Comedy listings

Thursday 26 continued


Reg Anderson’s Comedy Night .'\L.llllllll\. I7 \Vaxt-ilt‘} Bridge. 55b 3‘5h ‘lpni llt‘t' 'I llL' Woodim‘ lllllllhlt'l \Nt’lklllllt'\ to lilt‘ \tagt- \ ladinnt' \1L‘ll-§I\l\lllill\.l“Uh|)H(llilll}l..lllllllSL1!” and John \ltliiidt‘

The Stand lilt‘ Stand. 3 York I’lau‘. 55H 7333 ‘lpm £5 it-li 'l'hc t‘\t'l ledt'L'llll .lill l’t'atot'k Illlltltlllt'\'\ main man lohn (iilln'k. \xith Knxt} Mo“. I’ctt'i I) and L'Hllllt‘ duo \'cil and Martin 0 Big Word Performance Poetry End of Season Special 'I'ht- 'Iion. ‘) IIuntcr Squaw. Iliin Slim-t. 33f) lNil ‘) I lpm £i1£3i 'I'ht' la\t lit}: \Yoid llhldllllt'lll ot lllL' Iii; \Void IL'l‘lll \ccx lllHlL' Ill.IIlIL' uoid-pla} li'oin l'.l\pclh .\llll'l.l}. l’aul l‘lll'llll. Scan \Iclliidc. llauanan Haw. Racth .lui'}. th'lllll'tl \chiington and t'lllllpL‘lt'\ x\ll|l;l (iman illltl .lt'tll Rollx

Global Comedy 'l‘llc (ilobt'. \Itltltlt‘ Strccl. 0700‘) 553 H5 ‘l. illpm l‘l'L't' l-oi'tntghtl} coma-d} club in “high audicnt‘c mt'mbct‘x haw thc chance to

u in a (aw ol bcct

The Snatch Social 'l’hc|llltl Room. ()t‘ Vittoria Slt‘t't'l. 335 35(i—1

l0 illpin iain £i 501£ii Scc 'Ihu ll).


Watson’s Wind-up (ilaxgou l‘lllll lllt'élllt‘. l3 Row SII'L'CI. “)5 (\(illl

I l.-l5pm I-i‘cc. but lickt'lcd. Scc l'l'l 3H 0 Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlctnx. l'(i(‘ Building. chli't-u Stu-ct. 0370 7x7 0707. X.I5pm. £l3, Smug Robct'tx Introductw ('auadian nni‘thxtcr (ilcnn \Vonl. [lllh Ian liduaid and l.ondon bath Scot (icoll Boy. The Stand ‘Hlt‘ Stand. 5 55 \Yoodlandx Road. (IX—ill (illll (1055. 9pm. £7 (UH. /.l\i’ I‘lmu Slum hoxl l)ai‘a ()‘llriam I'L‘llll'lh to (ilaxgou Ioi' morc latdback bantcr. lll\ \uppoitmg t‘lhl mcludc Kll‘\l} .\lo\\. l’clci‘ I) atid compcrc .lanc \Iacka). Duntocher Comedy Club Hunttglcnnan. (itx' I)uinbarton Road. lhmlochct'. Ill 38‘) 803300. ‘lpm, l‘l'ct'. \'i\ (kc and John \It‘liridc Icad thc comic charge


The Stand 'l'hc Stand. 5 York Place. 55.\' 7373. 0pm. £7 (£0). ()nc lincr \jict‘ialixl Ian ('oppmgt‘i‘ hcadlinm. \th host Stixan \lttl'l'lvlll and \uppoi‘t actx .\Iai'k lii‘atchptt‘cc and ('hrix ll;t\\klll\. Captured I’cppct'mml lounge Ia (‘hambcn Sti‘cct. 335 5300, 0.30pm. £7 t£bi (bun-d) cruxadcr Bill l)c\\at' introdut‘m Scot-com \taluai‘t l’ai‘i'ol. Pith ('hi‘ix ('oopci' atid John \It‘lli'idc. ‘I‘hc floor I\ opcncd to (lpt'll spottcrx and 1)] Slow .'\ll\llll ol' IIcadxpm [ll'L‘\lth\ lioin midnight.

East Kilbride

The Long Riders Tour Iiaxl Kllbl‘ldc .'\t'l\ (I‘llll't‘. ()ld ('oach Road. (ll355 3bl000. 8pm. £8 i£bl Soc 'I'hu I‘l.

Saturday 28


0 Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurx. l'(i(’ Budding. chl’t‘c“ Slit-ct, 0870 787 0707. 8.15pm. £ I 3. Scc lit 37.

The Stand 'l'hc Sltllld. 5.55 \Voodlandx Road. 0830 (300 0055. 9pm. £.\’. Scc Hi 37 but with compch Stixan Morrison. Babycham Funny Women Comedy Awards Siaic Bar. I43 llolland Strcct. 9-16 938‘). 0.30pm. £5 t£-li. \'i\ (icc takc~ control at llll\ \carch t'oi' undixcm crcd I‘cmalc comcdianx. Noah’s Late Night Craic Noah. s4 .-\lbion Street. 553 30-1-1. l0.45pm 3am. £5 (£3). l-"cathcrx II) as Parrot dclixcrx lll\ uncompromixing humour. KIN) Mo“ and Ra} mond Mcarnx \tand-up in \uppt wt.

72 THE LIST '2‘: am .= .t;;» Ron;


The Stand lllc bland. 5 Yutk l’latc. 55K 7373. ‘lpin £5 \ct- In 3' onl} \kllll Janc \Ianka} as L'llllll‘t'lt'


The WhY Front (ilaxgou l‘lllll ‘l‘llt‘dll't'. l3 Rll\t' \Ilt't'l. 553 bl3b opm. l'rcc. but tickctt'd Scc Sun 33 Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service illllt' Slgillil. 55‘ \\tliltllilll(l\ Road, «mm (.00 (loss s top”. u. its» \Iatk llt‘atchpict‘t' and Kt'ata \Iutph} join dcadpan hoxt \llk'lldt'l Rulinond


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? 'I'hc Stand. 5 Yolk l’lat‘c. 55b ~333 Iptn. I-i'cc. Scc Sun 33

Bruce’s Sunday Social Fund ‘I'ht- Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55h "3"3. Hillpiii. £4 (£3 l. land lhc \wckcnd on a llllel-[lllt'llt'tl laughtt'i notc “Illl (‘olin Rainont'. \lartm hub) and lt‘Htlt'lll hmi Ilt'uct- I)c\|m.

Monday 30


Red Raw 'l'hc Stand. 5 York Plan". 553 7373. X. illpni. £I. Sal two l’rolilt'i and around cight \land up ti} outx join ho\l (iracmc ’I'Iiomax.

Tuesday 1


Melting Pot 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York Plan: 558 7373. ‘lpin. £5 t£4i .«\|I Iiail lhc coincd) i'clt'rL-nduni ax Ilt‘“ \\l’lIL'l'\ prcwnt thcu‘ \hort count~ thcatrc [HL'CL'\. \\ ith thc \\ lllllt‘l' dcudcd b_\ lhc audicnu‘.

Wednesday 2


Bruce Morton Presents 'l‘hc Stand. 333 \Voodlantk Road. 0870 bill) (i055. 9pm. £(i t£5l. ()l' Iirucc I\ back \\ itli his monlbl) comic cncountci' \him (axing: a \L‘IL'L'lion oi Scottile hottmt stand? up talcnt.


Great Britain Explained 'l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7373. 9pm. £4 (£3). :\n ii'i'cwt'cnt look at L'\L‘l'_\llllllfJ I'i'otn lhc Bt'llllL‘\ and tho th};ll\ through Illiin (irant and (‘hanncl lxland Nat/ix. licn ('Iicxlci'. (‘olin Ramon and ('olin Simpxon lll\L‘\llj_'lllC L‘\t'i‘}tliiiig_' grcat about our nation. Watch out for thc lull-length l‘i'ingc show in which audicncm arc im ilcd to \otc l'oi‘ thc most nakcd \lltl“ ol thc lt‘xllutl.


Kevin Bloody Wilson \Valkabout. 7 chli'cu Strcct. 333 830‘). 7pm. £8. :\u\tralia\ outback outlau and king ol barxtool pliiluxupllle \trumx a mcrr} inclod} ol' raucoux band} and lend \ong\. cowring m ci'}thing I'rom pi‘cmaturc ciaculanou and drinking boot” to th‘ Comtncrcial C\ ll\ ol- ('hi‘ixtmax.

The Stand 'l‘hc Stand. 555 \Voodlanrlx Road, 0870 (1000055. 0pm. £5 (£4). lhc limixh Joc Ilccnan lllllL'il\llL'\ his biting charm. \\ uh \upport from John Rt)\\, Blair Wait and cult 'l‘hurxda} night lithl I-i'ankic BU} lL‘.


The Stand 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. ‘lpm. £5 (£4), 'I‘hc noblc 11w l-‘luur Slum rcgular .\liIc\ Jupp introduces I.cith\ ('olin Ramonc. Sat txcc I’rolilct and ('olin .\lc(iill.

The Snatch Social ’l'hc l.lqutd Room. 9C Victoria Strcct. 335 35(i4. Ill.3()piii 3am. £3.50 i£3l Scc 'I‘hn It).


TREMBLING BEFORE c-o Cameo. Edinburgh. from Fri 20 Jun: GFT. Glasgow from Fri 4 Jul

‘It is patently wrong to say that homosexuality is against the Bible‘

There is a tree that grows in Brooklyn. but that's another story. For now Sandi Simcha Dubowski and Steven Greenberg sit before me. What an odd team they make: the former a slightly fey, soft-spoken young filmmaker, the latter an irascible Iate-fortysomething rabbi. ‘We‘re making a film of this tour, you know,‘ giggles Dubowski through a mouthful of popcorn and berry juice. ‘lt‘s going to be called Trembling on the Road I get to tell all my stories about travelling with the rabbi.‘

Greenberg looks weary but gets the joke, yet from the outset it is clear that here is a man more interested in semantics, and how they touch on the telling of the truth, than he is in the fripperies of idle chat. Dubowski begins to explain the genesis of his remarkable feature length documentary, Trembling before 6-D, and the amount of research that went into getting openly gay Hasidic men to appear on screen. He also tells of how many times he had to beg Greenberg to be in the documentary before and after he came out of the closet and how, because of him, the rabbi met his partner of four years.

Meanwhile the rabbi squiggles in his chair, he can‘t stand it any more. ‘What the hell just happened is you went totally off orthodoxy.’ he gripes.

‘Well, you tell him your story then,‘ Dubowski retorts. And then we are away.

‘My story is that I had started trying to make sense of my feelings for men by going to a rabbi,‘ says Greenberg. ‘I had begun to feel conscious of my feelings towards men. I was studying the Shiva anyway, so I went to this nice rabbi and I said: “Master, I am attracted to both men and women what should I do?“ He sat there with his long beard and he said: “My dear friend, you have twice the power of love use it carefully“. I said: “Master, is that all you have to tell me?" He said: “There is nothing else to say.“‘

He had tried for many years to date women but realised he had no desire for them. In 1990, he wrote about it under an assumed name and found many people responded. In 1996, he set up an orthodox gay-man‘s study group in New York and then in 1998 Dubowski approached him to be part of the film. 'I turned him down,‘ Greenberg says. ‘I didn‘t trust him because he wasn‘t orthodox and I didn't think it was possible to make a film that would portray our story. But as I saw the care with which he conducted interviews, I began to think about solving the problem in Jewish law terms and how the film could be used as a tool for good.‘

The film has caused controversy and devotion wherever this dynamic duo have touted it. After chatting for a while, the rabbi once again tires of the small talk and underlines his mission statement to ensure I get it down right: ‘It is patently wrong to say that homosexuality is against the Bible when all religious texts are open to interpretation. Western homophobia is really what is going on here. Religions have resources they could use to change things but they are more concerned with keeping things in place. This film is just a starting point - it is the change in perception an individual will hopefully go through on leaving the movie theatre that really interests us.‘ (Paul Dale)

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Glasgow Fridays


Audioporn \Ictt‘ui}. 1’33 Ilath lunt'. 3-15 I3“ I‘ll 30 .Iun Iljini lain Li Monthl} “L 'l mo and ('oiduto} Jack

pla} a wlct'non ol dccp houw and

Events are listed by city, date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to glasgow®, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.

lu‘llno Glasgow Thursdays Mr Burly 2003 \Ictt'ut}. H3 Bath lanc. 345 I"" lit 3" Jun Illpni iani


DogGod ()bar. the ('orinthian. I‘ll Ingram Strcct. 553 Hill Illillpm ‘ain. £3. \Vccklx. \cv. ga} mith night pronusmg cwriuhmg.‘ troin K}Iic to llUth‘ IU L'lCL‘ll'U-rlk‘k.

£5. l'UI'lllllelll} iaItL-inannfg butticcn l‘ll & Sati .ludgcd on \c\ appuil. tltlllL'lk'llLL' to club drew (odm and gt'nctaI kntmlcdgc about Burl}. a lll\l pit/c ol £I00 .i\‘..ill\ thc \Hllllt'l ol thc lIl\l .\Ii l‘lutl} cxcnt