
BIKER BOYZ (12A) 110min 0.

Let‘s talk movie iconography for a moment: the motorbike is the epitome of cool. There is no better image than a rebellious anti— hero shooting the breeze on a two- wheeled beast. Marlon Brando, Steve McQueen, even Arnie upped their street cred by spreading their legs.

Better still is when the hairy leather-clad behemoths drink beer and smoke dope (see Easy Rider, The Wild One and Hell’s Angels). Everyone knows these truths, it seems, except the makers of Biker Boyz, 3 film that backfires before it even reaches the freeway.

This is the story of Manuel ‘King of Cali' Galloway (Larry Fishburne), the president of a motorcycle club whose members are all African-American men. Every year he travels to Fresno to take place at an annual drag-racing event where he tries to retain his championship title.

Basically this is a cheap rip-off of The Fast and the Furious, with fewer thrills, fewer spills, and two fewer wheels. Someone should have told them no car, not even Kitt from Knight Rider, carries the cool clout of the highway horse. Worse still, this gang ultimately learn to respect each other and turn to family reconciliation and wholesome living.

Little more than a fashion show brought to you from the pages of Bikes Illustrated, it boasts the dubious talents of pretty boys Derek Luke and Djimon Hounsou. Curvaceous gals Meagan Good and Lisa Bonet are cast to sucker dads and sons into the cinema at the same time. Please don’t fall for this cheap ploy. (Kaleem Aftab)

I GURU/(1’ release/9017) BIZ/Jul).

Motorbike iconography gone wrong


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Don't go down to the woods today

30 THE LIST ‘:' .~‘

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é FAsr'é'F'u'nIous (12) 94min 0.

' ' \ z. ' a ' :., ' I r «1,5 PIG-LET’S BIG MOVIE (U) 75min (unable to review at time of going to press) | I"<:g;.lr‘.;f';,i'* il.."..:'».,-::A_:r-::‘.'. ,:1 ~ .12.,- tmm .tl).§lli{:' a:"..:r‘.i."t.':.; tdt,‘ .. ;‘ 41.:‘.-.:"'...'-.,- filthy" Phil”. ..‘."'f;"-;::; --. " t'x; .'..;.>.1&; after ".3. :.::".; gai;,.'.v.;<: k 1:: :41": :nputt: .r‘. em; .:f e; TN:

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(15) 103min 0...

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