,. r 7‘)”, MEASURE FOR MEASURE Botannic Gardens, Glasgow until Sun 6 Jul 000 Just short of an hour into this open air production of Shakespeare‘s study of sexuality, power and politics, the heavens opened and the performance was pulled, so final conclusions are difficult to draw. This is particularly vexing for a piece like Measure for Measure, as the uncertain gender politics of its finale are crucial to any production.

For those who don‘t know, the play tells us of the ascent to

Her cup runneth over with rain

temporary power of Angelo (Simeon Wren), the sternly moralistic assistant to the Duke of Vienna (David Caird). In

morally dissolute times, Angelo takes draconian measures against the city's population. A victim of this crackdown

is Claudio (Gary Collins) who is sentenced to death for impregnating his girlfriend. His sister Isabella (Nicki Walsh)

comes to plead for his life, only to be made the subject of Angelo’s sexual advances. Must she put out to save her i=' 3 i" ' 1'

brother? Will she? Will the duke return to save the day? I‘m sure most of you already know. " '1 " " 2 i =' v Kate Varney’s production is a traditional hose and doublet affair, accompanied by Oliver Searle‘s nicely ' " ' ' "

appropriate score, performed by Symposia. The production contained some well timed comedic moments. but

there was a slightly forced pace, with Isabella's confrontations with Angelo wound up a little too tight from early

on. It’s difficult to see where this tone would have taken us, but on the night we didn't get to see.

Wren's Angelo is well performed, yet the character he creates is problematical: he is so nerdy and plainly dysfunctional is this version. He walks as if he's just fallen off his bicycle peddle, and is given to pocket billiards under his robe, so it’s difficult to see how he reached a position of such power, or retains the credibility to deny his crush on Isabella to the public at large. Walsh’s Isabella is as shrill and awkward as an unduly judgmental nun might be. Then the rains came. (Steve Cramer)

group of )oung \llltlt‘lll\ ll") mg to Inakc it in thc pcrloi'uiing arlx.



\VLNI NIL‘UIMHI Sll't'cl. 007 0370. Ill. \\'( ‘. \\'.'\l

Silencio ‘l‘hu 3 Jul. 7.30pm lam. £3 (£3 l. (ilamoi'oux ol'l'cringx ax al\\a_\ \ courtcx} ol' llilx innoxalix c pcrlormaucc cwniiig. lcaluring mpcrimcnlal muxic. lhcali'c. \pokcn “UNI. \ ixualx. conictl} and moi'c \\ ith \lll'pl‘l\t‘ .\l(‘ and 1)] l)auic|. (‘i'calix c \ intagc/glam cncouragctl.


l.\' 22 (irccnxiilc l’lacc. 0370 0003434. Ill. \\'('. \\';\l

Fiddler on the Roof l'mil Sat 5 .lul. 7.30pm (\Vcil & Sal uial 3.30pm).

{7.5” £24.50. I‘lr/r/li'l' ix lllL‘ \lor) Ul 'l‘c\.\c. a .lc“ ish milkuian ll\ in; in prc— Rcmlulionar} Ruxxia. l‘ulikc lhc inaioril} ol‘ ll]ll\lL‘;ll\. \xhcrc li\cil \milcx and colourful dancc routincx arc tlL‘ rigour. this is a much morc \ouihrc allair. wt in pm crl) hut lillctl \xith ilr} humour. Starring l’aul Nicholas \xilh music h} Jcrr} llock and l_\ric\ h} Shcldon llarnick.

The Adventures of Paddington Bear Hi I l & Sal l2 Jul. Scc Kltl\ llxllllgx.


('amhritlgc Strccl. 328 Hill. [l’. H. ll. M ‘. WA]

The People Next Door l‘ri I l 13

The People Next Door

.luI. h’pm. [H.SlllHi. 'l'hc 'l‘i'axci'xc Jaleo Flamenco Sal 5 .lul Npiu to 'l'hcalrc (‘ouipam pi'cxculx llcnr} 1H L51. :\lllllL‘llllL' llamcuco packctl v=77""'~ " " = 1 i i. 1 l ' Atlaui'x popular pla) ol \xhal happcnx \xuh t‘\[)l()\l\t' loomoik .unl \uluow [5,. . i’w, mu, .. f I: Ir It \\llt‘ll \omconc cl\c\ global prohlcui guitar pla} ms. t ' ()‘ ‘,

Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Sun 0 .lul. Scc Kulx llxllllgx

hccomc )our local onc. .-\u cai’l§ chaucc to \CL' onc ol lhc coiupan} '\ No major [‘11ch ollcrings.

St Andrews


Ahhc} Slrcct. (H 33-1 475mm ll’. \\'(‘. \\'.-\|

Tally’s Blood l'ntil Sat 30 Jul (not Sun). 8pm; lltli Jul 3.30pm & 8pm. £8.50 L‘I-ISlHL'S W50), lioi‘ilcrlinc and lhc Ii} rc 'l‘hcalrc prcxcnt this hillcrxu ccl Scollixh-llalian |o\ c \lor} l'ollo“ Ill}: lhc ill-lalcil |o\ c allair hchwcn a )oung llalian girl and hcr Scolmh ho} lricntl. .'\\ good a \laging ol' Ann .\laric (ll .\lauihro\ pla) as )ou L‘oultl hopc lo \CU.

Mary’s Wedding 'l'hu 3 Sai 20 Jul (not Sun). H.l5pm; lllh .lul 3.45pm & 8.15pm. £7 U0 (£5 £7). Stcphcii .\l;i\\icollc\ lL'IlilL'l' ltllc Ul lil'\l ll“ c and lllL‘ llllL‘L‘l'ltllllllL‘\ til ltllt‘.

Mr Boom - the Man from the M00" \VL‘tl ‘) .llll. Scc Kiil\ ll\llll:_‘\. Magic Bob liri l l .lul. St-t- Kltl\ li\lin:_'\.

Excalibur \Vctl In in]. Scc Kltlx ll\llll:_'\.

L .

A Midsummer Night's Dream, Botanical Gardens, Glasgow

Stirling MACROBERT ‘_ . l-lll\Cl\ll'\ nl' Stirling. (ll 730 400000. ll). ' . I . H. \V(‘. \VAI

Thursday 10

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh’s main theatres. More information, including events at smaller venues. can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

Friday" 'Saturdayiz ' Sunday13

' Monday“ ' mesdayis Wednesday16 Thursday”

Cottier Theatre f3

' King’s ‘3;

i-‘ari-‘mmovcr i-‘ari-‘mmmcr Mitchell o i I BSAMD 2

Playhouse lht‘l’cuj‘lc\c\l[lik‘l Iiit-i’t-upit-m-uowl. llicl'coj‘lc\c\ll)mir. ' "averse 1