Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Maureen Ellis.

Thursday 19


Jongleurs Comedy Club .lHllL‘h'llh. l (i(' Building. Renlrew Suki-L Il.\—'II "A" It‘ll" .\ I5pm Ur Heatlpan \ll\\lL' \|e\ linartlrnan inIrntltieex “It'llklllll Denipxe}. Ilie ewr energelle \Ilarn Hlnnin .intl Rnger I) The Stand llL‘ SLIHI’. 5.55 \VUHIHallIh Rum]. Il.\-‘Il ()Illl (ill55 Upnr It‘ll Rt'\l(h'lll lian l'iankre Binle \xelenrriex In Ihe \Iage nice err} .l.llllt‘\ l)n\\tle\\\ ell. lhk' L'\L'I’ euddl} Vlk'thl} and (hits ('nnpt'l


The Stand 'l-hk’ Slalltl. \Itlk I’ltlt't'. 553 "2": “pm t5 rt-lr. l’l.i)IIrl litiiiinur Ir'nrn ,-\ntl_\ \\ line in Ihe headline \pnl. \\iIh \Irppnrl Ii‘nrri Blair \\all and liraleh}.

The Snatch Social The liquid Rnnin. ‘le \ielni'ia Slreel. 335 250-1. II)..‘\llprn 5.I|ll. (3.5“ I Hi. .\ ne\\ era ht‘lelh at the MM} re hr'andetl llllll Ii\aIetl Innk} Ilrxen enrn eahai‘el. uninieall} eninperetl h} ne\\ l\n_\ 'l'nn) (’ar'Ier'. [Apeel a lull lave lill. he“ ineiiilterxliip \elieine. new garriex .llltl


Dr Phil Hammond: 89 Minutes to Save the HHS (lirnegie Hall. [14le Hut. “[333 .‘lJIlIlIl. 7.30pm. {II Ifllll. The ’l'\' dne delnei‘x hix Ir'i'e\er'enl health r'exnlulinn.


The Long Riders Tour I-‘alkri-k Tnmt Hall. \Vexl Bridge Slreel. Irl 32—1 5Il(i.\’5ll. 8.30pm. £3 (£0.5lh. Sx‘ttllhll

enrnetl} \llall‘ \tlnitlt'h Brute \lnrtnn. \hehael Reilinnritl and l’arrnl \atltlle up ll‘lJIl‘lHl‘l\\I[.\\l‘\\1H].l‘[k'l\l.l‘\ tninetl} Highl} retnrnrnentletl


Watson’s Wind-up (il.t\j_'n\\ l'lllll lllL'allC. I: RUM" \llt'cl. 5“; (‘Nll

l l ~15prii tree. but Irelxeletl Hrs]: m:

I. M an \xiilet .Iniialhan \\.tl\nll It'lllllh \th a new \Cllt'x nI lll\ lell‘ slum (all Inr Irelxetx or email Irekelxtfi

t'ninetlwinit en uk

Jongleurs Comedy Club .lnllgh'ulx l(i(' Burltling. Renlreu Streel. “hall "\- Il"Il" .\ l5prii (I: See Hm I" Duntocher Comedy Club l)tinIi_-_' n.\ Hurnharlnn Rnatl. l)tinInehei. III in" NI: illll ‘lpni lree ('eleh iiiiinre Keaia \hirplt}. lllt(' \exx (‘nineth \\\.irtl Iinalnt Dex \lt'lean .intl Ineal Irrek} thek} Slewn lhek spearhead Ihe laughter.

The Stand l‘he Slantl. i“ \\l‘|‘\”.lll\l\ RILMI, n.\"n (innrinss up,” if run Surreal nne llllkl\ Irnin nltl \ehnnl enrnetlian \nel .I.IIIIL‘\. (heck) Hrtiiiiinie .'\Ild_\ \\hrle. Braleh} .IIIII \llen ('halinerx \Iantl up in \uppnrt alnnfgxitle ennipeie .lane Maeka)

0 So you Think you’re Funny Regional Heat Suite Hal. Its “HILIIIIl SIr'eeI. 0.100250. ‘lrirn. t5iL31i In )eaix nld and \ll” gning \Iiniig. Ilie eniiietl) ennipelilinn. \xhreh Il.r\ helped lanneh the careers nI Rhnna (\iinei'nii. l’hil Ka} and ’l'ninrn} 'l'iei‘nan. reIIri'iix In Iiiitl Ihe naIrnn'x emerging; iihlieklerx. 'l'nnighl Inr'iner \xinnei l’lirl Kay iiilrntltieex Ilie eninedie linpelulx. (in In \\\\\\.g_'iltlet| hallnnnuruk In tln“ nlnatl an appliealinn Inr‘rn.


The Stand 'Hk‘ Stand. .5 Yntk l’lat't‘. 558 72-72. ‘lpin. 0;" IUH. ’l'he tiIIer'I} aIIalile \Vrll Sinilli pnnIiI'ieaIex nit |iIe\ IrIIIe in} \Iei'iex. Suppni'l eninex lr'nin .ldlllt‘\ I)n\\IIC\\\ ell and Tedd). Slhall .\lni‘ri~nn eninpei‘ex.

ach eleventh of the srxth I lrke to do a few thrngs I have never done

before. This year rt was mostly rust trampolining wrth a tattoo

beIOre breakfast and pickrng purple poppres from the roadSide in Suffolk. Then I took my son to a graveyard. We scarnpered around the fresh-cut meadow cemetery takrng our sandals off because of too many bits of English strawy grass in them. I was lookrng to see If anyone had dred on any eleventh of the srxths to coincrde with my birthday day which is this Wednesday here. I noticed a lot of folk dred early rn the year and two folk died on the first of January nineteen thirty nine. Like they made rt long enough. held on and then collapsed through the finishing ribbon.

As we were walking around randomly over graves and Felix (two point erghtl was clrmbing up onto entry level sarcophagr. I was sittrng on an ensepulchred corpses tomb and I spat a brt of loose straw off my hp.

80 now we have walked over entombments. crept on crypts. vaulted

vaults and I have spat on a grave.

At first I felt a bit odd and passably sacrilegrous. then I notrced Felrx was still not yet three and incapable Surely of blasphemy. Then I notrced that the graveyard grass er feet above had been cut all about by a tractor and I can't imagine the driver going to hell or berng burned alrve for rt. ‘Gardener wanted: must be fire retardant'.

Then I worked but yOu can never define the amount of mensture comrng out of a mouth rn a breath to define spitting. Spitting is an Intended act of dis-something and I felt nothrng save love for the remains about us.

May well have a birthday party for the b0y in a graveyard. The krds love it: all that heavy masonry to hrde behind and the hushed. unbuSy tone. Bunting in tombs. balloons everywhere . .

epitaphs. jelly and death.

. ice cream spills on the

Captured l’er‘rx'ztnznt l ntznge. la (‘ltaznhezx \lreel. 3:5 52"" " ‘Ilr‘rn 1‘ 1'“ Host Jill l’eaent’k rnlrnttrztex |'\l\\l tnrnettran Rh“ I).::t\_\. (iraenie Iltnntax .zntl \ar ('ltarr'ntlr}. r‘lux nr‘en \r‘ntx Ill “I” “.r‘ree lakes met the rents Irnrn rnrtlnrgltl urilrl tam


Jongleurs Comedy Club .lnngleurx.

l (i(' Hurltlirig. Ix’entreu Slreel. “\"I' "55 It‘ll‘ \ l5pin Lll \ee lhn l"

The Stand “16 \I.Ill\:. 555\\r‘i‘\llttll\l\ RUM. ox‘o hot! on“ 0pm «A \w l H _‘II but \\tlh enrnrwre \nxan \lnrrrxnn

0 So you Think you’re Funny Regional Heat \Ialc liar. l-l.\ Ilnllarld \Ireel. ‘l-In ‘l:\" ‘lr‘rn :5 Itli See I rr 3” huI \inh [‘lll ilnmi master (inrtlnn Iirrintnn .rx ennipere

Noah’s Late Night Craic \.~.ilr. xi \lhinn Slreel. 55.‘ lllll Ill-15pm :.Illl L5 (15' \lnre lale night laughs dint In nientinii the prnxpeel nI Iiee pix/a .riitl \\Ilk' prnrnmr ax Intuil eninetl} hern \‘latlirnir \lt' l'.i\i\h rnrns inagre Slam “It’k .Illd hl“l l)k'\ \lt’l Call


The Stand the Stand. 5 \nik Place. 55.\ “I”: ‘lprn LN See l n Ill htil \xrlh enrnpere Jane \lat'ka}


The WhY Front (ilaxgnn liliii theatre. I: Rnse Sllx't‘l. “I .\l :3 (mill IIL‘L‘. ltlll llt'kk‘lt‘d HI“. Rathn St'rtll.llld'\ eninetl} nl \C\ll.ll [‘Ullll\\ l'L‘llll'lh \\ ilh .lrilie (’nnnilte. ILLIIIIL' \lCKL'n/lk' l.llr\ .llltl Sininn (‘.ir|_\|e 0 Tim Vine (arnmit-rurrraz. u l'iiixerxil} :\\L'Illl\‘. Kill 5533. Spin L'lll Mfr .\ lCIL'IIlh‘\\ barrage nI nnelrnerx lll‘lll lhk' \lar nl l'l-\M\ \Ar'lr ll X/ririi SCL' prex re“.

Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service The Stand. 333 \\nntll.iiitl\ RnatL Ilsa) (inn (less. .\',.§Ilptll. L11 ugh 'l‘lie nrie-Iirne lurlrrr Iu/ \ldl' riiIrnIliieex Ilie linerirnpi'nniixrng Raynnritl .\learn\ and (Tim (‘nnpert


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? 'l’he Sland. 5 an'k Plate. 555 "3‘3. lprn. I'ree. l‘r'eexl} le llllllllllL‘\\ .intl hangmer- banishing illlllL'\ Ir‘nin l'L‘\lIlL‘lll dlll‘ l’aiil (ii'aliam and Stuart \ltirph)

Bruce’s Sunday Social Fund The Slantl. 5 an'k Place. 553 "373. H.5llltrri. LII IUI. Burn; hnxl Bruce l)e\ Irn ernharkx nn aiinllier' eninie atlxenlrire \\ th Arid} “line and Ineal r‘adge Jarnex l‘erguxnn.


Monday Rhymes Itrel. W 43 .-\\hlnn lane. 343 Won. Spin. l-ree. \‘n (iee and her \urek} inalex return Inr' \nrne riini'e cabaret fun as part nI Ilie West lzntl liexlnal.


Red Raw The Slantl. 5 Ynl'k Place. 553 "373. Nillpiii. £1. .\ lln\l nl IIC\\L'HIIIL‘I'\ and l-i'inge Iii‘xI-Iiiirer'x parade Ilieir' iiiaIer'ial Itet'nre lltl\l Bratelt} and hL'IIIHIIIL‘I' Tedd}.

Tuesday 24


Geordie Giggle The Stand. 5 \‘urk Place. 558 "2'3. 0pm. £5 (£3). .-\ \ar‘ieI) nI (UlllL‘dlillh Item the uniIed \Iale nI' (ienrtlielantl guest aI llll\ rinrth nI lingland \peeial. Jnin Bnhh} Dresser. Stew l)ra_\Inn and Warren Speed I'nr hyperaeln e nnr‘th nI lingland aeIinn.

Wednesday 25


A Kick Up the Tabloids The Stand. 353 \Vnndlantlx Rnatl. 08"” MN) (3055. 0pm. £5 «£4» Breaking nexu Irnni .irnuntl

So you Think you’re Funny Regional Heat t‘

.ixt’tltt' .\ r..' ‘t) “.t\.1‘t.'t\‘"\\. {“Iitlhv ‘ess r\.i.'.‘.‘vr" M .II itirt‘l‘f "\l It ° 3 ' ° '9 r-.=.; "ta s"y.‘ U ""l‘z”~nl I".

I’m r\.i‘. l rr. an.) t‘iorl‘n Horr‘tn': itw‘at tt‘v arm“: 'iwa’. st‘tuav: see [‘it‘tll""‘tt"<‘t*f~ Izer the tune l‘itll‘t‘l Hannah (Tented; (3...? 8315‘ Bar. (Etr:;5;.*'.'.. /' .V)()(S: \(;ti.' .5. IIIII'

Tim Vine than? rtt‘srtm" I".t‘. 'lnr‘t al.'.a.t;

I'ltftmr‘a " tu"i.‘.'. It

"Nettles ‘i‘lra‘. .i~;t

'glliat' 3.1mm 1’) the stage on We same right as the shows second senes is {trlt'tl lint don‘t watch that Instead. go grggle ,o.rrselt Into a

really. don't

vapour wrth hrs daft zine lrners (ill/flore/lH/U 7Q). (L’t‘rsgz 841': .’ ’." Jun.

Big Word Performance Poetry Hrg Word rounds off another stonkrng year wrth a showcase of the season's word play maestros. l ngage your braan wrth the surreal. the sublrr're and the downrrght sr|l\,. l/ie Iron. Hamburg/i. Hm (’6 Jun,

Glenn Wool l’ar‘t rock'n'roll preacher. part boho slacker. part polrtrcal polemrrast the young Canadran refuses to be prgeon holed. Wool rprctured) should be no warnrup mode for hrs 7003 I rrnge show fir/rigs that Occurred to me last Year. but let's hope he makes little for hrs most eye strearnrng of knob gags. Jong/eurs. Glasgow. [7/ 27 8 Sat 28 Jun.

Ihe \mi'ld I\ treated \\ iIli eheek. ir're\erenee and hlaIanI eniiteiiipl Ill \Illllt' \iIle-xplrtting Inpieal \aIire Ir'nrn aelrng pnlilieal PHh‘Illlt'hh l’atil Snetltlnn. Strxan \lnrrisnn and Jnliii l-linI.


The Stand lmprov The Stand. 5 Yni'k Place. 558 7372. Uprn. £4 IN). linpr'm e\perI\ Stu and Paul einhark nn a quest mm the great unknown. Willi \peeral gllelx Ir'nin the erreurI popplllj.‘ up in proceedings. anyhing can happen. and “uh Ihexe I\\n al the helm. it prnhahl} “I”.

Thursday 26


The Stand The Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. “37” (>00 (ill55. 9pm. £5 IILJl. Resident Thursda) night han l-‘ranlue Bo} le intrnduces gag guarantors John Hint. ('hris Hawkins and Tedd}.

19 Jun—ft Jul 2'33 THE LIST 71