Transmission Gallery. Glasgow. until Sat 21 Jun .0.

This is an unsettling show, thanks in the most part to Katharina Wulff. The Berlin-based artist makes paintings and drawings suffused with the theatrical. Die Gartnerin shows a girl being menaced by a hunchbacked crone in front of a castle. framed by a proscenium arch of flowers. In Das Experiment. two girls apply make-up in a suburban bedroom, watched by a ballerina figurine on the dresser. who seems to be delighting in the girls' transformation. One of these paintings is sheer fantasy. the other a product of blandest suburbia. but both share a delight in artifice and both are explicitly framed, like documents of a performance. Elsewhere. Wulff leaves faces blank, only to render costumes in obsessive detail, or paints up such a storm of

that the plants become props. Andrew Kerr is much quieter. A’s

Galileo is an assembly of planks and

plaster gouged with finger marks. It

example of a dying craft. While Wulff goes for the rococo flourish, Kerr

Pl Ml: )( was no if Mil-E <) SEAN SNYDER Collective Gallery. Edinburgh. until Sun 15 Jun 000.

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Exploring the impact of modern day colonialism

Das Experiment by Katharina Wulff

strips back to essentials, and asks us echo the lithograph‘s composition in to join his subjects rather than gaze colour in her depiction of jungle flora. on them, as in AWK's Larchant. a sad little portrait cut off at the knees. Then there‘s Max Ernst, and it’s not entirely clear what he’s doing there. A show, after all. that deals in half-told lone lithograph, Elekfra, shows 8 seems to have a purpose. like the last masked figure treading the boards. The links are there with Wulff's theatrical bent, and Kerr seems to

one painting. but beyond that the inclusion of Ernst's work is a little mysterious.

Perhaps this is the point: here is a

stories and moments caught out of context, and to bring an incongruous artist into the mix adds a further dash of the unheimlich. (Jack Mottram)

PHOICXMIM W MAUD SULTER - JEANNE DUVAL: A MELODRAMA National Portrait Gallery. Edinburgh, until Sun 31 Aug 0..

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DIRK BELL Modern Institute. Glasgow. until Fri 4 Jul 0...

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