

Dates listed below are for one- off and ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Folk 8. World listings compiled by Norman Chalmers.


I Clutha Vaults Slov‘lsvv ell Street. 9pm. l’ree. Acoustic guitars.

I El Sabor .\lerchant ('itv Square. Bell Street. Spin. l‘ree. (iuitar music lrom Spanish America.

I Failte St Vincent Street. ()plti. Live. Live hands.

I Jinty McGinty’s Ashton Lane. 8.30pm. Live singers.

I lslay Inn .-\rgv le Street. 9pm. l'ree. Live Highland music.

I Molly Malone’s Hope Street. 9pm. Free. Live group.

I Finnegan’s Wake St Vincent Street. 248 4989. 9pm. l‘ree. lrish theme ptrh. Live hands.

I Victoria Bar lit‘iggait. 8.30pm.

" ee Acoustic hand.


I Queen’s Park Cafe Victoria Rd. 8.30pm. Free. .‘vlichael liagan (S1 (ierrv McHugh.

I lslay lnn Argv le Street. 9pm. t-‘ree. Live music.

I Molly Malones Hope Street. 3332757. 9pm. Free. Irish theme pith. Live hands.

I Park Bar Argyle Street. near Kelvin Park. 339 I715. 9pm. l-‘ree. Highland har‘ vvith live music.

wan rregular

I Victoria Bar Hrrggart 9pm ltee .'\coustre session


I McNeills lotrrsdale Street ‘lprn l'tec. Live music

I Park Bar .-\l_‘_‘_\ lv‘ hll't'v'l. ltv‘.tl Kelv ttl Park. 339 l7l5 9pm ltee Highlanders hat. Live music.

I Lismore Bar l)urrrh.rttoti Road 9pm. l'ree. l.rve Scots Irish music

I Scotia Bar Stocivvv ell Street

3. 30pm. Live lolklacoustte groups

I Babbity Bowsters lilaclvltiats Street. ~1.3l)pm. l't‘ee. Session.

I Finnegan's Wake ‘St Vincent Street, 248 4989. 9pm. Free. Irish theme pub.

I Molly Malones Hope Street. 3322757. 9pm. l'ree. lrish theme ptrh. Live hands.

I lslay lnn Arg} le Street. 9pm. l'ree. Live.

Sundays I Whistlin’ Kirk (ir‘eetirhke Street.

(rpm. l’ree. Live hands.

I Jinty McGinty’s Ashton Lane. l.l\ e

music 4pm and 7pm.

I Molly Malones Hope Street. 3323757. 9pm. l‘ree. Live hands.

I Park Bar .r\rg'v |e Street. near lv'elv tn Park. 339 l7l5. 9pm. l‘r'ee. lritorrnal Highland music.

I Uisge Beatha \Vtiritlltttttls Road. 9pm. Free. SL'Ssiott.

I Victoria Bar Hriggait. 9pm. l'ree. Acoustic hand.


I Lismore Bar l)umhartoti Road. 9pm. l‘rec.

I Molly Malones Hope Street. 3323757. 9pm. l‘ree. Irish theme ptrh. Live l‘illltlS.

I Jinty McGinty’s :\slllt)tl Lane

9pm. l‘ree. Live music.

5 = '—.r :5. a: = =

Tickets £30 plus booking fee

tickethotline: 0870 90 33 1.1.4

r3 i'WJll llir

:lr'L‘FIi.‘ r) rfi‘.

66 THE LIST 3-17 Jul 2003

R“! r. ‘v ~'..'. 5. vls.<33l3t my r‘/.-‘.lsls:t-..H-hs-Hlls 'lt' :lil'lt‘l ill 'l3li/‘l I’ll ll "‘ "in. it'lttl rr-k 1:

\.-,',t i RN 1 ’-l-‘r‘.‘l. :‘M I i 3.: :I-tla-irrpfirfir Jilzlfilfll :t .~:.r..t.


I Ben Nevis \tgvle Street \ illprn ltee Session

I Lismore Bar lltrtrihattori Road

.\ 39pm ltee Session

I Finnegan’s Wake St \ rrt.errr Street 9pm ltee Irish theme hat vvrth live music

I Jinty McGinty’s \shton l .uie. Hvres Road 9pm l'tec

I Victoria Bar Hriggart 9pm ltee \vtlll\llv hand


I Scotia Bar Sroekvv ell Street

S. 30pm l'ree |.rve hands

I Lismore Bar l)tittih.it‘toti Road 9pm l‘rec Scols’lt'rsli session

I Finnegan’s Wake *St Vincent Street, 248 4989. 9pm. Free. Irish theme pub. Live bands. I Park Bar .\r'g_v le Street. near lselv rri Park. 339 I715 9pm. l-ree Htghland


Thursdays I Sandy Bell’s l'ttt’t'esl Rtitttl. 33.5 375 l. 9pm. Session. l't‘ce. I Antiquary Bar St Stephen‘s Street. Stockhrrdge. 9pm. l-ree, ()pen lolk I West End Hotel Palmerston l’lace. S.3llpm. l‘ree. Live music. I Central Bar Leitlt vvrrtt. 9pm. l't‘ee. I Ensign Ewart l.;t\\lllll;tl'lvv'l. 9pm. Live. I Hebrides \lttt'lscl Sll't‘v‘l. ‘lptll. l'it‘et‘. ndays I Sandy Bell’s liot't'esl Road. 23.5 375 l. 9pm. l’ree. I Alan Hunter and Friends Waterloo Hullel. Waterloo Place. 550 7597. 9pm. l‘ree. I Ensign Ewart Lavvnmarket. 9pm. l‘ree. Live music. Scots/Irish session. I The Hebrides Market Street. 220 4313. 9pm. I’ree. Live lllllle'. I Thistle Hotel .\latiot' Place. 235 (i144. 9pni-midniglit. Free. Live Scottish music.


I Sandy Bell’s liorresl Road. 235 375 l. 9pm. l‘ree.

I Harbour Inn l‘ishmarket Square. .\'evv haven. 9.30pm. l‘ree.

I Royal Oak lrilirniar'v Street. 557 297(r. 9pm till late. l‘ree. lnl'ormal session.

I The Hebrides Market Street. 23o 43 l 3. 9pm. l‘ree. Live music.

I West End Hotel Palmerston Place. 325 30%. 9pm. liree. .r\ccor'dion music iii the hat.


I Royal Oak Irilirniar) Street. 557 397(r. l-"ree. lllpm-late. lrilorrnal music upstairs and Wee Hills ('Iuh dovv tistairs. I Sandy Brechin and Friends linsign livv art. Lavvnmarltet. top ot High Street. 335 7-14”. 9 l lpm. l‘ree. :\L‘L‘tirtlltitll\l and instrumentalist pals. I Sandy Bell’s l‘orrest Road. 225 2751. Afternoon l'rom lpm. liree. Session in the lamous l'ollv ptrh.

I Harbour lnn l‘ishmar'ket Square. .\'evv haven. (v.3llpm. l‘ree. Session.

Mondays I Session Sand) Hell's. liorrest Road. 335 3751. 9pm. lt'ree. Irish music.

Tuesdays I Session Sand} Hell‘s. Forrest Road. 225 3751. 9pm. l-‘ree.


I Sandy Bell’s l’orresl Road. 325 27.5 l. ()plli. Session. lirL‘L'. Singer/guitarist (ieorge Dull and fiddler/singer Adam Jack host art evening.

I Harbour lnn l-‘ishrrtarket Square. .\'evv haven. 8.30pm. Free. Song and instrumental session.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at ruth@list.co.uk, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Carol Main.

Thursday 3


I Sequenza Del Giorno RS:\.\H). lllll Rertlrevv Street. 333 .5957 I3 ‘lil‘tlt ltee Richard ('ratg perlorms l ucrano Herro‘s Sr (/llt IL'tt‘l tor solo Ilute as part ot a deltghtlul luriclitirrie series in the .\gos tover l'lie lit‘sl II] .t \L‘llv'\ ol etglit solo \votk\ vvrrtteri h_v the lt.rlr.rri composer over more than Altivears. Set/ruith It I95.\'r evplores the lthll’ttlllv'llLS virtuosic potential and stretches it in evcrtrng and heatrtrltrl vv.rvs.

I Summerfest Four RS.\.\tI). llll) Renlrevv Street. 333 5957 Iprri l'ree. l‘.tltl;t\llv‘ plavers. including the tornt torce ol hrass v irtuosi .lolrti Wallace and Iain \lurrhead. and voting talents ol .~\caderti_v l‘..rrl_v \ltisic l’lavers arid Hatoqtte lrtttiipet Lrisertihle. perlorrri \\tlll\\ h} the celehrated Har'oque lather/son composer dtro. .’\lL‘\\;|lltll'tl and |)orrierirco Scarlattr. 'l'he lunchtime prograrrirrie also includes vvor'ks hv (‘aldara and .-\lhrnonr. and is part ol the .-\cadeniv 's v ihr'ant Surnriier'lest.


I Summerfest Five RS.-\.\tl). loo Renlrevv Street. 333 5ll57. lptii. l'ree. In the last ol the academv 's Suriimer'lest progr'arnrrie. rts evcellerit Brass Quintet torus vvttlt solotsts to perlorm Herio's tantastrc ('ul/ and Sr'r/ru'nm X ( ‘asella's Serena/r1. and

tvv ith tongue lirtulv rn cheels i ./uv! ()Irr' (‘urnellul il'his prorirrses to he a latitastic concert not to he missed. 0 RSAMD Opera school - ldomeneo RS..\.\tI). loo Rerilrevv Street. 332 5057. 7.l5pm. L‘ll) (£7). The acaderiiv 's outstanding opera department presents (‘hristoplier

('ovv ell's production ol .\1o/ar't\ evquisrte and under perlorriied opt-m vr'I'rrI. The classic (it‘cclv epic tells ol ldomeneo. King ol (‘rete. vvlio makes the sttipid mistake ol promising to sacrifice the lit'sl thing he sees vvhen he gets home. in return for victor}. l’redictahlv. it‘s his son ldariiante

vv ho has his lair share ol' lt‘otihlc as it i\. stucls hetvveen tvvo vvarring vvoriien. (ireat drama. lantastic music.


0 Edinburgh Youth Orchestra l'shet' Hall. Lothiati Road. 223 l I55. 7.30pm. £10 £l3 H.250). (‘elehrating its 40th anrtivenar}. the orchestra ol talented _voung instrumentalists perl‘or‘ms Srhelius' l'inlruulru. 'l'chaikov Slv} 's Svmpliunv .\'n 5 and the nevv savopliotic concerto corriposed and per‘l’ormed h} the outstanding savoplionist 'l‘ommv Smith. A progrartime of variety. passion and fun. and vv ell vvortli hearing voting performers till the l'sher Hall vvitli their special vitalitv

I The Glorious Company: Summer Serenade Concert (‘hrist ('hurch. Mornitigside Road. ()()7 3633. 7.30pm. £6 ti-li. The internationallv renovv tied organist Michael Bonaventure vv ith the (ilorious ('ompan}. perl'orming vvorks hv' lidinhurgh composer James Douglas. plus music hv Handel and (iahaldoni. A reallv interesting programme and great performers. presented by (’aritas \ltrsie l’uhlishing.