Osbourne to be wild

The pouting, pocket—sized princess of pretty punk pop talks about touring. rehab,

Marmite and missing her mum and dad.

I'll} ()xlintttlle Ix tint lIII\iI g It gnntl xlIII‘l tn IIIL'

IlII_\- ‘( )h luck. lnnk III the .\lIIrnIiIe nn IhIII] xhe

xII_\ x. H} Ing In IIIliIIxI lrnIII l..v\ time In l 'l\' IIIIIe. lI‘x plII_\ing hIiIne \\llll her hnIl_\ elnek. nnt tn Inentinn her xeheIlule. 'l'n top it nll xlIex requextetl xnnIeIIIing xInIple tnr hrnneh: \lIII'nIite xIInIhIiehex. Hut nnI nnl_\ IIIIx it taken lll nIiIIIIIex In e\p|IIin In the hntel \ltlll \thII \lIII'IIIiIe ix. hut nnxx IhIII iI'x here iI'x eleIIr the} ‘\ e been II IIIIl genernux \\llll IhIII |n\e it/InIIIhe it hlIIek xpreIIIl. ‘lt’x like IIII ineh Ihiek?‘ xhe e\e|IIinIx IInIl prneeele In pull the xIIiIl xIIIIIl\\ ieh tn pieeex.

Still. it thIII'x the IIIan hIIxxle nur ne\\ ext pnp prineexx \klll hII\ e InIlII} then xlIell he Ilning line. 'lhix IIlIernnnn xhe plII)x nnl) her third e\er in the [K and. \\llL'l'C;t\ the lIIxI tun uere In ll'tllll nl IIhnut Hlll) penple. Ihix nne \\lll he in lrnnt nl the better part III (llHIIIII. YnII'Il ewect her In he IIer\nux‘.’ 'llell nn.‘ xhe xII)x. ‘l hII\ e no need In he ner\nux. 'l‘he_\ aren't there In xee Ine. 'l‘he_\ ‘re there tor the headline net. I iuxl get nut and do III_\ Ihing l'nr hIIll IIII hnIIr.‘

’l‘hix e\eIIing'x Inp nl the hill turn Ix. nl enIIrxe. the nriginIIl ‘enIerIIIineI‘ llllll\t‘ll. Rnhhie \\ illiIIIIIx. ()xhnurne ix the npening act in hix xtIIIliIIIn eIIhIIreI Ihix xIIInnIeI‘ IIt \IIII'I'II}lielIl and again III KllL‘ll\\tll'lll In .4\uguxt. Mk II peeIIliIIr enInhIIIIIIinn III tirxt glIInee: the ne\\ SinIIIrII/Xlereur} /.\liehIIel and II xnnIt_\ punk pnp prineexx ex en \Ieirtler \\hen )nu xee lrixh inIlIe II‘nIIhIIIlnIII'x .v\xh xIInleIieheIl inhetueen. But in truth. Ihix ix II IIIIIrriIIge made in heII\ en nr Innre preeixel}. in l..'\. \\'illiIIInx Inight hII\e xeeIneIl IIII iIIenIIgrunux l'igure llL‘\ltlL‘ .\lIIril_\n .\lIInxnII III the IIII\eiling nl' ()//_\ ()xhnurne'x xtIIr nn llnl|_\\\nnIl llnIIle\IIrIl lIIxI )eIII'. but the e\ 'l‘IIlIe 'l'hIII eheelt) ehIIppie \IIIx in the prneexx nl‘ ‘hreaking' .'\lllL‘l‘lL‘;t and needed In elhnu in nu II hit nl the xpnIlighI heIInIing tlll\\ll nn llll\\ iihereeleh ()//}. lt'x nn|_\ lIIir IhIII \VilliIIIIIx xhnIIIIl hII\e returned the eninplinient. llenee Kellyx lll\ IIIItinn here.

I'll L‘lnxt‘. KL‘ll} ()xlmtlt‘tle tlnexlli lnnk Inn tllI-I'CI'L'III l'I'nnI IIn_\ nther l‘) _\eIII'~nlIl rnelI liilll )nII'Il Ineet nII liIlinhIIrgh'x (‘nelxhurn Street nr nutinle (ilIngnu'x (iIIller) nt' .\lnIlern :\l'l. She plnpx herxell III In} inle. Ill'L‘xerl ltL‘ItIl Ill limit in lllIIt‘lx. lltll It ix lIL‘I' tl'IIIlellL'L‘lll. \\llllC \l\lll. rnugeIl. ehinII Ilnll eheelxx. xhnek nl \xhite hlnnIle hIIiI' teIIerl Ilnun n\ er her e} ex and her l).\l- xt} le xhnex. nI‘nIItel} eIIr\eIl \\iIh IlIe \Inrtlx ’gnnIl' and 'e\il' nn the tnex. IhIII let )0“ lxnnu )nu're \xith II preening. punIpeIl—IIp I'nek xIIIr-iIIuIIiIing.

l)expite elIIiIning In he anIelxereIl \xith lt‘llttg. xhe'x Itllctlllu‘ Itlltl l-L'l\I-\ Illltl. l‘nr xnlllenlle nl llL‘t‘ tL'llIlCt' )eIIrx. ix II Clllllllll‘ltllllt‘. ennlitlent enn\eI'xIIIinnIIlixt. hut lguexx IhIII'x \\ hIII enInex nl‘grnu ing up in puhlie'.’ ‘lt ix \xeiI'Il.' xhe xII_\x. ‘lt Innxtl} nIeIInx IhIIt penple hII\e hig pre—enneeptinnx IIhnIII me. but “hill the} xee nn Ielex ixinn ix nIIl_\ pIIrt nt‘ it.’

The ().\/?UIII'III'\ \\IIx II true tele\ ixIIIIl phenninennn. lt heeIIme .\l'l‘\"x 111an popular prnngInInIe IIx it Innk II ll}-nn-Ihe-\\IIll xt}le lnnk ininle the |i\ex nl' an ageing rnek xIIII‘ IInIl hix \Iite/IIIIIIIIIgeI‘. (“0 nl' their teenage


kile and II herIl nl' peIx. IInIl gII\ e IIx prnnl IhIII there‘x II lIIIle hit nl‘ the Simpxnnx in e\eI'.\nne‘x lIIInil}. ll' )nu



' :a Mark Robertson

\\ ere In go on her pnI‘trII}II| in the xeriex IIlnne. _\nII’Il xII_\ lx'ell} ()xbnurne \\;l\ IIn nhnn\inux. xhan-IeInpereIl hrIII \xhn hluhx. IIrgIIex IInIl I'IIntx III exer} nppnl'ttlllit}. .'\lltl Kell} ix line \\llll thix. .\lnxtl_\.

‘.-\ lnI ix Inixerl nut. hut iI'x pI‘etI_\ Inueh me there.‘ xhe IIIlIIIiIx. "l‘he_\ l'iIIeIl IIx IIll Intn IlIe hn\ex the} \xIInteIl: Ihe IIIIIIII IhIII e\er_\nne ln\ex. the IlixnrgIIIIixed lIIIher. the pre-InenxtruIIl. hiteh} teenage girl and the xtnner xnn. l ennIe IIernxx reIIII} thIlIIm IInIl xIIpertieiIIl. .'\lItI IIII}\\II_\. it‘x an edited xhnu. ’l‘he} lihn 34/7 and \UlllL‘llIl\\ make II hIIll‘ hnur xlln\\ nIII nl it. .-\nIl l guexx It ix I‘ettllt). litll llix Ilen an edited \eI'xInIl nl' I‘ettlll}. I mean nne Ininute I‘m in nne ninth and the nut I‘m in II IInnIlIer. l’enple Ilnn't xeeIn In nntiee IhIII.'

llL‘t‘ IIeeepIIInee (ll. ltL‘l‘ [lilt’ll‘il}ztl ill the xL‘t'lL‘x I\ It\ xurprixing IIx it ix pleIIxing. hut xIIeeexx hrnught II tltl\\ll\ltIL‘I her entire l‘IIInil} heeIInIe puhlie prnpert} nxernight. \Vhieh ix line until Ihingx xIIIrI gning \Irnng. lln\\ IliIl xhe enpe when hrnther .lIIek \\il\ admitted into rehab xIIlleI'iIIg lrnin II painkiller IIIlIlieIinn and mother ShIIrnn \\tl\ IliIIgnnerl with eIIneer‘.’ "l‘he prexx Ilnn't knnu uhen In \Iil}' nut nl' iI.‘ xhe xII_\.x. 'When lll_\' .\lIIIII \\IIx xlelx they should llIIVe jtlxl lucked nlli IIIIIl lell Itx IIlnne. We didn't need IIII) extrII hIIx,xle Il'nlll theIn. Same when my brother \\'il\ gning inIn rehIIh. lt'x humiliating enough In admit you have II problem. but it’x e\ en harder when you hIIVe In let the “(WM knnuf

llI.xInI'_\‘ Ilnex. nl enurxe. repeIII itxell'. .lIIL‘k'x exeexx has clear pIII'IIllelx in the ()xhnurne hnIIxehnlIl: ()II) hIIx. tllIL‘l' IIll. |i\'eIl the rnek'n'rnll Me In the limit. Drink. Ilrugx. biting the heIIle nl‘t' hIIIx. he'x done it all and. alter hi.x Ilepietinn in the TV xeriex. ix'n‘t IlIe hexi itthL‘l'l I‘m living In exeexx. Sn. IInIII/ingl}. lllx daughter ix l‘nlln“ ing in IlIIIlIl}"x

rnek'n'rnll. \Vh)‘ \Hlllltl xhe ever do thIII‘.’ Ive been around it my whole lil‘e xI) it‘x prnhIIhl) the nnly thing I can talk IIhnuI and not hullxhitf xlIe xII_\ .x. “And I don‘t giVe II xhit. 'l'here’x nn prexxIIre on me. I Ilnn't IlitVL‘ In do an} nl Ihix. lt'x nnt IIx il‘ l'nI Ilning iI l‘nr money. I‘m doing it became l l()\‘C IIIIIxie.' She'x .xigning II new reenrtl ennIrIIeI ltIIL‘l' xhe and her dad lel't Sony there'x IIn ln\e lan hetueen them Mr llllL‘IlllIll'lllL‘tl pIIqurex neu. It the Inuxie Ilnexn't \Hrl‘k nut there‘x IIl\\'II_\x the \llVL‘l' xereen: xhe‘x making her film debut in II remake nl l.e\\‘ix ('III'I'nll'x IIIIIxIeI'\\'nI‘k IIn\\' retitled .llu/I'I'I' in .S'InII/er/uml with director Simon l‘ellnu'x. Sueeexx ix nIII}he not important In her. but up IIgIIinxt Ihe enmpetitinn. her lun. xIIrk}. retrn pnp Ilexer\ex II lighting ehImee. Still. ()xhnurne ix l'IInInIIx l‘nr being part nl II l'IIInnux lIIIIIil} IInIl IhIII I‘eInIIinx her pt'inrit}. ‘l‘\e been \Iith them e\eI"\' xingle Ila} of III} lite and l eIIn't li\e \Vlllltllll IheIn.‘ xhe xII)'x. ‘.\l} IlIIIl eIIllx e\ er_\ day In cheek e\er_\Ihing'x gning ()K nn Inur. liIIxI \Hlllllll he \\ ith them. The) L‘tlllltl mm e In lueking .-\l‘ghIInixIIIn and I unultln't eare.’ 'I‘III' ()xlmurm'x go In .rlrfe/IIIIII'IIIIII. nnu there'x II I‘eIIliI} TV xhn\\ \x'nnh eIItehing.

T on the Fringe, Corn Exchange, 0870 169 0100, 12 Aug, 7.30pm, £15.

l'nntxtepx intn Ihe pet‘ilnux \VtH'ItI nl

Who's hitting the high notes Der Ring des Nibelungen As the whole run nl Wanner}; Hing (:Hf/t’ Is sold out Iasrde from :50 tickets per performance available on the

dayr It lllltlllI seem at‘adernit‘ highlighting; this. but the scale. It not the style. of Scottish ()pera's aclnexernents should be saluted. Iestrra/ HIeI'Itre. .1/3 9000, It. l1). H, to, I":'~. 26. 98 a (£0 Aug], various times. so/d out 4‘90 on the day}.

The Rapture and Radio 4 lhe Rapture tell their treads III an early 80:; new wave back alley and draw their groove from the same well as the Happy Mondays. l ellow New Yorkers Radio -1 inhabit sIInIlaI. II more rocky. It?lt'|I()l\,. liquid Room, ()8/0 701‘) 0100, 9.") Aug, 7pm. 5‘70.

La Bottine Souriante - Encore! lhIs Is what the festivals are all about. loads of burly musicians travelling thousands; of miles to simultaneously make your ribs rattle and heart sing. ()ueen's

l-la/l, 668 2019. 8 Aug. 8.30pm,

F16 (I‘M).

Late night at the Underbelly Dram/Int; on pretty much every corner of the musical globe. the Underbelly calls on established names Such as Mull Histoncal SocIety. Skin and Cosmic Rough Riders to ]()SIlC for space on the bill Wrth locals such as Indie kids Draw and soulful sInger,’ songwriter Goddard. See the Thrills In an IntInIate venue before they start haunting the brg arenas WIth their leelgood Vibes. or be spooked by drum & bass demons EXIIe and DJ Roscoe. Smirnoff Underbel/y, 2 23 Aug. 22.30pm, Free-Ff 70.



Clockwise from top: Alex Horne - Making Fish Laugh;

San Francisco Ball


EtchySketchy; Samba School at last year's Festival

Cavalcade; Peepolykus; a


Partly it's about Love, Partly

it's about Massac

