Film index

0 lgby Goes Down n is...” iBurr Steerx. ('8. 3003: Kieron (‘ulkirr SUxan Sarandon. Ryan l’hillipx. Bill Pullman. Jeff (ioldblum lthin Seventeeii-vear-iild lgbv 4(‘ulkini ma) come from a privileged background. but he loathex hix ruinouxlv xelf- abxorbed mother Mimi iSarandoni and hix ultra- materialixtic Republican brother ()liver il’hilippei llix xchi/ophrenic [)ad tl’ullmani hax long xince been confined to a home for the befuddled ' 'lhrovvn out of countlexx expenxive educational extablixhiiientx. lgbv pilterx one of hix Mum'x credit cardx and holex up in Nevv York. craxhing at the pied-a-terre of liix L'Utixptcuotixlv xuccexxlul gixlfathcr l)ll i(ioldblumi. along vvith the latter'x volatile choreographer mixtrexx iAmaiida l’eeti, Hanging out vxith a qutrltv Jevvixh girl. lgbv railx agaian the phoninexx of the adult vvorld Steerx liax a talent for vxriting acidl_v amuxing dialogue. The film alxo xide-xtepx the clichex that befall xo man) cormngof—age picturex. b_v vvithholding an) ximplixtic moiiieiitx of redemption from the central narrative. Yet dexpite the acting talent at hix dixpoxal. and the man) creditable perforinancex. Steeix never quite makex Ux feel for hix creationx. lt'x an aing film. vv inch ix catixticall) entertaining vvithout ever achieving a tragic diiiienxioii See revievv. Selected relmu' Ignorant Fairies (le fate lgnoranti) i Ito O. il‘er/an ()Ipetek. Italy/France. 300i) Margherita Buy. Stefano :\L‘Ctir\l. 105mm. A vv'oinan‘x hUxband diex and xhe dixcoverx among

hix belongingx a letter from liix lover of a number

of )earx Wondering vvho thix iiivxterioux lad} might be. xhe iiivextigatex and tindx not a woman but a man and. b_v exteiixion. a gav milieu in vxhich xhe becomex increasing!) lll\t)l\‘C(l. 'lhere'x nothing reallv vv-rong Willi ()Ipetelt'x film. but it feelx like a vvork of tlieraiiiv. an eiiiotioiiallv neat and lid) xtud_v of tlic‘xx) livex. (il'7. (ilrtiguu.

I’ll be There (12” O. i(‘raig l‘t‘fguunl. l'K. 2003i (’raig I’erguxon. ('harlotte (‘hurch. Jeninia Redgrave ltlfimin. One night millionaire rock xtar Paul Kerr getx pixxed and drivex hix motorbike through the upxtairx vvindovv of liix manxioii. lle xurvivex but getx xectioned in a mental home. llix old girlfriend Rebecca iJemma Redgrave) readx about him in the nevvxpaper and .xhe hax to confront the truth that her lb-yxmold daughter ()livia (Charlotte (‘hurchi ix hix daughter. too. Likeable but highly forgettable comedy. noticeable only for being the film debut of the voting Welin diva. See revievv. (ieneml release.

The Inner Tour tcen ihci (Ra'anan Alexandrovv icl. lxrael/l’alextine. 200i i 97min. tixcellent documentary firxt xcreened at the 2()()| [Edinburgh l‘ilin Fextiv‘al that followx a privileged group of Palextinianx vvho. before the recent violence. vvere allovved to revixit their old hoiiielandx on the lxraeli xide of the fence. Dexperatelv moving and xad. film/innit: Iii/irihurgli.

lntacto 4 l5! 0... tJuan (‘arlox l‘rexnadillo, Spain. 2003) Max Von Sylovv. [itixebio Poncela. leonardo Sbaraglia, Iti‘hnin. l-‘rexiiadillo'x avvard-vviiining debut feature ix a futurixtic. iiietaphvxical thriller. vvhich imaginex a univerxe vvhere luck hax become a material coiiiiiioditv vvhich can be bought. xold and xiolen. lt'x a clever blend of .xcierice fiction. crime thriller.

advertising scientist...broadcaster worker...chiIdminder...counse|| teacher...electrician... financial adviser...graphic designer...gym instructor...human resources

road movie and romantic drama. vxhich vxliile xuggexting that xo-called ‘good luck' might be an avv ful curxe. alxo xerv ex ax an allegor} tor the gulf belvveen rich atid poor Alle‘lltlrul bv voii Svdovv 'x eerilv calm performance. vvhich bringx an important depth of huiiiaiiitv to the table. Intuetn xhould be xeen novv. before the inevitable lltillvvvtxxl remake dilutex itx pleaxurex. ('(Z-l. (iluvemi; Film/wine. Edinburgh

Into the Deep il'i tVarioux. l'S. 2(l)l I Min tbc. Put on your 31) glaxxex to xvvim vvith colourful (iaribaldi xtai'fixh and xharkx; plav tag vvith xea lionx and obxerve rarelv xeen bchav tour of xqtiid and other creaturex. /.ll.'l.\'. (iltivemi Iran, Veiled Appearances teen tbci t'lhierr} Michel. Belgium. 3002) ()tlinin. Documentar) portrait of Iran at a turning point iii itx hixtorv. vvith fundamentalixiii on the me and the grovvth of outxpoken )Ullllt iiiov ementx. Film/tome. lidinhureli.

Jerry Magulre t l5i t(‘ameron ('rovve. l'S. [996i Tom (‘ruixe. ('tiba (iooding Jr. Renee Zellvveger. llb‘min. (‘nnxe ix perfect ax xportx agent Maguire. vv ho xuddeiilv findx himxelt otit of a Job vv hen he vvritex a mixxion xtateiiient calling for hix colleaguex to redixcover the xiiicerit} of the biixiiiexx. With oiilv one client on hix bookx t(ioodingi arid the loval Doroth)

.. If

Balzac and balderdash

ilellvvegeii tor affection and xuppoi‘t. he xoldicix on and. of courxe. becoiiiex a better peixon for it all. ('rovve'x picture ot an .'\lllL‘l'lx‘.l crippled b) a lack of genuine iiitiiiiacv givex the film a maturitv that‘x rarel_v xccn in teelgood xtar vcliiclex ('(i(‘ Ri'nlt'i’ii Street. (i/iiveim

Jiyan tcert tbci IJatio Roxebiaiii. Iraq/l 'S.~\. 2002i Kurdo (ialali. l’ixlieng Ber/incl. (‘oiiiaiL llavvranii. 04min. l‘l\C _vearx alter the terrible bombingx at llalabia. l)ivaii. a Kllftll\ll/.'\lllt'l'lc’;lll returnx to hix home tovx ii to build an orphanage. He meetx tip vvith old triendx and makex nevv oriex. one of vvhom ix hunt. a tenv'vear-old orphan l-i/m/inuve. I'jtltliliurgli Johnny tl’( it . il’ctct Hovvitt. l‘K. Sixth Rovvaii Atkinxon. Natalie liiibruglia. John Mallxovich. 37min. l’eppered vvith \lr llean-dfle xlapxtick. thix xtor_v involvex agent linglixh’x attempt to xave dear old Blight} from a daxtardlv plot cooked up bv evil l-renchie l’axcal Sativage. 'l‘otallv inept in the taxlx. tinglixh ix bailed out of nuiiierable title mexxex b) hix underling llotf and liix love interext. Interpol agent Lorna ('anipbell t.\'atalie liiibrugliai You can we each dixaxter coming a mile off. but xoiiiehovv that docxn‘t xtop _vou hiding viitir lace iii xhame vv hen the) happen. (immi/ re/mu'

The Jungle Book 2 «ti ee iSic-vc manager...journalist...key grip...

lab secretary...linguist...midwife...musician...nursery administrator...outdoor pursuits instructor...photographer

...paramedic...quality producer...resort steward...trainer...trans|ator... tourist information centre student ...vehicle body repairer...welder...xylophonist...youth worker...zoologist

who do you want to be?...

32 THE “81' 5—19 June 2003

ltc'ttl‘tt’ilt. l N. If": \t‘tct‘x HT .lvii‘it‘. (itxxliiiaiz. llaicv th'ltlxiiietit.\1ac\\h:::::.::: 'I:'.ii:'. \1l gli hax lett the itzzigic to become e:\:lixed ii:

the village lliit. feeling cv‘l‘Aliatlic‘xi bv the :iziex

and regulationx at v diacc- illc‘ if’x no! l~‘tt;_‘ before hc'x back xvxzvigarg from the \iizex picking prickiv g‘avx :‘a‘vvx and. xztzgziic .i?\‘tt'. The

'llare \ecexxitiex of l rte" lvei: zhoxe vvho loved the original lhxnev xl.t\\l\ vviii tch llllit'il\ itixtiitcd at xeeiiig the xhovv re :izz'. '-\1'.l‘. ttzc‘ \.'.It‘ic'

xoncx. xaiiie charactcrx .1 id xaiiic xiv lc of .zltttttatti‘tt \.itllv. th:x at: exert :xe 1:1 :epai iioxtalgia iii itx place in m r. .. ..wt Kangaroo Jack l’ti tuna \tc\.it:\ t x .‘W‘I Jcttv (l't'oniieil \iifhniiv \ntlcixon. (‘hiixtophei “.dkcn Winn; luv wid palx trivia lilikthl}tt. a haii xtvlixt and a vvarinabe iiitixte:.;:i it H oiiiiell and -\iidcixoi1-. land deep iii it vvzti: the \evv \oik mob and are toiecd to dchvci MINA!“ around the xvoild to \iixtialia llltct‘ dovvii unde the bov x take in the \‘llil‘dx i. but. vvhilc dickiiic around vv ith a kaiigaiixx tlic bouncing rabbit llt.tixt‘\ nit vvith a baxeball iacket the MINI“ l‘llclxx \\ hat on earth ( ~liiixtopliei “alkcii ix doing vvith all thix ix aiivoiie'x cucxx. but ltt'l\ here iii tliix btiddv iiiovic \lllll eiitiie coined} (it In lilf It h ..‘w

Leaving I“ -S.iiitlv .li'llllmtll. l ix. l"\ H Um tbe \\ iitten bv l).tHIt\ llov le it tcltx the tale of llllL'C ( itt‘t'ttmlx lxivx vvlio lace lite arid deatli ax thcv prepare to leave xcliool in I‘Wt Quitttaxtie -\ dixctixxioii vvith tlic \lllt'cli‘l and \viitci. t haired bv '\l.t\\l.llt (iiav vvill tollovv the film

(fl/I'lt'lt hit/til: (,i'tiveim.

The Leopard l‘ C... II llvllllli' Vixconti. llal}. l‘thii lliiit l ancaxtci. ( 'laudia (lirdiiiale. \laiii |)c|oii lV‘iiiiii (lldtdx‘lt‘ll\llc.tll} lavixh \ ixeoiiti adaptation ot (iitixeppe |)e lattlllk'xltlxrx cl.l\\|\ novel ot tlic Italian Rixoigiineiito hax a xplcndid lliiit l.aiicaxtci ax the piiiicc ot \alina lt‘llt‘xlllt}' iiiouinlullv on the me ot the lwiigeoixie \vhcn liix iiephcvv l)e|oii iiiaiiiex iiieichaiit'x il.ttl;‘lllc't (‘ardinale l'ndeiiiablv ovciloiig and rather xlovv iiiov iiig. Vixcoiiti'x ll.lllxlllll_‘.' ot the epit tiiial ball xequence ix a further deiiionxtiatioii ot hix iiiaxteiv of compoxitioii tor the vvide xciceii and liix later conception ot ti'iii ax opera li/ni/iuiiu Int/iriliiueli

Life and Debt i Mi: iStephanic lllack. l S. 201)] i bbmin laxcellcnt doeiiiiieiitaiv c'\.tlllltlltl_l' the eflectx of globalixation on third vvoild countricx. in particulai Jamaica llle/lt'tlu'. I‘aftIl/NUQII

Lilya 4-EVCI'1 lb'i m. tl tilcax \1txxl)xxiiii.vacdcttsl)ctllttatlx. NIH: t )lxxalld .'\lxlll\llllld. .-\rtiom liogiichaixkii. litibov Agapova llt‘hnin living on a dilapidated houxing extate iii an uiixpecitied citv ol the former Soviet l'nioii. l5 'H'dt'illtl l.i|v.i |.’\lxlll\lllll.ll ix tirxt abandoned b_v her mother. then moved bv her aunt from lici coiiipaiativelv cox) flat to a filth) hole and linallv forced to turn to proxtitution Hope ix given b} lil'va‘x burgeoning tr'iendxhip vx itli another rciectcd child. but thix ix all too xhor1 lived ax Moodvxxon digx deeper into the ;ib}xx. revealing liix true purpoxe a graphic expoxc of laiiiopean xex trafficking With Mixidvxxoii’x unflinching direction and Alanxhina'x lt'llldllxdl‘lt' performance in the leading role. it packx a punch that leavex vou reeling H '.l, (iliivemi. (ii/rim I'afiIi/tiu'e/i

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