



EDINBURGH (continued)

I Double room in w} \llllll} II.lI III I l‘IlIl lo \IIJIL' \‘-lIIl I a'm \vu mlv .\' I‘lll'IlI plau- \‘.IIII.IIIIIIIII1.'\III\IlIlIt‘lI \\.lII.lI‘IL‘ lol .Iul}. \lllelxI lk IHMHI‘I} \l'pll'mlwl LINI lulu. (.I .\ I‘lII\ .1” III\ IlIlIL'lI

u| {| RS; ‘lllil

I 2 rooms available um um“) \[thllllh .\ lint-lull} \l~'.-.m~_'lon II.lI. Imlll \UllIIl

I.l\ llI‘.‘ I I.II_‘._'\' lIl'lII‘IK‘ LSD“

In in I \llIt'IL' LII” pun Inle |.~I o ZR ’ll (Mi oil

I Professional n/s preferred lol Lugc Implil \IHllI\IC limlll Ill \II.IIK'(I \P-IL IUllx IlllllI} l|IllL'I Il‘t'dIll‘lI. tnmlvnx (an) [unions .k .‘lII mod \Hll\ \\.llI.'lI\It' llH\\ L IINI I

("I 6 I\||I\ Icl II‘XIII ‘lil (l-III I Professional required to \lmn- ( Imommllx II.lI LZINI pun ' I-I I‘lII\ ICI III {I 5*“ "IN? I Double room in .l |.il§_'c lull} Inilmhml Ilwllloom m Ilu‘ IoIItloxx .lIt'.l Iilill.lI [wood lol I lllllllIII\. poxuhlv ulcnuon \miluhlv llllh Jul} 13*“ pan including: (‘I .\ Inllx lt-l o‘w. sol "(H

I Large double room m \lm lUll\ iIu-llloom II.lI. \chl l‘mI .um Would \lllI Int-lull) [\lUIC\\Illli.lI \‘HIIPIC \\.llI;lI‘IL‘ c.u|\ \lllehI (Hill + hillx l

('I In (HM m SH.

I Room available for ll/\ lll Luggt' lllcmll} \Iiul'ml Iiouw lll luxulcnlml .nm \\|lh guillcn.

\ low lo Klll;1\ Iliilllllngx LIIIU lulu t \Imn' ol Inllx It'l' Ilfl'X‘) .1R| tl\l\‘

I Study bedroom in mmlt Iionlc. II.lIloll .iim \\l|I \unl ll'\ \IIIlIk'III./[‘Il‘IL'\\IHII.II lcnmlc \II Ln lIlIIt'\ .l\.llI.lIlIk' {Jill pun. llo IHII~ It'I III II “‘I 0553

I Large single room m \L'l'} quicl \t'\‘~ 'Ioun lop \Imnng mlh 2 olhci'x \\ouIll \lIlI IL'\pUII\II‘IC nmlmc n,\ plUIk'\\lHll.lI LIIIII pun « ('l o IHII\ ICI III II <§li “(5‘)

I Single room in plmmm llul mun lollt‘low .I\.llI.lI‘Ik' owl \unmm L“ [m lllt'IlllIllljJ hullx 'lcl (Will; ll“ 3% IRoom availdule form pluIL'\\lUll.lI oi \IlllIt'llI lll .l \wII «Iu‘oluluI .\I.u't'hmonl lIul mlh .lII llillI roux .\ \Imnng: \\IIII ilcnmlcx LCM pun. 'Icl. 0""0 III) 553

I Double room in ( hu'llncrk (‘n'x'cnl lo \Ilgu‘v \HIII | ollm 34.1) gin} .\ n/x l‘wmlml L US pun l «Icpoxll. lllL‘IlllIL‘\ all Itlllx & ('l 'IcI, ol ll 33‘) 5‘35”: (F‘Tl IIX‘L“). I Lovely spacious single room lol \ludcnl m .l hugc Ill \Vum'nilt'l' I’ul'k Rogul. \Iun‘hinonl {37013011 + Inll\ IL'I: III II III llol".

I2 bedooms availdile m \Iiuml Igu'yc Ill'lghl lIul lll I'Iill'ILngulc RouiI. \Iulk‘IlIlmnl. \mulil \llll n/x plolcxxlonul IIuIroom I {28‘} liit'IiilImyFI «k I‘lII\ Hulmmi 3 L31” Including; ('l‘ .\- I\III\. 'lL-l- owns (PT If ll;i_\lmicol “III II" ill!» (\Clllllgx.


(ilIInorL' I’qu‘ lo \Imrc \\ III] I HIIICI'.

lcmulc pl'UIL'\\llllI;lI n/x pn‘lcnul. L i ill pun Including ('I' + hillx + (IL‘IXNI. :\\;iII;iI\|c nou. 'I'cl: 070W {XS 850m ()IRI III “‘68.

I Professional wanted to \Imu' llIchI) II.lI \ulh i l‘IIIk'I\ 1n lhc \cxx Io\\ll. * mmulcx liom lhoilghlon xllccl IIIlfghl double room {303 *II ppm . (‘l M 0| il <<‘ m": I Room available in I.ll_L'L‘ tomlollahlc \IUllllllfJHIIt'

I tllnlungh II.lI lol pll‘IL'\\lUll.lI n \ Lilli pun v I\III\ IcI III ‘I .H“ SUN oi o] 11 Jim 3 §.\.\

I 2 stunning large lluuhlc liiHlll\ m \Imn-d .\I.u‘ghmonl II.” ‘\II mod conx. qmcl .um. IIL'C parking LII” .\ Lilll IIILIlIlIIIIL' ("I IcI. lll 4” IV» 25%| m o‘xox oo: ml

I 2 large double llliilllx Ill \llIlt‘I Show II.lI. Imih. Still nk lvnmlc pnilcxwiml/nmlmc \IIItICIII :\\.ul.ih|c le .-\u§_'u\l LCINI pun. ("I .k I‘lIIx [ZINI pun + tlcpoxil I'cqunml Icl


I Professional n/s female lo \IllllL‘ \unn} gunk-n llul. III mmulc \\.III\ lrom II;i_\m;u‘kcl \IilIlUlI. .-\\;iil.iI\Ic llom Anginl/loi' IC\II\.II. .\'o lICPlNII. L ill” pun. ‘I’cl. Ill il 225 (6-13 / INN) HI IIN,

I Double room available, le .'\ll:_1ll\l. .lI Iht- Short- nun St'olllxh I'.\ccul|\c. lllll\l IX' \ot'lgihlc. ll/\ \HIII .1 good \cnxc ol humour. till) pun includm ("I. lclcphonc .k clcclru‘il). 'lk'l: (ll il 55-1 5 {NH ol‘ (WWH 3 I 5 763.

I 2 funky professionals it'llunul Iol \uunk} Itilxl Iiml .ipul'lnu-nl. .iII mod conx Including: 8k} & ll'cc parking. |)on'l nu“ out on IIll\ Int-mil} L'Inllcll oul IIulI USU pun + ("I 'lc|1lll_il I"? loll).

I Wanted: friendly, mature .\ II\I_\ [X'lvill \HIII‘IL' lo \IIJIL' .‘ Ixulloom \I‘.I\II‘II\ II.lI III I A'IIII \MnlnhIc le \cplcmlx‘l I pcle t i I”. touplc Hill 1m Ilnhn}; (‘I Ik'I H‘XII 1W ‘5"

I Room in comfortable \lotklnnlpc I IIII} lmnnhnl. .iII .ipplmnu'x ploxnlcll. .l\.llI.lI‘Ik‘ llom k'IItI ol .lul} {3.3” pun \'\\ Iumc ol (‘I I‘lII\ IL'I II~~IIII ‘1: film

I Murryfield double room .i\\|c m Luge IllII_\ \lunnmg II.lI Iii \IMH‘ \\lIIl .‘ HIIlt'l\ \\l‘lIItI \lllI oulgomg. n'x plolcxxiolml lclimlc LJXH pan 6 I‘lII\ .\ iIL'poxll IL‘I “‘35a 353 NW)

I Attractive double room Ill \put‘loux \Iiillllligxnlc lo \Imc \KIIII I olhch \\UIII\I \lIlI [IIUIC\\IUII.II \\.uI.iI\Ic t'IItI oI Jul}. no pcmnl parking [:55 [\‘ill + (‘I + I‘III\ Icl “WWII ~IX III ol (INN: WIN (\(i.\

I Newly decorated double leIloom Ill (‘olinlon .\I.unx. gunk-n. t'loxc lo hux roulc .\ cht'o. Shilling mlh I It'mulc .\ ml “ould \ml )oun;v lcmulc pmlwnonul LI‘III pun lllt'IlltIlllfJ Inllx. cu'cpl phonc. IL‘I, 0*“411575 55+

IBrigtt dodfle mom, 1.»; \IlHlI lcnn In \lunmng .\t'\\IIQI\CII lIul mlh .lII mod L'olh .\ \m \ 1c“. Ill/IS mmulcx lo (II) (unlu- \\ould sun! n/x prolcxxlonul LXI) pu. ‘Icl: HISI 555 Slllllloi‘lFUIHH isll I Large double room m \unn) \[Iilt'llilh .k \wll cqmppml No“ lomi II.ll. \huring \HIII 2 UlIlt‘H. \llll \omconc ill». n/\ £250 pun t hillx 'l‘t-I' (WWI “Ni 70]

I Double room for n \ m Lugc I pawn I’cllolmcu IIouw m II\_‘.f.lllj.Y\ (flu) .um Shaun; \\IIII I).llllll .‘* L'lel pun (‘l . Iullx Ik'I

III II 4-15 § W"

I Leith sunny single mom lll (‘olomcx lo \Imn‘ \\ III] | l‘IIIk'I lk tuil II.I\ (i('II. poxwl \Ili\\\('l .\ yooll I‘llI‘IIt Il.lll\pull Ilnkx LI.‘i pun mt'ludmg I‘III\ .\ ("I Icl lll il ‘** join

I Lovely sunny double loom Ill Imyhl \pauom II.” III cul'llvnl \IIIIL'I Iotxillon oll

I t'IIII \\.III\ (i('II .\ IX}. lin- phan}: \IlhI Iw \ccn \\UIII\I \ml 11 \ plUIt'\\IHlI.lI .‘M \\.llI.lI‘Ik’ le \ug'uxl {fill pun ol‘l . lull\ lt-l ol il In" Win

I Lovely double room in ncu I) lluomlnl ('.mnommllx \cl Ill I.III\I\L'.IPCtI gloumlx .\ \t'tlIIC [Milking .lI\ll .I\.llI.lI‘It' \\ou|d \lllI plolcxxlolml lcumlc lo \Imu- \klIII l olIu'I t’ W“ pan 0 (‘I Inllx Icl ll'mij nil

I 2 rooms in ncu houw \nlh .lII mod roux Including mhlc |\' .\ llllL‘lIlt‘I. llonl .imI l't'.ll f1.lllIt'lI\.]MlI\lllf_' lot 3 mm III I5 lllllllllL'\ Ii} Imx llom t'll} \"t‘IIIIt' \o \IlItIk'III\',I)SS. n/x onl} I lIUIlI‘It' loom (33“ pun ~+ I‘III\ I \inylc room [I‘M pun v Inllx 'Icl Ill il h)“ INN)

I 2 sunny rooms ;i\.n|.iI\It' lll \puumh. quu'l lIul. (Lo IIt'IlI Squaw mm. .I\AllI.IIIIl' llom .'\llf._'ll\l ()xci .‘X'x onI} L3H pun lllL‘IlllIlllj.‘ (‘I luI III ;I 550 3‘5” t-u'mngx.

Flatshare Hotline 09070 201 610

How to place a Flatshare advert

The List Flatshare service is for people offering a room to rent in a shared flat and is a reliable and successful way of finding a new flatmate. It is simple to use and here’s what to do.

When you telephone the Hotline you will be asked for

1. Your name, address, postcode and daytime number, including dialling code 2. Up to 30 words of description about the room, rent and type of person sought 3. A contact number for would-be-flatmates to ring

The List magazine comes out fortnightly on a Thursday and weekly during the festival. Your Flatshare advert will appear in the next available magazine and will be included for one issue only. Subsequent insertions must be telephoned in again. The deadline for flatshare is 12pm on the Thursday before publication.

Each telephone call will be charged at 75p per minute and should last about 3 minutes.

Calls from non-BT and mobile phones may cost more.

If you need help or are concerned about anything, please call our Helpline on 0870-120 1504.

Please note that Flatshare is only for people seeking a flatmate. If you wish to place any other kind of accommodation advert, such as Rooms Wanted, Property to Let or Property Wanted, you should use the booking form in the back of this magazine.

If you are unable to get through please ensure that your phoneline is not barred from Premium Rate numbers. In the event of barring please contact your service provider or telecom company or use another phone.

122 THE LIST '

Only those looking for a flatshare should be using

this service and as an advertiser you are advised not to give out personal details when recieving enquiries about your flat. Always ensure you have someone with you when showing people your property.