xwirtliing from reverie to nightmare. ()doul'x debut followx a turbulent day in the life of l5 yearold l)a\ id (Ilorinetblaric) who ix xtayrrig at Iiix uriclex~ xhcep farm in the x00 hIaxted I.rmoiixiri region ()doul doexn't attempt to rationalixe the behav mm of liix volatile. liixtfiiI protagorirxt. or to engineer any LHIHL‘lillHlllil catharxix. inxtead he imriierxex iix III the yourigxter‘x anirnalixtn faritaxiex and fr'cn/ied perxpectivc l'iIIed with irriagex of xacr'if'ice. and powerfully ilLlL'(l by an entirely non- prolcxxiotral eaxl. /.e Sou/He ow ex a torixtdctalile debt to Robert llt‘cxxon. yet 11x \ixceral vixiori of adoIexcerit turmoil and raw riiaxciilinity xiiggextx a dixtirictive llllt'tlllllill talent ('irnreu. Izi/urlirrre/r Space Station (3D) (1') (Toni Mycrx. ('aiiada/l 'S. 2003) 47mm. Narrated by Tom ('iiiixe. thix big xcreer) l.\l.'\.\ prexentation followx real axtronatitx into the big blue. Iriiprexxive. but not ax awexorne ax it xhoiild have been. /.ll.>l.\'. (ilmemi.

Suddenly (Tan De Repente) r 15) (Diego l,crtriari. Argentina. 2002) 'l'atiana Saphir. ('ai‘la (‘rexpo. Veronica llaxxan. Ileatri/ 'l'hibaiidrri. ()lliiiiil. .\Iao and l.L‘illll. a couple of punk lexbianx from the xtreetx of llueriox :\il'L'\. decide to kidnap the friimpy Marcia in order to deflower her. They all xet off on a road trip and relationxhipx begin to xhrft. Acclaimed .-\rgeritirieari drama. part of the l7th London I.exbran and (lay l't'xllHll on tour. (i/' I; (i/rrverm.

Summer Things (Embrassez Qui Vous Voudrez) i 15) 0... (Michel lllarn. France. 2002) ('harlotte Rarnpling. Jacqtiex I)iitronc. Karin \"iard. I)enix l’odalydex. ('lotilde (‘ouraii l03mrn. (‘lever adaptation of Joxeph ('onnolly'x novel into an axtute comedy of mannerx. A group of lr'iendx are vacationing one manner at the xeaxide remit of Le 'lotiquct. llour‘geoix mind garnex and flirtation are the inevitable xide pr'oduetx. Iixpertly inarxhalled by Illanc. who xkiIfuIIy w eavex together the \ariotix xtory linex w hi'c dragging xoine great performance-x out of thix iiiipr'exxive etixemble caxl. a witty roundelay of rnixtaken identitiex. amoroux adventurex and emotional xubterfuge. Se/i't'lr'rl I'r'leuu'.

Tadpole i 15) ((iary Winick. t'SA. 2002) 7Sinin. Ilit of thix year'x Sundancc l't‘xllHil. thix ix a xmart and unexpectedly endearing comedy. A tale of niixdirected Iiixt in which ()xcar ix hopelcxxly in love with hix xtep- mother (Sigourney \‘v'eav er). yet .xeduced by her bext lii‘it'ml (Bebe Ncuworth). Se/er‘lerl H’lt'UN’.

O Trembling Before G-D r 15) 0... (Saudi Simcha I)ubow.xki. (SA. 20112) 84min. llrilliant multi award winning documentary that challengex the axxuinptionx made abotit the Judaixtic attitude to liotttiixc\tlallly'. (Ii/'7; (Iluygmi'. T-Rex 3D (1') (Brett Leonard. IS. 1998) 40min. Ania/mg looking [MAX movie about a father and daughter in danger frorii a v icioux carnivoroux dinoxaur. (ireat ftiii. I.\I.'l.\'. (Hawaii.

2 Fast 2 Furious ( 12.-\) 0. (John Singleton. LS. 2003) Paul Walker. Roman l’earce. ('ole llauxer. liva Mendex. 94min. Now a .xtreet-racer in lilorida. dixgraccd l.:\ cop Brian ()‘(‘onner (Walker) ix forced by FBI and cuxtomx agentx to go undercover once more. Trading xtreet cred for .xtreet racing. director John Singleton contrnuex the declare that began with Slur/t. delivering metal-eriinching thrillx and xpillx with cold technical skill. The xw eaty. textoxtcronc- fuelled action xmellx worxe than burning rubber. and the whole thing Icav ex one cxliauxted. (ierieml releme.

0 Whale Rideftl’Ul ooo (Niko ('am. New Zealatid. 2003) Kcixha ('axtle— llughex. IOIniin. In a .xinaII New Zealand eoaxtal village. the Maori peoplex claim dexcent frorn I’aikca. the Whale Rider. a p.xeudo mythic rnalc elder who wax one with the barnacled beaxtx. 'l‘he bloodline ix xtippoxed to lead to Koro. now and old man who ix worrying that hix xon I’orourangi hax only given him a granddaughter Pai who cannot carry on the dynasty. Keixha ('axtle-llughex tax the choxcn one Pat) and the rext of the caxt are delightful. while

('aro rnakex maximum iixe out of her low budget and amateur crew by working within the confinex of a real eaxt coaxt \Iaori rexervation area Touching and intelligent riatiiralrxtic drama for older kidx and adiiltx. thix hax enthralled audiericex at film textrvalx acroxx the world See Kidx \CL‘IIUH and review ,Sr'li’r Ii'i/ I'i'fi'ilvi' Withnail & I ( I5) 0.... illrucc Robinxon. l'lx'. I‘lh'l') l’aul .\Ic(iann. Richard I'. (irant. Richard (iriffithx l07min 'l‘wo out-of-work actorx xiirv 1\ mg I909 l.ondon giro xqualor' take a break in a picttirexque l.ake l)ixtrict cottage. where one of them xtiflerx the attentionon the ageing homoxexual owner. lantertairiing llritixh comedy hax a xecond xtab at glory. and it'x the bleaker‘ end-of-the-decade elementx that have Iaxted bcxt. (’( ":1. (i/uieim.

O The Word (Ordet) (tbc) ooooo r('ar'| I)rcycr. Denmark. l‘)55) llanne Agcxen. Kir‘xten Andreaxen. Sy Iv ia lickliatixen. Ilrrgitte l‘ederxpiel. liirier' l‘edcrxpiel. limil llaxx (‘hrixtenxen I20imn. Very rare outing for l)reyer'x challenging xober meditation on death and the family, l’ure rnixerable brilliance. See review. I’r/m/rnuve, Iz'rlrIt/mre/r.

Wrong Turn (18) 000 (R66 Schmidt. LS. 2003) l)exmond Harrington.

Iili/a I)uxhkii. limmanuelle ('hriqui. Jeremy

Sixto. 85min. (‘hrix (l)exmond Harrington) hax a job interview in Raleigh. lle ix making good time in hix old Sliixtang when an accident on the highway forcex him to take the road through the woodx. ()n the dirt track Iic runx into the xide of June (IiIi/a I)uxhku) and her friend'x Range Rover no one ix hurt but both earx are dixabled. l'nxurprixingly the xix city kidx decide to xplit tip in order to go and find help. but there ix xomething moving in the buxhex and it hax got buck teeth. l'ltra xeary and loud teen xlaxher. (ieneml release.

X-Men 2 ( l2:\) 0... (Bryan Singer. LS. 2003) Hugh Jackman. Patrick Stewart. llalle llerry. I I linin. 'l‘he xecond X-Men film markx an evolutionary leap forward from the overrated original. At firxt. it ix familiarity that breedx content. with the welcome return of all-powerful telepth (‘harlcx Xavier (Stewart) and hix much- loved rnutantx. Brit .\’-.llen Z'x new cutting edge derivex rnoxtly from itx .xharply delineated human villain. Stryker a mutant-hating military xeientixt played by Brian (‘ox. The exciting opening an

axxaxxiiiation attempt on the LS president by

a disaffected mutant xetx the tone for a .xequel w hoxe underlying ideax and more resonant .xtorylinex are not dwarfed by the imaginative vixual cffectx Iavixhed upon

them. Stuart. .xuperior popular entertainment.

.S'Iimi'r'uxe ('rnemu. Footbridge.

Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too) ( 18) .000 (Minna) (‘uarorL Mexico. 200] ) (iael (iarcia llernal. Diego Luna. Maribel Verdt'i. l05min. In this upbeat. raunchy road movie Julio (Ilernal) and childhood friend 'I’enoch (Luna) convince gorgeoux older Spaniin woman I,ui.xa (Verdu) to join them on the road to an unxpoilt beach known ax ‘Ileaven'x Mouth'. 'l‘he horny boyx' plan ix to get into l.uixa'x pantx. which. ax it turnx out. .xhe ix quite happy with. ()f courxc. when l.uixa .xlecpx firxt with Diego and then Julio. the emotionally immature boyx fall out. and it'x left to their more experienced partner to teach them .xomething about love. The caxt give (‘uaron flawlexx performaricex. while the director and hix co-w riter brother ('arlox eiixure the drama ix at once tender and boixteron. feelgood and full of pathox. and

wholly free of cliche. I'r'lnr/inuxe. Edinburgh.

Check out the great



Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore

Bombay Cinema: Glasgow

5 l.01'tlc Street. ll‘l'll\. Ill-ll 4l‘) 0722. £5 (£3 £4).

DJUBSDAY {.3 Chaite Chaite (l’(i) Spin.


Iior thix fortnight'x programme timex.

pleaxe contact the cinema on 0|4I 41‘) 0722 or w w w.bonibay L‘lllL‘lll;1.C0111 for detailx.

CCA: Glasgow

3S0 Sauchiehall Street. 0l4l 352 49””. £4 (£2.50).

FRIDAY (1 JUL Pot Luclt ( l5) ().I5. 8.45.


Artists’ Films (Beck’s Futures 2003 Prize for Music 8. Video) (lbc) ll.00am.


POTLIICKIIS) ().l5. Biggie and Tupac ( 15) 8.45.


Biggie and Tupac ( 15) 6. I 5. Ripley’s Gamer 15) 8.30.

THURSDAY 10 JUL Ripley’s Game r 15) 6.15. PotLucitrIS) 8.30.


Potluciul5) 6.15. Ripley’s Game ( 15) 8.45.


Artists’ Films (Beck’s Futures 2003 N18 TOT MUS“: 8: “('00) (the) ll.00ani. Ripley’s Game r 15) 6.15.

PotLucit (15) 8.30.


Pieln Soleil (I5) noon. Ripley’s Game i 15) 2.30.


Piein Solellr15) 6.15. Genghis Blues (1') 8.45.


Genghis Biuesrtf) 6.15. Purer18) 8.15.


Purer18) 6.15. WithnailailrIS) 8.30.

Glasgow Film Theatre

I2 Rose Strcc1.0l4l 332 XIZX. ('afc/bar. All performancex bookable. [1)]. [lil. liveningx: £4.75 (£3.50). Matineex: £3.75 (£2.50). Wed (before 5pm): £3.75 (£2). Double bill £5 (£3.50). (il’l‘ xaverx: £l‘) (£I4) five tickch for the price of 4 (valid for three monthx).


1. Nicholas Nickieby (PG) 12.45. 3.15. 8.15.

Metropolis (PG) 6.00.

2. Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress r 12A) 2.30. 8.30.

Tadpole (15) 5.00. 6.45.


1. Nicholas NickieberG) 3.]5. 5.45. 8.15.

listings Film


The Word Rare one day ()tlllllt) for austere Danish genius; of (Earl Dr'eyer. lliis 10:35) masterpiece It; the last word on repression and death the famin way. See ft?‘.1i?*.'.’. r’r/m/iouse, [dinning/i

Animal Factory Steve liiisremi goes down to the 11011001111110. for his second feature film. I xcellent adaptation of I dward Bunkers novel and great performances from Willem Defoe. l dward Furlong and Mickey Rourke. See revrew. Selected release.

étre et avoir. Iouchinri 1 much feature documentary about the day to day travails of an ageing Village school teacher. See revrew. Selected release.

Trembling Before 0-!) Compelling documentary feature that seeks to reconcile a passronate love of Judaism With the drastic biblical prohibitions that forbid homosexuality (3% 1. Glasgow.

Whalerider Sweet natured New Zealand film about a little girl who JUSl can't stop riding those whales. one for the older kid or the right on parent. See rewew. (31' I. Glasgow. selected release.

Dark Blue Interesting f:|lroy adaptation. set in 1992 during the LA 0018 Starring Kurt Russell directed by Ron Bu// DurhamShelton. See revrew. Selected release.

2. Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstressi12.-\) 2.30.

Jazz on a Summer’s Day (l’(i) 6.30. Tiernbling Beiore G-0i15) 8.30.


1.NichoiasNicldebyi1’(i) 3.15. 5.45. 8.15.

2. Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstressrtm) 2.30. 8.30. Tiernbllng Before G-0115) 4.45.


1. Glen a Faire ( 15) 2.30. Nicholas Nicklehy (Ni) 5.45. Trembling Before G-0115) 8.15. 2. Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstressitmi 8.30.


1. Nicholas Nickleby (PG) 3.15. 8.30. illen a Faire r 15) 6.30.

2. Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress r 12.4) 2.30.

Margarette’s Feast (A Festa De Margaretta) (1’) 6.30.

Tumbling Before G-D (15) 9.00.

3—1 7 Ji.) 200’: THE LIST 43
