Clubs listings

Edinburgh Saturdays continued I Mission Jnr at Studio 24 " alni

LS \Vcckl} (ioth. rock. punk and ot cour\c all that nu rnctal \lutt that llic kltl\ craw w rnuch Soil )ou cxcr \iondcrcd \khcrc all thoxc hlack clad )outhx troni thc top ol (‘ockhurn Strch \l-L‘lll allct‘ dark look no lurthcr. thc hch and original undcr' lhx rrictal gathcring in town

I Mission at Studio 3-1 llprii lain {5 tLJ lllt'llll‘t'hi " Jun l‘ortrughtl} \ight ol rnctal rna}hcni. goth rock and rnorc lrorn lhc darkxidc a tcal l‘, untitution I Moving Through at (‘ahart-t \oltaut- \lonthl} \c\l datc 2" Jun

0 No Strings Attached at lhc \criuc It) lllprn lain L ll) l-J Jun. \lonthl} \o Stiirigx :\ttachcd liil thcir' \l\lll \cnuc in cight _\car\ Will thc cluh \iith thc llL‘lllC\l lcct in thc l'K linall} \clllc doun at ll\ ricu \cnuc liouic” l'arlc) 'Jackrnaxlcr' l-unk had to caticcl. hut hc} lhc_\ ‘xc got l'(~ Kahuna in lot a -1 dc\ \cl lll\lt‘;ttl, chult.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal l.oungc.

lllprn ‘ain. £5 \Vcckl}. l)a\c Shcddcn \iith lll\ llil\ ol tll\L'H and lunk} littllw ll‘uc‘kx,

I Ourhouse at lhc \criuc Rcturning in Aug lor lhc lcxtnal

I Pressure Meets Bugged Out! at thc \cnuc. Monthly .\'c\l dalc lhc.

O Progression at thc- l.lqllltl Room.

I”. lllprn 3am. {Ill U3. 7 Jun, Monthl). l)crck Martin, (lax (iranl and Alan l)oh\oli arc ionic-d h) \pccial gucxtx l.ukc tan and quartcrl} rcxidcnt l)c\_\n .\la\icllo lor‘ thc Yoxhitoxhi In Huuu' m' In“! .r’ alhurn launch part}. \xliich lhcxc [no lcllax nincd With prc-cluh \C\\ltill at (at) (‘alc lr'orn Spin.

I Redemption at in wt Ron l'nion. lllprii 3am. £3 tL'l incrnhcr'xi. '7 Jun. (iolh and llltlthll'llll cluh lroni lil)(it&R.

I Rewind at thc liquid Room

Illillpni 3am. £5 U». 2| Jun. Monthl}. 'l'hc l-irc lxland l)J\ \iill hc on hand lor \onic carnp Ill-NRO action in thc hackrooni uhrlc old \kool dixco jockx .\lick ('ool and Shugg} llcar' tllxll out thc l‘c‘\l in 7llx and Xlk poptastrc tuncx in thc niairiroorn.

I Sistas at .\l;irco\ l.Cl\lll'L‘ (critic. lllpni .‘ain. U hclorc midnight; {5.5” al'tcr'. \Vcckl}. Scc Hi.

I Stereotype at llcrliri Btcr‘liaux. Monthly .\'c'\t datc 38 Jun.

I Tease Age at ('itrux (’Iuh. l lprn 3am. \Vcckl}. 'l‘hix indic \llll“ art tlixltcx up cxcr}thing t‘roru winging (ilk llllx to hagg} Marichc‘xtcr' la\c\ ttx \ic‘ll ax a hoxt ol' currcnt Kill/2' chart hothcrcrx,

I Thee Jailhouse at Nichol liduardx. llprn 3am. £4. 7 Jun. l-tntrughtly nglllc‘tilh rock and old \cliool nictal in a claxxic .-\(‘/l)('. Motorhcad and Sa\on \crn. plux a lo“ ot thc rim contcndcrx that nicct thc gradc; .'\Utllti\lll\t‘ that kinda thing.

I Ultragroove at (’aharct Voltaire lllfillpni .illlll. ill) iL'S' with that '7 Jun. l-‘ortrnght|_\. l'ltr'agroow l'L‘\ltlL‘lll\ \[K‘Cllllht‘ in real dcal houxc action lr'oni (larcth Sonicn illc and ('olrn ('ook. Joining lorch \\|lll l’r'ixcodixco lor an alinight} hoth part}. llx Martin Valcntinc and Slcwn \Varilcxx gct into hoogic niodc dropping dixco UtltllllL‘\ arid hr‘okcn hcatx. I'ur l/ll\ (/tlll' UIl/\ ‘.-i-I.r\l'cun/ [Ill/(ll'IW cc! H) mm lit'liil‘c //..“(I/wr

I Vain at in rot Ron l'nion. 0pm 3am. £4 (Br 14 Jun. 'l'cchno. goth. induxtrral. Mix and nc“ romantic tuncx. So that'll hc chccr) thcnll’

I Vegas at ligo. lllpni 3am. L") i£7 in lanc} drool. 14 Jun. Monthl}. llcp dadd} m ing. countr} c‘lasxicx and \lca1} lixtcning “ith _\our high-kicking hoxtx lirankic Sumatra. Bugx} Seagull. l)ino Martini and thc \lllllltlltg \‘cgax \lltt\\:_'ll'l\. .-\nd do tr} to rnakc an ct‘t'ort \\ itli thc t'aiic} drc“ codc. L‘li'.’

I Wiggle at ligo. lll.3llprii 3am. L") lfh' lllL‘lltl‘L‘lNl. 2| Jun. .\lonthl_\. Maggic and Alan Jo} nccd no introduction and lltt\ IN thcir tic“ night ol' ga} tun and t'r'olicx. In the main room “Ill be 'l‘rcnd) \Vcnd) and Jon l’lcaxcd pla) ing track\ that arc a little hit camp. a littlc hit cutting-cdgc hut a \xholc lotta l'un. l)tt\\ll\lil|l\ Sall) l‘ and

84 7%) “J‘s' t‘

J Desyn Masiello and Luke Fair

Michcllc “Ill hc dcplo)ing Rtkll. hip hop. indic and chart tuncx and ho“ could \ic lorch thc |o\cl) l’cnri} l’or'nxtar on hand to nicct and gr'cct lhc puntcr‘x. l’rc-cluh \L‘\\ioll at l’larict ()ut \iith llrctt King.

Edinburgh Sundays


I Bootylicious at llonc} conih. lt).3()prn Rani. lir'cc hcl'orc midnight; U altc‘r'. chkl}. :\ lhr'cc-dcck lrcakxhou ol' Rtkll a cappcllax ctit tip and \cratchcd oxcr‘ hip hop hr'cakx li'orti Richic Rttl'l-ltilic‘ and l.)lc‘) no“ litiuwtl til tl\ ncu \c-nuc thc llonc}conih

I Bootylushous at ligo. l lpin 3am. £2. \Vcckl}. l)J\ ('raig and l)alc lroni l.u\h giw Sun night\ a good kick up thc hoot} with thix nc“ Rkll, lunk and Mini night. .\lorc ol' a Sunda} Social than a lull on glam at'lair'.

I Chocolate Sundae at l-‘aiih tl'or‘nicrl) \Vilkic‘ llouxci. l lprn .‘~ani. H tUi. \Vc‘ckl}. 'l‘hc Rik” and hip hop Sun \L‘SSIUH r‘cturnx with DJ Paul 'l-'o\_\' l‘o\ hack in char‘gc.

I DKY at Sltidio 24. Ilprn Rani.

L‘lSll £3. \Vc‘c‘kl}. “KY \ll‘ltlc‘\ corilidcritl} into itx third )car' xx itli l'L‘\ltlL‘lll I)J\ Jordi. (iar'ctli and l)a\c pla}ing rock. goth. nictal. induxtr'ial and punk. 'l‘hcrnc night\ and two gil'tx conihinc to kccp thingx intcr‘cxtittg. \wck in. \\ L‘L‘k out.

I Escape from New York at ('aharct Voltairc. ()pc‘lh ax the \un gocx dimn. £2 to c'xcapc. \Vc'ckl}. l‘uc‘c‘lc“ l)J\ ll. l)rc\\ and l‘li\ prox idc an clcctr‘o \ouitdlrtick til llti\ non-dancc lik‘lhcd

cw cut. .-\ttcndcc\ arc in\ itch to conspirc. crcatc \culpturcx and \xorkx ol art. \\ ith the ltiolx and matcrialx pro\ idc-d'. thc olil} input l'rorn CSL‘upCCS ix crcatiw.

I Fresh at l’riw ('ouncil. lllpni 3am. £3. \Vc‘c‘kl). Wind tlti\\ll _\our \icckcnd in \t)lc \xith lidinhurgh‘s purcxt urhari \pot for Rckll and hip hop on another lcxcl. t'rorn thc‘ rotating 1)] learn l‘ahulol. liax} B. Naccni. .-\nihasxador‘. Richie Rutltonc. .\l(‘ l-‘lmx. .\lr .\'igcl and rnorc.

I I Love Music at ()pal Loungc. .\'oon 3am. lircc hcl‘orc lllprn; £3 attcr. \Vcckl}. (iarcth Sornrncn illc

ll'lll'ugt'titiu'l liii\l\ till till (lit) \t'\\ltiti that cr‘oxxcx thc nirddlc ground hctchn cluhhing and chilling. lcattiring gut-\t Mix and a plcthora ol lllll\lC;ll xt} lcx including houxc. Latin. ia/I} gromcx. tllSCU and Rtle

I Kayos at ()piuni. I lprn 3am. l'r‘cc. \Vcckl}. .\lcta| and rock l)J\ ('lairc Mol'lat and John lr'oin llogxhcad kccp thc cr'o\\d\ a rnoxhing.

I Salsa lounge at ('uha Norlc. Spin midnight. '7 Jun, Motillil). l'r'cc l’ootuork claxx at 21);“) \\ itli liti\l\ (‘arol .'\rm and llo}d. lollou cd h} dancing to cool \alxa \llk‘\ until riiidriiglit.

I Salsa Romantica at ltgo

5 Ilprn. LS (UH. l5 Jun. You'll ncwr gucxx \\ hat kind ol rnuxrc thc} pla) hcrc ch'.’ ch hot l,atin l'll}llllll\. “llll a hcginncr'x claxx at 5pm luridcr' thc tulclagc ol \tilllL‘ ol Scotlarid‘x hch daricc coachc‘xi thcn l)J\ Jaincx (‘ornh. .\'ano l‘cr'riaiitch. l)r‘ Salxa and gticxh \pinning thc hcxt lll Latino \oulidx lrorn opni iriot lorgctting lhc light hullct. \lll'pl'l\L‘\. cahar'ct and dcrnox on ollct i_ I Tackno at .\la\\a. Monthl}. \cu datc 2‘) Jun.

I Taste at thc l.lqllltl Room.

Ilprn 3am. L5 hclorc; LS 1U) inc-nihch al'tcr'. \Vcckl}. 'l’hc capital'x int'arnoux Sun night \c'\\iori c'iilllllltlL'\ apacc. l‘ixhcr and I’r'icc \uppl} a pr‘ogrcsxiw nir\ ol houxc and gar'agc in thc main room \xlnlc Martin Valcntrnc and Stcx c \Vanclcxx “mu thc riii\cd/ga_\ cr'ou d \xith l1l\ lunk} l'S houxc gc‘llh through thc hack. Jon l’lcaxcd _|ttlll\ lhc ho} \ tor his quartcr'l} rcxidcnc} on .S’ Jun. l‘rrl‘ I/tl\ (/tlll' nil/x 'leJth’tl/‘t/ hull/UN L'i'l 1.? NH t/mu‘ pl'lr‘r' all mgr/ii.

guest at Progression, Sat 7 Jun


Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow & Edinburgh

See page 79 for details

Edinburgh Mondays

Out: I CC Blooms a: (t lliootm

lti 1Hprn ‘arn lrcc \\c'ckl\ [hut-A niclloxx out nor \o lhc} tlaizi‘o at thix gax cluh. \ch an uphcat drxco \t'lt‘clli‘ll - I Latin Quarter at \lcdrna "pin 1am I rcc \\cckl\ lx’clcaw )«ttll I aim pam \l‘llll cxc'i} \lon \\lll1llt‘t‘\.ll\tlt‘\\i‘ll\ tron: l’ctct l\’r\g'cl\ at "pm thcn \liMl and world hcatx tron: _l.illlc'\ ('oriil‘t' until

c louug

I Merde L’amour at I’m c t'ount 1| lllprn iaru t rift \\cckl_\ \igh on

unc l.t\\‘lt‘ tllz'lll lroru tlic lllllllllilllli‘ \l\'\\ nuho clxc'l ol 'glitt h. \toritp. hcatx htcakx and hlccp< and ticc llourng cocktaih (iouig lot a non tctro \it‘ lolt part} tccl loctmrig on tccliiiologt haxcd c\pciiincutatron troni llic lt'\l\lt‘lll\ (hon. llll.l\l and Soriol (hit and dull} pcrlctt tor thc \tart ot tlic \M'ck

I Spanish Fiesta Night .il l l llatlio Illprii zarii licc \\cckl_\ \ right old kriccx tip lor llic Spaiiixli and \[Hllhll

lo\ trig coiiiinunit) hmtcd h} l)l\ I \‘ll\ arid I'du and lcaturrng tlarncntpnto \lraighl through to lll\|‘.llllc chart lnt\

Edinburgh Tuesdays


I The Club Foot at llcur} \ (‘cllar liar Ill ‘llpni Ll ltllun loitriightl} ‘l’op thc trunk \\llll \illllt' l\\l\lt'tl luuk'. \o thc} \a}. mill liotlw hand thc \hdoininal Shomiicn \Hlll rcgular gucxtx along thc llllL‘\ ol l.i\c Scicriccx. Surlacc l rnprrc and thc llc\ ('oalition l’lux l),| \hlll\ trout g\ ('hr. l)cn|i. l)r lnliurt} and Ilic Sun

I Darklight Summer Launch at Bongo ('Iuh lllprn iarn U 95 Ill Jun onl} (hop. \pccral gut-\tx and a \clcctron ol l).|\ launch thc \urnnicr \cawn lll \tilc‘ 0 Jump at thc liquid Room

Ill.3ll[\rii ‘arn. £5 llllun \cu night ol hip hop and lunk \xith lt'\ltlt'lll ll\t‘ hand liquid Souridx and \pinncrx thc chonancc Illcad\pirii lcarnrng tip \kith Scratch llll\ inorith. hringing rnaxtcr human hcalho\cr Killa Kcla .llilllf.‘\lrlt‘ l'allac) and .\l(‘ 'lrip \upp|_\ing a trul} plicnorncnal l\\o hour \hou laxt .lurnp until Oct \o gct tlicrc \ihrlc .\ou \.lll

I Lyrics to GO at Caharcl \ollairc llprii ‘arii Inc I“ .lun l-ortnighll) Ir} thrx Inc hip hop and lunk |.llli out tor \I/t' l’lcnt} ol lrcmlflc hattling. gucxl .\l( \ .llltl \cralch} htlxltic“ going tlli\\ll all incl lhc \hop Itch) Soul lli l‘l arc in cll.ll_‘.'t' in ltitilll 3

I Motherfunk at lllt' llulit'}ctlllil\

ill. illplll ittlll l‘rt't‘ \Vt't'kl} \lc'\\l\ (irrio. I'r’}cr and Spcctrurn lrcak llic lunk lantaxtic at lhcii cori\i\lcritl) rariirncd night ol cl;i\\ic\ old and ncxi

I Opal Lounge at ()pal loungc

lllprn zani U \\cckl_\ .-\ rnncd hag ol lurikcd up \ocal houxc. Rkll and cl.l\\|\ dhcn ltoitt 'loh} Saltorixlall

I Punk Ass at ()piuin Ilprn iarn l'r‘cc. \Vcckl} \c\\ 'luc rughtcr a\ DJ l’\\au|} tll\llt‘\ out llic hcxl in hardcorc. \katc and punk

I Rhythm! at Mood Uprn iatll l'tcc hclor'c llprii. £3 Iltcc to incrnhcrxi altci \Vcckl}. .\ \rnooth llll\ ot Rik”. hip hop and will lrorn r'cudcnt l)a\id S

I Salsa Buena at l’o .\'a .\'a

lllpni ‘ani l'lcc \Vcckl} Jatttcx ('ornhc tSalxa Rtiriiaritica/Saha \’i\a.r( ’luh l.atirioi and Latin l’.\plti\ltili conihinc to gl\c }oti a night ol hot \al\a tiiagtc' .-\h\olulc hcginncrx \alxa lcanx h} l.aliri l'.\plti\lllll l‘Cl\\L'L'll Spin 9})!”

I Split at (‘aharct \iilltllrc' Ilprn lain lircc. lli Jun. l'ortnrghtl) l)r'uni & haxx \xith Sltéttlriuxklll. thc Dropout UL and a \rnattcring ol \cr} talcritcd local lelL'\l\. l)uh. clcctro. liottxc and lunk arc all in \llltllti 3. I Switch at (‘aharct \tlllttllc

Ilprn ,‘arn. l'rcc lllJun l'or'tnrghtl} .\'c\\ night ol dr‘uru & haw lr‘orri thc Sliiltltnkxlklll UL and a xrnattcring ot gtlc'\l\. \xhilc thc Dropout l)J\ rnan thc \ccond roorn \Hlll thcir \clcction ol dtih. clcctro. hotixc and tcch-tunk