Theatre events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after Theatre. Submit listings at least ten days betore publication to, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar.

Disabled access key

\\ v\ \\ 111'1'1111.111 .1111'11. \\ \ \ \\ 111'1'1111.111 .1111-11 111111 .111111.11111'. I’ 1’.111.1113_' 1.11111111'1. \\ (' ‘\\I1||‘lk'1l 111111‘1111

Glasgow Drama


9.1Sl1'11.11111|l1'\111'1'1. 1’.11111*1.

Off the Rails 11111 1‘! .\ I11 I"J1111 211111 1'11'1' (111111-111 111.11 1’1111111'11 111 1111' “1'11 1:111! 1'1'1111.1l1.1111.1111'11’111g1.11111111'111111.1111111 11'111111111;41111111114111.1111} 11111111111111} 1'11111.1 '111111111111111111' .1111! 11.111111 11} .1111'1‘11'111111 11111 11! 111.11.11‘11'11

THE ARCHES 35.1.\1;:1|1'811111111111111231111111 ;1\('. \\.\|

Interference l 1111! 8.11 I! .qu 11111-11 1’11111'1’1 11.111'1!1111'.1111'111111111111 \'11\ .\1111u11111'11'1111111111.111'.11111111111111'1111111 1'1'11111111; 1111.1 11111'111.111gl1'111'1'.11'1'11 -\11.111. 1(1'111'1'1'.1 .11111 1111‘ 11‘11"1\11111

Bread and Butter ‘1111~ 3-1 5.11 2.1 ,11111

" 1511111 1111141 (‘l"1.1.11111'1111111111g1.111'111 .1111'1'1'1'111111' 1111'1111111111111'1111'1'11 11111 11111111111: 11.111 J1'111 [11'111111111'11 111-11' 111 1111111111111111111'11 ll11'.1111' .1111! 1111' ()1111111 $1.1g1' (11111111111 \\'1111 11111'1‘111111 1111111 H.111. 1(1111'1111l.111. .11'.111 1111111111113: 1:111111.1 1)'1111 111111 1111111 81.111! .1111! !’.11111111' 11111111 .1111! 111111.11 .11‘1‘1.11111 1111111111111: 1111.1111111111111111.11111'.11.1111111 111‘1111111‘1) 1111111111 1111111 51‘1' [111* 11'“


CLYDE AUDITORIUM 1'1111111'111111(‘)11.11.118"!)114111111111! [1’. 1!. “(I “M

A Saturday Night at the Musicals $.11 21 Jun i 11111111 {1111181 1111' 1111111 111111111111: 11111 1111111 1111'\\1'11 1.1111 [11.111'1111111 1111 1111' 111;: 11.13:1'


‘13 ‘15 1111111111111 8111'1'1. 35* 18118 Ill. “1'. 11.11

Harem Scare’Em \11111 .111J1111 1k 1111' I Jul. "..‘1l!|1111, 5.15111121111111135‘111" 1’.11111‘k (11111111111111) 1’!.111'111111'11'11111111'111111 11! 1111111111. .1 111111: 11111.1111'1' 111111 111'111'1' 1111.11 111'1'1111'1111111'111g 111111911111 1111111111111.11'1‘1.1g1' All in the Timing 11111 1 1k 111 J Jul. 811111.15111111111113.9515".l'S.-\1(11.11g1111 1’11111111'11111111111'11'1111.11l111111'11111'1'111111111 1'111111'1111'1 11111111111'111'11111 .\1111'111'.111 1114111111311. I).1111l 111'1


911111111111 .\11'11111'. .131! 5533

Ubu Roi .\11111 33 Jun 811111 {111141 .v\11111111111 1.1111’1'. 11111111111111 111111111111 .1111! 111.111.

1 .EdeI'flr-ll‘ gt :1 Auqm


Always wanted to work lOr the ange. but d1dn't lhmk you'd have the rrght qualmcauons or expenence”

ll so. Fr1nge Academy 151ust 101 you

If you are: Aged 16-26 + Living in Edinburgh

You could be part of a un1que hands-on trammg opportumty at the heart 01 the world s brggest arts lestwal

For more unlormauon go to MW. ed" age rcm Or contact Bruce on 226 0026

66 THE LIST '9' .-‘

Educating Rita, at the Byre Theatre, St Andrews

111111111) 111 11111 1‘11'111‘11 11.11111 11} .\|111'11.I.111_1 1’1'111111111'111111-11'111'11

GLASGOW BOTANIC GARDENS “111(111‘111 “010111 l{1\.11l. “42-12: 11’. \\ ( I. 11 .11

Bard in the Botanics \11-11 35 11111 11111 3" Jul 1351! {h (11.11::1111’1 1111111111'1 511.11.1'1111'.111' 11'1111.1l 111.11.1'1.1 111'11’111111' 11'111111 111111111111; 11'1111111 111'111111114111‘1'1111 3111!: 81'1' 1111111g1 .11 K111l1l1' l’.1l.11‘1' .11111 (11.11:;1111 11111.11111' (1.11111'111 1111 lull 111'1.11|1 81'1' 1111'111'11 Duck Variations \\1'11 :5 Sun 3‘! 11111 511111 151125111 ,\l.(‘ 111111141 l).1111! \1.11111'1'1 11111111141 111111. 1111111'11.13_'1'111.111111'1.1111111111111 1111' \\1'11 1’.11111'1'1111.11 81'1'1111'111'11 I’m! 11' [111111111 {/11 Hum-1:11 1

Measure for Measure \11-11 35 11111 31111 11111! 111111 .\11111 1111 .\ 31111111 1511111 K.111' 1.1111111. (11.11g1111 R1'l1'1.\11111'1.111' I)111'1’1111 1.1111'11111'111'1111111111111'1 11111'11111'1.1111111111 81141011111161 11.1111 111.1111.1 81'1' [111'111'11 llzr.‘ 11/ If 71/11: [/11 [lulu/:11 1

HILLHEAD BAPTIST CHURCH (.11'11111‘11 5111‘1‘1. lllfihll (111111—1‘1

The Live-Wire-Less Show $.11 31. 1 11 E" 1k $.11 Sh Juu (131111111 {512.11.111.111111'1 111111 11111ugl11111111111111;111.1111.1.111111'111111'111 1111111111111111-11111'1![111-11111'11'.


(11.11111111 11111.11111' (1.11111'111. “.11! (110.11 \\1'111'111 R11.11l. 3.1-1 1123 [1’. \\('. \\ \1

A Midsummer Night’s Dream 111-11 25 Jun Sun 11 Jul 111111 .\11111 3111 "31111111 {511111 (11.11g1111 R1'p1'11111'1 (11111111111 11.111111'11 811.1111'1111‘.111"1 [11111111.11 1.111' 111.1 111111111' 11111'11 1.11/ 1'.111'11111111111'1‘1111111'1111111'11 11! (1111111111 11.111. 51'1' [111'111‘11 ’111111lll1111/11: {/11

[1111117111 1


3‘!" 11.1111 811'1'1'1. 2-11! 1111. Ill. \\('. \\.\; Oliver! 111111 8.11 2! Jun, " 311111111\\1-111\ 8.11 111.11 3311111111. LN £14 '1'111'.\1111ll11!’|.111'11 1'L‘1‘1’L‘.1!L‘ l.111111‘l “.1111 \.11111‘ 1‘1 :111‘1'11.

111111'111 .1111! 1'111'1'111111'11 11111111'1'111'1' \\ 1111 .1 11111111111} 111 1111'1 1111.11111111. 1111!1111'.1l1'|11l1111'11 .1111! .1 lull 111'1111'1111111.1l 1111'111'111.1. ().’1'.11' 11 1‘;11'k1'1! 111111 111'll 1111111111 11111 111111 .11 '1'111111. (111111111111-111111‘. ‘1'11 l)11.\11_\11u11;_" .1111! 111.1111

How the Other Half Loves \11111 =11 Jun 8.11 5 Jul " 31111111 1\\1'1l1\ 8.11 111.11 2311111111 L" £11) 51! J11l111 (11.11111 .1111! 5111' 11111111'1111'11.1k.1 111111'11' .1111! .\1.11l1'111' 111 ()1:.'1 [11111"11.'1:1/ll111111 11.11 11111111 \l.111 \11‘11111111111 11111111. 81'1' 1111'111'11.


11(11.11111|11' 8111'1'1. 35" 51!“ 111. 1'1. \\(‘. \\;\l

Showcase 2003 11111 1 J11! 511111 19' £1 ‘1 1’1'1'1111111.1111‘1‘1 l1) 1111'11.11l1'11111 \11.11’1' Vl-llLKlllC

PAVILION THEATRE 1:1 RL‘llllcltl 5111‘1‘1. 33: 15411. 11’. “ll. \\ That’ll Be the Day $.11 21 11111 11111111

211151! £13511.81011114111111111111'1111111111'

11111111111 1111111111'11'11111 111 11.111: 11111111111111211'1' 1111'111111.11111'111'1.11l1'1111111.'1111111. 111/


.\»111(i111.111 R11.11l,»1-1< 1‘11!

It is Done 11121111111 1.2-:31 " 11111111

" N1 ll11'.1111' (11111111111 111.111.1111 lH111 .11111111'11.111 11111111111111.11 1111111111;_'.111111111'1_1 111111'11'1111'1111111111111111'1 (i11'.111'1 (1111.111.11111 11.11111

RAMSHORN THEATRE ‘!.\111;1.1111\111'1'1.5‘: NW '1’. “1'. \\ \.

11 1.11

Comedians l 1111! .\.11 _‘1 .11111 " 11111111

15 15113 ‘1! L11 \11.11111l1111' 1111'.1111'('11111111 111'111111111 111'1111 (1111111111. 111111 11.111'111111.1 g1111111111 .111111111; 11.1111! 1131 1111111'111.1111 1111111111111;111.11l.11111111111..1111'11.1l1!11l11'1! 1'111111'111.111[111'11.111'1l1111111111111111111 .1111 11111 111'11111'.111111111111.1;1'111 1111' 111.11'1111111111.1l 1111111'1111111‘1 1'\.11111111'1111''\111 11111'1 1111'111111'111.1111111'111gl1l1gl11111g1111.11111'.1l 111111'1111.1l

Jason - The Quest for the Golden Fleece 11111311 5.11 I.\ .11111 \11111 011-11 '111111111'11 111.11 11111 .11'1'11111111'1 11111 111111 111 1111' 11111113: 1111111‘1'11! 11111111111111111'11111.11111'1!1111.1 11111111111 111 11'1111'11' 1111' (1111111'11 l 11'1'11' 11111 1.111'111 11111'.11.11111111.1111l.11111'1111111' 11 111111111 .11111111'111111111'11111 R1111 11.111111' .1111! J11l111 .1 41.111111 111 11111 11111111111111” l1_1 1111'.1111'111l1111'1 Baby Bank S1111 31.11111 811111111 \111111111'1 [11.11 11.111'111111.111'1111111 1:11.111!111111111111111111111'11 11'.111111;_'.1_1_'.111111.1 11‘111'1111' 1111 11111111111 11111111.1111 1111;111'1111 111111.11111'11 11.11111'1

11111111 1111-1


11111R1'11111'118111'1'1. 112511‘" £11.\\('. \\ \i A Midsummer Night’s Dream [1111 111 .\ 111 31111111 11111 11111111111: 111111111\

a 11111111 {5 1:11 RS \.\ll)‘1 81'1‘111111 \1'.11 11 \ 1.11'1111131111111'1111111‘11111111 811.1111'1111'.111"1 111.1;11'.1! 111.11 111 11111'.1'11111.11111111'111.1111! 111'111111111

Richard III 11111211 .\ 1113—11111 11111

11111111111: 111111111\ _ :1111111 51:11 1(11111118111'111'1 11111'1111111' 31'1111111\1'.11 |1\ 1.11'1111gn11u111'11111111111'11 11111'11111'1.1111111111 811.1111'1111'.111"11.1!1'111 1111111'1 1'11111111111111 .11111 [11.111111

Revenge: The Edwin Morgan Poetry Prize $1111 2‘! Jun "[1111 111! 1111' \1'.11l1'111_1 1.111111‘111'1 1111 1111' 11111 111111'.111.111.111! 1111’1'11'111'.111' 1111' 111'\1 g1'111'1.1111111111 \1‘1111 11111'11 11111111111'1‘111.1l 11'11'1’1111111111'1111‘11'1 11111111111111; 1111'” 11111111111 .111 .1111111'111'1'


11311111112111: 553-3211"

Doctor Korczak’s Example 111.11 1111 1'11211J1111 11111 1 1‘ 111111. 1 11 1 :11111111\

" 11111111 1': 5!! :5 \111.111111 R1'111g1'1'\\1'1'11. 11.11111(111'1:;'111l.1_1 11'1111111'1'111.:1111l111.111 111111 111 [)1 J.111u1 110111.111 1111111111 111 .111 111'1111.111.1;.‘1‘ 1111 J1'1111l11'111l1111'11 111 104111 \\.11\.l\‘.

Attempts on her Life '1 1111 :11 1.11 21 Jun \11111IS.11111.112 111111111 151:“ 1(‘11.:11;_'111;.' 1111111: \1.111111l).:11/1;1'111111'111

Bread and Butter ‘4‘

1111.11 11'.11 11\ 1.1111111'11111111'1111 111.1 1‘1'11111111.111..' 11f \l.1::111 ('1211111'1 1'\11l111.11111111111111111'111111 \\111111111.‘ 111111111111111111111111l1.111111111;'1'11'1111111511111" \1111. 1111' .1111111'1111‘. 111'11111'

Spoon River Anthology 11111 .711 1.11 :1 .11111 " 111111111\.11111.11_‘ 111111111 1* 1:11 l)111111.1\11111\11111'111111111z1'111'1111' \1111'111.111 I 1:111» 11in 11111111. 111111111 111 1111311 111 \1.1111'11.1111l1.'1111.11111.1ll \1111'111.111 11111.11 11111111}: 1111' l 1111 \\11111! \\.11

One Minute 1111' l .\ \\1'11 3 .111! \11111 :1“! U 1111' 111.11.1111'11 111111 1.1111111: 111';11'1'1111 11'11.11.11111111111111'11111111111111' 1111.111111'.11.11111'111.1111111111111111 \ll' 1111'11'111.1111111 \1'1'1111'111'11

Glasgow Dance


‘1111111'11111 \11'11111'. W! “:3

Alma Flamenco 11111 1‘) 8.11 I! 11111 \11111 15.11 111.11 1111111 11*11134111 1'1'11111‘ 111' \lp1'111.1111'1111111 111111 .11l.1//1111§.' 111111111 111 11.11111'1111111.1111111g. 11111111111111.111 11111111'11111' 11.111111'111111111.111111111111'1l11gl1111\.1111111.1l ()111'1.1.1111! \111111111111.111111'1.11111.1. 111111 11: /111111


(1141:1111 [1111.11111 (1.11111'111. "111(111'.11\\1'111'111 [(11.111. 11112-133 1’. \\('_ \\ \;

Gamelean Naga Mas and Friends 11131111111 \11111 l)1111.1111111.111l11111

1111111111'11.111 11111. 1.11111. 11.11111' .1111! ;_'.1m1'1.111 11111111 [1.1: 1 ' :1'11 111 1.' [1:11/1 12.11.?

KING’S THEATRE 3‘1'11.1111\111'1'1.I111!1!!! (1|. \\(] \\ \1 Steps in Time “1113‘ 1\ 11111 :11 Jun “1'11" :1111111. 11111 1 111111111\ 11111111

1“ ‘1! L!!! 1111' |).11111' 811111111111 811111.11111 11111111.111'11!1111111'11'111[111111.1111'1.1111.1:111111: 1111' 11.111'11 1111111111! 11111111;


(1(11.11111111' \111'1'1. IV <l!u 'll.'l'1.\\(‘. 11 1j

Follow the Yellow Brick Road I 11 3'! \1121 J1111l'11“ 155.113111111k "1‘11111 15 1).:1111'11111'1 111 1111111'.11'1 11.1111'11111 (1.111111111111 811111111111 1).11111'

Can you Feel It 111 I" 8.11:\Juu "11111 :5 l).11111'1111111..111'l11 1111111'.11'1l1'.111111;.' 111111111111 J.:111u1'11111'l)1111_1 811111111111 l).11111'