i 15pm U) 5‘) lllL' l.il(llL'\ iil J.i// \lltt\‘.\.t\t' has loll): httn a ttatuit ot tht ttstixal piotiannut l‘lttlllld l)llllkilll. l'dith lillilL‘C. l.inda l).i_\. [huh I Itttlitt. \Ilsa Md'itai) .id liaihaia Morrison .ut this )tai's jJtlL'sl\

I Humph and Elkie - A Grand Reunion! l slit! Ilall. l.ttllll.tll Road. 22H 1 I55 8pm LI2 *0 LI” 50 lluniplut} l}llL‘llHlt and Izlkit Brooks toint to;:tthti loi a iait gig; with lluinphit} ‘s oxs n hand,

I Bill Salmond’s Louisiana Ragtime Band l<o_\al ()\ tr Stas l.ta3:ut. l00 l’rtntts Sti‘ttt. 467 5200. Spin. L'H. .-\uthtntit .\'t\i. ()rltans |a//, I Jamie Cullum ()ttttn‘s llall. (‘lL'lls Sllttl. (ihh’ 20l‘) Hpttt.

U250 tl650 St)lis|i _\oung |a// \UL';lll\l/pl.tlll\l has inst signtd a hip ittoid dtal with tht. and looks stl lot a intttioit l'l\L‘. Stt pantl. pagt 6|. I Bob Kerr and his Whoopee Band 'l’ltt lllllt. (Xislltlllll. Rii};il Milt. 47% 3000 Hpin. t. I 2, (iags and puns tollidt \sith soint up htat ia/l tunts lioni trad to inodtin.

I Sheila Jordan and Brian Kellock llL'lll’) 's Ja// (that. 8 MoirisonSlim-1.467 5200, ‘inn. [I250 l’ianist lhian Ktllotk and \otalist Shtila .loidan toint togtlhtr tor a \sondtrlul night ol niusit making.

I Quintetto Magnifico - Los Majores llL'lll} 's Ja// ('tllai‘. 3 Moirison Sli'ttt. 467 5200. Midnight. [7. Salsa pitantt sounds lroin thtst lop niusital groowsttrs.

I Carlos Pena and Hot Charanga Sauce 'l'hc Huh. ('astlthill. l<o_\a| Milt. 473 2000. 12.30pm. £6.50. tht/Utlan salstro. l’tna. lionts this p0\\tl'llll hand that L‘U\L‘l saniha. runiha. son and salsa.

I West End Jazz Band Royil ()\ tr Stas l.tag_'ut. I00 l’i‘intts Strttl. 467 5200 l2..i0pin. [5. 'l'radilional hand lt‘ullll'lllg lruinpttti‘ .'\llLll'L‘\\ l.audtr.

I Tom Finlay: Beauty and the Beat 'l'ht Huh. ('astlthill. Royd Milt. 473 2000, ,i.l5pin. [7.50. \'otahst 'l'oin l'inla) ttlthratts tht fantastic tollahoration httxsttn l’tgg} l.tt and (itoi'gt Shtaring on tht tlassit l‘)5‘) ‘litaut_\ and tht litatl' alhuin.

I Napier Jazz Summer School Concert lltni‘} ‘s Ja/l (’tllal'. R Morrison Strttl. 467 .5200 3,30pin. £4. (iuitarisl llaltor Mtdhot ltads a tonttrt shoutasing tht llC\\l) hoiitd skills ol tht suinintr sthool studtnts. I The Glenn Miller Orchestra l'shtl' llall. l.olhian Road. 22\' l I55. Spin. [I250 1.40.50. Popular ja/l and shiny hits from tht-10s intluding 'In lltt Mood. and 'Moonligltl Stt‘tttadt' \\ ith this i'tnoisntd orthtstra \\ ho ptrl'orni Ill uniforms of tht hurt.

I Niki King Quintet 'l'hc lluh. ('tlslltltlll. Ro);tl \lllL‘. 47.i 2000. Split. 9; l0. (‘onttniporars soul and nu ia/I

\ ihts troin l’tri‘itr Ja// :\\\ard \\ inning singtr. Niki King.

I Jazz Barbecue By the Sea .\'t\t (itntration (‘luh. 55 .\'t\\ha\tn l’latt. 467 5200. 8pm. L'lt). .'\ll\ll';lll;tll I.ouisiana Sliaktrs and ('aliloi'nian Natural (ias prm idt tht sounds to attonipan) )our inunthing h} tht sta I Savannah Jazz Band Rnin ()wivSt;is l.tag_'ut. I00 l’i‘intts Sn‘ttt. 467 5200 8pm. £8. .\'t\\ ()rltans trad hand.

I Sherman Robertson, Blue Move, Kenny McDowall/Ronnie Greer Blues Band ()iittn's llall. (’lti‘ls Strttt. 66.\' 2010.8.30pni. (I750tt’l5i. stainp} l.ouisiana hluts. /.}dtto stoinps and a touth ol Rtkli li'oiii Slitrinan Rohtrtson and funk) hluts lioin tht rtst ol' tht tsttlltnt lint up.


Alto saxophonist Davis grew up in New Orleans. The late Carl Jefferson of Concord Records spotted his potential as a sideman on a session. and gave him his chance as a leader. The saxophonist established himself on the New York scene and learned a crucial lesson in the process. ‘The scene in New York takes you so far away from yourself. You spend so much time trying to play more than someone else or trying to write badder tunes than someone else. But it's not about someone else, it‘s about you getting with yourself and taking that journey within yourself to find yourself.’

(Kenny Mathieson).

I./t3:,:.e:[)a.*x1m.» .‘"~‘f.~' .’"


I Mario Caribe Quintet llL‘lll'} 's Ja/l ('tllar. h’ Morrison Sll‘ttl. 467 .5200, 0pm. L. It). 'l'ltt hassist ttlthratts his rtttnt alhuin. Bururis. in tht tonipan} of spttial guts! lidinundo ('ai'ntiro on pL‘t‘L‘ltssioti.

I Late Night Jam Session Roin ()\tr-Stas l.tag_'ut. I00 l’rintts Sll‘ttl. 467 5200. l l50plti. C5. 'l‘ltt intuitions ja/I iani rtturns to this _\tar‘s Ja/I l-‘tsmaI with a uholt host of glitst artists dropping in.

I Melting Pot lltnr} 's Ja// ('tllar. ts’ Morrison Sti'ttt. 467 5200. Midnight. £7. 'l‘ruinptttr ('olin Stttlt tMidnight liltit Band) ltads his si\-pittt throuth a danttl‘loor-inindtd tit/l stt. \s ith tht tinphasis on funk.

I Savannah Jazz Band l<ti>ttl ()\tr-Stas l.tagtit. I00 l’rintts Strttt. 225 l50l. 12.30pm. L5 Stt Hi I.

I Jake Hanna Swing Session 'l‘ht lluh. ('astlthill. l{o_\al Milt. 473 2000. l2.30pin. £8.50. l)runi suprtino Jakt llanna has inort than 2‘0 )tars t\ptritntt hthind him. and is al\s;t_\s good \alut. llt ttanis up \\Illl tlarintttist Ktnn) l)a\ti'n and tronihonist John .-\llrtd in a top qualit}

"‘ \./ "3‘ tt'X} it'” ’. LUMU,

I Delta Croft Review, Kenny McDowall/Ronnie Geer Blues Band, Boogie Men ('altdonian lit't“ tr}. 42 Slattlot‘d Road. 225 5688. 1pm. £6 liliits and folk originals and L'U\L‘l'\ lroin this lldlnl‘lll'glt‘httst'tl hand plus othtr tsttlltnt toot stomping hltits tnstinhlts.

I Warren Vache Quintet the Hub. ('astlthill. Ro}a| Milt. 473 2000. 3.|5pni. £3. \Varrtn Vatht’s torntt pla_\ing_- is warm. |_\rita| and amass suinging. llis tnstinhlt toda) l'ttittirts tht tsttlltnt )oung .XlllL‘flk‘ull alto sasophonist Jtsst l);l\l\. Stt pantl.

I Martin Taylor Solo 'l'hc lluh. (Xistlthtll. Rtl}ill Milt. 473 2000 8pm, U2. .\ solo ptrlorniantt troin this rtinarkahlt \ irtuoso guitarist.

I Gordon Whitworth’s Band Homage to Louis R0)ul ()xtr-Stas l.tag_'ut. 100 l’rintts Strttt. 225 150|. ts'pin. £8. 'l'runtptttr (iordon \Vhimorth takts on tht music ()1 Lotus Armstrong's llot l‘l\t.

I Chris Farlow, Lightnin’ Willie and the Poorboys (‘altdonian lirtxstr}. 42 Slattlord Road. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £15. Rll)llilll and hluts singtr ('hris l‘arloxi t is supporttd h} tht hluts \otals and slidt guitar ot Lightnin‘ \thlit and tht l’oorho)s.

I Barbara Morrison ()uttn‘s Hall. ('Itrk Strttt. 668 201‘). 3.30pm.

{I2 50 t l6 50 ls'ttuining; .ittti tital sutttss at last _\t.ii's l'tstisal. liaihaia Morrison hi’ints liti thai'in and \sondtrtul \oitt to tht ttsti\.il‘s inani slagt again

I Jazz Main Mt ()uttn Stittl liar and Rtstauiant. .\0 ()uttn .\tittt. 2650"“

X ‘0 llpni l'itt Stt I ll |

I Jesse Davis Item) ‘s Ja/I t‘cllai. .s' Morrison Stittl. 46‘ 5200 (’pin 1' l0 Rising stai lioni .\t\\ ()iltans plass “uh soul as \stll as \iituosit}, Stt pantl

I Sinatra 1954-69: 15 Very Good Years .-\pt\ lnttrnational llottl. .il (iiassinaiktt. (F745 .Wxttlti *t l5pni W50 0.8 510 :\tt|.unitd |.l// singti lodd (ioidon pass his itspttts to ()I' lilllt' l'.}L'\

I Late Night Jam Session Ro}.i| ()\Cl*.\k'.l\ l tagtn'. lllll l’tllluN Sllt‘t'l. 467 5200 ll 30pm t5 Stt l’ll l

I Bix! l'ht lluh. (‘astlthill Ro)a| Milt. 473 2000 I2 i0pni. £8. (‘tlthiatuig tht L'L‘lllL‘ll.ll_\ ol Itgtndai} trunipttti lil\ litidti‘lk‘tkt. 'l‘ht (ioidon \Vlntuoith Band pla} tht inusit ht inadt laiiious.

I Dave Keir Hot Four Ro}al ()m Stas l.t.'ig_'ut. I00 l’iintts Sti‘ttt. 467 5200. I2 i0pin. t5 ('lassit \t“ ()iltans _|a// hour this inullt instiuintntalist

I Big Bill Broonzy Tribute Show, Daniel Smith Boogie Band, Baby Isaac, Mafia ('altdonian lhtxsti). 42 Slattloid Road. 467 5200. 1pm. £6. Big: Bill lhoon/i's lift is l’L‘Cl'CHlL'tl \\ ith stoi'its and songs h) ()kon l'hanga Jonts. plus piano hluts and hoogit \nglt‘. ('hitago hluts. R640 and soul.

I Jazz Afternoon ()lot'oso. 33 ('asllt Sll'ttl. 447 H722. l 4pm. l'lL‘t. Mikt Rogtis. Siisan llanning and hand l’atritk on piano plus gutsts in this ntu \sttkl) i‘tsidtnt}.

I Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra 'l‘ht lluh. ('astlthill. Ro)a| Milt. 473 2000. 3.!5pni. £6.50. Saxophonist ‘l'onun_\ Smith's httn rthtarsing this )Htlttg hrg hand \lllt'L‘ last sunnntr. and lltt} ‘rt sounding plt'll} hot in hoth tht tnstnihlt and soloing dtpartintnts. ('atth tht shapt ol Jan to toint in Stotland.

I Wynton Marsalis Septet Qllt‘tll‘s llitll. ('ltt'ls Slt'ttl. ()(ih' 20l‘). Xplll. £22.50 £29.50. Masltr ol tht trinnptt lroiu tht stunningl) laltnttd Marsalis lannl). \\'_\nton l‘L'lul'lts to lidinhurgh with his ossn hand. Stt

prtx it“.

I Natural Gas Jazz Band Roin ()xtr-Stas Ltagiit. l00 l’rintts Strttl. 467 5200. ts'pin. Us. Stoinpin‘ hluts. rags. inarthts attd dantts from this San l’rantisto hand.

I Angelo Debarre Quartet 'l‘hc lltlh. ('astlthill. Ro}a| Milt. 473 2000. 3pm. 1.. l0. Rétl't L'llttllL‘L‘ lit htar lllts sltil‘ guitarist l'roin tht l’arisian gins} ia/l sttnt. llt pl;i_\s \Hlll ('hristian (iarritk «\iolini. l)a\t ls'tlhit igtntai‘) and l’ttt Kuhritk lo“ nstnd (hass).

I Dana Gillespie, Lazy Lester and Blues N Trouble (‘uIt-dunian lift“ Ct}. 42 Slaltlol‘d Road. 467 5200. 8.30pm. U5. Winntr ol tht Btst l'tnialt Votalist .mard lor li\ t tonsttutiit )tzu's. l)ana (iilltspit hiings hti' pow trlul \otals to tht ladinhurgh stagt.

I John Rae New Jazz lltttl‘}'s Ja/l (‘tllaiz h Morrison Strttt. 467 5200. 9pm. £9.50. l-olliming a look back in liint \sith tht John Rat (’olltttnt rtunion at tht start of tht ltstnal. druinintr John Rat surrounds hiinstll \sith tht ntu gtntration in this hand. ltaturing tht taltiits ol truniptttr Kym ()uiglt}. saxophonisis Konrad Wis/nitiiski and Martin Kti'shaxi. pianist Paul llairison. and hassist Aidan ()'l)onntl|.

I Late Night Jam Session Royal ()\tr-Stas Ltagut. I00 l’rintts Strttt. 467 5200. l|.30pin. £5. Stt l‘ri l.

at J... 23’, 3 THE LIST 63