Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to cIubsglasgow©, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803. Glasgow listings are compiled by Johnny Regan.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Bed-Sit .It lilanlxt IIIIIIIII'II} llI'IlI llptn KIIII I_1II_‘I \\I-I-lIl_\ llIII) \lIlltz'IIn pIo‘. lt I'x IlII' xIIIIlI'nt I.I\oIIIIII‘x III tlII- lIIII‘lI l‘L'Illt'lllll .lllll \IoII ‘l IngI-Ix' \lI \ltll.III IIII\I'x up .I onIIn III tlII' ltonl III-Iltootn

I Bennet’s .II l‘k'llllk'l.\ llpIII {Inn 9_ l IIV.‘I Mull} (Ia). InI\I'Il. xIIIIII'lIt \‘.ll~I I .III‘\' lIle lt.I\I‘ .I ltlIIIIIl} g'IHIIl lllllt‘. l‘k‘lll‘lk‘ \lI.I\In lo\ lll_‘.'l'\ |.I_\x ll(‘\\ll IIII- I Io\-.Il pII-axI'Ix Ill tlnx I'\I'I popular llIII lllt'lll lll.l\ll up \nntc .leo pIo\ IIlI'x lII;'lI oI l.lllk' tunI‘agI'

I Carnival at lI.Ix|I Ill illpIII lain. I l IL‘I \\k'k'l\l_\ \ \wckl} IIIIuIlI gIIIx .It IlIIx I‘lIIxxII xIIIIII'nt \k‘llllk' l)l l\’Hl\I'tl llll\\‘\ up lx’.\ll. \Ilnlt' \tI-wn llroun lll.l\l\ out tlII' I IIIIIIn‘ lltlll\t' .IIIIl IIoIl} t'tInIlIn' l .ItIno III'IIIx llII'on .leo .I lnl ol lxIIlIllllxk'. ll IIIIIt lloatx )IIIII boat

I Columbian III IIIc \x) lIInI llayk lx’ootn .\pnI latn ltu' to(’l Sl IIII'IIIlu'Ix. LI otIII'IquI' \M't'kl), l’ut onIII- l‘II'Illxlll. lunk III Iotn lllllllx \IIIII t|IIx I'IItI'IIIIIIIIII;' nIgIII ol xIIIIlI‘nI IIIIIIlIII'xx

I DogGod .It I) llat iIInI. L.‘ \\I'I‘l\|) \I'\\ IIIglII ol I‘I‘II'I'III'IxnI III tlIc l‘t‘tlllllllll I'Iult IInIlI‘I ('oIInIlItIIn, lt'x III-I‘II I‘onI'Il loI .‘IgI'x. and no“ IlII'} ‘II‘ I'I'Ittng h.ka Into IlII' gloow l’IuI‘ I‘laxx. I The Edge .It lllk‘ lvll‘fk'. (‘oIIthIIIlgIt llpIn Run. {VIII-m \Mx'kl} lx’I‘xIIlI-ulx Slt'w llannan anIl \lII'IIIII'I ()NIIVII ng tlII' IlI'I'kx a lull \xolkout

\\ IIlI IlII' \I-I} l‘l'\l Ill I‘luh I‘IIIxxII'x ‘IIl *Iun,

I Fire Wire .II llatnltoo. 5pm iIIIn. [i It {I \Mx‘kl} (iIIIlIIIIn l'I‘rguxon InI\I'x .I \\l(lk‘ \IIIII-t} ol InuxII'aI \l_\lC\ \\ IIlI oI'I‘IIonIIIIl lIu' l‘tllltl\ III IlII‘ xIIInI' lItItllt, .lllll llIIIIl} pla)x .In I'I'lI'I’III' nn\ ol lquIgI‘ gIoou'x \xlIIlc (I.I\In MIII'lI-oIl

IlIopx I'laxxu‘ hoIIxI' .IItIl IlIxI'o.

Ill. gllpttt


I Freakmoves .II (Ilaxgtm \IIIIIIII III \II llptn Run L-i IL‘I \M'I'kl} l)L'lll.l and MI \IIc pla} upxtaux III IlII' InaIn lIIIll IIllIl l‘ltllg‘ lllk' llllllx lH lllI‘ [‘I'l'l‘lL‘ I'l lll‘x' xIlIoI-l \xchnhl} lllllI'\ \II'II' III-\I-I lltl\ :‘HHIl

I Homework at \IIult llpIn ‘Iun 1‘ IL 1t “Ix-H} Ian and SIM II' lll.tll lllL' l\o\_ xo all Ian'I IIIIIII'x INC! thc tuncx .llL' IlprI-llI‘Il IlIIx ntght .IIInx toI quIlI'III happtnt'xx \‘.llllI'lll tonIpIoInIxIng IlII- IpIalII} lI-wlx

I Hype .II ('ulw ll {llpnt Run 1‘ I15 “cckh .lnn l).I llI'xt tI'IInIx up \IIIlI tlII' ||}pI' \lk'“ to put on .I ntght ol l\‘.l\lk'\l. ultIII lunk} llIlll\k' I’lcnt} ol IlIInIp hoo/I' IIIIleI'\ ll1l\Il lun ntght out I Madhouse .II IIII- XIIIII-k

Ill ‘llprn lIIIII t; IL'H \\I'I'k|} ("J and MM} Iala- )oII Io lllk' luInk ol IIIxIIIIIt} \xItlI xonII' ot lllC InoxI oIIIIagI'oux .InIl IouIIIgI'oux xIIIIlI'nt .InIlII'Inx

I Old Skool Reunion .II '\l\‘ll.ttl\ llpIn ‘IIIn U IlII'I' LI ill! \\I'I‘kl} ()lIl xt'ltool lI‘I'ltItII I'l.I\\II'\ IItIIl Iltxt‘o xIIII' tqu‘x tor the lII'n/II-Il xIIIIlI'nIx tlll\\ll \It‘IIIon \III}

I Grindin’ 101 .It l.IIIItIII loungt'. llpIn Run L31 IL it \\I'I‘kl) ()lIl xI'hool I‘llllll|\ltl\l |)_l SIIIIlII Ilng Ilccp Into lnx *llllll xIIong II'I‘oIIl I'ollI'I'tIon Io lurng )IIII thI‘ lIttI‘xl \I'lI'I'lIon ol olIl xI'ltool ltIp IIop hI-IIIx tIonI lllL' lllxk‘\ ot Raknn. l'ltIII _\l.IgnI-III~ anIl lzIIIIn_

I Polo for Me .ll lllL' l’olo loungI'. IllpIn lanr l'II‘I'. \VI‘I‘H}. You. lllL‘ IIII'k} punlcr. IIleI' the lII'lIn tonight. ax II‘IIIII‘xt I‘IIIle .III' a\.IIlIIl\lI- owI thc bar and III IIII- hootlI. \IIIII‘C loI' IIII' IInIInagInatIu' onI-x: ‘I .\In \\ hat I .-\In‘ Ix pIohIhItI‘Il h} l.t\\ IInIl punleIahlI‘ It} xpanlxIng.

I Push and Pull at lllL' Sub (‘Iuh IlpIn laIn. L5. \Vcckl}. RI‘xIIlI'ntx IIIght III tlnx I'hallcngtng Inght ol I'I‘II'I'III‘ IlIIIII'I' Inung Ill IIII' In} ‘x llllL'\l \L'llllt‘I I Record Player: at (Ilaxgou

School ol .'\I'tl Ill ‘llpnt II illanr U IL‘ZII

\VI‘I‘H). llI l‘l Scan llll I'IIII'lII} l and llIleIpIIpp} II)I\ lllL'l pI'I'loI'III I‘hcap III'L'lx qu‘kIn' Io Ilth‘cau. IlIIInh I'II'I‘II'o anIl Kllx phunk. 'l'ltc) IIle l\t‘ }oII to act up. Ilrcxx Ilo“ n and pla} tax} lo gI‘t.

I Shagtag End of Exam Party III IhI' ‘lunnI'l. llpIn larn. [5 (UL \VI'I‘kI}. 'l'htx anaI'I‘hII~ I‘lIIh nIghI xa}x a Inaxxncl} IIltlI} “wt-ll IlonI'" to all thoxc IIIIloI‘IIInIItI' mam I‘I‘I‘aturvx. \Vhat IIuInhI'I’ Ix xIII"

I Skint at tltc ('IIIlIouxc. I lpIII 3am [-1 IL'.‘ I. \\'I~I~lxl_\. \I'I'} much a night to

MYNC Project guest at Colours, Sat 7 Jun

lk'llel uhat'x goIng on III (ilaxgou .It thc IIIoInI'nt lough t'lII'InII'III luvakx IIIIIl hcatx. llkh .InIl InIlIc lot .I yroml Inut'h ltkc the MIC outhIlI' Ihc (Iallctx ol \loIlI'III \It

I Speakeasy .II IIII- l'IInI-IxIII «\IIIII‘hII-hall l .lllL'l IllpIn .‘IIIII l'I'cI' \M'I'kl} l‘oI lltoxc \\ ho lI'L‘l lllxI‘ a ten tllllllx\ .IltI'I thI' puh. hut Ilott‘t “ant to go \ luhlnng. Spcakcax} Ix tor _\oII 'l hc Inuny Ixu'I IonIpIoInIchl. and thc \ Ihc Ix t’lllllt‘tl

I Soul Shaker .II M.\.\' llpnI ‘anI U 1L3) \\k't‘lxl_\ -\n IIIIIlIonu‘IcIl chII “c haw II InI\I'Il hag ot I‘II‘I'II'o. II'I‘hno. houxc .InIl tunk couttcx} ol Hut} Ian}. lllk' .lIIIIk).IIIl Dog and John MIII'hcll

I Theorm .II IlII- \'.IIIII \I-xt ILIIc le~ I Wanted at HahII/a Nptn Run l-I’I'I' hcloII' llpIn. H IUI .IIII'I \Vcckl}. |.III‘I.I||_\ IInIlI'rgIoIInIl I'luh houxtng onnI' hugc \oI‘IIl llUth‘ and gIIIIIgI‘ lH\Cllllt'\\ IlI'pIII}I'Il \u‘clxl} h} lan l'hoInxon anIl \IIIII'I‘

Glasgow Fridays


I Abnormals Anonymous III ('Ilaxgou School ol :\l'l. U IUII

Uptn .‘Iun. l§_lllllI Monthl} ()\}lll}\I) and .\'o| lI'onI (‘I‘IIII‘III Inaxx arc the guI'xtx on IlIIx nIght ol gcnIlI‘I'I'laxh anIl xounIl mpcnIncntatron. I-or l/ll\ (ltlll' Int/I '.\-I.I\I'I III'I/ huh/I'M gt! 1/ of] door [Hit (' (Ill Inc/II.

I Afterglow III .'\(l t.Ih_

llpIn 3.30am. £5 (£4). l3 Jun. Monthl}. l‘,\\L‘llll;tl IIIoIl xounle. lunk} Ian and northcrn xoul troIn Ihc l‘I'IIla) Strcct I'cgularx. 'l'htx Inonth'x gucxt I)J Ix Roh Hallo} INC“ l'nIoIII‘hahICx. Londonr

I Archaos at Archaox, | lpIn 3am l5 IL‘ZSIH. WITH). MaInxtI'caIn chart IlanI‘I‘. xoul IIIIIl chccxc at our ol thc huxth l‘rI nightcrx III toxxn

I Black Rabbit Whorehouse III Iltc Suh ('Iuh. I lpIn 3am. L’. 20 Jun Montth StIlI ahcaIl ot the gatnc. IlIIx I‘IIIIIng I'Ilgc glItI‘h latxch IIIghI |lt\l kccpx on InIpI'CxxIng. \VIIh ('aptain ('oInIItoxc on llle Ilatc.

I Bughouse III Sub (‘tIIh

llpIn ~\Iun. £7. 13 Jun. Monthly The Bughouxc gu_\x gct thc IluhIoux pI'I\ III-gc ot' pla} mg on l'l'l thc thn‘tccnth. “I- doubt that grctnllnx III thc x_\ \lL'lll \Hll III-tract lI'oIn thc pt)“ cr ol thcir tough and lunk} tcch-houxc gcniux. Who ya gonna L‘IIll'.’

I Canvas III -\I't.I llpnI ‘xInI t’tlk~ \Vcckl} DJ “allot play .I plcthora ot tunk. xoul .InIl RI\ll III thIx lwaIIIIIIIl \lI'II‘hIInt (It) MI

I City Sessions III I) (‘luh \mt IlIItI‘ ll‘\~

I Cold .It Rncrxulc Slk'ldl \c\t Ilatc ll‘x'

I The Cathouse .II llk‘ (‘.IIIIIIIIxc

lll ‘llptn ‘xun Ll lwtoI'I' llpIn. (-3 II M .tllL'l “cckh RIIlIng hIgh on thc nu Inctal “Inc. tlux Ix onI‘ ol tlII‘ huxII'xt Inghtx lll Io\\n Rock. grungc. IIIIlII' and .I Il.I\ll Itl l‘tL‘IIle‘III .tt'lov llll'L‘L‘ llmth .Il (iIIngou 'x top \I‘nuc loI IoI'kI‘Ix .Intl .IlII‘I'IIaII'I'IIx

I Coded III \'.IulI llpIn Run {5 IHI \VI'I'lxl) lltI‘_\ ‘H' lIHttt It II'I‘I‘lIl \IUIC. \It thc IIIIII'x .uc going to l\‘ lII'xh .IIIII hIghl) tunk). Illt'll.l thc} ’.-\ IotIIIIng ontI‘I‘ ot l)Jx .IllIIIIItI'Il Io _‘ ‘nl l’IcI‘InI't xuppl} houxc-II‘II grooxcx .II IlII' III'\\ I'luh XII-\I'n Md‘tccr) Ix IlII' IIIIIIII lll.lll. but the pool oI talcut Itu'lIIIlI'x llIll) lx'IlkII'. llIll} \Voole and .'\lllilll\ltl l’I‘II'I-

I Crash .It Ihc ShI-Il Ill lllprn IIIIII U IL?! \VL‘L‘lxl} (Itthlt IlllU lllI‘ \\ Ck'lxk'lltl\ I‘ouI'II'x} oI thIx hugcl} popuIIII IIIglII \\llll thc SouIlIxIIlc xI't (iaI'IIgc l).l (BI-III l )onx hoxtx Ilu' InaIn hall “fill the ultunIIII' I'I‘II'I'IIL' part) xounIltIaI‘k and DJ llau‘ MulhoIIIInIl I('ulwt lttlu‘\ thc lII'luI III IlII- |.olt upxtaIIx \Hlll a ntght ol I'laxxII‘ Rtkll I Death Disco III IIII- .Nt‘t‘ht‘x. \I-xI (lillk‘ lht‘,

I Destiny .It l)t‘\llll_\ llpIn iarn L'tht' WITH}. l)C\llll_\ 'x II‘IIIIIIII'lI I'ontIIIuI'x \Hllt uplor It part) Iuncx. lIoIIxI- IIIIIl RIkll l'la\ax.

I The Edge at thc lutlgt' (‘othI‘IIlgc

l lptn 3am. [5 WITH}. RI'xIIlI‘utx :\lc\ Ka} and Scott (irangt'r hnng _\oII IlII' lII-xt ol ltotlw and clttlt (lawlcx

I Electric Circus III Ad In». Monthl}.

I Electrobix at liar llloI'. Xptn latn L'thI'. Ill Jun, Montltl}, lzlcctto nglII \\llll Jcrr}. Kcrrn. Mcl) IIIIIl StI-xII' (i. lt'x II hangtng lunlx} ananng I'II‘I'tI'o nIghI \\llll IlIIL‘} tu‘huo hrcakhcat tqut.

I Fresh III thc l’olo Lounge

l IpnI 3am. £5. \Vcckl). MIchcllc and And} takc chargc ol tlII‘ InuxII‘al IlIIIch III thIx Ilchcloux MI't‘I'hant (It) lll|\L‘tl I'luh. ththcr )oII'rc III thc 'lI'oplI} Room or on the Ilancclloor. thc tunI'x “Ill lucl Iour happIncxx.

I Fridays in Bed III ltlIInkt-I llot’ltlct‘l} lit-III IIpIII ~lam £5 IUI \VL‘L'lxly NIIL'L‘III lalwx )otl on all Rtkll anIl hIp hop II'Ip cwr} \‘IL‘L'lx \Ihtlc llIll} MIIIIgan hrIngx thc lun to thc troIIt hCIlroonl.

I Fuel at l-ucl IllIxhophrIggxt,

ll).3llprn 2am. H \VI-clxl}. Ncu cluh wnturc lI'oIn thc (il group. “Inch Ix attctnpttng to L'\i)illl(l lltI‘ a\ ct;th (ilaxucgran'x IIlca ol \\ hat \II'ckcnIlIng Incanx. l’IIIII Rca plII}x cluh L'lil\\lt'\. RIKB. lunlx IIIIIl an)thang \\llll II groqu SothxIIlc and .\'othxIIlc It'x xtIIrtIng Io gcl IIGC London III hct‘L‘ :\ u u" hIt

I Full On at l’rnIlcgc, Ill, lllptn larn. U) I£7l \Vcclxl}. 'l’oltt \VIIxIIIt. (Iclxlxolmy Stu“ art (irccn. \\'II|IIIIII l)aI1Icl.(ia\ lloIIonII. Stu llu'xI aIIIl (iIo l'L'lTl are your hoxtx at IlIIx u cclxl)’ Ilancc IIIglII Iloun on llopc StrL‘ct.

I Funhouse at liarll). l lpnI taut. H IUI. WITH}. A ntght ol \\l\L'(l up punlx tt'axh and cathartrc IIonxcnxc pop. IlL'ngncd to clcar all ol Ihc thI out ol your carx. RadIo l'x charnung \'II‘ Ualloua} and Mr Paul NCCIlle an: III charge of thc mIIxIIx

I Quantic Soul Orchestra and Mark Rae with the Funk Room III thc Archcx. llpm 3am. 1.x 2!) Jun. Monthl}. Maxxtxc tIIght ol hIp hop and hrokcn-hcat tIngcd lunlx lor IlIIx great club. ()uantlc and Mark Rac rcpercnt thc underground onInIl ol llrrtzun. and thc l‘unk Room gtt}x do then thIIIg \Hlll aplonIh

I Funky Friday at laquld Lounge.

l 1pm 3am. £5. WITH}. WIItxon and gucxtx play a \L‘lL’CllUll ol t‘unk. hip hop and lunky (“\Ct) tor all thc lrcakx III the loungc.