Re: Sign of the Times (470) Time to lay another urban myth to rest. The MECCA Sign photographed in issue 469 was not down to the sharp Wit Of the 24-hour shop next door to CCA. but was in fact an installation by a student of Glasgow School of Art. The reason that it came down shortly after appearing in The List was that it was already an Old stOry by the time the photograph appeared. and the installation had been up for some time.

Sorry Diane. I know that it doesn't ourte fit With our ‘po faced' image but it made everyone at CCA chuckle as well!

Graham McKenzie, director CCA, 350 Sauchi'eha/l Street Glasgow

PRINTS OF WAILS Re: Art Hitlist (470)

We've been good and done our trawl around most Of (including Dundee!) your Current Art Hitlist . . . but why not the Munch prints that they've got at the moment downstairs on the left in the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art in Edinburgh?

We all know abOut 'The Scream' but we Just thought these were utterly wonderful - were quite knocked out by them. The attendant in his tartan trews said they've had a terrific response tO them. NO wonder. Well done the SNGMA for getting them.

Whistler's mum v Munch's sister? NO contest.

Thanks/Well done yOu for The List!

Bari Lyn and Chas 8 via email

BIFFY IN THE BUFF Re: Biffy Clyro advert (470) What's the stOry with Bitty Clyro's advertising? Do they think they're being ironic by using illustrations of naked women to sell their records? Or are they just Old school sexists. reinfOrcing the sexual

2 THE LIST 3-17 Jul 2003


React, The List,

14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE

or React, The List,

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stereotyping Of women fOr commerCial gain?

And what's The List's policy in all this? Are yOu happy to peddle this kind of porn and to denigrate probably half Of yOur readership? Are you sure it's not contributing to the climate of fear tear of abuse. of molestation and of rape that women are subjected to daily?

What exactly does a sexually provocative naked woman have tO do With the band's new album?

Diane M vra email

Good question. What do other readers think?


Re: The Insider (470)

Even though I'm a huge fan of yOur mag. I simply c0uldn't let pass a statement I read in the Insider page. The Start Spreading the News section mentions the fact that Cat Stevens quit while he was ahead and converted to “Muslim tundamentalism'. This is completely below the belt and uncalled for. One of the best music stars this COuntry has ever seen did not convert tO fundamental Islam but Orthodox Islam.

Please do not associate the likes of this music genius with likes Of Osama bin Laden's bloodthirsty cronies!

Arifa Farooq via email

EMOTIONAL RESCUE Re: the right to hail (471) Why are the people who complain abOut Radiohead being dreary always the most dreary people themselves? Tessa Brooks has to go all the way back to the Smiths to explain her dislike Of Thom Yorke's 'One emotional note' like no music has happened between the mid 805 and now. The answer's simple: give Radiohead more than a superficial listen and yOu'll hear that there's no shortage of colour, depth and contrast.

remember it. Raison's xersion lacked the charm of the Original. Also at that time no one had heard of Robert Carlyle. so it's not much of a claim to fame.

All this information is available at wwwvrrtualtraverse.com Derek Rodgers Via email

Does she think that dance music Is too repetitive. that rock music's too loud and that ClaSSlCal muSic all s0unds the same? It's the same argument: if you're not prepared to work at something you're not going to get anything from it.

Are yOu against one emotional note Or are yOu Just scared of emotion? Richie Davies Via email


Re: Buy it this fortnight (470) Sorry. but when did it become OK to like Led Zep again? Didn't Our grandparents die in the punk wars to put a stop to this kind of thing?

Eddie Barret

we email

RHYME OR RAISON Re: Stage Whispers (470)

It is true. as you say. that Jeremy Raison. the new artistic director at the Citizens' Theatre. once directed a play called Dead Dad Dog and it is true that it starred Robert Carlyle. But it's also true that this was a revival of the successful production directed by Stephen UnWin. starring Sam Graham and Ralph Riach, the previous year (1988). As I


We take great trouble tO be aCCurate. but OCCaSIOTiaHy we might get something wrong. If so please tell us. Email editor(a)list.co.uk


Re: Scottish Seaside Special

I thought yOur beach feature was great l was all set tO head Out to the coast there and then. until I turned to yOur 'Best for Naturists' section. That picture says it all. OK, if you want to walk around With yOur clothes Off. it's yOur own business. but why do they have to indulge in all the Other behavrour? I mean. people With clothes on don't climb on each other's shoulders to play ring-a-ring-o-roses. so why shOuld people in the skud?

If you ask me. the whole nudist thing does something funny to people's brains. I don't care about the clothes I'm no prude it's the Cultish stuff that goes wrth it. It's all pretty creepy.

Sadly. I write from experience: I'll say no more for fear of embarrassing my aged relatives.

Sara Robertson vra email

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