


I Dennistoun stunning flat, c\ \pac roux. doublc llL'tlItuIIll. lull} lIIllll\llt'tl to high \Pk'k. [lltll\'\\lttll.Il\ oiil}. L37! inc all bil|\ lcl llfib5 35X 553 I Large sunny room m \n-a Ind. \liaiing \xith tliicc liicndl} ll.tllll.llt'\ \ll llltklctllh Stiit \lllIlL‘lll oi _\oting PlltlL'\\lHll.Il \\atlab|c iiiiiiicdiatcl_\ l<ciit L335 pciii lcl: lll-ll 33-l \ 33-1

I Room available in lti\t'l} “cxl lilttl llal clo\c ltt B)ic\ Road lo \ll.ll\‘ “MB No tilltctx, \xould \llll _\oung, n’x [lltilt'\\ltlll.ll L’ 3H” pciii inc (‘l c\c billx. 'ch Ul~ll 3H MS" HI ll'v'b‘) ‘)_5.\ l)“:

I West End, double Ioottl. (i( ‘ll. all amihanccx. \llll tuo lcnialc [lltllt'\\lttllal\. :\cc||cnt dccoi throughout L35” pcm. .\\ailablc .\S \l’. lcl: (V‘Nl llllX Ill llel-l 303 5(ll.

I Very large two lit-durum :laI looking lor llatniatc. Brand IIc\\ (}(‘ll. icall} nicc llat. ncul} dccoiatcd. [380 pm including ('"l'. lcl: Il“"*)| """ HUI.

I Room in cool l’ollokxhtcldx allic llal. to \haI'c u llll onc othci [lltllt'\\lllll;tl L335 pcm incl ("1 +~ \haic ol lull» lland_\ lor c\ct'_\tliing. ('ontact l)a\ id on “Ill 553 30:“ In “~al 593 (ill),

I Fab double room lll gol'gcoth Soulhxidc llat \haring \\ ilh onc othci', :\\;l|l;ll‘lk‘ no“. [33“ + lullx -+ ("II \U’x onl}. lcl: l.oui\c (PM): "I MN,

I West End - flatmate \tanlcd to draw largc \unn} l'lat ncar Biro Road \\ llll l\\o othcrx. £35“ prii including ("l' k l‘lll\. lcl: (FUN) 50‘) 31“.

I Large bright room to lcl m Southxidc llatxhai'c \\llll lil \\llllL‘ lciiialc agc 35. l.llll\\ to all Iranxpiut. cht {35” pcm Including ("ll 'l'cl: (llJl 3t)" 5838. I Southside large room in \pacioiix tcncniciit. .\lodcrii kitchcn. (‘luict rcxidcntial arca cloxc lo Shim l;l|ltl\. \hopx~ calcx tramx undcrground k .\l.\'. Suit pl'ttlL‘\\l0ll;tl lcnialc. L333“ pcm incl. utiliticx. ("l' c\lra. 'l‘cl: (H41 433 lll3‘) or ll—l‘lhh 3-13 5‘)”.

I West End, Dowanhill llal. bcautiltil Victorian to\\n liotixc l‘laI. littcd kitchcn. dining room. ha} “inde li\iiig rooni. (i('ll. bright & \llllll). gardcnx and cm) parking. £300 pcm + l‘lllx. lcl: (l".\'l3 lull llJ.

I Double room in \I}li\h (‘luccnx l’ark llat “Illl \andcd lloorx throughout. l{\cr_\thing brand ncu. Stiitablc l'or n/x pi‘ol'cxxional to \harc “ith 3 lcinalcx. [35H pcm + billx. lcl: (V7031 300 ltll.

I No double rooms in \cht lind llat. .-\|l mod conx. \pacioux main door llaI. Sun caggomg )oting prolcxxional. (3‘)” pcm + billx. .\‘/~ pictcrrcd. lch U“ l 5 (W3 40L

I Easy going professional to \harc lo\ cl} largc Kiiining l’ark llat. l'urnixhcd doublc room. (low to undcrgrouiid. cincnia and hunt Intmcdiatc cntt'}. £3l5 pcm + billx. lcl: l.oui\c/.\lartin (ll-ll 4308-138.

120 THE LIST “1 c c‘ a...

I Large double room lot lk'lll \W lt'lllillt' [llt'lt'll'ctl L34” pcm l’lcaw call Rob}n on Ii"h.l It)“ :33

I Double room in thicc l‘L‘tl lltttlu‘ \ltalc‘. \\titIlIl \IIll lllttlL'\\lUll.ll PCIMHI with good \cnxc ol litiiiiotii L3H“

lllclll\l\ c. .\\ailablc ininicdiatcb. 'l'cl' (Hall 550 njoo In (POM .155 “an,

I Double room in \chl l'.tltl llal. oll ll}lc\ Road. (i(‘ll. all applianccx to \haic \\ llll l\\o lcmalc [ll'lllL'\\lUlltll\. l-.\ccllcnt dccoi throughout. .r\\;nlablc -\.\U\l’ ’l'I-I: Iflixn 5.15 oox a, llHNl-l 305 5(il.

I Room to let lll \pilclttlh llat. Bright room \\llll \oiithcil} \lt‘\\\. £33” pcm. lcl: llfihb 305 “()3 or (ll-ll 3 3.3 (l(i‘)3.

I Large room in labtilotix llat. good lor Iranxport & c\ccllcnl \aluc. Suit maturc \Iudciit oi II/\ [ll'tilt‘\\lttll;ll. £331) pcm. lcl: Ill-ll J33 3-135. I Double room to lt'l a\atlablc cnd ol .ltinc, l'iiixcrxit} .'\\Cllllc. Bright rooni \inh cn \llllL‘ \ltoucr. .\laturc \lllIlL‘lll prclcrrcd. £371) pcm. 'lI-I; H7780 ans “()3 or ()Hl =33 l)()‘)_3_

I Large double room a\ailablc Ito\\ lll South \idc llat ncai cit}. \I‘xil} l'urnixhcd \\llll 'l‘\'. \xorkxtatioii. phonc linc & \\;ilk lll drcxxcr. Stilt pl'ttlL‘\\lUll;ll at £350. pcm all mc. lcl: Hill 433 3011.

I Mount Florida large l'rcxhl} painch doublc room in bcautil'ul l'lat. \llll lltl} [ll'ttlL'\\ltlll;ll null-\lllttkCI'. \hat‘ing \\ llll 3 othcrx & l goldlixh. [35” pm including ("ll billx tk clcancr. lcl: 07870 3.53 “95.

I Double bedroom in \Pilt‘ltllh \\cll appoinch \cht liiid llal to draw “ith prolcxxional gu} & l \\c|l~ bcha\cd cat. (low to public lI'ulhpttl'l «k \hopx. (la) or ga} ll‘lL‘lltll} rcquircd. £35” pcm. ‘I'I-I: (F‘uS 23.1‘22.

I Glasgow Pollokshields. Large rooin lll clcan lid} llat. ncar undcrground. £3“) pcm. Short Icriii lcaxc a\ailab|c. lcl: ()HI 43‘) llb57 al'tcr bpm or (INN) T3(i 7-17 ll';t\cllL‘l'\ \\ L‘lt‘olllL‘.

I Large double room in modcrn cm} going ga} l‘ricndl} flat in (ilaxgou'x South Sidc. .-\ll mod conx. n/x prclci‘rcd. {"5 p“. lcl: “7730-137 050.

I West End. Double bcdrooin a\ailablc in lricndl) \harcd llat. .'\ll Iiiod coiix. Non ~nioking lcnialc pt'clcrrcd. :\\ailab|c Auguxt. £33“ pcm including ("Ii 'l'cl: (llJl 339 3808.

I Double room available. (‘o\_\ ()uccn'x l’ark llat. \Vould \uit lricndl} ll/\ prolcvional lcmalc. (i(‘ll plu\ c\ccllcnt acccxx to public tranxport and cit} ccntrc. £30“ pcm + billx + ("11 lcl: (ll4l 433 1003 or (l7.\’l (l-l-l lb'b'b'.

I Flatshare (Queen's Park) conxcnation arca. (i(‘ll. parking. Ll llllll\ to cit) ccntrc b} train. £330 pcm including (“l3 lcl: 07836 .300 09‘).

I West End room in la. m coniloitablc llat .\ll mod com Sun lull tinic. \xoiking l‘lillt‘\\ltlll.ll .\'o l‘lll\. no clcanmg. oun phonc L35“ pcm 'lcl Ill-ll 53b 5|5‘l I Non smoking professional \\.llllt'\l lo \hatc llat \xith l ollIcI' laigc doublc rooiii \xith all niod conx a\ailablc £35” pcm ¢ ("l o billx 'l'cl' Il".\'ll -ll‘l "35

I Double room to mu m 2 bcdiooni lull} lllllll\llctl llal \iith all ulntc goodx (i(‘ll t\ l)( L (‘onc to all aincniticx .\ bux rotitc. 53bit pcm iiicludtng {zlill l)r‘p()\ll ll—‘llllll .3lli 334,

I Room available in hour} propcrt} in \\'c\I lund .\|l ntod com. prixatc parking tk maintaincd gai'dcn. L' 3”“ pcni v lllllx tk ("II 'l'cl: til-ll 5W) lilh I Flatmate wanted for \llllll} llat. lo \harc \\ llll onc lcmalc Id 35 _\cai\. l)oublc rooin. lurnixhcd. \‘ltixc‘ to all IIIIIL‘lllllL‘\ and Iranxport link» \\'ould \llll \Itidcnt or [‘l'tllL‘\\lUll;tl. £3“) pcm + lull» 'l'cl: H778" 3X3 l33.

I West End room lll \ltat‘cd llat lll \'(i \tandard. clcan. l‘rcxhl} dccoratcd \arnixhcd “oodclt l'loorx \Vorktng pcrmn. \on \iuokcr. £350 pcm including ("l .‘l‘clj (PUSH I)(i.l ()3-1.

I Room to let in (il;l\:_‘tl\\ ('it} cciitrc. £300 pcm. .\'on \llltlkt‘l'\ prcl'crrcd. 'l'cl: “MI 333 l l57.

I Fully furnished room Ill modci'n Hat. 5 lllllllllL‘\ lroin cit} ccntrc. £335 pcm + l‘lll\. lcl: I)l~ll 333 33.14.

I Woodland flat has a room to rcnI lrom Jul} lxt. £350 pcm. Situach ncar to unncrxit). \hopx. pubx & a \hort walk from lti\\ll. lcl: lllJI 333 l‘)l3.

I Wilton Street. Large bcdroom in bright. corncr llat looking owr communal gardcnx. llugc loungc and \\ cll cquippcd dining kitchcn. Bathroom \xith \houcr. (i(’ll plu\ l)(i. liax} parking ()uict location. £3\'() pcm + bill» 'l‘cl: Ill-ll 33-1 5883.

I Spacious room available in quict \cht lind llat. ('low to thc botanicx BB(‘. Iranxport ctc, Nu“ I} littcd bathroom. pcriod l'caturcx. Suit cax} -going prolcvtonal. lintr} bcginning Jul}. cht £330 pcm lllL‘lll\l\L' ol’ all billx. lcl: (ll-ll ‘)-l(i (H55.

I Hyndland, West End - l’t'tilt‘\\itiltttl pcl‘xon to draw loxcl) Hat with No othcr pcoplc. (la) l'ricndl}. l)oub|c bcdrooni. bcaiitiliill) lurnixhcd “llll all mod conx. £300 pcm including (T but + \harc ol billx & rclcrcnccx. ()un phonc linc. 'l‘cl: (ll-ll 35" I306 or 07080 fill.“ 47 I.

I Lovely, sunny double room in lab 3 lloor llat. \outh \Idc. (iorgCoux loungc. hardwood llooring. pt‘natc parking. tricndl} Labrador. ('it} ccntrc l5 minuch £300 pcm including billx. Tcl: (ll-ll 63"


I Room to let in bcatitiliil \\c\t l'nd llat (i(‘ll « all niod \l‘ll\ (‘loxc to lllll\L'l\ll} t\ cit} tculic \uit niatuic lt‘\l‘i‘ll\ll‘lL' l‘k‘lnlll Lb“ pu including l‘lll\ lcl Ill-ll 33-3 5\35 c\cning\ I Dennistoun - No double ioonix loi icnt in bright \pacioux tlat L31“ pin o ('1 [cl truth <5 no.1

I Independent, easy going, ptotcxxional uanlcd Io \haic \pacioth llat in Kclun (ito\c \\ llll all tiiod ct'll\ Shach dining kitchcn. bathiooiii .\ hung iooin \hoit lca\c\ \Hll\ltlt‘lt'\l L 35" pciii inc hiding all lull~ c\ccpI lk‘lL‘l‘llHllL‘ “‘5”: :ll.\ :h‘l I Female to share git-at \lllllll \lIlL' llttl \\llll l Ulllt'l l.aigc cHIItlHl'lal‘l) ltiiiii\hcd room \xitli all inod \llll\ lland_\ loi public ll.tll\llttll L3 l 5 pc iii lllclll\l\C. 'lcl‘ lll-ll .133 ‘ll35 I Southside, suit professional. hcamum m \llalcd llal. 3 lllllt'l\ (i('ll. \haicd kitchciixloungc. bathroom clcctric \houci \cat tindcrgrotind atid l‘ll\k'\ £3 35 pcm including (‘ l' 'lcl “"5"?” Nlb 3(i.

I Flatmate wanted for bcatitiliil \unn} iooni ill \\c\l land llat .'\S;\l’. .v\ll mod con\. (Kill L‘lc Illcltltlctl l)t‘ptt\ll £3llll. cht {30” pcm + ("l' o l‘lllx ‘l't-I. Ill-ll ‘34 5mm.


I Broughton area. Double room mailablc lll lai‘gc lop. llool' \hat‘cd llal. \\ llll lotir HlllL‘l\. n/\ lcnialc picl largc \unn} kitchcn. grcat

\ lL'\\\. .-\\ailablc 3b ,lunc £103 pcm Ik bill» 'l'cl HI 3| 55b (illll.

I Wanted! A young pl'tllt‘\\l(lll;ll to \harc \paciotix. ucll lurnnhcd cit} ccntrc llat, .\lalc or l'cnialc. but )oti nccd to bc sociablc and outgoing. £33llpcm. l’lcaxc call altcr bpin on H374 U50 3038.

I Single room in l.L‘Illl llal lo \harc “uh I othcr. nould \llll prol'cxxional lcnialc. £335 pcm + blllx & Ilcpoxtl. lcl. “‘53-'5 ()l-l HRH

I Room to let Ill 4 bcdrooni l'lat. loungc. 'l'V. ‘llll _\oung pl'olcxxlonal 3ll- 3“ )L'an. £355 pcm including ("l + billx :\\ailablc Ixt Jul_\. 'lcl \adinc or (‘arra on: III 3| 477 039-1.

I Room to let in largc houxc III 'l‘hc (irangc \lotl conx. gardcm lront & rcar. oll \Ii'ccl parking. 15 llllll\ to cit} ccntrc N/x [lilth\\lUll;Il. £390 pcm. .-\\ai|ablc 7th .lllllL'. 'l‘cl: (lffill) 304 ()73

I Large room for £25!) pciii. Kitchcn. bathroom.

\lttm cr. bath. \itting room. 'l‘cl. U705" JIS 875

I Double room in \pacioux l.cith tomi houxc, £380 pcm including ("l1 £3le dcpoxit. 'l'cl: 0""48 0-1-1 NIH.

I Double room available in .\larcliniont Road. l’rolcxxional rcqiiircd to \harc \Hlll 3 othcrx. cht £330 pcm + ("14 lullx. 'l‘cl: 013] 338 (MU—1.

I Double room in l'ol\\.IIIlI aica to draw \Kllll l othct \cck l‘ltllt'\\l\‘|l.ll iiiatuic \Itidcnt

\ x L 3”” pcin \\ailablc tiIiiiichatcl_\ lcl HI 3| .33" .lo.\<

I Large sunny double room in \laichniont llat. a\aIlablc cnd ltinc Run 13 3" pttii o (‘l o l‘lll\ \\otild \llll a ll \ [‘li‘lt'\\li\ Icnialc lcl

HI 3| 33" 3"33

I Central large double l‘t‘tllm‘lll. (\ct‘llc‘lll \ll.ll\'\l l.Ic|llllL'\ \tnt couplc :35 pu including (‘l lcl “I 3l .‘3"

5 l 3-1

I Large room in mum llat \Iipcib location. \ l\‘\\\ to \iIhtn x ~\‘cat. liicndl_\

ll.Illll.Ilt'\ 135llpcin o ('l \\ailablc ltil} lxt tiiilil Ilic cnd oI \lllehl lcl lll3lfmll~13V I Excellent room in am bright llaI \lll\l bc Iid) .\ n \ [3 3“ pt iii ' \haicd lullx ('I paid lot 'lt-I ol :1 _‘_‘o moo

I Rooms to let lll a tni\cd \llltlt'lll ltottxc \xith gatdcn Ill Bruntxlicld \uitablc loi 3id lIh icat \tudcnt \\c|| ctpnppcd lll\ piano L3H“ 33“ P\ lll lcl

HI 3| 33‘) 3333

I Room in Marchmont llat “NB 3 l‘ltllt'\\ Icinalm \ \ lt'lllalt' Plt‘lt‘llt'tl -\\\lt' ‘l .lnl_\ L315 pciii ~ (’I . lullx ‘l't-I, III ll Mu u lilo

I 1 double room to \liatc “NB 3 Hlllt‘l\ ni lull} llllllhllt‘il iiiodcin llal L3llb' pcm o lullx ("I' III III It Your“

I Double room available lll tiiciidl} \loi‘nmgudc llat loi piolcxxioiial n \ lcinalt- to \ll.llk' \\llll 3 Hlllt'h L3 ill pcm ~ ("I ' l‘lll\ lcl III 3| -l-l5 5| H

I Bright double room lll attracth modcrn llat Ill l.cith Sunablc lot a )Ullll}: ca\_\ going pcrwn L3H! pcin o lllll\ I (lcluutl (F‘lq (N5 (i‘)3

I West End - Large mam a\ailablc in baxcnicnt llaI l’l'ttlt'\\ltlll;ll icquircd. 35 35 to \harc \\llll lcinalc l'ull} llll'lll\llt'tl \\llll patio gaidcn HIM) mcluxnc l)cpo\it & l'L'lCl‘L'llct'x “-5353 Hill) fi-ll altci 5pm

I Four girls seek tinh lctiialc llaliiialc ()uict room lll largc lull} llll'lll\llI'Il Broughton ai'ca llat axailablc bcgnining ol Auguxt, L3H” pcm + ("II billx 't'L-lv (P‘ZU tits HIP

I Sunny room in lo\t'l_\ \harcd lilat iti quict \ttcct l’oxt giad or pl'tllc\\ltlll£ll pt'clct'rcd £350 pcm + billx 'l'cl ll"xl5 053237

I Sunny double room. n/\ to draw with 3 othcrx in Nicolxon Squatc in ccntral lzdiiibuigh. £35!) + lllll\ & ("l. 'I'L-l; HI 3| “()3 9466

I Slateford Road. Room to lct in modcrn llat. all niod com Including Ill\ll\\;l\llcl' ()n good bux routc or 3H lllllllllL’\ \ialk lroiii cit} ccntrc. Stilt n/x pl'lllC\\l(|ll;Il £350 pcm + ("l + hlll\. lcl. HI 3| 438 [353

I Single room by thc Shun- tor rcnt. All niod conx .\lll\l bc a n/\ A; ga} li'icndl}. l)cpmu rcqtiircd Rciit £150 pcm cxcltiding hlll\ 'l'cl' HI 31 553 “()lll.