Rear view

What did you get up to the last time you were drunk? He graduated from Fame Academy tag: ~ m: :~~ .=. _\.; .

with flying colours, but how is the 15:11: 1., 4H; f; .' Paisley prodigy DAVID SNEDDON w coping with fame now? V : What's the first thing you do every morning? . :1 1‘ f. 1': I'rn '(zall, 1(3":,~': " f"-: ‘1'; "8'. t" "t; J" ,1"‘ - v

to ,, \,‘ 4,, no ,\ 0b.; (\'\/x . 3, om . ;y~ yr p'r)‘ r ‘n r . . . l“ H Ml ~ ~ ~ ~> 1 mi“ w 3 ' Which celebrity has been the most different t'tt-ér‘. that? ‘3’ We: "3

t to your perception of them before you met? What was the last thing that made you belly \de K; mm, x . A I

u. ..t. '111.” ~i‘!’ ". '- Iaugh? t" ."v\ Jm‘vmxihi .1”? . ‘t."-\._ A" : f""-« l\\l.- N):th at: age. "‘(3 a":: (“(3 ha"?! ":10 37‘ ‘3 "ar; :10’. a iim'l EL: "w it «1‘1". slim) a'tft i:<;t.'g."t those it. E: (2420311: s;f::;::t<>r:;. Aw: mm {“(:f v Ht 155,; ; p ; MM a .an or L \.<, mm} mm. axewtl l (I Is the story that Kevnn Spacey has asked you ‘, 3 \ .., 3 ,1 \o,‘ f" \‘ w \v- {\f 9' 3" i“;'\.r("; (‘.i‘r x . . . l W- --</ Elk " w . if, («1' lam I .K 0 x”) to write mUSIc for a film true?

Etl‘idéiSfS-’)T)l‘£1f3'.'.‘(flti"‘(3(lflii?l"”lg$(il‘t"f>i3(?(TL/t‘, guard fif)"l(}f3 out (1"(1 ESY‘OuiSL '0'. ‘,<2 canvas. (rm:- thoso things; in tie-'0' W01: txuastmt aia IY‘IES "‘.T)l‘.(3‘, it"?! we <:o;.l<l"'t (2212:» time 1mm \‘Jo .20'0 at mung, ourselves.

What was the last dream you remember vividly?

Yt’j'tl'T Kw. 7‘ Space. ‘.'.a€: " iii 15:" ti" 2 "my 2 8.17."! ‘. "5; To Z (i'i’t mm: t, a" i ".v its-u: \.'."‘é2tt‘<>' ('3 5: "new: ‘1' e“; U: “a t My favourite line from Fame Academy was when you said you could get a perfectly good belt from Topman for a tenner. Do you still think that way?

I hadareallyhorribloonetheotlrer ".gr‘t. l'v‘.1<>rl<2<>t A”. fklth; ippl‘fxflf :(Hummj .1}, m {13(1va , these musicians ~.-./l‘.a's; mlatv.'(3!{. (:lean (mt a'icl hat: ' this horrific dream that was adamant to horou‘, think I'm been watclnr‘g 7rams;><:t:/rrj (>’ something IlkC that. Ann I WOKC at) sw<—:atmg and was ;Lis;t horrible.


t‘mel(imn't(Mintrw:r‘k;1rl‘,'t'litg;aflt Ina. 1 fungi it ‘.'.';18‘.!t;(3. BUT it'sttl'V‘u. lungot f<)°.’li?t~’.it{;€f .'.":lu'9' I've got 53:) “.0 mom», and l (.(iY‘I growl E‘Li-ill it 2w scooter. but \.'.'()l."(2 8"”! new! 9)”) "v :1 that l «<- If you had to give yourself a stage name, what I mg Mm we mm {0,9 in”. .i ,, ., 3, won", it be? I'm \.‘.'(3arir‘.g (>th at the "lament f'at ' ’ifi' 2‘ 1 ant ’>‘ Johnny Midnight. I think that sowgs cool. It I ever go lawman. 5m there ym g0

to Vegas; and became a lounge Singer then I'll change I Lm) . Loud, f-lammfon Park. (3/335; “gm "’,'

my name ti) JOtmtty Midnight Jul

I John Fardell

Bob 'l'waddletkwaite, R'ofessor of Film 8: Cultural Studies, was beginning to wish he’d read die cmt'erma brochure more graffiti}...


f; _-.., ._..-,_ _- _ _ I -

: PROGRAMAAE ‘1 9.30,.“ A pmli approach to 4.": risk ; l lCHIS'Jm Cofiee ‘I . l .l-smm Breast.» W" -i': 3": ’Wmem "‘me I i . ‘. “A: 5 o GVOfd them.

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128 THE LIST 3—1 7 Jul 2003