Music rock 8. pop listings

Thursday 3 continued

I Wee Small Hours Millennium Hotel. George Square. 332 671 1 l lpiii. Free. l-ionna Duncan and her Trio host this late night jam session. taking you. as it says. into the wee small hours. Part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival.


I Lynne O’Neil llenry ‘s Jazz ('ellar. s Morrison Street. -167 5200. H.30pni. £5. Lynne ()‘Neil supplies the vocals for a night of 1.atin/ Brazilian jazz sounds.

I Out of the Bedroom Waverley Bar. 1 St Mary’s Street. 557 1050.

9pm midnight. Free. Open mic session for Edinburgh-based singer/songw riters. ()riginal music only with the chance to record a set on four track » just bring a blank tape.


I Royal Bank Glasgow International Jazz Festival Various Venues. 552 3552. See Thu 3.

I Sydney Zenith Jazz 8. Blues Band George Square. 56-1 3-100. noon. Free. New Orleans style act from Atistralia presents an tip-beat selection of crowd pleasers. Part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival.

I Phil Kay Spiegeltent. George Square. 56-1 3-100. 2pm. £3.50. The anarchic innovator presents his jazz- coniedy' fusion in which he explores his love ofjazz. and leads the first comedy- nieets-jazz jani. Part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival.

I Tea for Three ('afe (’ossacliok. Russian(‘ultura1('entre. 10 King Street. 553 0733. 3pm. Free. Moscow children‘s jazz ensemble with P Glaskov and F 1.ogov‘insky on piano and ii Jarkova on vocals.

I BAA"! George Square. 56-1 3-100. 5pm. Free. Strathcly'de l'iiiv'ersity course band directed by saxophonist Stewart Forbes with a repertoire that ranges from (‘ouiit Basie to (‘arla Bley on the Royal Bank Stage as part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival.

I Graham Scott Brel. 39- .13 Ashton Lane. 3-12 4966. 6pm. Free. Young. highly talented solo guitarist.

I Dave O’Higgins and Jazz Go- tech Dancers George Square. 56-1 3-100. 6.30pm. Free. Royal Batik Big Stage. Dynamic sax-led sextet fed by rich Hammond grooves with a nifty little dance troupe as part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival.

I Derek McGhee and the Blues Rockets Lauries Bar. 31 King Street. 552 7123. 7.30pm. Free. Good o1' blasting sax-led jazz. Part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival.

I Ruth Lambert Trio ()K(). 68 liigrani Street. 572 1500. 7.30pm. Free. See Thu 3.

I Riverboat Shuffle Waverley Paddle Steamer. Anderston Quay. 56-1 3-100. 7.30pm. £17. Jeannie Maxwell and the Jazzwegians plus the Sydney Zenith Jazz Band entertain you as you sail down the river. The paddlesteamer leaves from Anderstoii Quay. Part of the Glasgow- Jazz Festival.

I Nitin Sawhney The Arches. 253 Argyle Street. 56-1 3-100. 8pm. £13 in advance—-£ 1-1 on the door. Inventive. exciting blend of traditional Asian sounds mixed with flamenco. rap. samba and drum & bass from this fusion pioneer. Part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival.

I Chris Clark Trio Buchanan Hotel. Buchanan Street. 332 728-1. 8pm. Free. Jazz standards from this singer/guitarist. Part of the Glasgow Jazz. Festival.

I Tom Colquhoun Duo The Brunswick Hotel. 106—8 Brunswick Street. 556 5626. 8pm. Free. Duo featuring renowned jazz and Latin guitarist Colquhoun. Part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival.

I Andy Mann The Corinthian. Ingram Street. 8pm. Free. Solo piano classics.

62 THE LIST 3—1 7 Jul 2003




Krantz has been a frequent visitor to Scotland, but has generally played in his

familiar trio format, with electric bass and drums. His main stage concert at the

Glasgow Jazz Festival will add a new ingredient in the shape of American saxophonist

David Binney. His exhilarating electric guitar work reveals roots in both jazz and rock. ‘My initial

exposure to jazz came through rock, and I use rock and funk as a bottom line for improvisation, but I

don‘t think in terms of idioms in my music. and never have,‘ he says. His trio is usually a very tight but creative unit, and it will be fascinating to hear how Binney fits his distinctive musical input into the mix. Long time collaborator Tim Lefebvre and drummer Ari Hoenig complete what promises to be an incendiary outfit.

(Kenny Mathieson) I A, i.

I New Orleans Joymakers (‘are Source. St Andrews in the Square. St Andrew s Square. off Saltniarket. 5-18 6020. 8.30pm. £tbc. l'p-tenipo. New ()rleans-sty'lc jazz from this popular Scottish jazz band.

I Dave Douglas Quintet Spiegeltent. George Square. 56-1 3-100. 8.30pm. £13. Trumpeter Dave Douglas‘s multifaceted musical influences range from bebop to Balkan and Hindi music. Joni Mitchell and Stravinsky. He leads this quintet as part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival.

I Cathie Rae Trio Millennium llotel, George Square. 332 671 1. 8.30pm. £17.95. Jazz standards from the lidinburgli-based vocalist as part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival supper jazz series. I Stephen Duffy Tfio (‘iiy lnn. Finnieston Quay. 227 1010. 9pm. £18.95 £25. Jazz standards in the Diana Krall/ (‘arnien MacRae tradition led by singer/guitarist Stephen Duffy. with Steven ('outts on guitar and Jamie Kilbride on bass as part of dinner jazz served tip by the Glasgow Jazz Festival. I Hi Heel Sneakers Bar 91. 91 (‘andleriggs. 552 521 1. 9.30pm. Free. Blue note grooves and dance floor funk. Part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival.

I Hermitage Blackf‘riars. 36 Bell Street. 552 5924. 10pm. Free. (‘ontemporary jazz from this outfit. which features saxophonist and llautist Paul Henderson. Part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival.

I Niki King Sextet Spiegeltent. George Square. 56-1 3-100. 10.30pm. £5. (‘ontemporary soul and nu-jazz vibes from Perrier Jazz Aw ard-w inning singer. Niki King. sings from her new (‘1). .-l:ur¢'. as part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival.

I Wee Small Hours Millennium Hotel. George Square. 332 6'71 1. l lpiii. Free. See Thu 3. Part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival.

Edinburgh I Green Juice Henry's Jazz Cellar. S Morrison Street. -167 5200. midnight. £7.

1".lli - /' I.i/..’.' l )ll.lli'! ‘/ j '/.I‘,". 'lio-

lilectronic break-beat jazz from Green Juice. featuring saxophonist Martin Kersliaw and DJ Frosty.

I Edinburgh Youth Orchestra 1'slierllall.1.otliian Road. 22S 1155, 7.30pm. £10 £12 i£2.50i. ('elebrating its 40th anniversary land just ahead of their tour of Finland. the Baltics and Russiai. the 1iY() perform saxophonist Tommy Smith's dazzling lzilui/im'e/i for

jazz trio and orchestra lw itli Tommy as

soloist i. and give the world premiere of a new piece by lidvvard McGinre for marimba and orchestra. vv itli 1iv ely n Glennie as StillllSl.

I Carlos Pena and Hot Charanga Sauce llenry ‘s Jazz ('ellar. S Morrison Street. «167 52111). 8.30pm. £7. Venezuelan salsero. l’ena. fronts this powerful baiid that cover samba. rumba. son and salsa.


I Kids’ Drum Workshop Spiegeltetit. George Square. .504 54111). 11 11.45am ts noon 12,-15pm. £3. Ages 7 1 I. Introduction to the West African djenibe druni. teaching simple rliy tlims as part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival. Booking essential call (1141 552 3552.

I Beat That! (ieorge Square. 56-1 3-100. 12.45pm. Free. A 2-1-strong. all- womendrumming group play s Afro- Brazilian influenced rhythms on the Royal Bank Big Stage as part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival.

I Brasshoppers George Square. 56-1 3-100. 1.30pm. Free. Big sounds of samba. mambo. funk and calypso driven by a throbbing tuba. drums and percussion rhythm section on the Royal Bank Big Stage as part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival.

I Graeme Wilson Quartet Lauries Bar. 3-1 King Street. 552 7123, 2pm. Free. This foursome. fronted by talented young sax play er Wilson. play bopish material with ethnic influences. Part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival.


I Morph Brel. 39 ~13 Ashton lane. 342-19662pm.1-iee Jazz tusion lioni guitarist Morph.

I Fionna Duncan Vocal Workshop Ramsliorn 'l'lieatie. 9S Ingram Street. 552 3~1S9. 2pm £6 1 £11) Renowned Scottish vocalist 1)uiican leads a performance by students of liei \vtirkslitip course.

I Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra George Square. 501 i-lllll 3.2111111].l'l'L‘L'.Sttvilllltillhl111111111} Smith's been rehearsing this young big band since last summer. and they ‘ie sounding pretty hot. Part of the Glasgow Jazz l'L‘\11\;tl.

I Brian Molley Quartet Metropolitan. Mercliant Square. ('andleriggs. 552 9-102. 3pm. l'ree. See Thu 3. Part of the Glasgow Jazz 1'estival. I Next Generation St Andrew ‘s 111 the Square. ()11' Sallniarket. St Andrew ‘s Street. its 6020. 3pm. Free. l'iesli new jazz band on the scene.

I Bourne/Davis/Kane 'l'ron 'l‘lieati'e. 63'1'rongatc. 552-126". 3pm. £10 1131. Young Leeds pianist Matthew Bouriic whose been making quite a name for himself il’erriei Young Jazz Musician of the Year 2001 and BB(' Jazz 1nnovation Award Winner 2002i leads this set o1 experimental jazz as part of the Glasgow Ja/z l'cstival.

I Tea for Three (are (‘ossaeholc Rllssl;111(-Ulltll';tl(t'llllt‘. 10 King Street. 5530733.3pm.1-i'ee.See1-ii-1.

I Alan Gilbert Trio Brel. W .13 Ashton Lane. 3-12 1966. 4pm. 1~ree. .-\cconiplislied jazz guitarist and his band featuring George 1.y 1e and Tony .\1c1.ennan,

I Brasshoppers Spiegelieni. George Square. 56-1 3400, ~1pin Free. See Sat 5. Part of the Glasgow Jazz Festival.

I Soundbone and the Funk- Out-Fit George Square. 50-1 3-100. 4.45pm. Free. New band from trombonist ('hris Grcive. w itli drummer l’aul Mills. specialising in soul. funk atid

jazz unsurprisingly. Part of the Glasgow

Jazz Festival.