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(II‘.(' II e: 'mi' “In IKI-"n, I‘.’I;I‘.I“~t,' I‘

.lqu'I‘I/‘U ‘.'~".e>;‘fl1‘. Ii! //¢""'. I (. j: I 1 I' .' I

\IIL'IMCI I’k'gllh .IIItI \lx‘k “KNIHII UM'I changing |;|// Imml. Inmnl In \.IllHll\



I The Flaming Nerve IIt-nn\ .I;l// (I'llqu .\' 310mm”Slln'l.-I(\’7 530“. N. “Ipm. [5 Iit'IL'k'Ilt' qu.nlcl lnI I\_\ lxixxlxl l).nc (’umm}. Imlunng: SIL‘H‘ KL‘IIL‘} HI] \;I\. \Ifgt'I (‘I;III\ nll gullm‘ and Ih'x 'I l';l\ l\ on drumx Su- puncl.

I Chaos Theory Snulhcln (‘mw ('uIc. (fin (‘uckhuln Sllccl‘ (‘23 “(03 0pm nudmghl. I'Iut ()lllelMI \‘UIIIPUHIIUIh Innn IIII\ ncu quum-I. 1mm); |.|//. Iunk .ind Int‘k. Imluung Dung 'I‘Iplcd} un \uwx. I’.|u| KnIyx on kcflmurdx. Km III (iluxgmx un In“ .IIItI ('hl'ix \Vullut‘c un «hum»

I Fleamarket Funk (ulnncl \‘uIluu'c. ‘8 Illuu Sllccl. 321) MW» I Ipm 3am. I’I'cc. I m‘ul nullil I‘I.l}lllg lhcu' mxn Inn] 0! In; Imml lunk III IIII\ no“ \wt'kl} I'cxldcnc} “uh .l \mullcnng 0| [1| \uppmh .md ulhcl IIH‘ :lt‘lx 'I-IIC IItmgglIHU Ill\k‘\llf_‘;llnl\ drop I\_\ \ulh HI I l/JHI II‘ .Iull \xlnlc King Ivuun Imnx lhc IlIIIIAlCh on {H .Iul.


I Manuel Barrueco (Lmd ILIII. (WI) Square. III “24:40-11! 8pm 1' I I (ISL (lexltuil gull.”le .\I.muv| Burruccu'x l'u'xl cunccrl lll St‘ulIJmI Im II )L‘;ll'\. I’IH'I u/ I/h‘ Hum/n- (in/m; l'kwlnul.

(mi 33.1!) ll’lhulc lu lulx \\'.nllcl \\ IIII ,Iuhn I’cllch I The Flaming Nerve III-nu \ _|.w ('vllm‘. N .\Iul'l'1wn Succl. .10" 3 VIP!“ LI; SUV “HI 3;

I The Bridge House Band

III”) '\ IL”. Ix’.nm|ulpl1 I’I.nc. * W MINI .\ W Ilpnl I‘In' Sn“ Hm I"

I Live Music IIunmn IIc In. 3 .\ \\IC\I (.I|I\\\'IIII\C\\.II\. (III: .\.\(\II Ulnn I‘lcc \Mx'kl} night \huumun; IxIInhulghK llmlclgluuml nu wul .unI lunk mum'me 'I'mugghl lmluung (‘lmm

mung lmm mm“ (hc gluhc Hum/i (I (iullm \mu/

Thursday 24

Glasgow I Lynne O’Neill Trio \d I II‘. I I I Ilupv Slim-l. DIX no.5 Mun (I II nul

mung.- 8w 1 hu I~

I: (IInIIngII I This Joint is Jumpin’ HIunlun

IIIL'JIIK'. I .uI}\H'II \VJ}. \Iuwclhulph. {0pm {III IL'W ‘|.I// mph!


Ihcm} .1 quallcl. llmng |.://. lunk .me

“Wk. lmluung Doug I'Iplnl} on \.I\L'\. I’aul Knh} on I‘cflmanlx. Kcnn (iIngmx un In“ .ImI (‘hnx \\.Ill;u‘c un (IllIllh

I Out of the Bedroom \\.nmlc_\ It”. l 81 \I.u_\\ Stu-cl. 55" IINI

“pm midnight I'n'c Scc Hm I"


I I Canto Vivo! mun.” II.III. (‘nn $1111.me is: JU‘HH I me LI «(3' (Iun' Ik'hmm twpmnm And Simon

IILu'IwI mun.” I pn‘xvnl I: pmgmlmnc H! )(III 4‘! [IN

I Amanda Cook and Xuefei Yang \I.:H\.:I II.1II( n} \quan: HI “I I‘l‘lll' \I‘III Ll.‘ It\~ \ I\‘\II.II len IIu'w wa .xunxnphthl. .nmnI “Inning j_'znl.nlxl\ I'm: .‘m Ilium!“ (:;41.’..I

It \.A~Il

(3 g15;<;n‘.'.'

I The Fusion Experience lhc I I\Illl\I I nunfx. \M'xl chcnl \un'l. 4 \pm In'v \‘C III IN

I‘Junr In:

I Craig Ogden \1.m_\.u H..iI_ ('m \qlmn'. “I 153 U101“ l Nipnl 1111." IIIk' \II\II.III.III huln :_'IIII.III\I uhn hm [\cllnllncd \HIII IIIK' I |\\ hauling nnhcxlmx III\ II'H'HIIII}‘\ In: ('ImntIcn 1m IIIlIC IIIll\l\ IIUIII IIIK' Inn‘me HI I «‘III\ \In' IICIIIICHN \\III\'II \\.I\ III\’ (VILIIMIIW


Jamie Oehlers Quintet

I\)\'\HI\I\. I.l\lc\l \'\('l \clllnfg (II) II”; “I W .I}. 1‘1, 1‘ i, , ‘,. 2H1” [In [Mm/n (in/m; It \//-.(.-I ( I} . v H .1 v ' ' , I Tony McManus and the Jim ‘3 r ' " . Mullen Trio \I.lll\.lI II.1I|. ('IH I ‘1 ' Mum“: III 15?. »I VI‘UH 5pm {If IIM \ IV ' ' ~1‘ ' n 1' 5‘ 2- I ' '- (IlllII‘ICI‘IIIIk'.IIIIIIIIgI\\HHI\\'H[|.1|hl.\ (“I ,.‘K _ .T , .2.‘ in; P,” x: A El. 7" ' \Illlmw glnLuNx. 'Imn \IAme MM H H I H I" . M II!” \Inllcn I’m! u/ Ilu- Hum/u (nu/m " . " l A /«\In.// .r' .. ,. ' n. :.. ,

I ‘u' ;"II"‘: II, I" I; H "’V'I l"_ ‘Ii' :_/'/_ Glasgow Jim Mullen Organ Trio fix I George McGowan and his "I "w. rm." n I‘ I 1;!”th Orchestra \IL‘Ix‘IMllI‘x ('nlncl‘ I.\ Inlm In: Ila/HM, 4 1W” 1 ,7” Y O 1

\“Wl' RR“ {ml ~"‘ I (III "New: S.” I”

I The Charlie Thomas Quartet “U” ""' I" "'1': " "' ' IIICI. “I I; \\IIIUII I .ulc. I-I.‘ I‘ll)!» I" III'“ "WWI 3"” M'M' i hpln I'n'v Innumlnc yllll.lll\l plum; 1[{-_ m: 1mm: I1I\u\\ll \‘UlIIINHIIlUlh h [my 5‘ ,‘4 MN“ I Morph HI.I\I\III.II\. It» Ilcll SIM-cl. t H A ‘3‘ “’11 ‘I IIIpIn I'Icc .I.I// Iuwm Inun 33111.11le \Iulph

_‘ “I § NIpnl hey \u' .u 1


(1"‘I’.(I’ I", I"

.1111‘ In v. III(' I I(:I"I"< In SN -‘I' ‘It 'W (E/Iifxfl ‘.'.”o a I . ‘. ? ‘/;:/

Valery Ponomarev Quintet

I)".II'II'H" I‘IIII I\,I('II(1‘_ *J-f a”, II,“

Idmburgn I Toto’s Jazz Quartet Il.m_\ '\ 8.”. '-""" I{.Im|u|ph I’luu'. 5 W MINI. i III (mm M]! II'VIMII YIHH I'Ik't‘ SUP Sal I‘)

I Retro Futurist Space Jazz Ensemble hum! (XIII: ‘I \le I’uul. HI I)?“ *[nn I’I;I_\m_«_' until) \xhul _\uuu mpu‘l lmm .I Imnd numml lIk‘ RI-SII:

I Bill Kyle’s Backbeat Band (Inlxncl Vullum‘. V) W BLIII Sll'ccl. 33” MW». " KI) IIIKIIpm I'Iu' Sec 3.1! I" I’u/‘I n] [In Int/III/mw/I ./«I.'.‘ Irmm'

I The Ruffness and the Usual Suspects \Vhlxllchlnku'x. 4 n South Ilmlgc. ‘57 5| [-1 0pm [Hut-x. n'ggac. drum & In“ t'nllnIc \\ IIII Ihc Rullncxx plux Iunk. wul .unl I‘luvx Inun lhc l\u.n| Suxpn‘lx Imm mnImghl

I Moving Through (1nme \nlnnc. ‘8 Blair SII'CL‘I. 32H (II-7h

I lpm Run [H «I'm .\ Ircc Ilmun' 1.1m IIMI pnx lhc \kllx uI dnlm & h.st |;I// Iunkcrx I)};III.I}1.IIII\I lhv Iurnlulnlmn .IIIII\‘\ ml |Ic.uI\pIn nul luhx. lhc Ih‘xununt'c Ihc Rcwnunu‘ IMHII} ncnl .m_\ Inu'mlm'unn mund lhcw hvn‘ pallx. I)}.nI Imw “01'ka ax lhc hm‘khuhc uI Kulu'x .I.l// ,Iuml mlh IIIL' .Iuhlm (‘ullct‘uxu .«\I\n Iughl) lll\UI\L‘(I III [cu-.le'h .lnd mpcruncnlul \ludwx ul gmmc Imqu llll|\l( .Iml lhv \l\ll.IIl\.IIlHlI uI \uund. I’ln‘l ul lhc III: Inm'K IIIIII hu'llnlu} (clchmuunx

I Late Night Jam Session Ruwl ()u'l‘ Sun I mguc. IIIII I’rlnt'cx Sll'ccl. 40" SZIIII II ‘IIPIII LR. SL‘L‘ I'I’l 35

mun I nun,- T" '11.” “IIITIII'I In.- ,o-.2'.‘1I‘IIII‘»‘ IlII IIJII‘I‘I'II" an” I’M‘.’ "XII". i“ Inn III‘Ih-v '(III‘. III/"EMIan1'1;1(I¢:Inn'.'.a, Ir No.3. Yme. '.'./III7H"III'III.I‘,17<I ’.'.IIII AII IIIHIxIr‘.’ ('1an UHMI :IIanI In!“ N? :n


Imui Img, ~‘r Mn: (LII) wa ‘.'H’.' Hm I/(//

[Um/mm“. Hun Hm ’3'}


I Ruth Lambert Quartet IIIglt'IxIIIJH. W) Hcll \lnx'l. ‘5‘ *‘L‘I

‘I “1pm live I mnlnl In (II.I\_'__'H\\ Imxml \mullxl I .unhcil. \Inpm: II] [Inc IuIn-



I Jazz Afternoon (Imam H (Lullc WWII-1.17 51‘) l 1le I'Iu’ Scc Sun 3‘)

I Toto’s Jazz Trio 'I hc (ml: anln, Duh" Slim-l. I culh. 3 VI 1 NIpIn l'n'c SCL' Sun 3”

I Chaos Theory \uulhcln Fm“ (IIIL'. (I in (‘m'lxhum Sum-I. ()3: Mn)?

‘~ (\pm I'Iu' ()lIL'IlLII ((IIIIPIHIIIHIM Imm IIII\ nu“ qlmrlcl. Ill\lllf..' III/l. IunL and mt'k. Imlunn; Hull}: 'Ilplcd) mm \;:\c\. I’.m| Klrh} un Iu'flNmHIx Ixcnn (iluxgmx un haw and (Inn \Vullnu- nu drumx I’m-I n/ I/u' l‘t/III/Hll'g’ll ./u.'.' l'I’IIIL't'

I Kim Proven Trio h’H Quu‘n Sum Bar and leuumnl. XII ()uccn Slrccl, 33509-7. 9pm I‘I‘CL' SL‘L' Sal I‘) /’¢III III [In [rim/mm}! ./(l.‘_" I‘Imur

I Bill Kyle’s Sh" Hot Jazz Quartet Human Bc In. 3 5 “ml (‘ruxxguuwudv (m3 XVIII

9pm IlIltIIIIjJIII I'm-c \n' Sun .‘II III/In] Illt' ladlnhm'u/I III]: l'IIIIL’t‘

I Late Night Jam Session Ruin ()xcrrScm I mum: IINI I’nnu-x Slrccl. 4(37 53‘)” II :IIPIII ‘5 \cv III 7‘


I Simon Dinnigan (Lmd Hall. (‘nn Squaw. III in} 4 ‘40-“) | me H 19.3) (Inc HI lhc IIIIL‘\I gumrlxlx ul III\ gum-mum}. Sunnn Dinnigan pcrlnrlm \uukx I'rum hm accluuncd \ulu I‘cumlmg Iul' IIIL' ('quwt~ I'.\I Iuhcl. 'Ihc I'ulI \lev In! H! [/Il' Hum/n (iuIlur I'm/nul.

I The Assad Brothers (km-d Hull. (‘11) Square. III ‘83 JUN-II) 8pm, L I 3 12M :\n L‘\CIll\l\L' Izurupcun dulc Irum cluxxlcul gullunxlx Scrgm and ()dzur, l’url nt Illc' Hum/(r (immr l‘kwln'ul