Scotfairs Antique Fair \loit llall. \litchcll 'lheatre (‘ornplet (iram the Street. 3.53 55Il Warn 4 30pm Ll il rcct Broyuc stalls laden \Hlll (euellery. L‘Hlll‘s. linen. lllL‘tltil\ and antrquex

Father’s Day (ilaxgoyy Science (‘cnltc 50 l’acilit ()uay. 4305000 10am 6pm

9.6 50 (U 50: l);ltltllt'\ go tree on their \Pt't'lttl day \y hen accompanied by their little one\

Chinese Only Corner Bram-nt- Metro. 8 ('rmyyell lane. 338 8] 3|

j {0 4 30pm Inc It you are contident lll your Mandarin (‘hincxe then head doyyn to llll\ monthly meeting and (our in the chat,

Monday 1 6

Book events

Contemporary Writers Festival (iiltnorehill(i13. ‘) l'niycrxity .-\\enue. 330 5533. 7pm. £7 (£4) .-\ celebration ol contemporary literature with l’t‘dtllllgN and tlI\L’ll\\lttll lroni l.l/ l.ochhead. Jackie Kay and Helen Sunpxon

Other events

Tomorrow’s World Road Show Sl',( .( I. l'IlllllltNlttn Quay, 0870010 Jill)”. l0am 5pm. l'ree. .-\ tour-day celebration ol \ctence and innoyation leaturmg interactiye e\hrbrt\. tlt'lilttlhll'tlllttlh and \ltmys,

Tuesday 1 7

Book events

Contemporary Writers’ Festival (lilinorehill(il3. ‘) l'myerxity .-\\enue. 330 5533. 7pm. £7 (£4). See .\lon l6. 'l'onight'x literary gut-\tx are lattice (ialloyyay. Sheena \lacKay and lmtia/ l)harker.

Other events

Tomorrow’s World Road Show Sl:('(‘. l'inniexton Quay. 0870 040 4000. Want 5pm. l-‘ree. Sec .\lon 16.

Wednesday 18

Book events

Contemporary Writers’ Festival (iilmorehill(il3. 9 l'niyerxity .-\\enue. 330 5533. 7pm. £7 (£4). See Mon 16. ‘l‘onight'x literary guests are l)on l’aterxon. Alan Spence. James Kelman and Alasdair (iray.

Other events

Tomorrow’s World Road Show 8l{(‘('. l’innieston Quay. 08700404000. l0ain 5pm. Free. See .\lon l6.

Thursday 19

Book events

Orange Prize for Fiction llillhead library. Byrex Road. 33‘) 7333. 3.30 4pm. l'ree. A discussion of llll\ year's competitors tor the ()range l’ri/e lor l'lt‘lltfll \\llll llillhead Book (iroup. Poetry of Peace (ilaxgoyy Botanic (iardenx. 730 (ireat Western Road. 334 3433. 6.30 8pm. l-‘ree. l‘ormer poet-in- rexidence at the Botanic (iardenx (ierry l.ooxe (Ullh l’artick Library l’oetry (iroup to dixcuxx the Kaki tree. the only \ury iyor ol' the Nagaxaki blaxt. a sampling ol Much was brought to Scotland to be planted in the Botanic (lardenx.

Alan Warner (iilmorehill(il3. i) l'niyerxity .-\\enue. 330 5533, 7pm. £5 (£3.50). :\ screening ol .llori'r'rn (til/(1r l\ lolloyy ed by a quextion and tittx“ er \ewon \\ 1th the acclaimed author.


Contemporary Writers’ Festival (iihnorehill ('mema. 9 l‘niyerxity .-\\enue. 330 5533. 7pm. 9.5 (£3.50). Alter the screening ol the tilm Lemme. director Sandy Jonson and \yriter Danny Boyle \yill join a qllt‘\llt\ll and army er \t'xxittll.

Other events

Tomorrow’s World Road Show 8l{(‘(’. li‘innieyton Quay. 0870 0404000 l0am 5pm, l-‘ree. See Mon l6.


Fri 13—Sun 29 June

We pick out the highlights this fortnight so you don’t have to

Friday ‘13-Sunday 15

West End Weekend in Victorian and Edwardian Glasgow l'niyerxity tillililxgtm, the Boyd ()rr Building. 33‘) 8855. 9.30am 4.30pm. £30. lixpertx on (ilaxgoyy 's Victorian and lidyyardian \Vt‘xl lind present illustrated lL‘ClllrL'x on its hixlory. architecture. dccoramc arts arid l'uture deyelopment.

Saturday 14

IT Taster Session llillhead Library. Byrex Road. 33‘) 7333. lllanivnoon. Free. Learn ho“ to \url the net and discoy'cr popular \yebsitex. FORK Gala llall'penny Bridge House. opposite Botanic ('rexcent.

l lam 4pm. l-‘ree. A fun day with stalls. muxic. food and drink. puppet shon and magicians.

Dowanhill Park Fun Day l)oyyanhill l’ark. llayelock Street. Noon 4pm. Free. A tamin fun day in the park with pony ridex. traditional crafts and games.

A Walk through Old Partick Meeting point stated on ticket. Tickets from Barrens. 363 Byres Road 33‘) 0488. 7pm. £6.50. A guided walk through old l’artick with local historian Bill Spalding.

Monday 16 .

Alexander ‘Greek’ Thomson Walk Meeting point stated on ticket. Tickets from Barretts. 363 Byres Road 339 0488. 7pm. £6.50. Join Roger (iuthrie in a walk through the west end and discover the buildings designed by Alexander ‘(ireek' 'l'homson.

Annan Photographs of Glasgow and Charles Rennie Mackintosh llillhead Library. Byres Road, 33‘) 7333. 7 l0pm. l-‘ree. .»\ talk and slide show by Douglas Annan.

Monday Rhymes Brel. 3‘) .43 Ashton Lane. 343 4966. 8pm. liree. \"iy (ice and her strange mates return for some more cabaret.

Tuesday 1 7.

Rune Stones and Roses - Merchant Adventures of the Baltic llillhead Library. Byres Road. 339 7333. 3.30-4pm. Free. A talk and slideshow by lileanor .\lc.-\rthur. Industrial Archaeology of the River Kelvin Walk Meeting point stated on ticket. Tickets from Barrett». 363 Byres Road 33‘) 0488. 7pm. £6.50. Join John Hume on this walk along the natural gorge ol’ the River Kely in. an important part ol‘ (ilasgoyy's industrial hixtory‘.

Thursday 19

Scottish Islands - A Flavour of Skye, Orkney, Muck and Rhum llillhead Library. Byrex Road. 33‘) 7333. 3.30—4pm. Free. Talk and slideshoxy by Heather \Villimott.

Do you Remember When? llillhead Library. Byrex Road. 339 7333. 7—9pm. l-‘ree. RCIIIitiisCCilCCx ol‘ bygone days by lili/abeth Carmichael.

Call 0131 341 0844 or see for more details


DOCTOR WHO Forty on the Forth. Apex Hotel. 90 Haymarket Terrace. 661 8923. Sat 14 Jun, 10am-6pm; £25

A full 40 years ago. on 23 November 1963 the BBC broadcast a 23 minute television programme called ‘An Uneartth Child‘ and set in motion the beginnings of a new British institution. ‘An Uneartth Child' is better known as the pilot episode of Doctor Who, the science fiction show that ran for 26

Even universe- conquefing psycho-monsters need a cuppa now and then

seasons, from 1963—89, spawned two movies in the first decade of its run. a television film in 1996, plus books, audio plays. radio dramas. comic books. fan clubs, web sites and Gallifrey only knows what else. With nine actors. from the original William Hartnell through cinema‘s Peter Cushing to Paul McGann‘s one-off appearance in 1996, playing different incarnations of the good Doctor. the series can boast to be the longest-running sci-ti television show ever.

The time travelling Doctor may have been relegated to an audio, print and web-based existence only for the past seven years, but the Doctor. his gadgets (the TARDIS - it's bigger inside than out), his enemies (Daleks or Cybermen? | always found the latter more terrifying as a kid) and his assistants (from sexy Sarah Jane Smith to robot mutt K9) continue to please fans new and old.

Thus, all across the UK. in America and probably throughout the world. in alternate dimensions and different time streams there are celebrations conventions, book signings, BBC video reissues of the television show planned for Earth’s most famous alien visitor. Scotland gets in on the act with a Doctor Who convention, Forty on the Forth, taking place in Edinburgh this fortnight. Special guests include the actors Bernard Horsfall, Paul Darrow (Avon from Blake's Seven) and Hamish Wilson, as well as producer/director David Maloney. Now, just close your eyes and hum that theme tune.

(Miles Fielder)

Events are listed by date then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to edinburgh©, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar.

Book events

Alice Sebold “liter-stone‘s. I38 Princes Street. 336 3666. 6pm. l‘ree. 'l'hix talented author l't‘:ltl\ trout and signs her No latest noy elx. /.U\‘('/\ Bonn and I.!l('k\. .-\\ an acclaimed noyelixt \yho \\l'llL'\ \y ith unflinching honcxly. Sebold is utterly unnuxxablc. Read her \yot‘k or go see her noyy.

Colour of Black and White ()ttakar‘x Bookshop. l'nit l6. ('anieron 'l‘oll Shopping (’entre. 6 Lady Road. 666 l866. 7pm. Ll .'\\‘~;ll'tl-\\llllllllg_' poet and dramatist l.i/ l.ochead reads troni her neyy collection ol poetry. 'l‘heatre tanx \hould remember her re- interpretationx ol .llrwryerm at the Royal l.y ceuni and Ifmuri run! the HUM] at the iron.

Kate Queen's Hall. (.lL'rly Street. 668 30l‘). 7pm. £5. 'l‘he pioneering \yar correxpondent talks about her career and e\per1ence\. as recorded in her autobiography 'I'lu' Kim/mu n) Slut/terry. l'xclcxx tact alert: .-\dlc \lill ha\ part ot' a bullet lrom Sarajeyo lodged in one ol her toes serious and absurd but a \ign ol' a real troupcr. nonetheless.

Other events

Diversity of Wildlife in Art lidinburgh /.oo. ('orxtorphine Road. 334 ‘)l"l. 0am 6pm. liree. .-\n e\hibition ot' paintings and dr‘ayyingx by a group ol

Scotland's llltnl eminent \y ildlile :llll\l\ at llll\ popular permanent attraction.

Other events

Diversity of Wildlife in Art lidinburgh Zoo. (‘orxtorphine Road. 334 917]. ‘)a:n 6pm. l’rec. See 'lliu 5. Caledonian Brewery Annual Beer Festival (‘aletloman Brcyy cry. 43 Slatelord Road. 338 5688. Noon lain. £7. Sample a wide \L‘lcclttitt Ul beers lroin around the world. xeryed up “till international lood and ll\t' lllll\lL' courtesy ol Blind Ix'mmr.

Doing the Business Netherhou Arts (‘entre. 43 45 High Street. 556 957‘). I30 4pm. £6 U) (£4 £6). An IIINIglll into the business \ltlt‘ oi operating ;i\ a \tlcce\\l1d storyteller.

Book events

Courtyard Readings Sculllxll l’octry Library. 5 (’richton‘s (‘|o\e. (‘anongate 557 3876. 3pm. ()pen houxe to anyone

\y ho clt|()y\ reading and ll\lL‘lllllf_’.

Other events

Diversity of Wildlife in Art lidittbttrgh Zoo. ('orxtorphtnc Road. 334 9171. 9am 6pm. l'ree. See Thu 5. Gorgie Dalry Gala Day Muriexton l’ark. l)alry. 337 3353. Noon 4.30pm. liree. l’arnily tun Ill the park \ytlh magicians. liy e bands. sideshoyyx. kiddie karts. lace pilllllt‘h. uorkxhopx and entertainment for all ages.

Caledonian Brewery Annual Beer Festival ('aledonian Brewery. 43 Slatelord Road. 338 5688. Noon lain. £7. Sec l‘irl (i.

'- ",1 J! o’- 27/: THE LIST 99