The Front

Bushnell revealed


I Sex. There's (tl(?(itly not enough of it on the

- - - box. so we are delirious s I to hear that Kim OCIa Ism an e CI , . presenting; a new TV Castro and Came come head to head. 2. .2 2 Paul Dale and Ruth Hedges Show about W mm, 2 2 2. 2: :2 '2 2' : 22' 22 . . ' .' 2' 2 '. ' ()fhumping.Huwngcw . 2222' 222 . ‘2‘JFINOHEII()\.’0tiililitlit| 2'2 .2 2' 2‘ 22‘ 2' '2 .7- 22- 2- ' ' 2" wuthhernowex-hubby. '22 ' 2' :2'.'- ’1'. 22 2'2 '2' ' ' '2:~2 ' ttieSe,x22'i/)(H/)eC/tystar 2222.2: 2" 2 2 2-- 2" 2.2' 2 ~. 2' 2"2: 2' .’ :' 2' 2' WillfrontSexua/ ' 22 2 2.2222 '_' 2'_ 2' 2 2 '- 2 2'--2 Inte/hgence,comingte ' 2' 2 2 2. t 2- smallscreenssometime -2 2.2 22 -- '_'- 2. 2w ' ' ' 2 2’ 2 ' 22' 2' Inthenextyear... ' 2 2.2 -- .2 z 2 '2 22 2": " 'f "2 2' 2' Followmgthesucmessot 2' 22 ' 2 ' 2.;22'. 21.‘ '2 39 '2': g; 2.22 22--.2 . '22 22 ‘. ." 2 themoweadaptation0t 2223221 2 2--: '2 '," 2 22 2'. 2' 2' 2 22 '_ hIsQStNHOt/r.novelist 2 «2 2. 2 212w 2. David Beniofl‘isnow ".2 2 , 2'4 ,2 ' ' .222-2 2 22 2 22 2 :22 22 writingasereenplaytor '2' 22 2. 2 2.22'~ ",2 2. --2.22 ..2'. 2 '--2f...22 22 2‘ .2 a-- ' :w a supernatural thriller 222 . 22 f‘ 2 2". ' entitledStzty.Theboy 5222- 22".".22. 2'. 23‘222, 2.2'. " .2 . 2-- '-"'.'. :n 2' " 2°."--2 2.22 ' Ewan McGregoris '_ '_,' 2'22. '. 2* 2-22 '22 V 2.-. -2 "T 22-..2 '. 2 -2 lowed by Naomi Watts " '.'.:2--:'. 2-- .2".~ 22.2 2. .2 ":1 2' 22 2~- 2 InthestOryofa .2": u :%.2"-22 2--22..'.. '2 .2 £2 I2 '2 2. V 2. a 2. university DSYChO'OQ'St 2'. . 2' ..2 ..22 :;.'.“I ; .2 .22'22’L222-vi 22 tryingtopreventa 2‘ 22 2 1 student committing ~2 2 22 2:7222-5 2222 2" 2 2 E21 2- '-~22 . " 272-222 2 suncmte...Channel4 §-~.'..2.: '. 2 " .- ' I' . 2 2-5 ISOnthehunttora ' _. 2.2 22-2 . '_' .22 2 '2 f. 2 " 2. 2 young BritiShASian ‘2‘ _. womantobethenext Bollywood superstar. The station hopes to match the two million Viewers they nabbed tor Operatun/ty wuth the forthcoming Bo/Iywood

Race for the waves

Radio bidding war heats up. 2 22. Ruth Hedges

2 .2 . - 2 2' 2 Princess . . . Rod . 2 2. , Stewart is set for . . 2 2 Immortalisation by Ben 2 2. Elton wuth a West End

I 2 .2. 22 : '2 -- 2 2 22 2- 2 22 - 2 -v 2 sum" warning from . comic rhusicat entitled - .2 -2 2- . . . 2 22', Geo" stagnanw _ Ton/ghts the Night. 22 «2. 2 2 22 2~ -~ .2-~ 22 '2 #12 2 Donald McLeod... Based around the '\ ' ' 2 ~2 2 2 2 2 ageing Lothano'sfinest

22.2»22 :2 22 i1 ‘2 2 2 2. -- '2 ~ -- 2 ~. .2 'x 2' 2, tunes. it'saboutashy . . H 2- '2'. - 2 22'2'2: ' "v2'r-:' geekcalledStu i I'."- :- 2 2 2 .222 3- 2 2 i222: E 22 :22 Roderick (clever that) 2‘ 2.2 2 1-‘2: 2x -.\',2' 2 22-2" . 2:, '2 i ".2 1’.‘ whosellshissomtothe " .. . . . _ dewltogetthegirt 2 2 2 2- 2---,2 (possiny blonde) of his ’-.‘2\'\2.2 2-2: .212-2' ' 2' x: 2- : 2: .' 2 2' 2w: : .' 2" .' --: dreams.