Glencoe by Jonathan Meuli on show at the Mansfield Park Gallery

Welcome to the Hoegaarden lllll I‘) .IIIII (IIIIII. l)l|l\'ll l)IIIII_«.I Ilcxlgrn yullu‘lnr ll;l\ L'IL'IIlL'Kl .III IIIxI.I|l.IIIIIn lIII llncpdnnlcn \'-lll\'ll Ix lIIlll'lll}! .II‘IIIxx (I|;Ix;:Im l)I-xI§_'III'I l'l.llllx l‘II'lIkcIIIII lI;Ix I‘ImlI‘Il yIIIIlI‘n InprI'I‘Il lnI'IIIIIIII‘. .IIIIl IIII'II' Ix lIw lllll\lt' lI'IInI l).lx \\llllL‘ _\Ull \illlllllL‘ lllk‘ Hvlggmn \IlIIIc lwI'I.


IN: llnIlI SIII‘L‘I. “I l‘l‘ll. \lIIn l’I'I IIIKIIJIII 5pm; Sill Ill IIIIIIII lpnI Summer Selection Inn! 1 llll ‘~I .IIII. .\ xclcclmn l‘l II.IIIIIIII;'x IIII'IIIIlIIIg \uII'kx II} \\ IIlI;IIII \lt'l\_\ll (Iluxx. ll.IIIIIx|I .\l;II'IlIIn.IlIl. l’I'II'I llImxIIII. langcnI' lh‘kkcll. \lill'IUll l|.II\I'}. (icingc llunxlnn .IIIIl SIIIJII l’.IleI

THE HIDDEN GARDENS l’I.IIn\\.I_\. 35 .\ll‘L'll l)ll\k'. UNIS .NHIISHII 'l'III‘ SIIII III.IIII 3pm.

The Hidden Gardens Opening Weekend Sal II I\' Sun .‘2 Jun. \Imll. l‘l’m‘. ‘l’llL‘ Ullk‘lllll‘L' Ul St‘Ull.Ill\l\ lIIxI x.IIIcIII.II'} gnIIlI‘II \lk'tllt'tllk'tl III I‘L‘.Iu‘. (‘I‘IxIII‘Il Ill I‘IIl|.IlIIII.IIII»II \\ IIlI II\.I Ul:_'.llll\.lllUl‘.. IIIIIlempc .IIclIIIu‘Ix ('II_\ l)&‘\lf_‘ll (‘INIPCIIIIHG llk‘ lik‘dl cnIIIIIIIInII} and .I ImIII III .IIIIxIx l‘I‘IIIleIII'IIIIIIg: ;I Ilcu‘ln'l IIIIlIleI'I.Il xIIc IIIlIIIInIIIg l‘I'IIIII\\.I_\. ll I‘IIIIIpI'Ixcx .I t‘IIIIII‘IIIleIIw gunlcn \\llll IchlImIcIl .ll’l\\\ll'l\\ III lllk' npcnlng \xcckcnIl. IlIcn' \\ Ill lIc Inc IIIIIxIc II'IIIII lllk‘ l’Ilk'LIII SIIIgIIIg linul (lulu-mm [LII-pm S.I\IIIIIII.I SIcwanIII and .I (I‘I‘I‘IIIIIIH III lI;_'lII on SIII ll .lIIn .II ‘I ‘leIII. Scc - (ilnxgmx I Ilcl


“MIN Riklxl. ‘3” *3: ;. \lIIll. lllL‘ N lllll ll.InI ~pm. \\cIl. In x $41 ‘LIIII 5pm.

George Orwell (1903-1950) l'IIIIl 5.” 38 Jun, .r\n c\lIIlIIIIIIII L'clclIIuIInj: IIII' u‘IIII‘ngII} III IlIc lIIIIlI III (II‘IIIIYI‘ ()I\\ C”. ’III/ III [III III \I I III/ /I\IIII1/.


0 || (icIIIgI' SIICCI. 553 Illll _\lIIII \nl ‘hnn 5pm

Annual Summer Exhibition I'IIIII \lun Ill _lIIII ()IIgIIIJl nch “Ullx lI_\ .lIIlIII l,ll\\llC \lIIIIIxIIII. .\l;IlI'II|III HIIIIx. l‘l.lll\'1\“\Iily.lllil(lllll;llll \lI'IIIIImlII


| (‘lmulcn (iIIIIlI-nx. “l 31".; IIIIIIII (IpIn; XIII llUUll -lpIII

Jo Ganter: Still Lives, Cardinal Glimpses l’IIIIl Sun 3" Jun. l‘|l\l xlIImII ;II IlIc lIIllmI RII‘I- (I.IllI-I). Icu'nl pnnlx h} (ILngIm lmxI-Il .IIIle ‘III ( I.IIIII‘I III! I” [III \II \I I III/ II \IIIII/.



l lll\t'l\ll_\ III (ll.l\_‘__'ll\\. 53 IlIlllImIl SIn‘cl. “H 513]. \lIIII ~\II ‘I NLIIII 5pm. Sun 13W ‘1 illpln lt‘l llllllk‘ llllI‘llllJllUll xI-I- \\ \‘. \\ \xlIIxIchIINl‘ (Hill 0 Anna Whistler - A Life \.II _‘I .IIIII XII -l ()gl \\ lIIxIlI-I‘x IMIlllllllfJ Ill lIIx IIIIIllICI. \IIIIIIQI Im II] [H (flu and III/(1'1 1 \II / Ix \‘IIIIIIIIL‘IIII'IIII'II h} .I xpcgml C\llll‘llll‘ll lxixml «In [Hm lI‘l|\l\ IIIII‘IIIIlleIcIl (IIIII‘prIIIIchIgc .IIIIl .llx’lllhll III.IIcII.II. IcwulIng: IlIc lllk' l‘L'lllllll lllL' lx'llllk' IIII.I;_'c Scc [III-us“. I’m: III

ll lilxl/II _‘IHI_\'.

0 Beauty and the Butterfly: Whistler’s Depictions of Women Sdl 3| .luII XII ~1();I l’.IxIclx. clplnngx .lll\l lIIlII~;_'I.I|\lIx IIIIIxII.IIc \\ lIIxIII-I'x Ilcpk‘llunx III \\I\lllCll. [I‘Lll\lll:: I‘ll \‘lllldlliN‘Il. \lkllllllllll‘ll .Illkl IIlIl IIIII‘ “H? H lIIxI/II JIM".

0 Copper into Gold: Whistler and 19th Century Printmaking

\I' _‘l III; \\_-II ,‘1 l‘__ l'.=x A" "\I‘ yrqxq'I'x ‘IzzIz'x f:" w

\\?1 \ x \

Incl ‘Ix \ x IlII'1‘I_'.ITcx'..:'TIxI ;\:::':~ n '\ . 111'! y II I

0 In Gre and Black \II ‘?

lIIII \II ill? \\lll\llI! x I'I~‘l|\ [\Illl'lll“ III lIIx :IIIIIlrg: I'I w II I I-

(,II I.I,'..' II' .I A \II III: III-c lIle llll‘u‘ III Incl *‘I \c.I'x. Hz: IIIIIII llI‘Ill IlIc \lIIxx' Il‘l lIx.:\ In l',I':x 'UI: ll Luff“ _‘I"‘\' 0 18905 women \II .‘l lIIII “ml )1 Il.'\ \\lIIxIII‘I’x \I‘llll‘llll‘I".lllI’\ \l.II LIIIIvalI. ( ’.:Ilva \ lI‘I‘..:l\' lll\l‘llt'll II} I.IIII.Ix_\_ lll‘I.I‘_'lll.IllI‘ll .IIIIl \\llll‘Hll\llI I' ll/nxLII ,‘I'HI' O Whistler and Scotland \..I .‘I JIIII \II 1()\I IlIIx cxlnlIIIIIIII \‘\]‘lIIl\‘x \\ lIIxIch'x III-\II'IInl IIIIIIIcIIH- «In IlIu \\l‘lll\ll .III \qulIl IlIIIIII:' lIIx lIII'IIIIII' lI'.IIIIII'x IlII' ( I|.Ix§.'u\\ [lIIx |‘.IllllI‘l\,

/' \I‘ll‘\~lI‘(IIIx1‘I

lchm lll‘ll\ III tun: II. M lls.IIlelc\


\lk'.ll’\'l\.lllll\I‘ll\‘\l1‘l\llll\lllltlll\l\'\‘~‘~\‘llx\ h} l \ \\.llllllll l.IIIch I Illlllllk‘. I IcwIz‘I' llI‘IIII .IIIIl( ll.lll\'\ Ix’I‘IIIIII' \l.l\ LIIIIIleI I’m! III \IIIIII/I I ..‘"”"

Q The Whistler Collection I II~III \II .‘l .lllll llII' ||IIIIII‘II.III'x llllk‘lllJllUllth llllI‘I‘llJlll \\ lll\llI‘l (‘IIllI'IlIIIII Ix «In \II-II III ll‘C'x‘. IlleIl.IIx Ic.IIIIIIII;' XII IIII I\.IIIIIIII:'x lIIIIIIlII'le III Ill.l\\l|l_§'x .lllIl IINIH I'II lIIIIg'x .IIIII lIIlIIIz'I.I[\lIx I'm: I"

ll /II\.’/II .‘l”"'

O Whistle-Stop Tours Inc I IIII lpIII ll.I|I llIIlll lII;'|IlI;'|II lI‘lll\ Ill lllk' lllIIIIcIIJII'x \\ lIIxIII‘I IlIxIIl.I_\ x I’m: II' H/IIII/II 31"!"

0 Ten at One Talks \\I-II ,‘ llll

lpIII lI'II IIIIIIIIII' l.lll\\ «In xI‘lI'I II'Il \\Illll\ llHlll IlII' IIIIIIII'IIJII'x \\ lIIxIIcI IlIx]\l.IIx /’II‘II III ll/IIx/I'Ir ,‘I’lh'

\I..III‘II I‘lt‘lll\ .IIIIl Il‘-\'l


IN Km}: SIII'I'I. ‘5‘. 51H \lnn \II ll.IIII iIIIII

Gasbag l IIIIl \.II .‘I .lllll l)'\'l.lllk'\l l‘k‘ll IlI.I\\III_~:x lI_\ l ll‘ll.l lx’IIlwIIxIIII IlI'IIII llll‘.‘ .I llImlI lIkI' l.llll.l\ll\.ll \IIIIIIl

Artists’ Workshops in Hospital

I II .‘ IIIII XII I.‘ .llll \II I‘\lIIlIIIIIIII l‘l .lll\‘.llll\\ I'II‘JII'II \llllllltf lHlll II'xIIlI‘III II'x III \‘lllltllk'll.\ lImpILIIx III lllll\\k'l\. \lmllnl. (I|.Ix;'Im .IIIIl l’.IIIx ()I;'.IIIIxI‘Il II} \II III llmpIIJl. (i|.Ix_«.'Im III (UllJl‘l‘ldllHll \I. II|I \II Il.IIIx |.I ('III'. l'.IIIx. IlII‘ xlIIm II'.IIIIII'x \\Hll\ \\lll\'ll \‘..l\ (IQIII‘Il .Il (ll.l\“_'ll\\'\\1‘ll\lllll lll‘\l‘|l.ll l‘} ,l;IIIIc \II‘IIll " '

LLOYD JEROME GALLERY 3W ll.IIlI \‘III-I-I. HI H 7‘3 lllI' \II ‘Lnn (Il‘lll

Tat Tvam Asi (Thou Art That) l IIIIl \\I-Il III ,lnl \II \'\ll|l‘lll|Ill (ll [‘.Illlllll;'x l\_\ I lI'lhll .IIIIxI lh‘lplnnc (.ll.ll.l/.|\'


|*.\ ll.IIlI SIII'I‘I. Hl “WI \lI‘lI IIIIIIII l.IIII. III \II III~IIII \IIII Noah Saterstrom l lllll I ll 1 M \ xIIIII \lll\\‘. Ill III-\I. |\.IIIIIIII_~.jx in IlIIx (Ildxfjim \IlIIIIIl IIl \II \ll \ g'I.nlII.IlI' llL‘ ll.l\ l‘t'k'll lll\ llI'Il l‘.l\ I. [II ( I\ \ .I\ .IIIle III lk'\lkl\'ll\l' llIIx \llllllllL'l .IIIIl IlII- C\llll‘lllUll \Hlll.llll\ ncv. \‘IlllL \lk'Jlk'kl .II IlIIx xIIIIlIII III \xlI\IllI‘. \IIIIII ('.IIIIIIIIII



ll \lll\llk'll I .IIII‘. Ill ’IVI: \lHll. \M‘Il SJl III l1|.IIII <IIIII. lllI‘ ll.IIII Sun llI‘I'll <plll L IMIIH Timorous Beasties l lllll \un 33 Jill] IRL‘I Icv. (I.Ilch_\ Incl l I RIxcnI \‘.Hll\ l‘} lllc (ll.l\}'ll\‘~ l‘.I\I‘Il Ili'xlfjll Ulllllmll} llllll xpu I.IlIxcx III pIIIIlI-Il lIIl‘HLN. \\.Illp.IpI'Ix .IIIIl IIIII'IIIIIx Designers Briefs 1 lllll sun (I .llll

\II c\lIIlIIIIIIII \llI|\‘.\‘.I\lllj,‘ I‘l‘lli'\l\ lll‘klk‘llJlxk'll II} llllill _\k'.ll yIIIIIlIIg xIIIIlI'nIx .11 HIV (Il.Ix§_'mI. ('IIllcyc III llIIIlIlIIIj,‘ Illlll l’IIIIIIIIj; .IIIIl IIIIIIlIIpI‘Il III lk'\l‘llll\k' ll‘ l‘llL‘l\ ch II} lI'JtllllL’ .IIl‘.1'lll\IllL' .IllIl IlI'quI t'l‘llll‘lllllk'\



Whistler 2003

Thomas Demand

Simon Periton

Rough'n '


and Gary

Degree Shows

Beagles and Ram

of Night

Dirk Bell

say: Dead