Bucking the trend for expensive extravagance in one of the costliest of all art forms is Opera on a Shoestring, whose new production of Bizet's Carmen is currently running at the Cottier. This thriving professional company exists in on a truly shoestring-like annual turnover of around £60,000. There is one main production each year as well as smaller scale shows and staged touring productions. Management falls to an exceptionally dedicated voluntary board, one of whom is Ian Brooke, marketing and publicity officer. ‘For Carmen,’ he says, ‘we have our largest cast ever. There are principals, a chorus of 16. a boys chorus and an orchestra of 12. For us, it feels like a cast of thousands.‘ Producer is James Paterson. who for the past eight years. he has been director of the London production and touring versions of Phantom of the Opera ‘The concept he's come up with’ explains Brooke, ‘is all based around the toreador's cape. In fact, the set is the toreador’s cape. It's red, of course, about 15ft high and sweeps across the stage. Sometimes it reveals scenes.

sometimes it conceals.‘ (Carol Main)

aw ~r H ( \ x “I "/l r\ \rrv\ r 1‘ I\ I {'Jtr, \1\)'(/(}.‘r. \ft/()'v:/ (1 I 1,),

I Opera on a Shoestring (‘orrrer ‘i'iletlll't‘. 9.3 "5 H}lldlttltd Street. 552 .130“, 2.30pm. {l2 (l5. See Mon 23.


I Summer Organ Recital Sr Mar} 'x lzprxeopal Cathedral. 2.3 Palmerston Plate. 225 (r203. «Spin. £5 t£3i. .\lallhe\\ ()uenx. ()r‘ganrxt and Master ol' the Slime at St Mar) '\ ('athedt'al. per‘l'ormx liaelr'x rriaxterpieee. In. (um um/ l'rieut' III I". and Jean (iuillou'x ’Iiru am.

Thursday 26


I Competition RSAMI). loo Renlreu Street. 332 5057. Illam. Free. The l)urrhar‘»(ier‘her' ('hamher Mtrsie l’rr/e (‘ompetrtiorr

I RSNO ScottishPower Proms - Organ Symphony Ro)a| ('oneert Hall. 2 Sauehrehall Street. 353 Slllll). 7.30pm. {I I75 £24.25. limmanuel l’laxxon eonduetx the or‘ehextra perl’orming Saint-Saenx‘ utraordrnar} ()rgan S_\ mphon) r‘eeentl} \oted one ol' the nation'\ lop qrnphonrex m the (‘laxxre I’M Hall ol l'ame. 'I'huritler'oux paxxagex Ior organ. pla_\ed h} the magnrlieent .lohrr Kitehen. eomhrrre \xith gl'tllltiltlSC orehe~tra| el'l'eetx m a elimaelre tour de l'oree unrnalled in mime Irrxtor}. I Electroacoustic Event RS.\.\ll). lle Rentreu Street. 332 505.". ".3llpm. I-‘r'ee. (ireat rand. m Seotland. rather tarel ehanee to hear a concert ol eleetr‘oaeotrxtre moxie. III a pre~errtatron ot' \xorkx h} .-\eaderrr} eorrrpoxerx,


I RSNO ScottishPower Proms - West End Gala Ro}a| (‘oneert Hall. 2 Sauehiehall Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. ’5 £24.25. .\lartin Yatex eonduetx and eomper'ex an e\ ening ol' \llo\\ «topping nurrrherx l’r'om I’lrunrom or (Ir. ()pr m. /.('\ .ilm‘rtilt/m. [he [run Kine. .\I\ Its/I I.t1t/\ tlllti (.1111 (121'.

la: the Cotter Theatre. 61189.21. Mar 2.3.

I Opera on a Shoestring (‘ottiet‘ 'l‘heatre. 03 95 Hyrdland Street. 552 4267. 7.30pm. £12115. See .\1on23.

Sa urday 28

Glasgow I Junior Academy Orchestra Concert RSAMI). loo Reno-ext Street. 332 5057. 3pm. £71924). ('hrixtopher Ade} eonduetx lhi\ orchestra in a eoneert of \xorkx h) Sehuher't. Panul'nik. l)e|iu\ and Manuel de l‘alla. l'eaturing the tirnpani talents ol‘ Siona Watson and pereuxxix e Skillx of Ian (‘ape

ldomeneo RSAMI). loo Renl're“ Street. 332 5057. 7.15pm. £10 (Hi. The Aeadenr} 'x ouxtanding opera department present Christopher (‘owell'x production of Mo/at'l\ exquisite and under-performed open: u'r‘iu. The L‘lttSSle Greek epte tells Hi ldomeneo. King ol' ('rele. \\ ho makes the stupid mistake ol promising to \aer‘iliee the lirst thing he \ee\ \\ hen he gets home. in return l'or \ retor}. Predietahl}. it's his \on ldarnante \\ ho has his fair share of trouble as it is. stuck between two women. (ir'eat drama. fantastie moxie. O O - Last Night of the ScottishPower Proms Ru)er (‘oneert Hall. 2 Sauehiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £5 ~122R. (iarr) Walker conducts the ()rehextra. (‘honrx pipe band and \peeial guest. pereusxionist. lixelyn (ilennie for a Illttle‘ttl e.\tra\ agan/a. I Mozart - Requiem An Caller) and Sltrseum. Kelx ingrove. Argue Street. 2S7 269‘). 7.30pm. 1.“) H5 ehildrent. Heralding the closure of the Kelvingroxe l'or maxshe redexelopment. Mo/art's Rt't/lllt’nl. written in the last year of the composer's lite (and. some \a}. “ith the knou ledge that he himself “as nearing deathi. ix a rnagnitieent \xork of unparalleled heaut}. Don't llli\\ the tinng ehanee to hear great muxie in these \xonderl'ul surroundings.


I “Mo’s Company (ialler) ol \itkik'rn .-\rl. Queen Street. 22" l‘No 3pm tree \iolrmxl Heelor Seotl and elarrneltrxt Shrnohu \lrkr are rorned h} other rnxtlunlenlalrxh to perlorm a \er're~ ol eharrrher “orb eompoxed h} the rnrrrale~ ol Tere/rn. the rnlamoux ('Iu‘hosloxakran eoneenltatron eamp

Monday 30


I Sequenza del Giorno Rs,‘\_\ll). Illll Renlr'eu Street. 332 5”.“ l2 45pm l‘ree Kenneth Lethan on tromhone gnex loda} \ perl‘orrrranee ol Berro'x Set/rmrm \' in the Agox to} er. as part ol .1 darl) dret ol Berro ~equenra~ m thrx week's Italian llawur‘ed Surrrmerlexl. no doubt programmed hel'ore the eomposerk reeent death

I Summertest One RSAMI). loo Renl're“ Street. 332 505". lprn. Free. l’eler Innexx eonduets an RS.-\.\ll) enxemhle per'lor'manee ol ('lemenlr'x Sonqu til (i nruror o/L‘lI/J’ Utilum' (lb/’tllltlt’lltlhl. Berio'\ l-olkwnei and l.I\/t\ \i'm'mr e Nit/MIL

I Competition RSAMI). loo Renlreu Street. 332 5057. 2,3llprn Free. The Joek Holden Mernonal Moran l’rr/e (‘ompetrlron 2lNl3/2llll4 [or piano.

0 ldomeneo RS.-\.\ll). loo Rellll'e“ Street. 332 5057. 7.15pm, {Ill tlfiTi, See

Tuesday 1


I Sequenza Del Giorno RSAMD. lllll Renlre“ Street. 332 5057. 12.45pm. l‘ree. Alan Baeehettr on elarrnet leadx toda) \ performance of Berro'x .Seqru'nm /.\' Ill the .'\:_'U\ lo} er.

class-cai & ooera hangs Mus:c

I Summerfest No RS \Xll). loo Rerrlreu Street. 332 50‘“ 1pm l’ree \oeal and piano errxeml‘le pertorm RUSSIHI'S It \ ‘1':’(("'11“Iltrli( \ .lllti iiltlllL't’SeU Ptlfllil I‘l‘\[l.\ l(' :".'.'I "(If

I Competition RS \.\ll). loo Renrrt-u Street. 332 FM“ 2 30pm l'ree lhe Ian It “all \uard ('orrrpelrtron tor shores and piano duo

. Competition RS \\ll), 1”” Renlre“ Street. 332 505‘ 2 30pm tree The liaeh I’rr/e (‘omrwtrtron tor ke} hoard

Wednesday 2

Glasgow I Sequenza Del Glorno RS-\.\ll). lllll Renlreu Street. 332 5”? l2 45pm I'iree Hart) Kerr on \rolrrr leadx loda} \ Perlorrrranee ot lierro'x .St‘t/ru-rr:tr l'lI/ I Summerfest Three RS.-\,\ll). loo Renl're“ Street. 332 505' lprrr I’ree .\ large \oeal. string: and piano ensemble perform Ronrm'x Sonata (1 quirmu .\'u_\' III (‘nrtr/or. Montewrdr'x .Utrt/rretrlr .r r Hull/u and “min b} Slo/art ldomeneo RS.-\.\ll). loo Renlzeu Street. 332 505“ '7 15pm L'llt «Fr See Sat 2S.

Thursday 3


I Sequenza Del Diorno RS.-\.\ll). ltNl Renl'reu Street. 332 505". l2 5er l‘ree. Rrehard (‘rarg on llute leadx toda) \ perl'ormanee ol' Berro‘x Set/1mm: I Hi the Agox toxer

I Summertest Four RSAMI). loo Renlreu Street. 332 5057 Ipm. l'ree Soprano. piano and harpxrehord alone

\\ rth the .-\eadem) Baroque 'l‘rurnpet limemhle mlrreh rneludex RS.-\.\ll) l’rrnerpal. John Wallaeei and the .»\e.rdem) liarl} Mime l’la) erx perlorrrr \\ork\ h} I) and A Searlatti. (‘aldar‘a and Alhrnorrr.

opero singing





1‘.) Jun—Ti J'ui 2(7in THE LIST 63