Cllttl‘LtL‘lL‘l'lxc tt gutitl lllgltlf lle continuex: "l‘lie xui'prixing thing ix hoit audiencex \Vlll inxixt _\ou ha\c a plant in the audience.

'l'hink thix through. I‘m doing a tour am I pining .xomeone to come to e\er_\ pcrlormance for that one gag‘.’ 'l'he_\ xa}: “But _\ou anxiier xo quickly" Well that's \\ hat I do. it’x \x'hat _\ou‘re meant to he good at. lt‘x like going to a mechanic and xii)ittg: "You li\etl my car? .\'ol Soineliorl) muxt haxe told him?”

The cult xuccexx ol the xeriex. capped h} Britixh (‘ometh .'\\\Lll'tl.\ l‘oi' hext coined) neucoiiier and hext tele\'i.xion coined} actor. ix a long \xa) lrom lirylon‘x \\'lltlL‘l'llL'\\ }t‘;ii‘x xpent \ariouxl) ax a local radio D]. a mo\ ie .xhoii prexenter on Sk}. a 'l‘\' he“ x reporter and a xhopping channel hoxt. "l‘hc )oung prexenterx on the xhopping channel. like in}xell'. \\erc painl'ull} a\\ are that thix \\ ax not the /enith of our careerxf xtl}\ Brylon. \\ ho ix xoon to come litll circle \\llll Utrecht/"A (‘urmncri/urjt‘. an l‘l‘\' xeriex in which he'll PM“ ltlc \Ptltlli l)\'l) llllL‘l‘\ lL‘\\x litll‘ Ultl .liV xlltmx. ‘.\'o\\ I‘m glad: ha\ing done tlill‘erent thingx like that givex _\ou a unique background and perxpectiie. although I couldn't xee lion 1 \\tlllltl get lroni that to what I'm doing nou.’

What he tloex no“ ix xomcthing deliciouxl} dark. When it i.x limit} it ix painlull} xo onl_\ inchex awn from traged). Some people lind it too hlcak to \xatch. ‘l muxt ha\e a much higher threxholtl.‘ he xa}x. 'l underxtaiitl what people mean “hen the) xa_\ the}

20THE LIST ' ' .'

\ // rp/ / / \V/ //—\/'/ / ///



‘I thought it’d be funny to put a sensitive man into a barbaric student house'

can‘t \\;llL‘ll it. hut l ne\ er feel that lor \lltl\\\ like [he ()Hit't' l itixt xee great characterx. great writing. In .l/urriiri rlllr/ (ice/l it'x juxt uhat \ie l'otitttl lunn}. We thought: "What it he ll\L‘tl in a houxc that \xaxn't \cr) hoxpitalile‘.’ let'x ptit him in a \llltlL‘lll houxc." 'l‘liere‘x xotnething \cr} harhai'ic about a \llltlL‘lll houxe. l \xax ne\ei' a harhai'ic \lllthlll. although I \xax olten in a houxc \\ ith. to lll_\ lllllltl. harharic xtutlcntx. \\llo ne\ er did the \\axhing tip. pla)etl their muxic \cr} late. xmoketl and drank and did tlrugx. and looxe \tomen \\Ullltl turn tip all hourx. I thought that'x lunn} il _\ou ptit a xenxitne man hecauxe lx'eith ix xenxiti\e in hix o\\lt oil} into that. But alxo there \xill he a xatlnexx in that oh. poor gu_\."

lle hax no immediate planx l‘oi‘ another xcriex ol

.l/uri’un um/ (ii-rill: hix l‘octix l'irxt ix on hix ne\\ production compan}. .lonex the l-‘ilin. and the romantic coined) hc‘x uriting called /l(’ Suri/ Slu' Stud. l.;ixt night in lied he \xax tr'\ing otit jokcx for it on hix gii‘ll'i‘ienil. lle hax three. llc textx one out on me. ‘lloix lunn} ix thix. tor a gu_\ to xa_\: “I'm not an alcohol—ol-olic"'.’ lt'x not a film though. ix it‘.’ .luxt three gagx. You'd lime to ha\e reall_\ long creditxf l'tl xtill he laughing.

Marion and Geoff, Assembly Rooms, 226 2428, 3-17 Aug, 7.30pm, £11—£12 (5:10-5:11). Thanks to GNER for travel to London. Contact 08547 225225 or visit

Who will be the leader of this year‘s pack of jokers?

I The Dinks lony l aw. Dan Antopolski and (Ziaig (lainpliell are three white trash knuckleheads. stuck in a mini. being driven to distraction liiy their collectiw nancty sadism and escapism. (Ian you hear the ruinliliiigs of a W series? Pleasant ‘e (Ioi/rftx'rru. 5ier (5:350, 30 Jul (’5) Aug ’lltll :5. 19/. 9.20pm, 3‘5) l‘ltlotl,

I Bill Bailey lll(? archetypal polyiiiatli's last appearance iii Edinburgh was a mildly eXistential experience and staggerineg perfect (llSl)l£l\, of Bailey's non linear prophecy, l:xpect Part l'ro/l to he a minor Chunk of comedy lllf3l()l\. P/easance Courtyard. {>56 6:550, 30 Jul 2’5) Aug {not :3. IE7). 7. 70pm. 5‘5) $714.50,

I Ross Noble Courting controversy for his refusal to einhrace the abject poverty spirit of the fringe ll)ollocks to his actually hemg any good). Ross Noble can happily scoff at his detractors Wllll the pest ticket sales of the l-ringe. See his anecdotal lunacy go Supersonic in Urirea/t/me. Assembly Rooms, 226 2428, 7—23 Aug, 9pm, {‘70 {‘15

I Mike Daisey Mike Daisey performs an astonishing feat making Johnny Vegas look like Mr Universe. Daisey is a liig guy Willi a bigger personality who's spearheading the dotcom backlash in 21 Dog Years: Domg Time fix

Amazon. com .

Assembly Rooms. 226 2428, 7—25 Aug mm 70. 18/. 8pm. [IO—£7 I rf.‘9~£‘70/.

I Dave Gorman’s Googlewhack Adventure Spending the advance for his first novel on another globe- trekking. obsesswe compulsive manifestation. the chunkily chopped one puts his trusted laptop to hilarious use in a multimedia labour of Wired love. George Square Theatre. 662 8740. 7——24 Aug (not 77, 72). 7.45pm, 57250—87450.