppa Shango and l).\l(} on Iotalion e\er_\ \Vctl. \Villi regulai guest l)J\ \ and l’.-\s. it's no “illltlL'l that Joints and Janis l\ Ilic longest running RIKB night In (ilaxgou.

I New Flesh at l’I'i\Ilcgc ‘lpni Iain. £4. \Veekl). Rock and nu metal at llll\ llope Street litt\lL'lI'} [his I\ a night that l't‘lilk‘L‘h lltc tll\Ct\Il_\ Ill clIIl‘l‘tttg Ill llIL'

I People Music at .\I.-\S. I Ipni 3am. £4 I£3 l. \Veekl). \eu Iiiglit ol‘ hip hop and house Ironi I\\o ol the better underground (ilasgou ho)\. Michael Peck and Toni Rec-\e rack Iheni tip and knock lltcllt do“ It. (it'CIIl lot It “I'd.

I Shackass at Shack,

“hillle 3.30am. £5 I£3I Weekly l‘he. er. Ininiitahle DJ Toast spins Ilie Iinest III chart classics. “Hit a health} smattering Ill cheese Ill\tl.

I Stud’essential at Jongleurs.

‘lpni .iani. liree. \Veekl}. Fresh student Iiight at Ilic coined} cluh III tlie hig huilding. l'rce eIiIr} and a shitload of drinks proinos Inean tliat tlic croud “I” he III line I‘eIIIe.

I Traffic Light at Blanket lt‘ornierl) Bed). llpiii .‘sani. £5 I£3I. \Veek‘l). Stop at tile lights and get into bed e\er) Wed. 'l‘liere'll he intimate pillou talk in tile t'ronI bedroom and se\} RIKB and pop in Ilie hack bedroom, Watch out lor the tral'lic police “ho gixe tree alcohol to all those “ho dare to sit III the car seat.

Technasia join Pressure, Fri 30 May



Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to clubs©, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

Edinburgh Thursdays


I The 13th Floor .11 lzgo ‘lpin Iain £5 I£4I 5 Jun. .\lontlil_\ The best III Inod. gatagc punk. }‘\}s'llk‘tlt'llII. RIkll. soul. unite and mod re\ l\IIl lt‘ttllt this new night I CC Blooms III (1' llloonis

llt .ittpiii 3am l'ree \Veekl} 'l'rip Ilie light Iaiitasiic Io lli-NRU dance action at this exci-popular ga) hat

I Daysleeper .iI “pull”, 1 lpIII .‘iani l-‘Iec. \Vcekl} \u IneIal. thrash metal. Industrial metal and Itisl .Ihout ever} oIlieI I}pe oI IIieIal }ott can think ol.

I DEFinition .II (‘ahaict Voltaire. Monthl} Iie\I date 13 Jun

I Different Drum .It (‘atxu-ei Voltaire. I lpIII 3am. £4 I£3I 5 Jun. .\loIIIlil) New night \\ IIh a skeu ed take on Ilie cluh IoIiIiat \sitli Ilie 'l‘rouhle .l)Js III lull eIIch. With a ll\L' \lttm Iroiii Ilie Vectors and support from Ilic l’IIIiiitne l'rge [Us and their take on Ilic more obscure realms ol' rock ISonIc Youth. Melt Banana. l’eacliex L'lL' l.

I The Fun at ligo. lllpni .iani. £3. \Veekl}. Jon Pleased. Siiiiiiione Black aiid .\lot'gati are back pl;i_\Ing a last} selection oI house and garage.

I Genetic at ('IIrus (’luh. I lpIII 3am. l‘rce before I l..iI)pIIi; £2 alter \Veekl}. Still a might} popular soiree that

\litm cawx IIllCI'ItItlI\L‘. Ilttllc and lo-li. No smoking at the bar. mind.

I Groove Collective at Berlin lliei‘liaus. lllpin 3am. l‘rce. \Veekl}. House and ollier groo\ ex Iroin Ilie |)J tag team heliuid nights such as l‘risco Disco and Blast: .\lartiii Valentine. SIe\e Wanlesx. (ia\ .-\nderson. llarr). llugg} aiid Markell. I Livi at Bongo ('ltih. lllpin 3am. £6. 32 Ma} old}. A l'iindraiser lor Ilie l.l\l l’ure l5un Skate Part} Ia tree tuo-da) event III l.I\IIigstoIIi \xith plL‘lIl} ol' l)Js l.\'ast} l’. Richie Rullone. li\Ira. Ilie (‘oach and And) I)ohsoni. \liorl lilins. rainps etc. Plus Iuo lixe hands: l'IicIe John and \Vltilclock.

I MIBZ at (‘Inendish/lhxa, lllpni 2am. l‘ree before midnight; £3. Weekl). The best iIi l'S hip hop. ragga and Razll l‘roni 'l‘ee-TN'I‘ and Mr H. Returning alter a hriel~ hiatus bill hack uith Ilie same music you all lo\ed so much as the) take m er Iliis

I Nexus at Studio 24. lllpni 3am. £l. \Veekl}. A new night that mixes Ilie best of rock. metal. indUsIrial and goth \sith a touch ol~ cheese. From your hosts Smell). K}non. Ba/ and Ross.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge.

ltlpin 3am. £3. Weekly. Je/ Hill and Stexie (i uith timeless \ocal hoUse. disco and part} tunes.

0 Resolve at ligo. lllpin—lani. £5, 3‘) Ma} onl). A night to raise funds to hUIld Ilie Struan House School tor the Scottish Societ} tor Autism. .-\n ewrnng

shou casing lixe hands l-Fl’lan llidinhurgh lunk rap creu I and llouard Booker Bridges l(‘o|orado singer/songwriter). art. lilnis alid a [)1 set l'roin lidinhurgh based musician l’ekai.

I Snatch at the Liquid Room.

lti,3(ipni -3ani. £3.50 l£3i. Weekly. A lilth tixated l'unk'} disco-eurii-caharet. coniicall} conipered h} Mr llarr) :\lll\\\(trlll and deck manipulated In a cod tunk and hip hop st) lee h} Babes. Biggie and Spank}; lIs the start of a new era as Snatch as new compere Ton} Carter continues the good uork'. Last ever Snatch 2‘) Ma} llll\llC onl} I. to be reborn as Snatch Social and a u. hole new era for the L‘lllb.