yyould In some yyay be “distributable' an edition o1 photographic \xorks inspired by a \isit to Meiiyyith Hill. a [S spy station in North Yorkshire “ill be distributed throughout the shoys. Daniel Griffiths: Make Safe l‘ntil Sun 15Jun. Next uork m the l’roiect Room from Daniel (ii'illiths. Michael Craik l'ntil Sun 15 Jun. The first in a series ol protects highlighting an mdiyidual \york by a ('ollectiyc(ia1|cry member. l-irst up is Michael ('i‘aik.


41 l)ui‘.das Street. 557 ~15b‘). Mon l‘Tl 111.3llam 5.30pm; Sal 10.30am 5pm. Peter Nardini, Jacqui Orr, Sandra Steele and Bill Wright l'ntil Wed 4 Jun. Italian landscape paintings by Peter \ardini and Jacqui ()t'i‘ attd \ icyys ol' the W est coast o1 Scotland by Sandra Steele and Bill Wright.

DANISH CULTURAL INSTITUTE .3 1)ounc Terrace. 335 718‘). Mon l‘ri lllam 5pm.

Places, Patterns and Perspectives t'niil Hi 23 May. Paintings by Anette llarboe l‘leiisburg loL‘ttstttg on the space lk‘l“ ecn the \ci‘y concrete and the suggestiye.

Milena lionifaciiii.

Graceful and Green as a Stem Mon 3 Fri 37 Jtiii. (iraphical figuratch paintings by Milena Honifacini. N11W 81 low,

THE DAVID YOUNG GALLERY At Marie ('uric House. 3‘) Albany Street. J78 7050. Mon Sat lilam 5pm. Eric Cruikshank: Paintings for Green Walls l'iitil Sat 34 May. lidinburgh-based artist liric ('i'uikshank presents a shitty of new paintings.

lASl CHANCE lO Sl'l'.


lielford Road. 63-1 (i3()() (recorded information 333 3360). Mon Wed & l-‘ri Sun Illam 5pm1Thu lllam 7pm. Mario Testino: Portraits t'ntil Sun 15 Jun. [5 (£3.50): under 13s free. The only Scottisli shoyy ing of this major touring exhibition of photographs by one of fashion‘s most sought-after snappers. Mario TCslltto. Working extensively for View and creating adyertising campaigns for hiin profile clients such as (iticci and Versace. the Peruvian. London-based photographer has snapped a host of celebrities including Kate .\lo.ss. Madonna and the late Princess Diana. The exhibition is the fifth in a series of shows dey-oted to photographers but it lacks the punch and sheer quality of its predecessors “to id Bailey. Jtilitt l)eakin and Lee Miller.

The Jorg Schellmann Collection of Joseph Beuys Multiples l'ntil summer. A selection of the National (ialleries‘ recently acquired collection of lietiys' multiples.

From Picasso to Gilbert and George l'ntil Sun (i Jul (Keiller Library). A display of the (iallery's Special Books ('ollection. focusing on books made between 1930 and 1980. After Hours Thu 22 May.

5.3“ 7pm. The Allt‘l‘ Ilottl‘s programme of ex ents continues \y ith a tour of the Mario Testino .sltoyy‘ \y ith curator Philip Long.

Woman with her Throat Cut Mon 3 Jun. 13.45pm. lili/abeth (‘oyy‘ling from the l'niyersity' of lidinburgh discusses Alberto (iiacometti's piece.


18a Dundas Street. 557 5337. Mon »Sat ltlamr 5.30pm.

May Exhibition l'ntil Sat 34 May. A two person .sltoyy of paintings by Joyce Borland and l)ronma featuring landscapes.


11 (iaytield Square. 555' 7111).

Wed Sat 11am (rpm.

Franziska Furter l'niil Sat 3| May. A solo shoys ol drauings created specifically for the gallery by Syxiss artist l-‘ran/iska l'urter. The small selection includes Still. .. a 4-metre stretch ol paper \yhich has been painstakingly shaded in by l'urter but she leay es only a l'eyy lines clear to suggest lireysorks exploding in the sky, lJ—XSl CHANCE 10 SE. L-


b' Adyocatc's (low. 335 9371. Hall}

| 1.3(1am 5.30pm lclosed Wed i.

The New Wave of Primitivism l)om is an arts protect established m 1906 by a group ol international artists \yorking in Scotland. Willi a constantly changing exhibition of artyyorks. the gallery houses sculpture. stained glass and paintings by artists \y ho practise primitiye art.


(ia l)undas Street. 558 0363. Mon l‘ri 1()_3t)am 5pm; Sat l().3llam 4pm. Riverside Gallery Sat 31 May Hi 13 Jun. Stonehay eii's Riyerside (iallei'y presents a mixed slloW featuring sculpture by Anthony Morrow and Douglas ('ocker. paintings by (iot'doii Bryce. Jennifer l’ettigreys. Anne Murray and John Paul Raine and jewellery by Beyerly Moore.


311a 1)undas Street. 557 50113. Mon Fri ltlam 5pm; Sat Illam lpm. Andrew Fitzpatrick and Joan Gillespie l'ntil Tue 17 Jun. Recent figuratiye paintings.


33 l'nion Street. 557 347‘). Tue Sat Iliam (rpm.

Interactions l'ntil Thu 3‘) May. A portfolio of lithographs by t\\ elye artists published and created at lidinburgh l’i'intmakers. The artists \yhich include Anne Bevan. Bob (‘ro/ier. Kate Donnie. Hendrik Jonas. Brent Millar. l)a\id Shearer and Jill Tyson haye also submitted a piece of \york from their

tisual practice. be it sculpture or painting.


31 (ieorge l\' Bridge. 33” 5355. Daily ls’am llpm.

Mark Naftalin Mon 36 May Sun 15 Jun. ('olour prints documenting life in the Akha \ illage. a hill tribe at the extreme north of Thailand by Mark Naftalin.


(’orstorphine Road. 334 9171. Daily 9am (rpm.

Diversity of Wildlife in Art l'iiiil Stilt 3‘) Jtiii. An exhibition of paintings and drawings by a group of Scotland's most eminent \s ildlife artists.


liclles (iallery. liast 1"ettcs AVCHUC. 3.33 3381. Mon Sat 9am 7pm.

It’s not my Pigeon t'nul Thu 32 May. Sey'en artists \yot‘k‘ing within a range of disciplines present a group photography shoys which explores their shared interest in the use of photography \\ ithin artistic practice.


Sb’ l.othian Road. 33S 3bSS. l)aily

ltlam- - ltlpm.

GV4 l'ntil Fri 31) May. An exhibition of cral‘tyyorks by Janet Ahmed. (’hris ('obb. ('atriona Hepburn and Stisie Young. four artists from the (iary'ald ('eiitre \yhich offers creatiy‘e oprwrtunities to adults \yith learning disabilities.

East Coast Landscapes to New York Sat 31 May-Sat 3% Jun. Black and “hue photographic prints by Karen l)obsoii.


‘1 West Port. 331 1133‘ Daily noon ~pm CIA Nights [mil in 13Jtin 1~orest Arts cate celebrates its tirst anniyersary “ith a mixed shoys leaturmg a shrine to lilti-Tac and a collage ol the 3b dillerent logos used in their tortnightly neyyslettei


45 Market Street. 33.5 33b: .\lotl Sat 11am 5 311pm. Stiii noon 5pm

lnka Essenhigh l'nul Sat 34 May ('ai'toon-estiue liguratiyc paintings by \eyy York based artist liika lassenhigh inlluenced by Italian Renaissance iconography. Japanese l'kiyo-e prints and contemporary lllylllologlt's. 1:281 i’LllAN’JE ’0 Si:

FMG Collection: American Artists l‘ntil Sat 34 May. A small display ot \sot'ks draysn trom the l‘rintmarket (iallery ‘s art collection leaturmg \yorks by .»\merican artists or artist based in the ISA: Thomas Joshua (‘oopeix Sol l.c\\itt. Kiki Smith. Shirm Ncsllal and Yoko ()no.

0 Vision for the Future V Sat 31 May Sat 1‘) Jul. The filth instalment ol the l‘ruitmarket (iallery ‘s Visions lor the liuture programme leaturmg neuly commissioned \york by Michelle .\'aisimt1i and Beck's 1"utures 31103 \yiimer. Rosalind Nashashibi liased in (ilasgou and Nantes. .\'aismith's llt'“

\ idco All Rt’l'llfl' Alum/Ir Purim introduces a hybrid character inspired by a poodle and an lls’th century figures Mo/art. Sysiss psychic Anton Mesmer and (ierman philosopher Schopenhauer Nasliashibi presents 11c“ \yoi'k. Hummuuni set around British hospitals as \\ e|1 “ith recent films .llii/iii’ti and .lltr/ii'i'yl I‘ll'lrl. SL‘C Pl'L‘\ IL'W. Ni V'.” 81 l( )\.".’


46a Raeburn Place. 315 3003. Mon Sat lllam 5.3(1pm.

Spring/Summer Collection t'niil Sat 31 May. A neyy spring/summer collection of ieys e11ery by British and international designers.

Chinese Style l'ntil Sat 31 May. 'l‘raditional (‘hinese furniture and littddllas.

World Interiors and Summer Jewellery Sun 1 Mon 30 Jun. World interiors including mirrors. textiles. screens and furnitures and a selection of jets L‘llt‘ry. Ni W SHOV‘J.


Gallery and Shop. 77 1)undas Street. 556 315‘). Mon l-ri lllam (rpm; Sat

Illam 5pm.

A Brighter View l'mil Hi 23 May. A mixed shots of still life and landscape paintings by \arious artists including \yorks by Deborah Rayetl. Marion Thomson and Sarah Bradford.

Poetic Landscape Sat 24 May Tue 34 Jun. The (iallery celebrates its third anniyersary \yith an exhibition of landscape paintings featuring yyorks by Andre“ Watchorn. Jean Rodger. l’at Kramek and Virginia Syentek.


33a 1)undas Street. 556 3181. Mon l‘ri llam (rpm; Sat 1(1.3(1am 5pm.

Spring Mixed Exhibition (Part ll) l'iitil Sat 31 May. The second part of the (iallery 's mixed spring shou. featuring \yorks by gallery artists including landscapes. still life. scascapes. floral and figurative paintings.

Cats and Other Animals l'nul Sat 31 May. Animal paintings by regular gallery exhibitors lrom Scotland and abroad.


('astlehill. Royal Mile. 473 3000.

Mon Sun 9.30am lllpm.

Time and Tide l'ntil Tue ll) Jun. Will Silk curates this exhibition of uork by Margaret Mellis and (iraham Rich. On display “in be works from the 7(ls ()(Js by Margaret Mellis lbl‘H-ii. ys ho u as a central figure of the St lyes group. Rich

listings Art

\yorks \s ith tound obiects and creates landscape pieces


h ('arlton Terrace. 55h 4441 Want 5pm.

White l'ntil Sat 3 Jun An exhibition o1 \shite delicate. abstract paintings by James llugonin. (‘allum Innes. \\ inston RtK'lll and .-\ll\olt “all St‘t‘ It‘\ It‘“ Edmund de Waal l‘ntil Sat 3 Jun. A series ol large \\ lute gla/ed porcelain \t'sst‘ls l‘y l'idltltlltd dc \Vaal \\ll\1\t‘ \\olk is included in British Council. the (rails ('ouncil and the Victoria and Albert Mtiseuin collections See iey It‘“.

Inc Sat

INSTITUT FRANCAIS D’ECOSSE 13 Randolph ('iescent. 335 53M»

Mon Hi ‘1. Want h. 311pm. Sat

lllam 1.3llpm.

AII So Scots l‘ntil Sat 31 Jun. An exhibition ol photographs by lleiman Rodrigties \yhich explores the \arious ethnic communities in Scotland Documentary Exhibition .\Ittll

3 Mon 3” Jun A documentary exhibition looking at the lite and \sork ol composer lleclor liei'lio/.


()0 (‘umberland Street. 55S 0873,

Mon l'l'l lllam (rpm; Sat Illam -1pm. 20th Century Prints t'niil Wed 25 Jun. A selection ol 311th century prints lrom the gallery ‘s collection leaturmg \yorks by ('aulficld. l’asmoie and Paolo/Ii.

K JACKSON’S PUBLIC HOUSE 40 44 Lady [my son Street. 333 4384. Mon Sun noon midnight.

Fay’s New Broom t'ni'il Sat 34 May. A group slloys of paintings by Richard Battersby. Bill Roberts. Rabbiya ('houdhary'. Tim Stott and Aimee


_ Royal Scottish Academy

| 77th ANNUAL


City Art Centre, Market Street, Edinburgh

APRIL 26 - jUNE 1|

Admission £2 (£1 conc.) £4 season ticket School parties & groups by arrangement (T: 0131 529 3993) Open IOam - 5pm daily (excl. Sundays)

Sponsored by Maclay Murray @ Spens

The Royal Scottish Academy. |7Waterloo Place. Edinburgh EH1 3BG T:0|3l 558 7097 E: info@royalscottishacademyorg www.myalscottishacademy.org

22 l/la,~i J'ir1<:2’/,73THE LIST 93