brilliant documentary programme.

[ix i‘l'L‘ilti ttlid circuxcx. \U )tttl leltm [k‘tiplc do I look l'or cxciipc. I mcrin _\ou couldn’t drag in)

mothcr to xcc a xad mo\ic. xhc‘d xa} I'm not gonna xcc that. xht"d xii} l‘\c got cnough prohlcmx ol tii_\ oun.‘ l’ctcr Bogdanmich .\ /)('('(1(/(' ('rri/i'r Illt' III/Irri'm'i'.

\Vc xzilutc _\ou. \Villiam Bond. \xith _\our ci‘;i/)

dagucrrcotnicx ol' thc moon. \Vc xalutc _\ou. .\I;itthc\\ Brad}. l'it'cdct'ick .>\rchct' Scott. \Villiam l"o\ iiitliiittl. .’\dolphc |)ixdcri. l’oitcuin. l-.;id\\c;ird .\lu_\hridgc. (icorgc litixtttttin and ol cottrxc. 'l‘homax lidixon. \\c tilxo xalutc _\ou lilahcrt). Rochcmont. l’arc l.orcnt/. thoxc .\l;i_\xlcx ho}x. l‘rcdd) \Vixcmtin. .loliti (iricrxon and Hair} \Vatt. to namc. ;l\ thc) \il}. hut a rm. It \\;|\ _\ou \xho got ux l'roni tlicrc to hcrc and it h;ix hccn a gloriotix journc}. Docutncntar) lilm hax til\\;i}x had itx inomcntx. rixing moxt rccctttl} to proriiincncc through \xixc— hczidcd dixtrihutorx' attcmptx to puxh gcmx xuch ;l\ .loliii .I\koriilr;ih‘x l/(IIU/HH’I'I/I Sir/tux tl‘)i\’(il. Stc\c .latticx‘ l/(H’l’ lh'i'irhix tl‘NJl. 'Iict‘t'} /,\\tgolil"x ('rrmr/i t 1005) and moxt rcccntl} .\Iich;ic| Moorc‘x lion/mgr lirr ('u/rmr/trm' and Sophic l‘icnncx \cr_\ \\ondcrlii| [IUUH'I' SHIT] li’i'r‘l'i'ul. l)octtttictitat‘_\ lilttix arc thc paccmakcr al‘ti\cd to thc oncc xtick} cloggcd hcart ol' thc mainxtrcam. 'lihcir \cr) c\ixtcncc rcmindx ux oi thc humanit} and madncxx that gmcriix all our rcal dt‘catttx. hopcx and t‘carx.

'l'hc lidinhurgh lntcrnational l-‘ilm l-cxtiuil‘x Documcnt xtrand hax :il\\;i_\x hccn a placc ol‘ \\orxhip tor lhoxc \\ho dig the ll‘di. 'l‘hix _\c;ir. thc 5"th ol' thix grand old danic ix c\ccption;i|l_\ xtrong. .luxt ti glancc through thc hrochurc‘x pagcx thro\\ up tour ncar unmixxahlc .’\mcric;in docutncntat‘icx: ('u/rrurr'iru I/It‘ l-‘ri'i’i/mirm. thc xhocking homc mm ic documcrit ol onc


Documen this!

The discerning cineaste will be seeking out a truly Paul Dale



Every last minute of Oliver Stone’s study of Castro gets an airing

lamil} ‘x attcmptx to conic to tcrmx \xith :icctixationx ol child molcxtation madc againxt thc lathcr. :i rcxpcctcd tcachct'. ‘Iihc xccond ix (immrimi/urrlr'. thc nucrlwlin‘c— xccn lull lcngth \crxion ol' thc ()|i\cr Stonc'x portrait ol l‘idcl (‘axtro .-\nd thcn thcrc ix (innit/run. thc .lcrr} Scinlcld hchtttd—thc—xccltcx proicct.

.\ Hum/w (TH/(T I/ri' III/lllt'llt't' ix Richard [.a( it';i\ cttxc and 'l'cd Dcmmc'x portrait ol thoxc cax} ridcrx and raging htillx ol' Ialc Mix and car|_\ Tilx [loll-\xxood. .\ mo\c anti} l'rom HHC-l’x rcccnt xlightl} xanitixcd takc on thc c\ccxx that Ia) at thc hcat't ol thc \\ot'k ol Scorccxc. (‘oppolhr Hoppct' and thc rcxt ol‘ lhc gang. 1 CttlicL‘llll’ulkW ik‘\\ ttlt liiL‘ I‘lj.‘ liillL‘l'\ tSpiclhcrg and l.uc;ixi and morc on a linc ol autcur giddincxx that \\ ax di\incd xtraight l‘rom thc hciiting hcart oi thc l't‘cttch ‘.\‘ou\cllc \aguc'.

Hcyind thcxc lour lic xomc rcal gcmx: \lika Ronkaincn'x trul_\ honkcrx .X'i‘n'umr'rr: .llr'lr. thc \idco diar} ol thix l-innixh pcrlormancc artixt'x intcrnational tour \xith hix hi/rirrc troop oi xhouting mcn. all oi \xliom xccm to hc tixrng thc c\pct‘tcticc :ix xomc kind ol malc honding group lhct'ap} c\ct'cixc. On top oi thrx thcrc ix thc lctcd Iranian documcntar} .‘IIt/ .i/iw: (imri' u Spit/«r. a harrouitig account ol thc xcarch lor a notoriotix xcrral killcr. .-\|xo i-l'ttltt litL‘ [IS ttl'L‘ lhc th‘ilg‘iiliilli I/i/H' l'i’i/t'l'rllirrll (If H/(lt'A (Mr/mix and \athanicl Kgihn'x .lli .vtii'ltrti'r‘r and trom Hong Kong thcrc ix ilrui'i'x or [/H' [huge/1: .lui'liri' (hurt and mi I'uhrI'/\.

But thc litial \xord muxt go to thc grcat \‘ictar l);ixhuk. thc moxt hclmcd xon ol Bclarux it'ormcrl} thc l'SSRi. Hix tihnx. xhoxxn hcrc iii an c\ccllcnt t'ctt‘oxpcclt\c. arc a tcxtatncnt to hoth changc and xtagnatioti in hix homclrind. ‘I'hc'\ arc rcmgirktihlc and hcxt ot' all thc old ho} \\ ill hc prcxcnt at all thc xcrccningx.

Five steps to cinematic heaven I Spun About (1:: (tuih, as rt gets. this; is the debut feature of rrrtrtxrr: \ltitrt) rriaestro \loriat; Akerlund. lt tollows; the

at lwntures; ot ltoss; and his attempts to score :it)ltt(?(7l\81£il rneth from l()\‘.’ lite dealer, Spider. A frenetic via/y t ssault on the senses! ast li’rde/ tor the chemical generation. l/(it). I'd/rifit/rgh, l8 Aug, ftp/h; UGO. (i/asgonz 9." Aug. 9.30pm, so CV5)».

I Young Adam Alexander lrocchr's cult tl()\.(?| gets a working over by the director of [he I as! Great l/i/r/derhess. Davrd Mackenzie. Set on the canals around Glasgth in the 191505;, it tells; the story of Joe, a discontented lotharro With a penchant tor other men's wives. t/GC. idrhhu/gh, 73 Aug, 9.30pm, f‘lO 477330);

(3f I. Glasgow, if Aug. 8801107, YMMV/1W)».

I So Close lhrs fantastic slice ot high octane chop socken/ is from the director of The Ira/rshorter, Corey Yuen, No brains hut loads of inventive grabbing of the balls. Cameo. Edinburgh, M Aug, li,45pm and 76 Aug, 20hr, 537.50 675)). I The Bookstore l ovely sedate drama. When Jamil returns to Tunis from Paris to take up a rob with a family run bookstore he gets more than he bargained for from the strong—Willed widowed mother, the weak son and his yOung wrfe. Leila. who dreams of becoming a clasSrcal Arabic Singer. Veh/ touching. film/rouse. Edinburgh, 7 8 Aug 7pm, E7130 (1‘51. UGC. Edinburgh, 28 Aug. £7.50 ((25) I Man of The Year A bit of Latin American ultra Violence. It you thought City of God was the best film of the year so far and yOu like Quentin Tarantrno. this stOry of one young man's descent into the hood from Brazil is a must. Cameo, Edinburgh, 22 Aug. 8pm and 23 Aug. 5.30pm. £7.50 (E5).