//l()(;l!(}(}t1/.'1’ Adorn/r, a team

Impaler artist's till") [Ire/r trrrrtxrhfr,

on the cur/err.’ art f.:’a}llt:.


low, 't.’;.'i7"' tf'e Utm'? ' J“; ‘v/II"‘:,’,' II‘I'I'ErIVI.’ (III!) ..- t" ‘..

the “rut eye' Scott's“ Iran!» A! Mttct‘. was nutter: apart The selection t,.‘(,’,‘:fltll‘: :srrn 1’) openrrtr; with r;r:tr' stt‘. Han-g; detected t<,.'.atrrs i"(: (“rats rfrx.’ centrtcrt', of the artists hoserz. Ht,‘.'/(;".'t:r, curators Kat,’ Pafirster and I'réilltlrf; McKee ;:r(:‘.'t;<l the dotrlrters ‘.'.'.'()t‘.<_t Not <rrtl1.'r.'.'as the show an apt I'M)"(:S(:Ili§ltl()ll cf the conterrrporarr, art scene rr‘ Scotland. but also ‘.‘.’l‘.()li‘, appropr’rate to the Vettetran context tn whrch It was presented.

The space rtsetl, srtrrated a.'.'ag. from the ta//rrrata// of We Ozardrnr. oo/ed drtap-ttated opulence Will] the work selected. emoodyrnrt the Scottrsh tradrtroh of utrlrstng drsused and £ill(}ttt£tl:‘.’(} spaces. .er l amhre went for full rmpact Wrth Pa/adrse Garage. a series of acsd coloured. fracture-d. rnrrrored doors placed on a /e't>"a strrped lioor. whose reflectrorr was warped and drst0r'ted through. the exrstrng tttttt'()t‘8 that adorned the patrrlron's ‘.'.’£i”2$. Srmon Starlrngt's Island for ‘.'r/eeu's Iprotottrper ttlled the math space and was ()t'rgtt‘rztlhx prop< sed for Loch Lomond. A floatrng rstatrd of rhotltxiendrons. consrdered an rrrrrtrrgrant weed arrrong Scottrsn hortrctrlttrrrsts. was deemed too controversial when ongrnaily proposed to Scotland hut. wrthrrt the landlocked palaX/o. appears as an accepted stray. Clarre Barclay}; rnstallatron. Low Seen/c. used setrlptural forms and patterns (‘ler'rved from the Venetrart tradrtron. whrch she drstorted wrth sleek modern matertals. thus rntectrrtg craft-based objects wrth a dark subtext.

The Zenornap protect rncluded a SOt'IeS of satettrte protects conSrSIrng of posters, web-based works and vrdeo screenrrrgs. The most Successful of the sereerrrngs were Katy Dove's beautrful and hypnotrc anrmatron You and Graham Fagen's ere Studt/ r’Ar’ter Grorgroner. ans Srte .‘ras arse used for the openrng party \‘JHGYG revellers were treated to the sounds from legendary Scottrsh Club nrg'nt Optrmo tEspaCrol. prOvrng that when rt comes to art and partyrng. the Scots do rt best.

Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to art@list.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


Him trrotrt (Ltltlt‘lh. 1‘” l.‘.\l Glasgow Heights t nttl Itre 1‘ Int I’Illlltl‘L‘IJIlIl\ HI (iI‘t\f_'r|\\ l‘} \ltrtI.t\ lmhault.


‘la Steuath r||e Street. I’atlh L. 4“ (W-l" .\Ion Sat Illatn lpm

Festival Exhibition l trttl \al \ ltrl .\n e\htl\ttton lot'trxtnp on the \‘.r|lI\ ot Ioeal .tlll\l\ tttt'ludmf.) lhtjxh Hues. ( 'l\ I’urandate. I).t\ rd I tnla} ('uttre .rrtd .Illll .\le( 'ann I’rur u/ 1/1. W x.' / rrt/ It'xlrttr/


35 i .\r';) le Street. lttrtrl Hf} INN! Wonderwanderl rrtrl strtr ,‘o ItlI \ \ertex ol hlat'k atrd \thrte photog'raphx h} .\lontea ( iettttarta. eapttrtmj.) the llora. latma and people ol Seotlarrd and Stetl}.


l‘) l’ar'me Street. 552 7”"). .\lon Sat noott 5pm.

The Summer Show I rrtrl Still 3" Jul. l.and\eape\. \eaxeapex and otltet summer tlrerrred |\.llltllll_'._'\ h} .\lorta Kelman. Bryrn I'.\an\. (‘lare Brad) .rrrd Ian Izlhot.


IZ‘) Bath Street. llafihi _‘_‘.‘. ‘3‘

Suite Art l’nttl I'l'l l|.ltt|. \ \t‘llt‘\ ol \u'ekl} e\hthttron\. eaeh \hou my the “Nth HI a dtllt'lt'ltl (rlaxgtm Sehotrl ttl .'\l‘l student. \Vtth an opt-rung: e\et} l-rrda} lrom 5pm. Harald .\lelt‘oxe 'l‘ltr'ek \ho\\\ uork untrl I l .ltrl lollrm ed h_\ .l.-\.\' (it'a_\ tll 35 .lttlr


lSSa Bath Street. 223 .‘S ill. lue Sat ltlam 5.30pm.

Andrew Hay l'ntrl 'l'hu 3| .lttl. Works rrt orl h} .\rrdreu Ila}.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART I.‘\—I III)II1\\\UUtISll'L‘Cl. 332MB“. .\lorr l‘r‘r 0.30am 5.30pm; Sat

Illam lpm.

Drawing from Experience t'rrtrl [it IS .\trg. .-\n e\ht|\ttton ol Seotttxh draumg lt'ottt I‘Nlll lelli. melttdtne “orks h} .-\ntre Redpath. .loatt I'.;tt'dh'_\. Stt' Rohm l’hrltpxon. DY (lttrtetott. \thl .\laelean. l)trtrean Shanks and (IUl'tIHll .\lttehell.

Andrew Hill l‘nttl I'l'l l5 .\n; .\'e\\ raktr tired eerattrrex.

CAFE COSSACHOK GALLERY ltl King Street. 553 ()7 13. The Sat ll.3tl;tttt Ilpttt.

Eastern European Summer l'nttl Stm 3t) .lttl. l’a'ttrtrttgx h_\ (Vt-eh. Rtl\\l;lll. (ieor‘gtan and other I'..'t\lL'l'll litrt'opean ill'll\l\.


350 Satrehtehall Street. 352-1‘ltlll.'l'tre. \Ved & [at Sun I lam (rpm; Ilttl llam .\‘pm.

Beck’s Futures 2003 t'nrrl Sun 37 Jul. 'l‘he lottrth Heek'x I‘llllllL'\ ;t\\;ll'd luttl‘\ to (ilaxgtm leattrt'trtg the “ork ol~ lIll\ .\ear's \xtrtner‘. (ilaxgou- hased Rosalind .\thhthllll‘t. llet‘ tottt lomm llIllh mm the {MANN ehetltre and inelude [hr/Ire! t1/ Ir’rrrt'et/ IUerr'It I or III(' I’m! (Mir r'l. ltlmed m an urban ttetghhourhood m the West Bank. a

short tltstartt; truth the ITZ\§ Israelt thet‘rtt‘ortttoatxrttt lytr.\.rlettr the other \lthtltstetl “tints rzttltrd;

s!\ l ut). \t\.:\‘l I).:'.rtl\31ezt‘. and \l.:ll( tLrtalt pltzx \ztl.( tonne t \outrz' and l rant rx ltrtrtehatd \ge IIlfzhl

David Sherry in Conversation with John Calcutt Ihtt lul ‘trrtt

\hett} dtxt lr\\\'\ trrx \totl. ‘.‘.rth t tttrt

(II.'.\‘,'l "x‘. I‘.t\t‘t'r .tt'i'

and \ uratot lolrttt alt trtt

Beck’s Futures 2003 Student Prize for Film and Video \.:r S .\ Sat l,‘ ltrl llatn *Ittrttr ltlttr \tteetttttcx ha the \ltottltxtetl .tlll\l\

mt IlltIlll‘.‘ the 'r‘.ll]lllll.' non lr\ lx’rt hard IIr‘Ij.‘.rlt‘. Itrlt'o. /'r't."..' /r"r t.- .".’ .ll‘r

\ll’( ['1 I


l ltl\t'l\ll_\ ot Stratln lttlt'. .‘.‘ lx’rthttrotrd Street. * 3\ _“‘\ \lon lrt lHarrr ‘pm \at noon lttttr

Sons and Mothers t rrttl \al In \tt;‘ rt ont'd l.\ .‘I lulr In lt'\]‘rlll\\‘ to the t tt_\ \r. tde Iatttex \lt \etll \\ Ithllt'l telehtattonx. the ( ‘ollttrx ( taller} hax rmrtedl Ix .tlll\l\ to prevail t‘ontetnpotar} Illlelttlt‘lallrllhHl lt'|.tllrtll\lll[‘\ hetueenx \Ull\ and mothers. draun ltortr perxonal e\petretrt e \|I|\l\ mt Iude lone ( rutrn (firtrtrx. kale |)o\\ trte and Joe ( 'letke. l_\\ Hansen. l’antela So. l)a\tt| \\IIIl.ttll\ .rttd tnarn more


I".\ \\e\l Regent Street. .‘.‘I M ‘tr

\lott Sat lllattr S itlprn Recovering a Body I ntrl llttt i .|trl. I’attttmyx and tIl.t\\ mes h} (il.t\;'tr\\ St’IlHHI HI .\ll t‘ladtlalex Stlxall I .110“ atrd Sle\en .\ndetxon

The New Generation Show lut- S .lttl Sun §.\u_~.'. .\ \L'It't'llHll ot \tork hour the lottt Seotttxh .ttt \ehool degree \Iltl\\\. '


rlS kme Street I).rt|_\ rtootr (rpm lot trrore ttrlormatton

tttlol” ttthanattolheralt‘o uk

Stak & Hnt In H Sun Ill .lttl 1 than .’\II ()llreral presentx atr e\hthrtton ol etaltttr Ill\|lllt'd att


II: SIICCI. .T-Ih NIH-I .\IHII \\t'tI tk I‘ll ‘)am (mm; '| htt 9am " illpm. Sat 9 illam (rpm; Sun noon 5 illpm

Foot Locker Unlocked Hm

I" 'l'hu il .lul. .\n e\hrhrtron eelehratme the Ill\lnl_\ ol the ttatrret. rtreludttrgg a Hall ol lame. \xlrreh leatur'ex the hext |o\ ed ttametx ttortr the past ill )eat'x a \ette\ ol ethtotnrvsd Ioekers eontammg: personal llt'llh dotrated h_\ mdn rdualx atrd ot'garrrxattonx lrorrt the world ol sport. atrd a homage to the e\ er popular .\dtdax Start Snrrths.

FULL CIRCLE GALLERY Saltotm lane. 11 Rutloett Street. 5* WW) .\lort I'l'l tk Sttrr II. ill 5. illpm. Sat llartr 5. illpm.

Mixed Show l'ntrl 'lue l5 .ltrl. I);tlllllllf_'\ h_\ .loek .\laelnntw. Stttrotr l.attt're. (lordon Henderson. ('otrme Smttttetx. l)a\ rd Ross \Var't'rlou and Blatt 'l'homson.

GALLERY OF MODERN ART Queen Street. 32‘) two. \lort 'l'htr tk Sat Illam 5pm; I'l'l Strrr llam 5pm Sanctuary t'rrtrl .\Ioll 2*) Sep 'l‘aeklmg l\\llt'\ ol human rtgghlx and their .tI‘th‘. thrx matot' L‘\Illhllltttl\ I‘l'lllg\ together the \tot'k ol o\ er it) eonterttporar'} ;tl'll\l\. Den-[oped rtr partnerth \\llI1.-\ltlllt‘\l) Intetnattorral and [he SCUIII\II RL‘lllgce ('ounetl. lItL‘ e\hrhttton e\plot'e\ \uhteetx \ueh as tor'eed mtgratton. dtxplaeertrettl. tor'tttt‘e. oppresston. tderrtrt} and eotreeptx ot home. .\r-tm meltrde .\nthon} (ior‘rtrle). Hill \'tola. .\lar'k \Vallmger. I.Ulll\L‘ Hotrr‘georx. Slttr'rn .\"exhat. Ro“ Srttelatr and Kenn} Hunter.


~ Art

One Hundred Great Pho‘ogfaphs: A Collection by Bruce Bernard '

‘r' ' .' :r' ' ' l \. r z. ' 2 I . 't 1 III’ . 4I)"I" ' In, .’ 1" |‘ I l'I Whistler 2003 .' -- '- .' .'.\"/;;.-'. .-.:'.'. ".- /" ':' t " t. t'" t )r‘ , r <,r . It. ' 'r. r i I' ' rI I '.- t l, r. I<Ir'k ' I ’I’, I, 14"” ' (1" 1' I‘/t1,.7',‘l ." ’\"r/i.:r'.". _A" 1'. t" A [(-1 "I'. (] IN“; [.I' Beck 5 Futures 2003 t I r i" I rI'I I' I l I ' (I lmtrtlrtrfl r. l' trots/r93. l‘ in“ r r .' t' tr l’,t,,l’:r.‘:" r' '.:.r': :'

H’r‘finlfll Fury-"it‘d .t, "H "1-,-

lr"/(: f’r' '1‘,” fl" ‘; .'.'lr ,' 'ntlt'. r": ’,"lrlrr',.‘:.€:'.’ltt, .‘zrtrl’l (dull/5‘) (1(1/‘.. ~;I,r\} /... 1/.t'II’ r 1' t/tl.

Thomas Demand l' 'tl'mt, l,t:"‘a"': “tet‘, frat " an irK


u')‘ / |(II‘"|(;';‘I,1_ H ' II I

r-’:’/,trstrt.',te’2 ‘, a'r'l Mgr/tn. It“: h/l‘rrtr'fl’r'l f‘jtlalfl‘) POW]. ét [ll-3’1: past/l c'r marge-p at t' e rtrt'rmrn. Eli/If)“ “,t (r‘;’,’(,": \.'.I I‘Irl‘,“ Harrier; ()rrr‘rerrrpo/af ,/ Alta. [lutd'eca uni/t (St/n lU/tt/r;

Simon Periton and Gary Rough /‘\)tlft(}1(:’;l Ira, (trr, pat/,4 ’Ltrt cuts trot" S r'ron l’e'tfd'r and neon srgnade of ‘rt‘orrrrt'y tw- (3ar‘; Hotrrth. Ho/a/ Hotamr, (Hr/den. /rr‘.t'er'ter!,"r Home. Urn Q/Jt/l

'41... tTI-IE LIST 87