I Sativae Recordings Night at lifJU. Back lot a lt'\ll\al \Pt't'lal \l}\lt‘t_\ \PL'L'ldl gut-\t to by annountctl. 3‘) An:

I Sistas .ll \l.tlut‘\ l.k'l\lll£' (.L'llllt' lllpm lam £1hclott- mulmght. £5 5” .lllL'l t£2 \xtth llwtl \M'ckl} \\otltl mum maxh up \xnh tltc l‘t‘\l tn Mman. tt';.‘§1.tc. ragga. hhanyt'a. Rth and lup hop l)tmk promm all night and thc Utltl Inc hand

I Soul Biscuits at (athatt'l Vollattt‘ .\lonth|_\ nut duty 35 Jul

0 Spaceface v Funkeymagic at (‘aharct Voltaut' lH illpm iam £1 hclot'c mulmght. £(t altt-t ll Jul onl} Spt't'tal t'la\h ol lllt' l'nanx ax l'unk} Illalet‘ go head to Mad \xtth Spam-tau" lzt'lt't‘ttt’ :tllL'L'lHlltttlnx Spitlt'l. lllt' lllHlttlt' l'l.t\ll .tlltl :\|lan l)lllltl.l\ .uc lotnt-tl h) tht' authcnttt~ \oul ol llonattl llookt't llt‘ulggtw ll lll\t'l to light I! out \xtth tlccp houw maggtt‘lanx .-\L‘tton\la\ antl Spt'tnglcllou

I Storm on the Shore at (‘omtnplm tlotmctl} ('luh laxat,

7‘ lllpm 2am. £5 £0. -1 Jul onl}. ltw hautlx to he t'onllt'utt'tl hut thc Shamhlcx llal l)J\ arc m tum t'onlt‘ol ol lllL‘ allt't'pat't).

I The Time Tunnel al .\la\\a tlot‘mt‘t'l} (‘luh \lt‘tt'atlot. lllpm lam, £5 (H u uh t'|_\t't l. \Vt‘ckl}, 'l't'cntl) \Vt-ntl}. Shot-.ht/ law and lit-ll) l‘ottl tlhl'llpl the \pat'c-ttmc L'Hllllllllllltl unh lllllL'\ lt'om lht- (ltlx. 7()\ and Mix. ()l' ma}hc tt’x |u\l lhc alcohol.

I Tokyoblu at Iago. llpm lam. £3. ll Jul. Monthl). l'p-antl-t'onung douth act pl} Ian tltcu tt'atlt'tnat'k hlcntl ol lunk} llUll5L' antl t‘laxxtt‘ yt‘omcx

I UTI presents: Plug-Din at Studm Z-l‘ llltlllpm 3am, £8 (£5 mcmhcrxl, -l Jul. Monthl). l'ntlt-rgt'ountl tcchno night lt'atut‘ing t‘cxulcnt I)J\ Scmal. John”) ()h' and 'l'ot‘tnotl .\lot'. Spu‘lal gut-\t Slohatlou tl’lant‘t Rlnthm) makt'x lll\ Scotllxh tlt'hut \\ tth lll\ It'atlcmark lt't'hno and L‘lL‘Cll'U maxh-up.

I Velvet at ligo Monthl) nut tlalc 35 Jul.

Chart & Party

I The BIG One! at .\lootl ‘lpm 3am. l'hl'CC llt‘lvtllt‘ l lplll; £5 tlllt‘l' ll'l't‘t‘ lo mcmhcrxt. \Vcckl)‘ :\ lantaxuc \tart to thc \\ L't‘kt'ntl ;|\ )Ull L‘;t\ol'l lo tlll thow pop claxxtt‘x lront lhc paxt l'tw tlccatlt'»

I Boogie Juice at l,'.-\uachtn Ill,.\(lpttt 3am. £3 ht‘lorc llpm; £5 attt‘tx \Vcckl), l’la)tng_' ottt thc hcxt lll Rtkll. chart and lunk) l'axout‘ttcx

I The Dog’s Balearics at choluuon. llHllpm 3am 5 lk‘lol't‘ mulntght; altcr (£3 £4). \Vcckl}. 'l'ht‘ hcxt [him and chart tlant‘c numth lrom throughout thc \llllllllt‘l'.

I Office Affair at Sulma) \cht lintl‘ -lpm 3am. l‘t‘cc hcl'ot'c 0pm; £5 (£4) altct‘ \Vt'ckl}. (‘hat't tum-x. hullct and chcap tlt'lnkx. What k'l5L' do )ou mod to makt- a tool ol _\out‘\cll m lt‘onl ol' }ott L‘UllcagllCV’ I Office Party at ('awntlixh/lhxa. 4pm ~lam l-"tu'. \Vcckl}. \t‘u night ol al'tcr \Hll'k \llllllt‘\\ and t‘llL‘t'5) Inn. Bucking ht'oncox. gaunt-x and ntot‘c to kccp the \uitcd Itt;t\\c\ cntct'tatnctl. llullt‘t tor pt'c-hookt-tl parucx tax \xcll a\ a hux pick up \ct'\ tcc I.

I The Party Continues . . . at l’cppcrnunt loungc, lllpm 3am, Us \Vcckl}. 'l'hc l’cppt‘t'tlttul loungt' tlll<\l;ll\ hung thc \wckcntl I'C\ cllct'x thc hcxt llllhlt' \L‘lcclion Ill to\\n. Stu It‘ (i. .lct't‘m} ‘l‘homx antl l'oh} Sallomlall tlrop Rtkll and L‘l;l\\lc\ alongxttlc an uptt'ont t1u\ ol L‘lltll'l llll\.

I The Subway at Sulma}, 7pm \am. £ l. \Vcckl). SL‘L‘ Thus

I Why Not? at \Vh} .\'ot' ltlpm Rant. 3 hct‘orc l lptn; £5 7.50 at'tct'. \Vcckl}. (hart. dancc and houw l'ot' thc \wckcntl

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Asylum at Studio 24. llpm 3am. £5 l3 Jul. Fortnightly 'l'hc \lixxtou‘x tl(\\\ll and dirt} hrolhcr. \PL‘L‘ltllhlllg tn rock. nu mctal and othcr ltartlcorc \Ulllltl5.

I Audio Deluxe .tl tht- llont-ttomtw llptu iam £5 l3 Jul \tuooth. \oultul houxc at tlux \hmtltj: llll\lt'tl h_\ tt'mlt‘ut (tau; \tmtlttllthhllttxl1t_ultot-\t'tt ll.t\ thc ltkt' ol Kcnn} ‘l )opo ( ion/alm xmgmg lll\ [ll.ll\t'\ '( 'tatgg lta\ tlouc a t'cal gootl toh t'tlut'atmj: _\out \lt‘\\tl. I CC Blooms at (‘(‘ lllnnllh

lH {llpm 5am l-tct' \M't'kl} I” \ll} l\ hack again \xttlt lllt‘lL' ol ltt't ltatlt'utatk llllel (amp to lll‘ll5k' tlt't‘kmt‘al t'\pt't‘tt\t' at lllh a|\\a_\ \ hoat‘hmj: pa} \t-uut'

I Cushy .tl \uhol l'tl\\.lltl\

llpm §am £3 |.‘. Jul lottmyhtl) l).| ltuan .ltllllk’5 tl'uttnc \ootllt'. (’tt} tau-t pla)x ktt‘ktn‘ houw lllll5lk ol all \tlllk'llLN ()t't'axtonal \uppott ltom \lt'\ .'\\t'l.\ antl l.k't' \ltuta)

I Diggin’ Deeper at \u-hoI l',tl\\;ll'tl\, \lonthl} nc\t tlalc Jo .lul

I Diggity at tltc l‘.\l.ll‘ll\lllllk'lll

lllpm iam. £ i ht'lott- llpm. £5 t£5 mt‘mht‘t‘xt altt't \Vt't'kl} l),| l'ahulo/ and Hall) It} got tltl\\ll \\ uh lllL'll hatl \t'l\k'\. pla}mg_' \\ll(l\l_\lL' Rtkll. lnp hop and \ltt'cl \oul, \\ llll \pt't'tal gumt .\lalt \Vhtlt' lKl\\ l'.\l antl .\loSt gtat’mg tht- tlct‘kx on I: .lul). cult} lot llll\ mght on|_\ t’nnx at £7 t£5 mt'mht'tx \llll £l ht‘lot'c llpmt.

I Disco Inferno at lago. .\tomhl_\ nut tlalt' 3h .lnl

I The tll \Vt‘t‘ Rt‘tl littl

llpm iam. £l5tlt£~lt \Vt-t'kl}. Sull lht' ht-xt llll\ ol mtltt'. ()ll\ garage. northcrn \ottl. \ka. 71k punk and no“

\xan' }ou‘n' ltkcl) to \taygt't at l~‘\\ \ \xt'll lon'tl lll\lllllllt'll that lt'lll5C5 to \ll.lll_‘.,'k'

I El Barrio at l l llattto lt'pm 1am {5115: \\t‘t‘kl§ \t‘t‘ llltl

I Eye Candy at \la~~a lotmt'tl} (‘ltth \lt'tt‘atlot llpm 5am 1 1H :5 ot tt 'outtagt'ouxl) tllk'\5k'\l" l.‘ lul

l ottmjghtl} Rk'5ltlt‘lll5 my l V ( 'autlx l\\m\ autl \t'tat Hattou hoxt tht'tt llllalllt'lh glam aml lll.llll\llt'.llll lll'll5k' patt} 1!] [hr ut'u l} lk'lllll‘l5llk'tl \cuut' Rt'mt‘mht't to ‘tltcxx glam ot \t tatn

I Flaunt at \laxxa ttotmt'tl} (‘luh \lt‘ttatlot llptu zam LI” 5 Jul

l ottmphtl} ll.uk to li.l\l\ \ I‘l\'\k'lll tlux myltt ot lllllk'lL'\\ \‘luh \ lawn \ that matlt' houw tuuxtt' \xhat ll l\ totla_\ \\ llll \t'll \a\atta .mtl ( )ll\t‘l I an}?

I FUN[l(] at l’ttw ('ount‘tl

ltlpm lam £5 \\t't'kl} \t't'ltt

I Funkysensual at Im \a \a

‘lpm 5am l'tt't' l‘t‘ll‘lk‘ llpm. 1 £5 .lllL'l \\t‘t‘k|_\ llot mt\ ol \t'\}. lunk} llt‘ll\\' tuuxtt' ltom Ill llt'nt'h} antl lx’otltl) \l.l\ I Give it Some! .tl llottgto ( 'Iuh llpm iatu £ 5 hclotc tmtlmg'ht. £5 alu't 3o ,lul l't'.llllllll}! tht‘ l‘\'\l m lunk. \oul. |a// and all that lll5l‘llk'tl lup hop ltom tht' lnl chuntlo moh

I Groove City Hustle al (‘alxut-t \‘oltauc Ill illpm iam £~lhclotc nntlmyht; altt't l.‘ .lul lltautl ll\'\\ (ll\\'l‘ night \uppotlctl h_\ (noow (at) lx’atlto \\ tlltottt lakutgg lllL'lll\k'l\k'\ too \t‘ttouxl}. (itoow (at) am tum; to put a lnl ol t'tt'tlthtltt) hatk Into ttttc "llx

DJ Kid resident at Manga, Fri 11 Jul

st "as Clubs

tltxto lhzx :\ tht‘ t apttalk llHl oppottumn to tutti out tl thcx tau' \uppott touttw ltottt llottt l |.~.na_~.'.m

~( ict lopctltczt

I Headspin .t lion-Jot lttl‘

lH lHpm 5am 1W1" l.‘ lul \louthl\ lltc 'tu'xt lll lup hop. luuk, \ottl. llt‘ll5k' autl htt‘akhcat ttom tl‘a' l\'\l\lk'lll Ill \ll\l‘l.l_\ tt‘attt lt‘atuttm‘ \ilau. lllk' lx’t'xoaautt' Il)a\a autlt olm \ltllat .liltl \lt'u‘ \pm \I. lv'J’

I "offbeat at llt‘tltu lltt'thaux

llpm 5am :5 5 lul lht' l uttkt‘_\m.t:'tt ;.'u_\\ .llltl llottl‘t'at put on a nu“ myltt m a nu“ \t‘ttttt' \\llll mott‘ ot that \lk'k'l‘ llt‘ll\k' \ou low \o tutu lt l uuktwtttaz'tt att' tt'totut'tl h_\ (ilaxytm l tttlt'tg'totmtl'x mam man Ill 0

I Joy at l _~,'o llpm 5am illltt\ mt‘mlwtw 5 lttl \lonthl} l p trout. tlut} houw moon-x on thy mam lloot ltom \lau t\ \l.t:';‘tt' lo\ .llltl litt‘tt l\lll_‘.‘ to \\otk ton up Into a |atltct ou lllt' matu lloot I’lux llk'll\l\ \\t‘ntl_\ autl \all\ | '\ t'ltt't'k\ llll\ ol \oul_ lttuk and than m tht' tlou ll\l.t|l\ \llllt' \ott‘ that lm l\ a \ luh lot ya) l‘k‘t‘l‘lt' and that lllk'lltl5 It'x alxo lllt‘ l.t\l lit} .tl l g'tt, l‘t'ltllt‘ ll llllk .l\ ltt\\ lnu u to tht‘ \t‘mtt'

I Lick Shot at llott;'o('lul\ lllpm L5 .‘o lnl lltp hop. l.t)‘j.‘.t .llltl |x’.\|l lot tht‘ kttlx tag't'\ | 3 ~ ll|‘\lt'\l In Ihtan ,lout‘\_ \axt} I’ and tht' l|\t' \t\ lltl;'\ ol lllt' \tHllalltl \Jltl \l( -\

I Luvely at my I upml Room

lllpm iam L l t‘ :2, ll! lllt'llll‘t‘l\l A‘o .lul \lonthl} \ \tlll\_\ \Hllt'k'. l't'Jlt'tl ltl\\.ll\l\ a 3.9a} llll\\'tl \ll‘\\\l antl lk‘.llllllll}' a muxtt' poltt'} ol lull on. \lll\lll}.' lll‘l|\t‘ Itom lk'\l\lt'lll\ lomun k. ( il’. \mxton t\ Stonc .mtl .latt'tl \t‘ltool ('amp tltt'mt' llll\ mouth. \o mtctptct that m Mull oun \\‘l'\

I Majestica at lht' \t'nut'

Ill ‘Hpm lam £.\ 5 Jul \lonth|_\ Dunn and dill} houxt- tug'ltt lcatuttm' lk'\ltlk'lll\ I)a\ ltl \lll()\, l \l l). llt'\t\l (i. lltuuo l K and |\"\an l‘lll\

I Messenger Sound System at llonyofluh llpm iam £ ' 5 Jul l'ottmphllt llaxx ol lnnu'l \lnlttm: ptopottlom ax tht- mu'ltt} \lt'\\t'll_‘.'t'l Sountl Stxlcm hlaxtx out tht' ht'xt m lllellt‘th ltmh .llltl tluh tt';';'.tt' \\ llll llt'\\ lt‘lellJl \l(‘ lxhu

I Mingin’ at Stutlto .71 Ill {llpm lam £5 ht'lott' tmtlmyhl. £h altt‘t l.‘ .lul \lonthlx Rk'\l\lk'lll\ llttan l)t‘mp\tt't .llltl x\|an .ln} hoxt lht' u\ua| \lmym' lll.ltlllk'5\. ltllll_\ lll‘ll5t' and l\\ ntt-tl uam t' lot a lll\kk .llltl ptt'tlomtuautl) ;,'a_\ t'ltt\\tl

I Mission Jnr at \tutho .‘,-1 lllpm £5 \\t't'kl_\ (it'lll. tot k. pttttk .llltl ol L‘Ulll5t'. all that nu lllL'lJl \lull that HIV kttlx t'tau' \o lllll\ lt So ll ton t'u't \xontlt'tt'tl “llt'lk' all lllll\\' Nat k t‘latl _\oulh\ ltotu lllL' top ol ('ot‘khutu Sttt't't \wnt altt't tlatk look no lllllllt‘l. tht- l‘k'\l .llltl ottymal lllltlt'l INV lllL‘l.ll yatht'ttug'

I Mission at Stutllo 3-1 llptu lam £5 t£-l lllk‘llll‘k'l\l 5 Jul l-ottmg'htl} \tgght ot metal ttta}hvttt, goth tot'k and Hunt ltotu tht' tlatkwlt' a tt'al lztlmhutggh lllxltlllllttll

I Moving Through at (‘ahau-t Voltaut' llpm iatu £-\'t£(n Jo lul .\loulhl_\ ,\ ltt't' lloxxm' lull} that I‘ll\ tht' \\Il\ ol tlllllll tk l‘.|\\ 1a// lllllht'l\ l).\atl aggamxt lht- lllllllallllhltl autu'x ol llt'.l\l\lllll mtt lohx. tht' Rt-xonauu' 'l llt' Rt'xottanw ll.ll(ll_\ ut't'tl an} mttotluttton touml tht'w llL'lL' pattx l)_\atl haw \xotkt'tl a\ my hackhout' ol Kulu‘x .l.t// lotnt \\ tth tht- .lahha ( 'ollt't'ttw .v\l\o llllell} tmolwtl tn tt'xt'at’t'h .llltl t'\pt-t'|mcutal \llltllt‘5 ot gtoow haxt-tl tttmn‘ and thc \ l\ll;ll|\;llltlll ol \Hlllltl

I Old Skool Special at my laquttl Room I” lllpm Mm £lll IIJul ()ltl Skool \pt't'tal ltout llll' lolk at (‘oloutx l.ll~lll}_‘ )ou hack to llltl\t' hcah )ou ll\t'(l to know and low l'lttaxontt~ put ma Inc \hon alongxttlc 'lt't'hnottanu'. llaxx (it-nutatot and Man Smtth .-\hh lllt' lllL'tllUllL'\ tot lack ot tltt'm at an} tatt-t In; I/m (fair with '.\ /.I\I'¢ (ml Ito/(Ir; \ ml 13 “H t/IHII [Hit (' (ll/ lily/II