Edinburgh life


Submarines, rainforests and butterflies

I Our Dynamic Earth Our Dynamic Earth offers an innovative and fun way of exploring the planet through interaction. You can experience the Big Bang as it w0uld have looked from space. feel the shake of an earthquake. dive into the ocean in a submarine. feel the chill of polar ice and experience a tropical rainstorm. Ho/yrood Road. 550 7800. Daily 70am—6pm. £8.45 (£4.95).

I Deep Sea World One of the most impressive aquariums in Britain. Deep Sea World offers a large variety of exciting activities. It is one of only a few aquariums in the world in which you can swim with sharks ($3100 per person per dive) and has a

1 12m long underwater tunnel. You can visit the incredible world of poisonous frogs. see the largest collection in Europe of sand tiger-sharks and visit the piranha exhibit. In addition. there are dain diver feeds and the chance to be an ‘aquarist‘ for a day a chance to join the Deep Sea World team for a day and help feed the sharks. Non/7 Oueensferry, Fife, 07383 47 I 880. Daily 70am—6pm. E 7.50 (535.50).

I Butterfly and Insect World This butterfly and insect sanctuary offers the chance to wonder through a tropical rainforest (whatever the weather) amid waterfalls and tropical. Surrounded by some the world‘s most spectacular winged fauna. Other attractions include the opportunity to handle snakes. spiders and other mini beasts such as millipedes and hissing cockroaches. You can also view a collection of deadly scorpions and poisonous frogs. Dobb/es Gardening World. Melville Nurseries. Lasswade. 663 4932. Daily 9.30am—5.30pm. £4.50 (£3.50).

100 THE LIST 1’"

Edinburgh life continued

Sunday 8 Talks Whores and Sores 'l‘ht- \\.tlt'lllllt'. lu llurgcxx Slrccl.l.cith.5513~135 l‘icc (‘iinictlicnnc illltl miiipcic Sux.iii \luiiiwn lt‘ttil\ lllL’SL' lllll hallo .l\ \hc Lit'klt'x lllc \L'Cillcl \ltlL' lllul l.t'llii “.15 [U Hllt't I’u‘lf til l/ii' It'll/i I'r'iliiir/ JUN."

Other events

Caledonian Brewery Annual Beer Festival (".ilcilniii.iii lilt'\\t'l_\. ~13 Slatcluril Rmiil. 22S 5(i-\.\ t" Set in ti Diversity of Wildlife in Art latliiiltiiigh [00. ('uixlui‘pliinc Rikki. 331 ‘)l"l. ‘liiiii (\plll lim- Scc Hut 5

Leith Mini Tattoo 'I‘hc \liiliiiuiwii ('iint‘ourw. l’lél/ld. 'l‘hc Shurc. l.citli. 551 .Kllhl. 1) Ill.3llpni. l'i’cc liit‘uipoiuting lhc Scwnlh :\llllll;ll (‘ci't-iiiuii} ill lit'dllllf.‘ Rt‘ll'L‘ill llll\ \pcctut‘ulgii lii'c \lltl“ \iilh lllll\lt‘ illltl tli'umiiiiiig iliuu \ to .i clim- tlic lil‘xl (lit) Ul lilL' Ct‘lL't'llt‘ l.L'llll l't'xllhtl :llll5

Monday 9

Talks Whores and Sores lhc Wilt-rink: Ill liltt'gt'xx Sll'CL‘l. l.t‘llll. 5.54 2435. l‘l‘CL'. SCC Sun S.

Other events

Diversity of Wildlife in Art liilinhui‘gli Kim. ('uixiurphinc Rngiil. 33-1 ‘)l7l, ‘);iiii (rpm. l‘l't't'. Scc 'l'hu 5. Walking Tour The Ship on 'l'hc Shui‘c. L1 If» The Show. 555 0-101). 2pm. £5 iHi. .\lcct :tl lliL‘ \lilp Ult th‘ Show ltt‘lul't' ciiiltui‘king on it \ l\ll to thc (iiill \llL‘. South l.t‘llll l’ul'lSll (lunch and limit) llutlw, I’rir! u/ l/Ir’ /.('l!/I l'i'ilii'u/ .‘UIIJ'.

Multi Media Workshop ('uniniplm il'oriiici‘l} ('luh Jiixui. ~1ll (‘iiiiiiiicrcuil Strch l.cith. 555 5622. 5.31) 3.30pm. l'i'L‘L‘ £3. \VL‘Cklung \mi'kxliup ilCHgfltL‘tl [it touch nc“ :igc lllll\lL‘ \killx :iiiil \ l\ll;tl ileigii.. I’url (it lhr' [1'11]! I'i'ilriul 3110.". Kite Flying The Link. 554 will. 7.30pm. l’i‘cc. \lukc :ind ilccurutc il kilc ul tour rm ii and ti} it on llic l.iiik\. I’urr u/ [with l'l'Ull'U/ .3003.

Celebrating the Diamond Jubilee \‘iii‘ioux \L'llllL‘S. l.crth. 55-1 57(il. 0pm. l‘rcc. l,Cllll l-'c\li\;i| :\\\0L'l;tll0ll and Slade it] l.t‘lllt CL‘lL‘ltrtllL‘ lllliSC “litNL‘ ll\L'\ \\ L‘I‘L‘ \pcnl in tho iliickx lllitl \xhiiling iniluxli‘icx, I’url n! It’ll/i I'i'ilii'u/ .‘UUJ’.

Tuesday 10


Whores and Sores lllL‘ “trim-lint: lu iilll'gt‘SS Strcct. l.Cllll. 5.5-1 3-135. l’il'L'C. SCC Sun .S'.

Fishy Tales ()uccn (‘hui’lotlc RUUIIIS. 5m Quccn (‘hui‘lultc Sti‘cct. 555 (infill. 8pm. £2 (U l. .-\n uhuxiw (il;t\\\t‘}_‘l;tll lixh. ;i ho} u Illl onl} lllllL‘ lUCS illltl ll HITC-L‘} cd ggingxtcr gippcur git llll\ )c;it"\ l.ctth l'imtmil CUUI‘IL‘S} ul \Vi'itci'x' Bloc \pokcn-uoi’il PCl‘lUl'lllilllL‘t‘ group. l’uri u/ Inf/i l-i'iiniil :()().\3.

Other events

Diversity of Wildlife in Art liilinhurgh 7.00. ('orxlurphinc Road. 334 ‘ll7l. ‘liiin (rpm. l‘i'cc. Scc Thu 5. Walking Tour ’l‘hc Ship on The Sliurc. 34 In The Shorc. 555 0-101). 2pm. £5 (Hi. SCL‘ Mon 9.

Celebrating the Diamond Jubilee \1iriutix \cnun. l.cilh. 554 5761. 0pm. l‘lL‘L‘. SL‘L‘ Mun 1).

Wednesday 1 1


Whores and Sores 'l‘lic \Vuicrlnw. In llllrgc“ Strcct. l.L'llll. 5.5-1 2-135. l‘rcc. SL‘L' Sun S.

Other events

Diversity of Wildlife in Art lidinhurgh Zoo. (’iirxtiirphinc Road. 33-1 1)] "I. 9am (ipm. lircc. Scc Thu 5. Walking Tour The Ship on The Shurc.

34 3h llic Sher-c. .555 01”” 2pm :5 it~1i SCC \litll ‘l

Playing a Blinder l .mt-i Raul. l: \llnnn l’Litc. Nil 1V5 " 3“ “pin luml pl.i_\\\iight -\iitlit-\\ l).illiiic_\ci\ hil.iiiuii~ \hnit l.ltll|‘ plu} \cl iliiiing \\ \\1 In gt't tit'kclx wntutt l’l.llllC \ltiiiiwii til Hilwrnmn l-untlmll ('lul‘ h} ciiiuil unl} .it L‘lllitl'll\tllll~-‘ llll‘t'lllldlllt to uk I’irr.‘ w' Iiii I: 13/1 If Him." SUN."

Thursday 12


The Leith Beneath! | cilh l il‘i.ii}. ZS 3” l-cii) Rtldtl. 52" 55l~ l‘l‘lll lict- John l .m \itll picxcnlx llll\ illuxtidlcil Lilk .iltniit \\li.il .iit’hucnlngixlx ll.l\t' ilixgmcinl .ll‘Hlll iiii'ilic\.i| l t'llll \ihilc cuxnulmg ground iiiigmci'cil h} icu'nl huiltliiig \wik 'tll‘l Hi {lit 1.! II]! It \lllil/ 31",.“

Whores and Sores lllL' \\.iicilinc. lu llurgcw Slim-t. l.cith. 55.1 2-135 ‘lpiii llt‘t' Scc Siiii .\‘

Other events

Diversity of Wildlife in Art liiltnltiii'gli [my (it\[\ltl[l\h||]k' Rikul. {1.3 ‘)l"l ‘ltini (ipiii l'icc Su- l‘hii5 Walking Tour the Ship on lllt' Slinic. 2-1 In 'l‘hc Shore. 555ll~1lN Ipiii L5 I131: SL‘C Mill] 9,

Big Word Performance Poetry l’lic lion. 1) liurilci‘ Squuic. lligh Slicct. 3% 0931. 1) llpiii, [3 till l'r'ciiclit~ \wi'il- Plil}t‘l' Ruh (iL'L' llt‘;ttlllllL‘\ llll\ llldlllt' L‘ill‘ill't‘l. \Hlll Sk}c l.uiicr';ig;in. li‘lziii Slcit‘hunl lllltl Slight} llnuui‘tl. .-\nit;i (imun miiipcrcx.

Talks Whores and Sores 'l'tic “kiwi-lint: In Bingo“ Sll'L‘L‘l. l.Cllli. .554 3-135. l'lk't'. St‘t' Sun X.

Other events

Diversity of Wildlife in Art litllllltltl'gll 7.00. (.(ll'SlUl'Plllllt‘ Rimil. ,3 3.1 ‘ll‘l. Urini (ipiii. l'lCC. Scc Thu 5.

Mini Science Festival ()L‘L‘illl ’l'ci'iiiiiiul. l.L'Illl. 555 SS'S'S. I30 5pm. l‘t‘cc. Science :iclix ilicx it)!" it” tho ltllllll). including l'un tllltl ll'llllt‘x with (‘licniiuil ('oiincctionx and the H 'N-tliiiiiciitiil

l’h) no team. I’url til Illf' l.('ll/l I'i'iliiu/ JUN}.

Bridging the Divides with Applied Storytelling \cthcrhim .-\rt\ (‘ciitiu 43 ~15 lligh Sll'L‘Cl. 55f» 957‘). 1.30 ~1plll. {(1 Wit-1 {(ii. Sliii‘}lclliiig \wi'kxhnp. Walking Tour The Ship on Thu Show. 3-1 30 The Short. 5550401). 3pm. £5 iLl1i, SCL‘ Mon 1).

Saturday 14


Whores and Sores 'l‘hi- \Viiicilinc. In liur‘gcxx Slt'ccl. l.CIth. 551 3135. 9pm. l'i‘cc. Scc Sun S.


Public Playwriting Workshop 'l'ruwrxc 'l'liczitic. (’;iiiihi'idgc Strccl. IDS Mil-1, 1 5pm, in it.’31 In correlation “lill \lcn‘ l)1l\L"\ '\ lmliiui Sir/limit. Ihc lrm pl‘L‘\L‘lll\ llll\ pl;i}\\ritiiig \\Ul'i\\lltip. looking :it the Ithpll'ulltlllS lur niiiking chuructcrx itlltl iixing lunguugc.

Other events

National Bike Week limit 33 Jun. \';iriuu\ \cnucx. liilinhurgli. ('untgict Nick ll;ll'\L‘} (HZ-13 543 SSS for more tlL‘lilll\. 'l'hix )c;ir\ llikc l-‘cxl ltlllh to lt'illllfL‘ more than unc thousand lik‘ttll) Urgtttilwtl L'\L'lll\. Scc \xuivhikmxcckurgiik for inorc tlL‘litllx. Diversity of Wildlife in Art lidinhurgh 7.00. (‘urxlurphinc Ruuil. 33-1 ‘)l"l. 9am (ipiii, l-rcc, Soc Thu 5.

Dr Who Convention: Forty on the Forth .-\pC\ llUlL'l. ‘lll ll;i)in;irkct 'l‘crrucc. Ilium (ipni. £25, Scc prmicu. Edinburgh Treefest lmcrlcitli l’urk. Arborclum l’lucc. 332 222‘). l lltlll 5pm. lircc. .-\nnu;il [\Hl-tltl} cclchrzitinn ul' lrccx :iiitl turcxlx t’ciituring crult‘. cntcrtuinnicnt.

\‘ll\lli‘lllll\'lll.tl \l.‘.ll\. \ll\l‘l.i\\ .iritl

Gala Day l cith l ink» I still. 555 15:1

l 3lli‘iii Ii1\‘lk‘l1iil\i\ll\uil:‘)'i;il‘llii\i\\‘ii “llll ll‘l\ \t‘li‘lllllll liii.ilc \\llll lll‘.‘ \\.‘.l. l.iiiiil\ lli‘ll\\ .llltl lllll\l\ 'U't ll :N: h 3W“.

One Midsummer's Evening Ruiil liniinit (Liiilcn. Imcilcilli Rim, 55.‘ ii ‘1 O \ 3l'piii :5 ~L-1i ~\lccl .1l \\cxt (lJlC lino} thc li«‘l.tlllt\ .il llicii Illi‘\l iti.;;.‘it.;'. .‘.\ the \liiiilt'llcix l‘llll1‘ In lilc lhcii l.t\«‘lllllt‘ ticcx .intl \ptxi.il plats

Ronak Weekend (i.ilt‘\\.i\ lift-.izzc. l llll l\’«‘\\. l cilh \\.lll\. 31. W3" ill.iiii 1 itlpiii ilt't' llll\ ncu inili.ili\c l\_\ l \lllll‘llli'll \lcl.i int hula (\t‘llh hid .it ll\ lll\'\

\[k'tlll\.ill_\ li'l _\Hllll‘.' l‘t'i‘l‘li' itg't‘il l‘ .“ llll\ \\ \‘t'ixt'lltl i'l llt't' \h'llolh‘l“ lt'il I‘lt‘lt'SSIt‘llJl .llll\l\ int liiilcx pcilniiiicix lllx. \licct ili.iiii.i. lintc .lllil ('liint'u' [it'lt'lhflt‘ll ,l\ \xt'll .n il\ll\ lll\‘\ lui llic \lt'l.i l.l\lllt'll \htm liilt'it‘xlt‘tl l‘.llllk'\ \hnulil

tiiiitud l iliiiltiiigh \lt'l.i i‘ll ill 3I 55‘ ltuu

Other events

Diversity of Wildlife in Art liliiilniigli /in\, (‘nixtniphiiic Riniil. 3i1 ‘H‘l ‘Liiii (ii‘iii lin' Sci' lliii 5 Edinburgh Treefest lllM'llt'llll l’.:il.. \ll‘t‘lt'llllll l’|.i\i'. 33.‘ .‘.‘.“l l|.iiii 5pm i'lt't' \t't‘ \ul l-l Ronak Weekend ( i.ll\‘\\.l_\ llimlit'. l llll Ru“. l t‘llll \\.ilk. 3|" 3"“) ll|.iiii 1 illpiii l‘lt'k' St't‘ S.” H

Monday 16

Diversity of Wildlife in Art laihiiltuigh [in ('uixtniphiiit- Rinul. N1 ‘H‘l ‘Mlll (\pllt l'lL't' St't‘ lhii 5

Wednesday 18

Other events

Diversity of Wildlife in Art ltiliiiltuigh Am. (‘nixlnipliiiic Rinitl. 3‘1 VI"! ‘kiiii (ipiii i'lk't' Sci-'l'hii 5

Thursday 19

Other events

The Royal Highland Show Rum! Highland (‘cntitz llllethII. 3i5 (Gill! Siiiii Spin {l5 «Lllli. .it't‘uiiipunicil t‘hililit'n llt't' .\iiiiu.i| .igiit ulliii;il |.tl|ll\i|lt‘\‘ tliul h;i\ t'xlultlhht'il itwll .l\ lhc highlith nl Suitluiiil'x \(‘llllll'\\ltlt' txilcnil.” Crafts from Scotland Marquee Ringil Highland ('cnlit'. llij.‘l|\ltlll. ‘35 (illlll ‘hiiii h 3tlpiii .\ ili'ilitulcil \l.lll\ martini-c llHlll il) 3|) lcutiiiiiig t‘iiiilt'iiipnigii} titlll. ilt'xigii .iiiil .iiiui-ikx Diversity of Wildlife in Art l‘.illlll\tllj_'ll [Hit(itll\llillll]1|lt' l<tl,ui_ i 1.1 ‘)l"l ‘luiii (ipin llt't‘ St't' NM 5

MARVEL-GUS NEWS The Sci-ti Channel has launched Britain's biggest Ultimate Gaming Competition in association with the game, the HULK, to tie in with this summer’s blockbuster movie about Marvel Comics' big green guy. Open to everyone, the Sci-Fi Channel's Ultimate Garner will be played on cinema screens across the country, with a grand final at UCI Leicester Square on 5 July. The competition kicks off in Edinburgh at Virgin, 125 Princes Street on 13 June before lucky qualifiers thrash it out on the big screen at UCI Edinburgh on 28 June. Get in quick though, as the deadline for competition entries is 8 June. With prizes worth over £50,000 up for grabs, this is well worth a gamble.

I Check out wwwscifi-u/timate gamer. com Or call 09069 722 644