Tony Humpnries: Choice: A ColleCIion of Club Zanzibar

Classics A».-. oooo r1.."‘;)"'.es :r‘e; gsu'a'rer of Us

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Edinburgh Fridays continued I Manga .a {mul‘ . in in .:.c..ihc.'m .‘Jun Montm} \langa don‘t tonne inc c....~a inc} ‘cn. ninth thc.; .i‘i't-~.\til\lt- than. a as.“ \Htllitl\ \Vzth \ gucxt 'lwAtctl ltaltndual .naking lll\ tlchut Scott.\i‘. ;ippc.-.:.~.;.cc on; o: :hc .".c'.-. ircct: a: drun. & ha“ :)J pz'udaccrx. 23.1...) .;...k..’.~_' lll\ mark on thc \ccac with lll\ pl;t_\Cl' Inn/(d. I if) tl‘iol'lllalloll Rcc‘ot‘tlxi Manga'x prc-cluh \L‘\\ltlll thc Bav'l'rap l\ at llainhu c\cr} Hi from ‘lpin with D] (i- .\lac and gucxtx. l’or morc into chcck (Walt-WW-(illhl or w w \\_h;|\\lt';tp (um, l-m l/H\ (lair (HI/t ’.'l-/.l\l '( urt/ Irv/dc I\ t't‘.’ 1/ (III duur [Ir/(c M'lu/‘i' Hurling/If. I Medina at Mcdina. lllpm Sam. :3. chkl}. 1).! Na play thc hcxt in RA'B. hip hop and othcr clamcx. l’honc in adxancc to rcxcr\ c )our proalc hooth. I Mocha Rocka! at llcrlin Bicrhaux. .\lonlhl_\. \c\t dalc 27 Jun. I Modern Lovers at ligo. l Ipm 3am. L5 hcl‘orc midnight; £5 al'tcr. (i Jun. Monthly l'p-hcat rim of northcrn \oul. dccp l'unk. Hammond _];t// and rctro soundtrav \crxcd tip h) )our hoxtx ('raig Jamicwn and Andrcw |)i\ inc il)i\ inc. l-‘unk Rooini. 0 Nuklear Puppy at ligo. Ill..‘~llpiii Jam. (It) it“) mcmhcrxi. 13 Jun. Fortnightly. Sccond hirthda) \o to a \pccial trcat thc) w clcomc two of hard- dancc\ moxt rcxpcclcd product-h and [fix in thc l‘ortn ol Nuklcul Rccordx \upcrxtar BK. thc man hchind thc dancc floor \maxh ‘cholution'. and lid} 'I‘ra\ rixing gcniux l’aul .\1addo\. Alongsith thc guc\t\ thcrc's thc cx'cr rcliahlc tcain ol' rcxidcntx: Jaxon (‘ortc/ and Phil York on hand with a Birthda} (‘laxsi\ Sct. Plux gixcawap and cxcn a \urprixc gucxt. I The Old Town Jackals Club at l’cppcrmint Loungc. 9pm 3am. £5 (ti-ll. (1 Jun. 'l'wo li\ c hands. thc Jackalx and (‘harlic'x Boat. pla) MW at llll\ ncw cluh night with 1)] \outld\ from] .\1c.\'all} and Adrian .\lilar\ki dropping l'unk'. \oul and gromcx. I Opal Lounge at ()pal Loungc. ltlpin 3am. £5. chkl). l’unk'cd up \‘ocal houxc and dancc classicx l‘roin Sit-Vic (i and (‘allum Murray. I Planet Earth at (‘itrux (‘luh |ll.3()pm .iam. £5. chkly. Music l‘rorn l‘)7(i through to I‘lh") or in othcr w'ordx a hcalthy doxc ol‘ punk. ncw wa\‘c. ncw' romantic and clcctro pop.

Pogo Vogue at Bongo ('Iuh. ltlpm 3am. [Ill (3 Jun. Montth li\pcrimcntal clcctronica skirting all thc \‘arioux l'ormx ol‘ music machincx mak‘c. chidcntx Brian d‘Sou/a. l)r Air. 1).] Run and Dirty mi\ up a \torm on dcx and FX also wclcoming Si llcgg for a li\c \ct ol~ clcctronic w cirdnc“ and tcchno prcVicw ing tracks from hix ncw Utrt't'fm'i (iul Ll). I Post Exam Exodus at Illuillpin 3am. £thc. l3 Jun only. A mash-up of funk. \oul. nu jail. Latin and Bra/ilian hcatx with [Us link 1);: Viking and [)om Flanagan ((ict-l‘ogcthcr and SaySamhaT l. plus lixc hand on stagc at l lpm. I Radio Babylon at ligo. Monthly. \cxt datc 2." Jun. I Roadblock at l’o .\'a .\'a. lllpm 3am. l’rcc hcl‘orc l lpm: £5 tic-ll altcr. chkl}. .\'icci l: stop\ thc traffic in had muxic whcn \hc digs up thc best in funk. disco. hou\c and hlock rockin' hcats. I Sativae Recordings Night at ligo. Nut dalc 2‘) Aug with a lit) \tcr)‘ \pccial gucst to he announccd. I Sistas at Marco's\urc (‘cntrc lllpm- Sam. {-1 hcl‘orc midnight: £5.50 al‘tcr. \Vcckl}. African. rcggac. ragga. hhangra. RNB and hip hop. Drinkx promox all night. I Soul Biscuits at ('aharct Voltairc. .\'c\t datc 27 Jun. I Suburbia at Studio 24. I0.3llpm 3am. £5 ii.i \tudcnts and lanc} tll‘L'\\l. (i Jun. A night of l‘un and lTlHlltllh 8()\ hits and funky dixco lltlllthh.


Patricia Marx

Say Samba! at Cabaret Voltaire. Edinburgh. Thu 19 Jun

From the age of seven Patricia Marx was Sao Paulo's answer to Charlotte Church, and is now perhaps the most essential of a new generation of artists whose maverick approach to traditional Brazilian music has revolutionised dance culture.

For one of the biggest-selling female vocalists in Brazil, she's incredibly modest. ‘All this material has been recycled for many, many years,’ she says, of sounds like bossa nova, samba and chorinho. “As a Brazilian artist, I feel this is all valid as it feeds back into the depth and richness of our culture. I would never wish for things to stay static.‘

Hers is the voice interlacing the Creating Patterns album from 4Hero - a collaboration set to bear more fruit when Marx's new solo album is released later this year. ‘It just blew my mind,‘ she says of her first encounter with the drum & bass/broken-beat pioneers. ‘I felt completely liberated and I knew I wanted to make something that would defy any

commercial compromise.‘

Marx checks in at the most highly charged live Latin session this side of the border to promote Nova Vida, which follows up Drum & Bass Classics as the latest compilation of Brazilian broken-soul from the momentous Trama Records - the label behind such revolutionaries as Mad Zoo and Fernanda Porto (Say Samba!#1), Drumagic, Marky and Patife. Miss this and it’s your mistake. (Rose Parfitt)

I Switch-Up! at thc lloiic_\coinh. 10.30pm 3am. to (£5 \tudcntx/Xlanga mcmhcrsi. (i Jun. .\lonthl_\. 'l‘hc hrcakv \tcp night lrom thc .\langa lannl) rcturnx with a rcxidcntx and local gut-xtx \ununcr \pccial with (ii<( ii and lhc B-chpcr, :\|l thc hrcakx _\ou nccd l'rom l'K garagc. hrcak-xtcp and clcctro lo nu \kool and hc_\ond.

I The Time Tunnel at .\la\\a tl'ormcrl} ('luh Mcrcadoi. lllpm 3am. £5 t£4 with ll}'Cl'l. \Vcckl}. 'l‘rcnd} chd). Showhi/ law and llctt} l‘ord dixrupt thc \pacc-timc continuum with “"le l'rom thc (itlx. 7ll\ and Xllx. ()r mayhc it‘x jlhl thc alcohol.

I Tokyoblu at Iigo. l lpm 3am. U. I.‘ Jun. .\1onthl_\. l'p-and—coming douhlc act

Y0ur pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8 Edinburm

See page 79 for details

p|_\ing lhcir tradcinaik hlcnd ol lunk} llouxc and claxxic fJItHHL'N.

I 21st Century Disco .ll (‘onnnplc\ ilormcil} (’luh J.t\.l|

Ill. lllpin 3am. L5 llicc lll tll\L‘t| gcari. ll Jun. 'l hc \KlltlL‘\l \t'lL'L'llUll ol Nix .‘x‘llx lunk. tal/ and hot tll\t'tl Alt‘lltlll, inach night l)J\ will hc spinning llltlt'\ lrom thc Iikcx ol (iloria (ia_\noi. loin \loullon ttlltl lllt‘ llk't‘ (it'L'\ lll't't‘ l;t\l UllL'l till. ttll with rcccipt. tna\ t5. onc icccipt pct pt‘l'xiill I.

I UTI presents: Extremes at Studio 2-1, llHllpm iam. t“) It!) lllt‘llllk‘hl. (i Jun. Monthly l'ndcrgiound tcchno night lcatuiing rcxidcnt DJx Scmai. Johnn} ()h' and 'lormod .\lor Spccial gucxl l)cctron. latnoux lor lll\ nn\ ol llUth‘. tcchno and l)ctroit mundx and lll\ rcxidcnc} at (‘luh 'lra\ lll /urich. makcx lll\ Scotlixh dchut.

I Velvet at lago. Monthl} \cu datc 27 Jun.

I The Weekend Starts Here at 'l‘cxiol Row l‘nion. ‘lpm 3am. l'rcc. chkl}. 'l'hc niothcr ol all \tudcnl lllgllh. cight hars. li\c cluhx and two \cnucx, So _\ou'rc hound to lind \omcthing that lltltllx tour hoat hc It salsa. hip hop. houxc. kat'aokc or cllccw.