The Matrix Reloaded 1 151 11.00.1111. 12311. 120. 2.20. 450. 5.411. 11.10. 0.20.

The Matrix Reloaded (Subtitled) 1 151 11 50.1111. 300.

Nicholas Nickleby 111111 2 00.

Old School1l51 8.50

Phone Booth1151 11.011. 8.10. Ripley's Game1151 11 311. 11.011. Secretary11s1 11.50.1111. 2.30. 5.30. 3.111.

Snake oiJune11.s1 1111111111. 1211. 1311. 5 30. 7.30. 0.30. X-Men2112.-\1 11.00.1111. 2.011. 5.20. .s 211.

1111111‘1/ 211~1HURSDAY 2f}

Anger Management 1 151

Dull}: 11.30.1111. 2.20. 5.20. 8.30. .-\1s11 lute 1'11 & Sui: 11.00. Baslc1l51

1)uiI\: 11.00.1111. 130. 4.00. (1.30. 1). 311'.

.1\1s111ule 1'11 1k Sui: 1150 Bringing Down the House 1 12.»\1 1)ui|_\: 11.50.1111. 300. (1.10. 8.50111111 Tue 1k \Veili.

Bruce Almighty 1 12.-\1

Sui. Sun 1k Thu: 11.30.1111. 12.10. 2.20.

2.50. 5.211. 11.011. 3.311. 0.00. .-\1s111ule Sui: 11.20. 11.50.

El Crimen Del Padre Aman 1 151 1)uil_\: 11.00.1111. 1.50. 5.00. 8.00. Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met ond 112.31

1);ii1}: 11.10.1111. 1.30. 4 00, (1.20. 8.40.

.1\1s111ule 111 k Sui: 11.10.

Gods and Generals 1 12..\1

\Veili (1.31).

A Guy Thing 1 12.41

l’Tl Wed: 2.30 111111 Sui 1k Sun). 5.30. 8.10 111111 Sui & Sun).

The Nunted1151

.‘slutinee 1‘11 1% M1111 Wed: 12.30. 3.00, 5.20 (k 8.00 (11111 \Veill.

Identity 1 151

1).ii|}: 11.20am. 1.50. 4.20. (1.50. 9.20.

.-\|s111ule 1‘11 1% Sail: 11.50.

lgbyGoes Down 1151

I)ltII}I 11.50.1111. 3.00, (1.00. 9.00. I’ll 881'th 1 12A)

H.111): 1 1.30:1111. 3.00. (1.00. 8.40. Kangaroo Jack 11’(;1

.\iuiiiiee Sui & Sun: 11.00uiii. 1.10. 3.20.

The Matrix Reloaded 1 151

Dull}: 12.30. 4.00. 7.30. 9.00 (11111 Thui.

Also 1"1‘1 «N 311111 \Velli 11.001111). 2.20. 5.40.

.-\1s11|uie l'i'i & Sui: 10.50.

Max1151 0.111): 11.40.1111. 2.50. 5.30. 13.30. Nicholas Nlcldeby 1 P( 11

Wed: 8.45.

Snake at June 1 181

Dull}: 4.00. (1.30 (11111 Tue).

.-\1s11 \leekilii)si 2.00.

Summer Things (Embrassez Out Vous Voudrez) 1 151

0.111): 11.50.1111. 2.30. 5.30. 8.00. Tadpole 1 151

Duil): 11.20.1111. 1.40. 4.00. (1.30. 8.50.

.-\1s0 lute l'll'i & Sui: 1 1.30.

2 Fast 2 Furious 1 12m

I)ui1_\: 11.00.1111. 12.40. 2.00. 3.30. 5.10. (1.30. 8.10. 9,20.

:\1s11lute Fri 1% Sui: 11.10. 11.411. X-Men 2112.-\1

l’ri .\111n. Wed & Thu: 8.20.

Also niuiinee Sui & Sun: 1.00.


Prugrumme likely in he siiiiilur 111 the

pi'e\ii1us \\ eek. Phone 0870 907 0789 (or tleiuils .iiid times. Ne“ tiliiis due 11111pen

1111 27 Jun:

Biker Boyz 1 12.-\1

Bruce Almighty 1 12A) Feardotcom 1 1.51

Full Time Killer 1 181 Nicholas Nickleby 1 12.-\1 Wrong Turn 1 1.51

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore

Brunton Theatre: Edinburgh

1,uil_\\se11 Wu}. Musselhurgh. 0131 (1115 2240. £3.50 1£2.501.


The Nour3112A1 7.30.

Cameo: Edinburgh

381111iiieSlim-1.0131 228 4141. ('(' 1111111111131: 0131 228 4141.13.11 241111111 interiiiuiinn1.11ie:0131 228 280011)]. £5.20 (£3.50e11nes 1111 11:1} 'l‘llcsiltl} - 'l'hursdu} und l‘riilzi}-Siiiiil.i) heinre (1piii1; £3.50 ulI 11.1) 5111111111) unil Tuesdu) -’l‘hurs11u} heinre 3pm. Well: £1 cones for iirsi shmi iii eueli screen. 1.uie night shim s: lute night iiiuiii £4 1£2.501; iiiidnighi iiimie £4.50. 1)11uhlel1111s1Siin iiiuiinee/luie night): £4.50 11.350 e11nes1.

11in SDAY .19.

Broken Wings1151 11.511. DarlilNater1l51 4.25. 11.10. lgbyGoesDown1151 1.55. 4.211. 11.40. «1.1111.


Secretary11s’1 4.15. 11.35. 11.115.


Dark Water 1 151

Daily: 4.25. 9.10.

Le Fils(TheSon)1l2A1

liri. Sui 132; Mini Thu: 1.50.

.1\ls11\\'e112 (1.45.

Igby Goes Down 1151

1)ui|}': 1.55. 4.20. (1.40. 9.00. Secretary 1 18)

1);ii|_\': 4.05111111Suii1. (1.3511111i\\'e111. 9.05.

Tiembllng Before G-D 1 151

Dull}: 2.05. (1.50. AboutSchmldt1151+ Meetthe Parents 1121

.‘siuiinee Sun: 1.30.


New iiliiis due 111 open from 1‘11 27 Jun: Nicholas Nicldeby mm

(11110131 228 4141/0131 228 280011r pick up .1 weekly lliiicltlhlc (mm the eineiiiu 1'11r perturiiiuiiee times.

Sun iiiutinee 111i 29 Jun:

L'Nomme Du Rain (The Man on the Train) 1 12A1 + Read my Ups (Sur mes ievres) 1 151

Matinee Sun: 1.30.

Dominion: Edinburgh

18 Newhuitle 'I‘ei'ruee. 0131 447 4771. 111111: 0131 447 2660 and 447 8450. ('(' hooking: 0131 447 4771. Resiziiirunt.

13.11. [1)] .'\111111.S1.11111.1111 £5 10. Siipei‘mr. £5 (10'. l’ulliiiun £0.20 111e111i'e (1pm 511111511111. Siuiiilunl £3.80; Supei‘ini. £4 40. l’iilliiiuii £5,401.1131311340. Sidiiilul'il. :3 .50. Superior £41111; Pulliiiuii £5.20; ('iiieiiiu 31K 4' £4 (10 111e111ie (111111 £3.80; (‘iiieiiius 3 .k 4 £4 401. ('liililien. Siuiiilui‘il: £4. Superior. ('Iiienlus .3 1K 4: £4 (1111131'11111' (1pm_ Sluiiiluid £3.80; Supt-11111: £4.40. l’ullniuii. £5201. |-’uiiii|_\ liekeis siui'i .11 £14 heini'e(11111111111).

T1—1_URSDAY 111

Anger Management 1 151 1.411. 4,511. 7.40.

ICapture the Castle11’1i1 11.111. Identity1151 4.25. 11.45. 11.111.

The Matrix Reloaded1151 1.511. 5.011. 8.15

Pot Luck1151 3.00. .s'_311.

Ripley’s Game1151 2.111.

FRIDAY 2()~—11~1|J1181)AY 911

Anger Management 1 151 Hull): 1.40_ 4.10. 8.51). Basic 1 151

l)£i|I_\I 2.05. 5.10. 8.11).

I Capture the Castle 11’111 Duil}: 2.15. 4.50111111'1'iie1. identity1151

l)uil_\: 4.25. (1.45. 9.10. Johnny English 11’(;1 .‘sluiiiiee Sui & Sun: 2.00. The Matrix Reloaded 1 151 Hi .‘siuii. Wed & Thu: 7.30. Also Tue: 4.50.

ERIE/V. 22'; 11‘1URSDAY 13

Pingi‘unime 11111-1} 111 he siiiiilui' in the pi‘CViUiis \\ eek. Phone 0131 447 2(1(10 111i‘1leiiiils uiiil tiiiies.

Filmhouse: Edinburgh

88 [1111113111 R11;111.0131 228 2(188. Bur. Resiziui‘uiit. [Ii]. [1)]. Muin eseiiing screenings: £5.51) 1£4 Sun 111111111111. liurly lis'eiiiiig sei‘eeiiiiigs: £4.50 1£3 Sun Thu only). Muiiiiees: £3.501£2 Sun Thu 11111} 1; 1111111} hui'guin iiiuliiiees: £2.50 11.1201.


1.About Schmidt 1 151 2.30. 13.30. EGA Degree Show/Animation 11111-1 11.00.

2. Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstres5112A1 3.30. (1.15. x45. 3. 11’ 09’ 01 - September 11 112A) 3.00.

lran, Veiled Appearances 11111-1 5.45. Neiar11’(;1 3.110.


1.Tadpole1151 2.30. (1.30. 3.45. 2. ElCrimen Del Padre Amam1151 3.00. 11.00. 13.30.

3. Dolls112A1 3.15. 5.45.

Carl Th Dreyer, my Metler 11111-1 8.15.

115111193 Film

85‘.“ a...“ “N 1.Tadpole11513311.4311.1.:11_s.1s 2. ElCrimenDelPadreAmaro1151 3011. 4 15. s 45

The Night at the Hunter11'1‘11 11 15

3. Kafi’s Story 1111. » Nuba Conversations 1111. 1 011

The President (Praesidenten) 1111.1 3 :11 Dolls 1 121\1 5 45. N 15

‘1 _. \ 1.Tadpole11512311111111

2. El Crimen Del Padre Amaro 151 3110. 111111. .s 311

Charles Laughton Directs Night at the Nunter112.\1 545

3. Dolls112.\1 315. .545

Leaves irom Satan’s Booli (Blade Al Satans 11111'1 (1 15

13911911» Wis

1.Tadpole1151 11 311.1111. .‘ 311. 1130. 545

2. El Crimen Del PadreAmaro1151 300. 8 311

The Night of the Hunter 111111 111111

3. Dolls112.v\1 315. .s45

Day othrathuim 5 15

11118127311 .3-311N

1.Tadpole1151 2 30. 1130. .545

2. El Crimen Del Padre Amara 1 151 3 00. 1.1111. s 311

3. Day oiWrath1ii11-1 3 311

Dolls112.-\1 545. s45

‘.'.’1 17N1 SiMY 9‘51 .11,N

1.Tadpole1151 2 311. 11:11

ECA Degree Show/Animation 1111. 1 .s 311 2. El Crimen Del Padre Amara 1 151 300. 11.011. 11.311.

3. 00ll5112.»\1 3.15. 8.45

Day at Wrath 1111.1 11 15


1.Tadpole1151 2.30. 13.45

EGA Degree Show/Animation 11111-1 11011 2. Elan Del PadreAmaro1151 31111. 11.110. 3.30,

3. Dolls 1 12:\1 3.15. 5.45

Day at Wrath 1111.11 .s'.15


1.Tadpole1151 2311. 11.311. s45.

2. El Crimen Del PadreAmaro1151 H11. 11.1111. .s.311.

3. Rain 1111.1 3.1111. 11.15 ThePassionolJoanoiArc11'ii1s15


1.Tadpole1151 2.311. 4.311. 11.111. 545. 2. El Crimen Del Padre Amaro 1 151 ‘1. 30. 11.011. 11.311.

3. Once Upon a Time (Der Var Engang) 1111e1 2.00.

The Master at the House (Du Skal Aere Din llustru)1111c1 4.00.

Rain11111-1 (1.15. 1115.


1.Tadpole1151 2.311. 4.30. 11.45 Vampyr1131 11.311.

2. ElCrimen Del PadreAmarO1151 330. 11.00. x30.

3. Rain1ihe1 3.00. 1115. s15

Pooh and the gang

J 1'14: 1.. 27.31115 LIST 43