Music "MM 9, poi) listings

Tue 29, Glasgow continued

I The Needles llu- llali Hat. Hui \\mitll.itttl\ Road. “ll I53- ‘lpltl l lL'L' St't' Sal 3“

I Catherine O’Halloran lit-aiixu'no l‘l Slaninfg Sttt't‘t. (‘13 MN” Spin llk'k' landliat'k .ltllll\ll\ \k'l I Marc Deeley ‘ltliai (him. 4: Htafgo I any. ‘5" 4531 Split L‘. 5” Siiipct/uiiiyuiitct

I Phit’s Session l l\j,'t‘ llk'dllld. 3 5: “midlandx Road. 5(i-l l5‘Ni ‘lt‘lli l'lk'k' \\k'k'l\l_\ |.tlll


I AC Rid, Legless, lnveigh Katharsis and Little Amber Iht-

l iquid Ronni. "\ \ lk toiia Stit'ct. 335 3503 "put H L5 lot'al l.l\UlllllL‘\ \(‘ thl lltnl .llllllllk'l tiit'lx lltylll

I Band Showcase \\ lll\llt‘llllll\lt'\. -l () South lliidgtt'. 55" 5| 1-1 ‘ipin Su- luv .73

I Lyrics to Go ('aliait-i \‘oliauc.

{(i {S lllati Sttt't‘l. 33” M7).

llpiii 1am llL'k' \n opt-n lllllu' hip hop |.‘Illl \t'SSIllll llllSIt'tl lt} l.l\t' Sk'lt'lluW .tlltl I).ll<k'tl(l \\ llll duh and it'jgjgac in lllt' lll||_‘.'t' lioin ltt'h) Soul ll! [-1,

Wednesday 30


I Dan Hicks 8. the Hot Licks llit' l't‘n}. -l_‘ ('l_\dt' l’lat'c. ll‘) llllll. Spin L’l3.5ll l)an lllk'le \laitt-d out ax tllllllllllL'l \\llll lllt' ('hat'lalanx tllit' l’S hand lioin thc (ilk. not thy baggy} llt'ltlt'Sl hut l‘k‘t'éllllt' mint-thing; ol an \int-iit‘an lt'yt'nd “hon ht' lUl'lllt'tl thc lllllllk'le “how \ound L'llk'l‘lllPdSSL'S ia/I. lolk, \“ing and lilucgiaxx \l} h'x. It’ruluf/ln' Ila/I. lll\ lnxt \tudio alliuin in EU _\\‘.Il\. lt‘;lllll\‘\ ductx \\llll loin \\.lll\. Rick} lu- .lllllL'\. Bk‘llt' \lltllt‘l and l',l\ IS (iHlt‘llH. St't' [Hm It“.

I Lightyear, Captain Everything and Skarsoles King: 'lut'x \\'ah \Vali llul. Zia St \inu‘nt Slit-«1.3M 53“). Split. [050, ()wt‘ Hx \lto“. Ska punk ti'iplt' hill. lt‘atui'ing Huh} \ l.ig_'lit_\c.ii' and lhcu llouxchold \anit' Ru‘ot‘dx lalwlinatt'x ('aptain l-.\ci"\thingg.

I The Koreans and Sucioperro llttl'll}. :(ill (.l_\\lk' Sllt‘t‘l. “3"” UN? 1100‘) Split. {-l. llit' Koicam ai't‘ a South | ondon llltllL‘ im'k quai'tct \\llll dual \ot‘al harnionixing and \lll‘Slillllldl thct'cnun aliuw Ill lht'u‘ wt.

I Acoustic Night the l5lll thlt‘ ('alt'. 5” (ill King: Stt'ct't. 553 l(i3.S'. 0pm. I i. lli'ni; _\oui‘ oun guilai and pla} lot a pint.

I Open Stage the Hall llat'. tho \\'oodland\ Road. 5(vl I53". Spin. l‘lt'L‘. \Vk‘t'lxl} \t‘SSItlll loi' loyal lllll\l\'l;lll\.


I Singleskin, Super 8 and Amateur Guitar Heroes the liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Sti'ccl. 225 3504. ."pni, H. Strong: local rock and iiidic hnuup lcatui'ing \otiic i'cti'o-ttngcd lock ti'it‘kx l'i‘oiii all thru‘ liandx \\ ho all \hai‘c llll' common ground that tho) i'u'oi'dcd thcn alhuiih at (‘hanihcrx Studiox. SupL‘i' S “I” pct'loi'ni \ongx lt'om lht‘it' dcl‘tll li'l ltnn U/Ulll' .llt'lmlim. Siiiglcxkin \hmx caxc .lli/lium o/ (inn/omit: .lrmx. \\ lulc -\tnalcui' (iuitat' ;\ttlt llt‘l‘tKN d0 lllL‘ \ainc limit 1']! iii \‘umln'n.

I Psychid Bongo (’lul‘. IJ NC“ Stiu‘t. 55S "(ill-l. ".Rllpm. (5. This} \hai‘c a lalwl \\tth lilccti'ic Solt l’ai'adc and Tom \lacRac and llll\ ()\ll\l'kl quai‘tct \\llll countr} rock inllct‘tionx haw \uppot‘tcd thcu‘ toummcn Rtltllnllt‘dtl and “MC _|ll\l l'L‘lL‘thL‘d lltt‘lt’ \cllltitlcd dcliut ;|ll‘lllll.

I QC Country Band Quccn (‘hai'lotlc RUUIHS. 50a Quccn (‘hai'lottc Stt‘ccl. 555 (wool). .S'piu. £25“ HQ lllll\lcl;lll\l. Soc \Vcd 33.

I Live Bands 'l‘hcc l'ndcmoi'ld. Banncrman'x. .\'iddi‘_\ Sti'cct. 55h 3254. 8,45pni. £4. Scc l‘i'i l.\',


I Charles Wood “Malt-twilit». l h South lliidgc. 55— 5l H ‘lpni llL'Sll. tnodt-tn luno liotn \\ood \\llll midnight hand \llll tlu

I Chaos Theory Southt'in (tom ('alc. n 5a ('ogl‘liutn Stict't. of: WC: ‘lpni nndnight llk'k’ St't' “Cd 3‘

I Fleamarket Funk (".il‘ait'l \‘ollaitc. Vi KS Blah Stit'ct. 3le Man llpin 5am ltcc Scc \\cd 3‘

Thursday 31


I Chikinki and The 885 King lul\ \\ah \\ah llul. I‘la St \ int't'nt Sttctt .‘II 53”" .S Wpiii L5 lllt' llt'dtlllllk'lS .llk‘ a lliixlol liaxcd quuilt't inllucnt‘cd h} diuin t\ haxx. hip hop and llltlllSllldl llHISL‘. although lllk' handx thc) haw \uppoitcd aic inin in an indic tot'k Man I Electric Eels Shock, The New Rosy Jewels and The Gems \It‘c'n‘Slca/y elll Saut‘litt'hall Slim-l. :H 00:" Upm Lil St). ('ta/t'd .lapant'w yaiagv iot‘k lioin lllt' licadlint'ix

I Psychid, the Barbs and Five Stories High Ital-ll}. 3m (tutt- Slt't't'l, “Hall Uqu llllll‘), .Spm. LI-l SL‘L' \Vt'tl 5”.

I Splitbac, Keyanti, Bladderpatch, King Rolo and Seven Stone Lighter 'l‘ht- (‘alliouxo l5 linon Sti'cct. 2-13 (mth ". illpin Hill. ()xci' l~l\ \hou. \lt'tal llllk' up

I Hoboken \lono. l3 Kingx ('ouit. 553 I-lllll. ‘lpin. Lilith .\tnio\pht'iit' t'lt't'tioint‘a lioin m loopci‘ incnilwi St‘ott 'l'\\}nho|in and liuddicx pionioting: (lL'l‘lll \inglc llotcl l,l\l\tl;|

I End of the Month Club 'l’lit- l5lll \ott‘ (‘alu 5” (ill King: Sttct't. 55‘ HHS ‘lpin. [ i. ,\ \uininci'tiinc \pm'tal lcatut'ing i'cgulai' hoxtx lio/tlla. hootlcg.‘ Illl\L‘l' llll'lllSIIUP \l .. clu‘ti'o punk rock \oundx lioni .\li\\ .\ll\\llt‘ and claim pop dtio lllL' lilt'cti'oltnx.

I Friction FX, Versity and Dexter Slt'aulwn‘) l‘tcldx. 5(i ()\\\;tld .Slt't't'l. (LS-1,5 H53 UZS‘), “Hillpm, [-l, ()u‘t‘ l-l\ Slit)“. l’unk pop line-up.

I Definitive, Cage and Scott McDonald l.oadcd. liquid loungc. “4 “mt chcnt Stu-ct. Illpin. [3 1“ on dooi‘l. Slioncaxc ol local itl'llSlS.

I The Daniel Smith Blues Band Stttdio ()lll'. (ii‘oxwuot‘ llotcl. (il'ti\\t‘lltil' 'lt‘l'l'at't‘ loll Bum Rmtdl. 5-ll (fill). ‘lpin. l-iu'.

I The Vagabonds 'l‘hc St‘olia.

l l: ll»l Sltk‘lxucll Sll't‘t'l. .55: ShSl. ‘lpni. l'i't'c. l’opulai‘ (H\Cl'\.

I Battle of the Bands

\lacSot'lx'} S. ~13 Jamaica Stt'cct. I-lS‘ S5Sl. Spin. l‘i'co

I Open Mic 'l'chai ()\na. J: ()lago lane. 35" 4534. Split. l't'cc. l‘oi'tniglitl}

I Jam Session Saiiiucl l)o\\\.

(i5 “l \lllhdalc Road. 435 lllll—fl N5llplll. l'i'cc. lloxtcd h} liidcpcndcncc.


I Shootin’ Goon and Misled Youth 'l'hcc l’ndcmoi'ld. Baniicnnan'x. \tddi‘} Sti‘ccl. 550 335-1. S-l5pni, H. .\loi'c rock domi lth l'ndt-i'uorld \\ ith iiioi‘c artx thy.

I Stuart Clark \Vliixllclunkim. 4 () South lli'idgc. 55" 5| l-l. 0pm. \lodci‘n \‘l;l\\l\‘\ and boat \pcciah linidnight hand llk‘l.

I Out of the Bedroom \\‘.ncrlc_\ liar. I St .\lai'_\'\ Sti‘ccl. 55" “5”.

“pm midnight. l-i'cc. Scc Thu 1".

I The Dirty Chamber ll . . . even dirtier Bongo (‘Iulx IJ \t-u Sti‘cct. 55S "(ill—l, lll..5llplll 3am, L5 .r\l'tcr part} loi' thc \ccond annual gi'alliti iani tat \Vawi'l} (‘at Park li'oin nooni lcatui'ing thc lth in hip hop li‘oni RIL‘lllk‘ Riilltonc. the Abdominal Show mcn and lllL‘ St‘tilldlld Ytll'd .\l(.\.

I Future of Junior 'I'ht- l‘ntlcrhcll}. \iclot'ia Slt'cct and (1m gala mm ‘45 3083. lll.3llpiii. £5. l.ondon-ha\cd tour- piccc gai'agc rock L‘\plo\ion drawn; inllucnco ti‘om Sonic Youth to Stipctgi'aw

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 17


I Lynne O’Neill Trio \d I in 1 ll llopt' Sticct .‘1\'\hl5 \pin 1.‘ ll not Callllif linttt'll'\cill lt'.t\l\'ll1\'l!«‘ \ingin‘: lita/ilian lllllk'\ and i.t// \tandaidx I Cafe Source Supper Band (at.- \lllll\k'. St \ll\ll\"\\\ lll tltt' Sqtiait', St \ndtt-ux Squatt'. oll Saltinatla-t. 5vl\ (\llfll \ ‘llptn lx’t'launz' ia// cxc'anj:


I Mckenzie Medboe Duo and Guests llt-nix'x la// (\‘llai. \ \loinwn Slim-t. in" <_‘titi \ ltlpin 95 Huh ldtnliutpli _-_'i_~_' l\t't\\.t't-nl S \ and l).tlll\ll \l.llk'\ l\_\ tln~ \a\op|ioni\l and _'.‘llll.tll\l l’la)iii;.‘ ht'tc \\|lll \lgfll} latol‘xdotln

'I‘L'lk i. l,\|.att \t'inal iliaxw and t'lt't lionh a l‘} llk'll '.t\llH. l).tl\Htl\

I The Bridge House Band ll.itt\ x Hat, lx’andolpli l’lau'. “l \ lllll

\ ill llpiii lit‘c \ tt'j.'til.ii ll\\' pint" \kllll .i \.lll.ll‘lt‘ ltnc up pla} inf: \pt't l.tll\ goinunxxioncd aiiaiig'ctnt'nh taking on lllk' \pnit and qualit} ol thc old liiidpt' .l.l// llai

I Live at Human Bein’ llutnan Ht- lll._‘ .\ \\t‘\l (.lti\\\tlll\g'\\.t.\g (\h: \.\(ill ‘lpin lit-c \Mx'ld} llllllStld} ll\k' nig'lit \liout'axin; l tlllll‘lllg‘ll.\ undctyiound \u Soul and lunk lllll\|\'l.tll\. tonight lt-aluiinj: .lt'tt'tn} (ioddatd\ l‘alhl \ppat'lit'. an lllSlllllllt'llldl and tan tlll.lll\'l

I Out of the Bedroom \\..\t~iltg\ Hat. 1 Si \lan\ \‘tm-t. SS" In<n

‘lpni nudntght ltt't' ()pt'n init' \t‘\\ioii lot ldinliutjgh hawd \ingct \t‘lljJ\\lllt'l\ l)!lf_‘ inuxit‘ onl} \\llll thc t‘lianu‘ to lL'\lll\l a \t't on lotii tiat'L |ll\l hung a blank lapt-

Friday 18


I The Fusion Experience lllt'

l iquid loungc. \\t'\l l\)k'i't'lll Slit-cl.

5 Split l'lk'k'. \t'“ (il.t\j_‘ii\\ l‘axctl llllt‘t‘ plu'c dt'ltl |.t// lunk hand lt'Jlllllll’.‘ R.i}iiioiid ll.tlll\ on llainniond Hlj_‘.tll. Slcll \l\( "luku on lia“ and .lannc ('tiiiit' on tllllllh

I Cafe Source Supper Band (‘atc Soutu'. St .\ndic\\\ Ill tht- Squaic. St .'\lltllt'\\\ Squaw. oll Salttiiaikct. 5-l.\ (illltl .S. 5lll‘lll. Scc l'hu I"


I Tangalgo llcni} \ ,la// ('cllat. «S \llll'l'ISllllSilk'k'l.~1(lq 53”“ S illpin L5 'l‘ango lllL'k'l\ |a//. lioin thc \t}li~h \\lUl l’i.i//ola to innoxatnc oiiginalx. I’hil \lt'\.llltl\'l Ipianol. \laiio ( ‘atilw «liawu and ,la\ ict (‘hctniltoll Idiuinxi ll.tll\lHllll the tango in to a nut and d_\ nanih toiu' I Atlantic Records Tribute Featuring Niki King lit-mix ,la// (.Clldl. \ \ltllllulll Sllx't'l. ~lllq "l midnight L5 l’.i}tl1f.‘ llUldeJk' to thc lcgcndai} will. |.t// and R.\H lalwl

hoinc to Ra} (hath-x. \ictha l iankhn and ()ll\ Rcddin; ax \xcll .t\_ltil1ll (’oltianc l’ci'iici‘ \natd “inning xingt-i \iki King: IS iotncd l3} l’aul llat‘timn on le‘}\. \lan \lt'lx'cmxn on j_' lad Kcll} on ha“ and Stuart Brim. n on diuinx

Saturday 1 9


I George McGowan and his Orchestra \lctchant'x (aunt-i. lS John Sti'cct. 553 Will: Ill 5, ;“pm. l-icc lh'unttnci \lt‘(io\\an lcad~ lll\ l‘lj.‘ hand \\|lll gum \ogahxh

I Lynne O’Neill Quartet Hit-l.

“’ 1“ \\lll\\ll l anc. ‘1: l‘lrm 1 opni

l lt‘k' (il.l\j_'\‘\\ l‘.t\\'\l \\\\.lll\l lll‘lll\ llll\ llllli‘\.tll\\‘ lotawnit' \\llll \ongx ncu .tlltl i‘ltl

I Cafe Source Supper Band latt- \l‘lll\\'. St \ndit-ux in tlic Squan St \ndtmu Sqtiatc. olt Saltniaikcl. 515 fillfl' \ lHpni \\'\' lhu l“

I Lorna McLeod mattanan. ‘m lit-ll Stit't'l, 55,‘ 5".‘1 " zllpni ltt'c la// \I.tl1\\l\ l\'\l l‘_\ \a\opliont~t l oina \‘kl t'i‘tl

l (lllll‘lllllll

I Soundbone and the Funk- Out-Fit llt‘nti \ ,la// ('t'llai. .S \l-Iiiiwii Stitx‘t, 1h" 5_‘llll nndnig'lit

15 \cu l‘atld lioni llUllll‘Hllhl ('luix (itcnc \\ llll dininnici l’atil \llll\ that \pt't l.tll\t'\ in will. lunk and ia//. unxtnptixinglt

I Toto’s Jazz Quartet Ilam \ Hal. Randolph I’latt'. 5 i" Slllll i ;ll tipni

l lk'k' \ll‘.'l\'l\lll_‘.'|l‘|l1\llll\ll|lll\) \[lLlllt'l to pto\ ltlk' llit‘ \l‘\.l|\

I Bill Kyle’s Backbeat Band ('ahan't \oltant'. in VS lllaii Slit-ct. .‘.‘|l til.“ " ill I“ ;“put llt't' \ niodt'in \clt't‘tion lioni llll\ t'lt‘t'tiit |.t// qtldllt‘l It‘d h} tllllllllllt’l l\_\lt'

I Jamie Oehlers Guintet tlt-nn\ la// (’t'llai. .\ \lillllMlII Stiu't. lo" 5_‘llll .\ 5llplll L5 \u\tt.ili.i\lop )ottiig' lk'lll‘l \.t\ul‘llHlll\l\\‘\ ln\ llt'ni} '\ dcl‘nt \\llll |n\ lll\liill ol int'lodn llllk'S and \UI‘I‘Hlllllt' hainionit'x

I Kim Proven Trio Kn ()llt‘t‘ll Sltt't'l “.1! and Rt'SldlllJlll. SH ()ucvn Slit-ct. .‘3h5ll‘l5' ‘lpin llk'k' l.t\} lixtt'nin;' \tandaidx. mung}. tiad. l‘lllk'\ and' lll‘lll llll\ \tK'Jl lt'll lllH


I Jazz Afternoon ()Ituma H ('.t\llt‘ Sltt't'l. H“ 55.)) l alplll l'lt't‘ \likt' lx’oz't'ix. \ll\.lll ll.llllllll_‘.' .iiid l)a\id l’.llll\'l\ on piano l‘llh put-xix Ill llll\ ll\'\\ “ct-kl} it'xtdt‘ut'}

I Toto’s Jazz Trio llit- (lull lawin. l)ul\t' Slit-cl. l k‘llll.

3 ill -l 5ll|llll llt'k' llll\ lllllt' il\ .lnnin} (illlllHIL' |ounn§3 l'oto ax punt \iu'.tll\l

I Open Mic llt‘ni} \ _la// ('cllai. S \lt'lll\iill Sltt't‘l. lo" 53”” S illpni, L5 \ t'liaiit't' lot .t\[Hllllj.' lllll\l\'l.lll\ and \lllj.‘k'l\ to pciloiin \\llll a piolt'xxional ili}tlnn \t't‘tion

I Bill Kyle’s Sh" Hot Jazz Quartet Iluinan lh' In. I .S' \M'xl (.lti\\(.lll\t'\\.l_\_ (ill: Nthl

‘lpin lllltllllfjlll lit-o lhuuunct Hill K}lt'\ l.llk'\l pioupini'. lk’.llllllll_‘_' (ioidon \lt'\t'il (\aww. Stuail (ioinian ijguitai l and iicu 3H )cat old liaxx \L‘llSJllUll Km Ill (il.i\;_'o\\,


I 4 Jazz (iaxink \lill. Hiaxin‘x \lill Road. \lllllfJ.t\ lk'. ‘)5(i 3355. Split llt'k‘ ()uaitct lHHtlllt'lllL' \\\lll;'lllj._' |.l// \l.llltl.tltl\ lt'atuiiiij: _‘_'llll.tll\l Huh Sloan and \tl\.lll\l (‘ainplwll ('onxidtnt'

Tuesday 22


I Lazy Bones lluiiian Ih- ln. 3 .S \\ t'xl (.[H\\L‘.|ll\L'\‘.;l.\. (if): Nthl UPIIL l'tcc. .la// \l.tlltl.tltl\ and \\\lllf_' \ot'alx li‘oin llll\ guitar. \a\ and \ogal tiio,

Wednesday 23


I Mullen .'\tlt'l.tltlt"\. 3W) Hillll Strccl. 34S 49"” Spm L") III adxaiiu’. L' Ill on tlic dooi‘. (iuitat‘ lllitL‘\ll'H Jitn \lllllL‘ll IS ltat'lx Ill lll\ lioinctoun mth lll\ organ trio. lcatui‘in; Jini \Vatwn on llatntnoiid It: and Matt Skclton on \ll'llllh

I Three Candiru 'lt-Iiai ()um. 42 (Mayo lanc. ‘5" 452-1 Spin. H50.