Film |181111’1f;

Ddeon City Centre: Glasgow

V1R1-11111-I1I \111'1'11‘IHI “2 1-1I1 I11I11 .1111I ('(' I11111L1111~ 11\‘11<11<111111“ 1|).

\LIL'L'II\ $11, ~.1111I \ \1IllII LI H; \ll11I1'111/I IN” 1 i *1) 1| 11 \11111. 2} 1\I1111 II1111 ('I11I1I11111I1‘1 I‘ L2 ‘H.

\1-1111111111/1'11 L‘ ‘11

II II) 1.1!"

Bringing Down the House II \1 I 1111. 1111. (15.111111

Darkness Falls1l<1 31111. .1 1%. NH HowtoLoseaDuyinlDDays113\1 13111. <|<.1.1111.,\11i The Hunted11<1 .‘1111_ 1 <11. 1) IR

Kangaroo Jack11’111 31*. -1 K11. (1-H The Matrix Reloaded11<1 1.1%. 3.111. .1 ii i111 ".1i_ 5 {1) PhoneBooth1I<1 111i Ripley’s Game11<1 1.? =11. x111 X-Men2113.\1

11 111.


1111. (11111. 1111 i111 5111

II’IIIU'K/ I1 IIflJI’fiIx/‘x‘r/ 71

Adaptation 1 H1

V1111]- | £11. .11111. (1111. 111111 Anger Management 1 141

I'111k 8.11 I ~15. -I IS. (11*. ‘I I 81111 'Il111 IIIH. H11. (1H. Ni Bringing Down the House 1 1.?.\. Hull) 13‘”. U“. (1.”. ha”. Darkness Falls 1 1<1

Hull}: ‘HNI

The Hot Chick 1 1:.\1

.\I.111111'c l'1'1 I111: 'I'I111: I3. {1). How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days 1 1:.1\1 I'11 I111‘. “111: H5. (1111). NH

The Hunted 1 1R1

I)111I_\: 11111111. 2.15. 4.111. The Jungle Book 2111 .\l.111111'c 5111 1k $1111: I (1111 Kangaroo Jack 11*(11 I);11I)Z SIS. III), (1.115. .1\I\11111;11111c1' S111 1\ 51111: 11111111.

11.15. 11.1111.


The Matrix Reloaded <

I111\ \111 l_‘1< fl“ 15 <11. 1119 \111 111< \‘1111 II111 '0' _‘ I11 ;;~' \ ‘111 ';\

Ripley’s Game 1‘. I).11Ij. {<11 1, ]<_ \Ix11111.:11r1c;” 11111 X-Men211.‘ \1

I11.\ \.11 11111111 11111.1.1111 \1111 II111 “I

I’111j.:111111111cI1I11'I} 111I11'x11111I.111111I1c 1111-‘.11111\\1.1'1'I1 I’I11111c |'\ ‘1' ‘15" 11H" 1111 1I1‘l.11I\.1111I111111'\ \1'1‘. 111111\ 1I11c 11111111'11 1111 I11 I I1111

Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met ond (tbc)

Identity (15)

A Guy Thing (12A)

Showcase: Bias: 1 East

.\I111\1.1’.1\1' I 1‘1x1111' |’.11|\. I .1111'1111111 |\’11.11I. (‘11.11I1111I1'1' |11111I1111‘ III_‘§11I‘\II¥1 ('(' |11111L11111 111.‘ :11 11x111111 1|); fl} 131111 1L" i1|I11-l1111' (111111 \I1111 I11. 111\1 \l11111. 8.11 \11111\ I111l11I.11\1

(‘I11I1I ()\I’ \1111I1'11l 1“” Bringing Down the House 1 If. \1 11451111. .‘1111. < 111. "111. 111W Darkness Falls 1 I<1 " 1i. 11<< The Hot Chick 1 I.‘ \1 1311i .‘. 1*. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days 1 I? \1


1‘5. 1%. 111111

Johnny English1l’111 11 111.11.]. _‘ :11. .IQ‘ " IQ. 113§

The Jungle 800k21l 1 11111111. .‘ I‘. 1115. 5 5H

Kangaroo Jack1l’111 13111. 3 3%. 1411. ‘11

The Matrix Reloaded H1 111 111.1111. II “Hum. II “1.1111. I3 NI. III”. I I”.

31111. 3.111. H11. .11111. .1411. <1111. $111. 11111 *1111. :11. 51111. x111. 11111. 1111111

Asuko Kurasawa in the deeply erotic Snake of June

Old School H «1 :11 Phone Booth z< <1. Ripley's Game 1* 11 him; 5 m-

.L\ VIQ 1);§

S Club: Seeing Double 111 1.‘ h

K-Men 2 1.‘ \

21111 L111 ‘1111‘ ‘111

I]1111‘;;1‘ 11111 }i11

1111111 311:11

Anger Management 1<

I).11I\ II 1311111 l.‘ .‘H. .‘ .‘1'. .‘ 1*. H? <19 11:9 111111 \lx11|.111'I111\ \11 l.‘ 111.1111. I.‘ “.1111 Bringing Down the House 1 .‘ \


Huh II “.1111, _‘ I11 I”. '111. [1111;

\|\11|.111' I11 .\ \.11 l.‘ 111.1111 Darkness Falls 1R1

H.111} I” I11

\|\11 1.111' I 11 1\ \.11 I.‘ |*.1111

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days l.‘ \1 1111111 1111. '3 The Hunted 1\1 Huh II “1.1111, 11 111'

\|\11I.111‘ I11 .\ \.11 Johnny English11’111

H.111} II “1.1111. 3‘11. 12*. "IT. 11“&

\I\11I.1l1'I'11.\ \.1l II I‘

The Jungle Book 211 1

I).1II} II 15.1111. I: DU 3 S Kangaroo Jack 1111 11

i).11l} I: III. I 3*. H11. ".711 The Matrix Reloaded 141

H.111} II111L1111. l| “1.1111. If M. .‘1111. 3. :11. H11. 111111. 1:11. R1111. 4:11. (1HI_ “1111."i11.x1111.xi11. U NI. lllllll

\I\11 I11l1' I ll 1\ \.1I 11 <11

Phone Booth 151 |)_11|1 11 R11 \I\11I.1l1‘ I‘ll 1\ \ll

‘;(1 3\\ “\

I.‘ 1|‘11111

11111. 111111.



Ripley's Game 1 ~'

II.::1\ II I‘.11':, .‘H‘ l 1‘

\) Li.

\IM‘ I.‘.It‘ I II 1\ \11'. I‘_;t1

X-Men2 1.‘ \

II.,Z:‘\ 2"" Il'i' '1111 I111"! I’111.'1..::11::1'321.1% 2113\w111.:‘..:1111f:c In". 11111\ ‘11 I‘I111111‘1'I1‘V1 1111111117

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l o \

Bringing Down the House l \-

II ‘*.1111_ _‘111. |1111\ Darkness Falls11\1 ‘1\" 11%“

Hope Springs11.‘ \1 2“ TheHotChlck111‘\1 11 11.1111 .‘1111 1.‘\- '|\ 11:11

How to LoseaGuy iniD Days111‘\1 Iii. I11 111R

Johnny English 1111 11 #111111 .‘ 111, 11x. TheJungleBook21l1 11 111111 11* #1111 :8

KangarooJack11’11- 1.‘ 111 .‘ 1111 '.‘11. 11:11

The Little Polar Bear1l |_‘ <§_ _‘_l\‘

The Matrix Reloaded \1

\ 111_ ‘1‘

I.‘ ‘H V‘ \\ \ :11

' 1". 11_‘\

I I I“ I.1I11


I111). [£11. .‘1111. 11111 1111. \1111 "‘1111. ‘111. \1111. |111111 Old School11*1 I.‘ .‘\ .‘ 111 \m

111. 11% PhoneBooth1I~1 '\11_‘1\11 SCluh: Seeing Double1l’1'11 I“ l‘. .‘ 1i 1 1i X-Men2113\.

IIINI.1111_ I H“, I"!

111111. 1.111. '1111. “111. 1111111. |11§11 ,._::.,'.., '..- ;. h Anger Management 1 1%1 I).11I1 II -I*.1111. I.‘ .‘H. _‘.‘H. .‘ 1‘.

-I-I§. *Ii |11|11 \|\11|.1l1'l111\ \.11 I.‘ II|.1111, I‘ “.1111 Bringing Down the House 1 1 .‘ \ 1

I).11I} |I**.11111 3-111. III 'I*. IIHH

\Iw I1111' I11 1\' \.1l Darkness Falls I *1 11.1111 1.‘ <11. 311‘. i111. ‘1‘» .-\|\11I.1l1‘ I111\ \.11 I.‘ “4.1111 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days 1 1.‘ \1 I).11|} -1-l11. |11_ 111R

.\I\11I.lIL' Ill1\ \.1I I.‘ .‘IMIII

The Hunted H1 I).11I} II “1.1111. U .111

\I\1| I1lIL' I ll 1\ \.1l Johnny English 1111. I).11|_\ ll “1.1111. .‘ W, 11-15 'I‘. 1) 3i

,\I\11I.1l1'I111\ \11 II 1"

The Jungle Book 2 1 1 I).11I_\ II I<.1111. I I‘. Kangaroo Jack 11111 I).111\ |_‘ I11. I 3‘. -1 <11. " 211. ‘14“ \IMI I1IIL' I II 1\ \AI II III

The Little Polar Bear 11 1

I).11I\ III|<;1111. |.‘. *3 .7 RII

The Matrix Reloaded 1 I <1

I‘. 71*. ‘I I“.

I.‘ I“.1111

.‘ <11. Hi

I.‘ 11*.1111


l).11l\ 111111.11“. 11111. 1 111. 31111. .11111. .1111. <1111. “1111. "111. x1111. 1111111

\1\1.l.111-1111\ \111 111111. 111111 Did School1151

I).11I_\ "-111. "*4

.\I\11I.111‘I'111k \.11 13 l‘.1111 Phone Booth 1 1<1

Hal} -1 1*. "<11. |11111

\Ivl I1IIL' I 11 1\ 8.11 I: 331111

S Club: Seeing Double 111 ‘11

I).11I_\ ll 21111111. I K X-M8fl21l_‘\1

[)111I} 11111 .11111. "1111 |111111

I’111;_'1.11111111'I1I.1-I} 111I11'x11111I.111111I11' [111'1.11111\ uni I’I111111'UI-1I \\“ UNI I 1111 \IL'I11II\ and 111111'\