Glasgow Saturdays


Uproar Mt'rgury. l4: Hath lant'. Z-JS 1""? Sat 3| Jttrt Ill illprtt Want l'rcc Monthly l.aurtt‘h party ol rtcyy rttghl lcalurtrtg ,-\rttly l’t'rry and Hand llatrtl playrrtg a hard lltlllLL' and ltrrtky lltlUSL‘ \(llllltlllilk'lx

Nonsense Mercury. l-lZ Hath lanc. 24H FCC Sat 3S .lllll Ill illplll iartt lL-l \lllllt‘lllS arttl lllt'llll‘L'l\ t. Monthly Smy tltrty lttrtk lit a lurt. anything got-x alrttoxphcrc

Glasgow Wednesdays


Allure ‘l'hc 'l'unncl. S-l Mtlt‘hcll Slr't't'l.3(l-1 llllltl‘ |l.Wprrt. l; i. \M'L‘kly. \cyy gay t'ltrh lrortt lht- pcoplc l‘k'llllltl ('tthc'x l’;t\\totta|tty and H N pr'ortttxtng happy. t‘ltct-xy pop. Fourplay l'.ll\ y lo ( 'artthr |(l_‘_'L'

Strcct. U3 H {7. llprtt iattt. {-1 1L: \ytlh llyt'r l, \Vt-ckly \t-yy gay t‘ltrh.


Write Up 'l‘ltc .-\rt‘hc\. 35 * Argylc Strut-t, ourtt n33 Moo, \Vt-tl 25 Jun.

7 lllprtt. l-r'co Monthly. Scrtcx ol \yorltxhopx lt‘(l hy John Htrtrttc to ltclp all hutltltrtg \ytllcl'\ pttt \tortlx ortto papcr. I’u/l or (i/mgm .‘IHIAY

Edinburgh Fridays Clubs

Velvet ligtt. l-l l’lt'dl'tly l’lilk'k'. 473 7-134‘1-‘r't37lun I lprtt iartt, Ur rtfil; 2 lor l hcl'or't- |l.*llprtt. Montth Night lor gay gtrlx and lhctr' \pu‘tally lll\ ttctl hoy-lrtcntlx \\llll r‘t'xttlcnt [)1 Mtchcllc tl’optaxttc. \‘t'tgglc. Joy.



Candle Bar 3“ ('atttllt'l'tggx Sit-l llSS. ‘lpnt l‘rcc, l.l\Cl_\ har.

Court Bar (N lllllL‘llL‘xttn Slt't't‘l. 55: 34M. (tail) lllprtt. l‘rcc, l’opular tratltltortal har'.

Delmonica’s ox \‘tt-gtttta Sll't‘t‘l. 552 4803. Upnt. l’rcc. l)J\. turn and karaokc. LGBT Centre I I lttxon Strt'cl. 23! "JUN llartt nttthttght. l'rcc. ('alC/har. Mercury I43 Bath l.artt‘. 248 IT". Bar opt-n l'ront 5pm. l-‘rccl

Polo Lounge 34 \thwn Strccl. $53 llll. lllprtt lattt. l‘r‘cc. lirttcr'tatnrttcnt l'rottt Mon to 'I'hu and a ltycly har at

\\ CClsCllle.

Revolver rut John Strccl. 55‘ 2450. Sfillprtt. l-‘rcth \Vcckly l’opular har. Sadie Frosts x In \Vt'xl (icnrgc Strcct. 333 Stltlfl. .\'oort rttttlrttght. l‘rcc. HJx. karaokc .trttl nut/Icy

Waterloo \thlk'l'll‘t‘ Strcct. 23‘) 53‘”. Noon tntdtttgltt. \Vcll-krtoyy rt gay har.


Bennets ‘Nl (ilmdor’d .Sll't‘t'l. 55: Vol, llprtt 3.30am. [3 NHL": fit. liwcllcrtt tlancc acttort “ml to Sun and a \llltlL‘lll night on Thu

GLIDE 34 Qttccrt Sll‘L‘L‘l. 33h S‘Ntl. llfillpnt ~‘artt. £3 tL‘Z \\llli l’lycrt. (‘ltt‘cxy chart gay rttghtx on Mon tl’axxtonaltty t and 'I‘uc «HIV l. Mercury I42 Bath Lattc. 248 I“? Bar opctt l'r‘ortt 5pm; (‘Iuh lllprtt Rant. l'il'L'L'. ll.\ lUSI lltC loungc l‘lll lI'N \llll opcrt Iatc 'l‘uc Sun \yttlt DJR. drag actx twcaxtottal thcrttc ntghtx and a y\ cckly corttcdy cluh r'l‘hut.

Polo Lounge 54 \y'tlmtt Strcct. 553 l22l. lllpnt Rant. {5‘ l-‘t'L-xh. l.ll\ll and Carry on Polo. l‘rt to Sun

Health and Support

Body Positive 3 Park Quadrant. 333 Sillll, Support l'or‘ {how allcclcd hy HIV/AIDS.

Centre for Women’s Health 2 Santlyl'ot'd l’lacc. II I (Will lttl‘o lor‘ \yotttcrt and \pccu‘tt~ wry run for lCSl‘l‘dllS.

l’lartct Hutt arttl fJIlL'xlx

Edinburgh Saturdays


Eye Candy \l.t\\tt. m M \latkt-t Strccl.3_‘lt»13_‘-l Sat ZS .lttrt

llprtt ialll L" Ill t LS or to .1 ttlIll.If_'t'tlll\l} tllL'SSK'tll lortrttghtly RCSltlk‘lllS (irat'rttc l’opxlar. \ctat Barton and \k‘ll (‘rookxtott ltoxt lllL'll lllltlllltllh. glartt llHllSU party

Men Only ('latcrttottl. I” I“ laxt ('Iarvrttortt Strcct. 550 Shh: Sat _‘l .lth .Sprtt l‘lk'k' l'ortrtrghtly MS(‘ .llltl thc Hum orgarttw lllk' lllk'll ortly rttgltt \\Illl a tllt’SS t‘otlt' ax \ytltl ax yott ltkc Wiggle lugo. l’tt'artly l’lat'c. -l‘.\ "-1H.Sat 2| .lttrt llprtt *attt. {‘1 Morttltly 'lrt'ntly \M-rttly l\ totrtt'tl hy .lort l’lcawtl trt lllk' rttattt hall \ylttlc Sally l' and \llk'llt'llk' littltl lllL' lttll tltt\\ll\l;tlt'\.

Luvely 'l'ltt‘|uttl Roortt. ‘lt' \tt'torta Sll'ct'l. :35 35(t-l. Sal 3S .ltllt

Illfillprtt iartt, Ut. Morttltly l:\uht'rartt ltouw party

Edinburgh Sundays Clubs

Taste 'l'hc l,l(|ll|(l Roont. ‘lt' Vtt'torta Strccl. 235 250-1, I lprtt .iartt. L5 holort' ll. illpttt; LES tUt lllL‘llll‘t'lSl altcr; {Ill rtort rttcrtthcrx on gumt l)_l lllgllh. \Vt'ckly 'l'axty hrcyy ol hottw and garagc.

Bootylushous ('octcatt loungc. ligo. l’tcar'tly l’lacc. 4‘3 713-1.

I lprtt ittlll. [3. \Vct'kly \cyy gay/uttth rttgltt lrottt tht' hoy\ hclttrttl llttxh \\ ttlt (‘ratg and l)alc \ptrtrttrtg a lllthlL'l'llll hlcrttl ol Rtkli. \oul anti lurtk.

Colours LGBT Youth ltlrt Hath Slrccl. 343 IN}. 'lttc (t. ill 9 illpnt. \t'yt (tillllL'll lurttlctl grottp lot yottrtg l.( illl pcoplc agctl lo 25. Drop trt lor lr'tcntlly that.

atly IL'C or trtlortttaltort

Glasgow Lesbian Line l’t) Hm (my. (i3 “'11..H‘l"ll5-l".x\tlytcc.

Glasgow Women’s Library lot) 'l‘rortgatc. 552 $345, ()pcn 'l‘uc t-‘n l (tprtt; Sat 3 5pm. \Votttcrt'x htcraturc and lhc lL‘Sl‘lJll ar‘clttyc. a|\o ltoxt to ntu'ttrtgx ol thc l,ll’S group lor lL'Sl‘lillh and l\l\L'\ll;tl \HllllL‘ll urttlcr 25 tlorlrttghtly to Homophobic Crime Reporting ('orttact S11“ not“. ()pcrt lllpnt tlatly. Phace Scotland 4*) Bath Slr‘t‘cl. 3 *2 3838, Thu rttatrt wry tt‘c tn lhc \VL'Sl ol Scotland lor' lllU\L‘ allu'tctl hy lllV ':\|l)S_ Sandyford Initiative Sauchtchall Str‘cct. Ill (Won 5. ill ant. A range ol wry tccx tttt‘luthrtg a \yu-ltly lt'\l\l;tll hcalth cltrttt' r'l'ltut

Steve Retson Project 3 Satttlytottl l’lacc. II I soul. ()pcrt 'lttt- tk ‘l‘hu

SSH .S‘fillpnt. Scutal hcaltlt tlll\l\'k' .llltl L‘ttlllht'lllllg‘ lot gay ntcrt

Strathclyde Gay and Lesbian Switchboard l’o Bo\ 3x. (i3 Jul-L. M" NJ", ()pcn " lllpttt tlatly (‘onl'ttlcnttal tltl\ lL'L‘.


Clone Zone 45 \"trgtrtta Sttccl. 55‘ 3mm Mott Sat llartt ‘lpnt; Stttt

noon ‘lpnt. ('lotlttrtg. \ltlL‘US. rttaga/trtcx alltl lll)\.

Joys-4-Us Hilil (‘crttrc ll l)t\on Slrcct. Ill "Ill? \oolt .Spnt. \t-yy lL‘\l‘l;tll run \hop xtogktng :JUUtllCS galotc.


LGBT Centre ll l)t\ort Strccl. Ill “Ill? Matn gay ucrttrc hoxtrng chorttl llarrtcrx tchallcrtgtng ltorttophohtat. Stt'y c Rctxort gay rttcn'x \mual ltcalth atly tgc llllll 5.30 SSllpntt. lloltxuc Hcahrtg ('troup tMort ".30 lllprttt. l’t‘rtorrnartgc ('rroup tMott ". itlprttt. and tltc rttortlltly lllt‘L‘llllgN ol ()l.(i.-\ noctal group lor oltlcr lL‘\l‘l;tll\l. lt‘t’l‘lt'akt‘h lltll lhttxt‘ 11C“ to lllt‘ \L'Cllcl. lit-(ilaxgoyt. (‘roxxlym (irottp. (hit on Sunday trtt'orrttal [trill group. l.l(~ lt‘xhtatt xogral group. Spcakcaxy pout arttl

Tackno \l.t\\.:. 1h 1” \laliyt'l \llt'\"l. 32"»133-1 Sun 2" Jun 1” zllpttt ‘tattt 1‘ Lo Monthly lrctttly \\t'rttly tttt\;\

ht-r «tun l‘ldlltl ol \ltcmy lllllt‘\


Pride Scotia Meeting llulytuoa l.l\\'lll. ".t llt‘lylt‘rhl Rt‘atl R{it {Hi1 Sttrt .‘S ltttt Iprtt Iottrttghtly \ \harttc lot t'yt'ryortt' to uttttrtlttttc ttt tllf_‘.tlll\lll‘_' llll\ ycar'x l’rttlc rttarth ttt | tltrthttrgh

Edinburgh Mondays


Suddenly llllllllttll\t'. SS I olhtan Roatl. IIS 3th Mon ill lurt \ l‘pttt

L i *ll 15 ‘ll L.‘ Ht lyyo punk tlykm takt' a StillJlC ltngcttt' \.ll\'\\\t‘lll.lll on .t ltlc thartgtng roatl trrp trt llll\ \tgt‘rtltrtt-art It‘alurc in: o! I I (r// or: low

Edinburgh Tuesdays


Mango Souffle l-tltttltottw. NS l.Ullll.lll Rl‘tltl. 3:5 :(tSS lllL' l \\ “ml 3 Jul. .S' liprtt t'luct t\ (t l5prtt t\\ctlt

U 5” {351th Ht l'ttwrtthlc ptt't‘c mplortrtg thc llllPllt'JllHHS ol a horttowutal lllt'\l_\ lt- trt t'otttctttporary lnthatt \ot‘tcty l'tur or lltil I on [our


Vibe Iago. l’tt‘artly l’lau'. JCS 71H llprtt iattt L3 \\\'Cl\l_\ Jarttcx longyyorth proy ltlk'S tht- \ounth at llll\ popular. \par'kly. t'harty party

Edinburgh Wednesdays

Cinema Mango Souffle 'luc I & \\k‘tl 3 Jul St't' 'l’llt'

\H'llCIS group and thc lt'xhtan Mothcr '\ (troup tt'otttat‘t Shorta at tho ( il;t\j_'o\\ \\otttcn\ l.thr'aty lot llllllt‘ tlk'ldllSl

Sport Gay and Lesbian Badminton Group (‘ortlat‘l “HUSS (Cl “55 'l'hu,

Glasgow GOC Swimmers (‘otttat-t (t-W SSW» "Mill “pm. Thu \Vcckly lrtlortttal \L‘SSIUII,

Gay Rambling Group ('utttat-t Wt lllSI. Mortlltly

GOC Cycling Group (‘nntat-t ft-W SSW». Morttltly



Blue Moon Cafe 1 Barony Slrct't. 55“ (Ml ll Mort in I lartt Ilillprtt; Sat Sttrt ‘lpttt llillartt l‘rct'. lithrthttrglt'x lortgcyl rurttttttg gay talc CC Blooms 2; 2-1 (il't‘L'llxltlt' l’lau‘. 55o ‘Hilt lllailllllll iartt that lrottt (tpln l. l'l'L'Cr SL'C ('ltllk and ttlxtt lltt\l\ lcchrcakt'rx lrttonthly l lor tltow rtcyy to Hit \L‘t‘llt‘.

Habana (il'L‘ClhltlL‘ l’ltlt't'. 553 '2‘” Noon lttlllr l‘r'cc l)J\ cycry lit and Sat and t|llllttl\L‘ ort 'l‘hu.

Flashback rt nupt- Street. 330 mot 4pm lartt. (‘ltccxy «hull and pop Mon to Sun.

Frenchies RUSC SII‘CL‘l. 2:5 ~(t5 ls Iprtt lartt. l'rco Popular.

The Laughing Duck :4 Hum- .Sltct'l. 3:” 3 iqlt Mon ‘l‘htl

llartt llprtt; l’l‘l t\' Sal llartt Iartt; Sttrt ll.3llattt llprn Styltxh. («Hilly har. New Town Bar l)ultltn Slr'ccl. Six ""5. Mon 'l'hu noon Iartt; l'l'l Sat noon Zartt; Sttrt llfillpnt lartt. (iay crurxc har and untlcrgrourttl t'luh. Planet Out (tl'k't‘lhltlt l’lat‘c. 524 llllhl. Mort l'l'l 4pm lant; Sat Sttrt Zprtt Iartt. l'rcc. chular tun cycrtlx. prc- gluh. I)J\ trtt'luthrtg 'l'rcntly \Vcrttly (Mon t. qut/lcx and htngo

Sala (tll Broughlon Strcct.~1"S "llo‘l. l‘uc Sttrt llartt llprn. l‘rcc. 'l‘hc HEB (‘crttrc'x (dlL' lS rtcyy ly rcopcnctl lor' lr‘cxh lUHLl all day.

ltstt'tgts Gay


Death Disco lltt‘ rttgltt ol Irartt; l uro OXt‘t‘SS touts; lorttoz; ‘.'.’Illl Molttrtt; l’ot {llltl lrrtxx. Sow CI/u.’ fist/nos.

iii Ignorant Fairies A mto (topos; \Vttl: tlto tltst’atvom of hot igtttt- ltusltatttl't; some! ll()lll()f;(?Xll£tl (Weill. Sop / l/lll list/Hus.

Death in Venice [)IIK l3()§l£ll(l(}Slélli;£18£tll£ltlt§llltl (:orttposor who surxarrttttt; to oltsosstort Sort I ///ll Ital/nos; Rope lwo gay lll(3ll t;orttrtttl llllll(l(?l {15;{lll llli(}l|(}(llll£ll(Extéltilfw at this (:xporttttorttztl ltlttt lrortt litt(;lt(;or;k. 800 I t/m /If§llll§]3§.


CC Blooms 3; 3-1 (ilt't'll\ltlt‘ l’lau‘. Rflt ‘l‘il Ill illprtt zartt that ltortt (tprttt lrt't' .\ hat and t Itrh '.ytlh a [‘l.tyll\l ol lttgh

(alllp arttl tltxut plaxytt \

Heath Etlld Support

Lesbian Line 4V Wit \lttll a ‘Ilttt

' ill lllpnt llL'lPllllk'

LGBT Police Link I (ill (‘t-ttttc. (to Hrottgltlort Sltt-t'l Mott (t “put “ct-Hy ('all “3” 5| KS ltjll il-lll tl you \yant .t that \ytth your totttrtturtrty ollttcr

Lothian Gay and Lesbian Switchboard “rt loll) " to Illplll cwry tlay llt'lpltrtt'

LGBT Youth Scotland (“otttatt (ll: :10“ l( )lllt‘t't ttt (LS-W I l ill ("li rioulhltnt-t Sot tal t'\L'lll\ lot I.( till urttlt'r :(t

Waverley Care Solax. 3/51 \hhcyrttounl. (\(ll HUS: lrt't' \arroux \crytu'x tttt‘luthrtg .ltttt't'. a yycckly \llL'ltll group lor gay lllk'll

allt‘t‘lctl hy |ll\‘ \II)S ll” 3 -lprttt


O-Store < Barony Stu-cl. .1"? l“% SyollattrlK ortly gay Itt'crtwtl w\ \llrtp rcu-rtlly opt-rtt-tl ttt tht- \pol lorrttcrly hotmttg ottt ol the hlut'


AD ('orttad fir» 404‘) l or lk‘SlHJHS oyt'r -1ll \lk'k’lS monthly to plan \ot'tal L'\t'lll\ (all lot ntort' \lL'ltlllS

LGB Centre (tll Broughlon Slrt'ct. -l"S "lltt‘l ltttportanl gay u-ntrt- hoxttrtg tht' \\orttcrt\ (iroup Drop-In r'l‘htrt. (iay l);ltl\ Scotland trttortthly l .l\ tycll ax llt ltltrthttrgh lllk' \ot'talwupporl group lor l‘l\k'\llill\ and [how qttcxltontrtg thctr \cxualtty trttortthly l

Scottish TV/TS Group 'I hc l’hocrtn (‘cllar Bar-1hBroughtort Slrcct ‘5" ll: H. Monthly


Gay Men’s Swimming Group ('ortlad 236 447). Mon Xprtt \M-ckly GOC Cycling Group ('nrttau nmt {3| SSW-1 Monthly

Gay Outdoor Group ('nntatt fir) 5‘05 \lonthly