Film index

Broken Wings i 1% 00 Air Bergman. lxracl. 300] ()rly Silhcrxat/ Baiiai. Maya Maron. .\'Itai (iayirat/ VIIIIiI lt‘cltatfi‘ daughtcr Maya Ix caught hctyyccn making a go ot hccoming thc \lllgt‘fwlittg"~\rtlL'r of a rock hand and hclpmg hcr mothcr raixc hcr young hrothcr and xixtcr. Mothcr Datna xpcndx hcr timc yyorltmg nightx or xlccpmg, Brothcr Yair tx out ol xchool xullcrtng an L'\I\lcllll;tl crixix ()t courxc. thc tamily Iiicinhcrx arc all. m tthr oyyii yyayx. ayoiding dcahng yyith thcu grict .-\nd yyhilc thcy to doing that. thcy kccp thciiixclycx huxy making cach anothcr unhappy. Maya rcxcntx hcr iiiothcr tor not gctting oy cr hcr tathcr. Datna Ix not at all xupportiy c oi hcr daughtcr'x muxical talcnt and Yair yy ritcx cycryonc otl' ax a xpcck ol duxt. So. thc taIIIIIy moon alyouL unahlc to do anything yyith thcir hycx. ('hccry lxracli kitchcn \tnly drama (‘u/iim, Ialuiliiu'u/I.

Bruce Almighty i 12m 000 than Shadyac. l‘S. 2003i Jim (‘arrcy. .\lorgan i‘tL‘t‘ttltttl. Jcnmlcr .-\nIxtoii. H)! mm. TV anchor man Brucc Nolan can't xccm to gcl that promotion hc nccdx. hc moanx. and thcii oiic day (iod giycx him all hIx poyycr tor onc \ycck. A modcrn day lahlc that axkx thc grand qucxtion: \yhcrc ix (iod’ And llicn procccdx to lriyialixc thc anxyy cr that llc ix all around iix. A dixaxtcr llrucc accidcntally cauxcx Iii ('hina h)‘ laxxooing thc Iiiooii tor Anixton'x romantic plcaxurc l\ oycrlookcd ttx lhc lilttt ltK‘lth'x upon tlic iicyyxinan'x cycntual cpiphany. Still. Ii (‘arrcy‘x xlap \CltllL‘ix anticx amuxc you. thcy 'll amuxc you hcrc. Scc icy icyy, (ie'm'ru/ ri'le'uuh

Carl Th Dreyer, my Matter lccrt lhcl i'l‘orhcn Skiodr Jciixcn. l)cIImark/lccland/Noryy'ay/Syy'cdcn. IWSI 96min Stylixcd documentary on thc lil'c and atixtcrc artixtry of thc grcat tilmmakcr (‘arl ill/Iv I’unmn of loan (If xll'I'l l)rcycr. I'i/ntltotm: Edinburgh.

Chane Chalte (P(ii (Ali/ Mur/a. India. 2003) Shah Rukh Khan. Ram Mukhcricc. Min thc. Ncyy Bollyyyood drama xtarrmg thc young god ol' thc gcnrc. dircctcd hy thc man hchind l‘)‘)7'x li'i lion. l'(‘/. Iz'ilirihuruh. Charles Laughton Directs Night of the Hunter t lZAI ltlllmin. .'\I'L‘ill\‘l\l and yyritcr Rohcrt (iitt and hix collaborator Nancy .\lyxc| hoxt a l'axcmating cycning that xhoyy‘caxc thc ncwly l'otmd outtakcx ot' (‘harlcx Laughton'x tantaxtical maxtcrpiccc 'I'hi' Night rift/M Ilium-r. 'l'hcw cxtra chIICx. outtaku and dixturhing y'ariantx on the linixhcd tilm \ycrc found in Lillian (iixh‘x attic tyyo ycarx hcl'orc xhc dicd. 'l'hcy rcy cal what a ycry trouhlcd xhoot it yyax. l'nmixxahlc. (ii-“II (i/rlycrm; I't/nt/tnuu', [1-(Itlihirr‘g/i. Chicago 1 12m .0. (Rob .\larxhall. l'S. 2002i Rcimc chlyycgcr. (‘athcrinc tha- Joan. Richard (icrc. 1 13min. Marxhall'x loiig-ayyaitcd xcrccn adaptation of thc cclchratcd muxical cxplodcx on to thc xilycr xcrccn. l‘olloyy Ing lhc cxploitx of [no Iiitii‘dcroiix Jul] hahicx Roch llart tXcllyycgcri and \clma Kclly thta-JoanI and thcir dct'cncc layyycr. Billy Flynn t(icrci. .\loying hctyyccn thc rcality oi Prohibition-era ('hicago and thc Intcrior tantaxy \y'orld ot‘ Royic llart. \yhcrc cach charactcr hccomcx an all-xingiiig. all-dancing poyycrhottxc.

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Marxhall xkiltully xuccccdx III a potcntially prohlciiiatic xtagc to xcrccn adaptation. Lacking cnough xaxx and xc\ual Innucndo. ('u/mrv/ thix ain't. hut (‘liit'ugu noncthclcxx dUL'\ juxticc to thc xtagc muxical and thc da/lling y itality oi thc huxinc'xx knoyyn ax xhoyy l'( 'I. IailiIi/mrgli: ( '( 'I. (‘lyr/v/mnl‘,

El Crimen Del Padre Amaro 1 ISI .0. t('arlox ("arrcra. Mcxico/Spaiii/Argciitina/l‘t'ancc. 3003i (iacl (iarcia Bcrnal. Sancho (ii‘acia. Anchca .»\ragon, Ana (‘latidia ’l‘alancon

l l8min. 'l‘hc moxt xucccxxt‘ul lilin III Mcxican hox-ollicc ltixlot'}. (.Atl‘ltix ('arrcra'x updatcd ycrxion ot lica dc Qucirox' Iatc l‘)th-ccntury l’ortugucxc noy‘cl rcachcx Scottixh xcrccnx in thc yyakc ot' controy‘crxy. moxtly xtirrcd up by (‘atholic prcxxurc gi'oupx. :\ttt;tt‘o lBL‘t'ttitll ix a l'axt-trackcd young pl'lC\l xcnl to a rural town for training. llc xoon hccomcx dangcrouxly iiiyolycd yyith thc xcnxual hut dcyout Amclia ('l'alanconi \y hilc hix xupcrior. l-‘athcr Bcnito t(iraciai. takcx mom y from the local drug haron t'or charitable projcctx and hax a long-xtanding rclationxhip yyith Amclia'x mothcr. Anotth pricxt. Natalio t.-\lca/ari. ix thrcatcncd yyith cxcoIIIIIIunication tor xupporting thc local lcl‘t-yying gucrrillax. Not your typical country parixh. that'x l‘or xurc. A xatixt‘yingly complcx but only occaxionally incixiy'c attack on organixcd rcligion. Scc rcyicyy. ('(K‘ Rc'It/r'r'n' .S'Il't'r'l. (iluwrm'; l't/lllhnllfil’. Edinburgh.

Culloden t 15) .... tl’ctci' Watkinx. l,'K. mm 73min. Watkinx' tirxt tull lcngth piccc t'or lClCVixtott yyax an attcmpt to film a pcriod conflict III thc manncr ot' a prcxcnt day ncyy xi'ccl. and on thc xpot intcry'icyyx hlcnd yyith aiI impaxxioncd and commitch coIIIIIicntary. (ii/nion'liillU/J. (i/iiygrm:

Cyberworld (PU) (Varioux. l‘S. 2002) Min thc. Ncyy- 31) lilm tor thc giant xcrccn

lcaturing aiiIIIiatcd chaiactcix tIoIIi \m’; to ]}I(’ .hllll/HHIH Ill l,\'~ (Ha-yum:

Dark Water 0000 [that-u \aitaia Japan. :‘t‘tli llitomi Kiiiolxi Rlx' lx'aiiiio. l'umiyo Kohinata. \xami \ll/llicaua IHIIIIIII \thn Yoxhimi and hci daughtci lkuko Itioyc Into a crccpy apaitmciit III a hid to .l\t‘l\i lkulto‘x tathci claiming; cuxtoily. xtiangc thiiigx xtai't to happcn. yyatci xtaitx \lllH‘lllj: tiom thc cciling and thc littlc giil'x hchayioui hcginx to changc (‘ould it hc that thc picy ioux occupich aic tiy mg to poxxcxx thciii ' \akata dii‘cctx yyitli thc axxIIIaIIcc ot a man yyho hax \yatchcd l’olanxlxi'x li’i'pIi/xiuu IIioic limcx than Ix poxxihly hcalthy l’araiioia and Iain xoalccd dyxpcpxia pcimcatc cyciy tiamc 'l hc [\acc Ix xpol on and mm it thc linal icxolution may not conic ax much ax a xliock thix Ix ax xatIxtyIng ax a claxxic old ghoxt xloiy hrcathlcxxly \Ihixpcicd oyci a damp yyood tiic Xt‘lt’t It't/ I‘t'it'o‘yc'

Darkness Falls I5: 00. Jonathan Lichcxman. [8. limit ('haIIcy chy. |.IIIIIia (litilticld. (iIaiIt l’IIo 55mm It \yax only a mattcr ot timc hctoic thc loolh laiiy poppcd up in a hoI'I'oI moyic :\ kindly old \yomaii hangcd l5!) ycaIx ago atth hcing yyioiigly accttxcd ot child IIIIIIch Ictuiiix poxl mi-Itcm to pctrity thc hl\i\ ot xmall toyyn l)aILIchx l'ale on thc night thcy loxc lhc laxt ot that milk tccth l'Iixt-limc diicctoi lichcxiiiaii \yixcly kccpx thingx ximplc uxmg lhc play ot light and xhadoyi to hciglitcii tcnxioii III a xty lc rcIIIIIIIxchIt ot thc I‘M: claxxic (a: l’: Him} \Ii ctlcctiyc. It pi‘cdictahIc chillci xtaIIIIig Huh". rcgular (‘aull'tcld Show mi (in: NM. l’i:i\.'i\ l’uiylc'I

Day Of Wrath tccrt thc I ..... t('atl Drcy cI. [)cnmaik. I‘l-ihi 'l‘hoikild Rooxc. l.ixhcth \lmm. \cigiid \t'IIt'IidaIII lleIii Rarc outing toI l)Icyci'x xtaik Iiiaxtct’piccc ot low and yyitchci'att III thc l"th cciitiiiy \o onc hax L‘\L'l' comc cloxc on thc xuhicct ot yyttchcx and yyitchcialt yyith thc poxxihlc C\ccption ot Kcii Ruxxcll'x Ila I). :iI'x I'ilmhouu'. Ia/IIi/tqu/i manager...journalist...key grip...

lab secretary...linguist...midwife...musician...nursery administratormoutdoor pursuits instructormphotographer

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32 THE LIST 19 Jun—3 JLI‘ 2333

Some things hurt more than just cars and girls

Death in Venice I" .0. il “\lllily‘ \ Ixuiiiti Italy. I" ‘l “Nix llojyaiilc. liioiii \llyilt‘\\t‘ll, \ilyaiio \lanz'aiio l.‘\iIIiII \z‘ciiii' \clchiatcd \oIIip-ixci \oii \ll\\k'lli\l\ h ithc \ .t[‘.tl\h‘. xlightly llll\\ .ixt livi'aiilci \oIIicx to \c'lllyt' III thc Iiiidxt ot a \ icatixc \ IIxix and lIccoIIch Iiitaiiiatcd yyith a i‘t‘.tltltllli l’olixh l‘oy yyho t'ltll‘itiilt‘x thc kind ol phy \l\.tl and xpiiitiial puIIt\ hc'x i‘t't'll looking toi i:I hix \yoik Highly \lccoiatiyc attciiipt .it thc IIIItIlIIIaNc. though thc uxc ot \lahlci'x liltli \yniphony Ix hit'hly allccting (1/ I (ii'iixuiizi

Derrida lct‘ll li‘x IKIilIy l)l\ k .\ \Iiiy /Icting KolIIIaiI, l \. I'M.“ N‘Iiiin Hotuiiicnlaiy poitiait «it thc \yoilil’x IIiI-xt cclcl‘tatcd il\ Ing philoxophci l.l\\lllk'\ llctiida \ ditcctoiial to l‘l”\1l|\ll"nt””k. halt ot \yhich Ix Kiihy llitk. thc III.iII ltt'htnd thc l‘lllllJlll \Iii list lih ma.’ Ih III/I «it [iii/I I/itliiizjim_ \.'I;n Il’lt.'\l'l iiiyt (t 'l (II/(I'\'\'I'H

Dirty Deeds i I* i O. il).iy at (‘acxaL \ll\ll.l|l.t.3”“.‘1lil}.tlllilit\\il, loni (‘ollcttta John (ioodiiiaii llltiiiin lt'x I‘NIU III Sydiicy. i‘ll\lllt'\\ Ix hooining toI llaiiy Ryan IBIUV-lll liiioycd tip hy lhc iiitlti\ ot

l 8' xoldicix Ictiiiiiiiig tIoiII \ictnaiii \ ('hicago lltUl‘ xciid loiiy i( iooIlIIIaIIi oyci to Inycxtigalc ' \\ Iitci \illt‘t toi l)ay Id ('acxai \yoikx hiIIIxcll up Iiito a Scoixcxian tIIIy \yith thix \hcc ot (intuit. Hm Iitc 'l hcic aic a tcyy IIicc lolichcx and a yyholc lot ot tixh Hill ill \\.lit'l litht'x (iittttillldll it'ltix\ Ilht' ilk'.\ \litlllf: ll lHt lilt' llk't' ilitltiia} and lint]! ('ollcttc ax liaiiy 'x haid taccd yyilc \haioii xtcal’x cyciy xcciic xhc Ix III \\ hat \aiii \cill I\ doing hcic Ix anyonc'x gut-xx ()Ii lilt‘ pith \|\i\' lilt‘ lilltl Imihx :tt'itl liit‘ clotlicx and xct dctail Iii thc tiixt halt ot lhc lilIII Ix outxtanding lhc dcnoiiciiicnt In thc ttlllilac it hax thc xopoiilh clttut ot yyak hing ( IHI f’l/l/l [HUN/ii 3 .tllt'l .ttt C\\C\\l\ hcayy Ioaxt Dangcioux xtutt / (it Ix’i Il/lr'i'. \fn . (ii'iiyzmz. /(i( la/III/tiui'ii

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