
TRE ' :B'L’lll'G BEFORE (3-0 (15) 84min O...

W FEARDOTCOM ' \ (18) 101mm .0 ‘Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.‘ Hosea 13: 1-2.

It's all in the language. Orthodox Jewish law is a minefield of circular debate and intellectual infusion. but the major tenets. as in any religion. are carved in stone. What happens then when nature throws up the extraordinary: a man who loves men, a woman who loves women? Sandi Simcha Dubowski‘s documentary tries. in part. to reconcile the differences that have created such a huge divide between Hassidic Jews and the gay community.

Many years in the making, Trembling before G-D :. z : . E 2 ~ fe‘tl'“ Dubowski's film structures itself .: ' ' .: a, around the life testimonies of the very Fishmann standing on the corner of useful to explain that 'Ha-Shem‘ :2 z w ~ “. . '- .1?»- : few gay Orthodox Jews who would his old neighbourhood, railing against means ‘the Name' as in God‘s name. . : .~ 2. xi. allow themselves to be filmed. We a cruel God who has left him an which the Torah states may never be follow their efforts to reconcile their emotional orphan while a tubby pronounced (hence the film’s . u 2' 2 '21:." "u ';l faith with their sexual orientation. Hassidic young man looks kindly on. typographically odd title), but this is a : . °' w v- I. if :2 two» Along the way we follow a young drag Or the moment one of the film's minor quibble. :~ -: '. :.~-.: .1: x: l :tw queen from London to Jerusalem, an subjects admits he is dying of an For generations. the homosexual i 2' 2: _ 1' i“. :1' 8’4 e: my Orthodox lesbian and her partner. AIDS-related illness. faithful have suffered at the hands of :

Israel Fishmann, a fiftysomething lnterjections from progressive religious bigots and fools. Some film‘s intellectual who has rejected the Orthodox thinkers and subtitles for aims are so true they defy criticism. people and faith who have rejected those with less than a working This is one of them miss at your him. knowledge of the Hebrew and Yiddish peril. (Paul Dale)

There are moments of raw power make the film accessible to a wider I :" -v : ' r .' here that leave you gasping for air: demographic. But it would have been

anuc'E ALMIGHTY (12A) 101 min .0.

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l" 2~'..:"_ ' Win. 9' "a: him-cs, '<:.-_-'L2-'- " _: Not your typical country parish

- 12- .' f'. : ' «' w w: I. mung-2:1"; '."»’~ 2;. EL CRIME" DEL PADRE AMARO Dog-cared Kim's T'W'“ " 2’ '.' -.- .‘.:. .1 .i "" In, ,..'.'.;2 " 3 .1213 ' , ' (15) 118mm «0 , b a" " .:~:"-.- _:.,"w.::: "trX'. " ".22; '. '.-I: 1W: "'5‘. Tl‘fl'fi’lf; r)? the ' ‘3 .l‘»!' ' r '. i...".21\1.'.!7':H:%Té:.: '."'§' .'2'.-'I ~' -. " '2 ' 1"" 2' I - " ' ’. ,2' '1 "‘.‘)"’,T .‘.'l‘l"(l(l‘!'}”!‘,‘()f - ' ' " " '; ' 5%..7 .2 ::f~- 2 ' -- ' ' 5' " . 2 w " {l’ll‘liiltl'z' 2w} Hufiillk: ‘2' 1..;-. .. '- "a -'w‘:::-:,-.2 T" f"-;- ' 2 .E : 2-- . '- w " ' ' " -~ ‘0' a nick ‘zz‘mrtntm‘ ‘.‘.’lll‘. '.' ..::.‘:"_::;c‘: '.':,».:'r:," ""."-.'ES..“;: .::;:r~ 2'\"’2'."-¢-"'."-:'-: ' '7' " '. .: t. 2' .: fzxzu,(,r'ilzx'y:‘;, ruiiféit Unit-.- .Jz:"" A" :30" Harte-R .2' " 2. .2..'2‘: a, '."-.- f z' . 2 ', 2 ' .' ' 2' . ':. .' " o- ": um'rwfi'nrw; rilntl: annual. 2"'\ .iff'WlI."‘:"i7'12;itltff~f";:1".:b'” 1.. ,.°.'" "-7""'t' '.:’.: 2' 2:-' 22' 2 ' '2' ' I'D", HUTthifhlllljfiilf‘: ' .- .' 1". ' "z : gm”. '2'; «murmutuxfj. '1!r(;',t(,r c: .:-_,-"‘ 2:. ‘u-Iwa ’.";:'. .‘znm '."n.,- .2'.‘:" 2 .2..t'?~,'. " . .' 2: " -.' .' :' ' "' 2' ' : ' :1" Hum/,- w; {/20- :: '4‘; 2 ix" 2 :v " -v 2 -.' .2. '. 2 " " -- -' .:: .' 2-. .‘ ‘/::../"¢;f.'///% l/‘Igal'fl‘u "‘tf"{.’ -_'-'3T~'. : 2 . z.) 2 t: 2' ' ' : ° rl{,;1!I’:(/'l‘>tbi°l,‘{/I’)T.I) ‘2‘2:,‘:'v;::tu';i' ,lll’l‘:.’;)lllf‘.lllg ' ' 2 2:.”2' ‘utifi'ufd'h ’I‘ :‘LZFT’J " 2 " 1'” ' “‘2': 2" 2' :.'2' ’1‘2'1‘2'1‘29'1’1,’ith’lilCUSS y:-.""..: . ' " w 2 " " " .' :' ' ' ' .:: 2" w 1 '::I,r;r;:'l2::m'.t THU,- thriller, ll“. LI" . .::~:\. 2 2‘ ‘. '. .' '.2 -. .' : -.' ' " -.' ' ' :grtr;Y"/,v'1t(, 'll‘xgmse tins; 1'» " '. ' 5x" ~~°. -- " ' : -. 2 -.' 2: ' 'z' -' " ' 2;; " w ‘I:’,T. TH: ifl‘xélfj‘fi. Q’llllflq ' 3: 2.2512: :- "‘ 2'. ' 2 '. ' “' w ' .' ' 2 2 :2 ' :: ‘.' 212": {X 801.1:“(138 ’JC Irllo ' «at .z:1 '."-.»' " .' 2 2' " ' : 2 2 :3 2" 2' ' :' ', -. ‘Wt'lfrffl (2.“;r 'lrlxe. Mule .i..:¥-L':‘ ..: " " z' ' ." :-- 2 :r -- 2 " '1 . z": .' ‘f'0:1'3’1‘;“,U'rll/:Hf;(il‘;l)/ "' " ' : ,1," ii’.°,l"fl":(1’ll.. t‘, z :' EST . ' tui, an! Meme? T‘HW: \; l"t'..I‘ 8.21 "TX". ' '. ' ' .' -"I-- ' '1'2’1‘: 9‘12")”‘2’21'1’ “J. CT: 25” ..Z;" . n H T, " ' ".'. I .."" 2' . ' . I ,1""". 1 ‘;,(;l' (1., {1,1 rill“, (1,1,; {Igifrfirj 5:”1.::-.-. .. : 2". " " 2’ 2 -. 2w' " w: ' '-- -- an ‘31:, 60"”: F1": under "13".: {35: 1' .222' \'_ . 2'. ' ' ' 2. .' ' " -' 2' 2" I .' 2 2' 1': 2' ' '."...€1H. ‘lfi.'.’?1i(,'l71l!‘:.. .C‘::"‘:"’.i 'e'»‘-..-:\-.> ' 2 2 '. " 2’ : 2-v N310 d, n F‘ _ V V \ I 9”? (3/, 3(3/1 r‘:/(J(rf\()(;

Show me heaven :1:_.;-3 I- . -- : .' " " -' . .' r " 22’

'. -. THE LIST 29