Clubs listings


Sorting out the cack from the gak on the ones and twos

lhe hope .‘Ja‘, to start this round up mth a triu'nphaiit fanfare from one of the original pioneers of electioiiir 'llll‘;l(l. Sadly, we can't. for Kraftwerk's tirnel‘,’ tf}‘.’.’()lklllf] of their classic [our No l more il Ml ooo ineffectual.

All is not lost though as there are the likes of that fine lahel ltu Thoughts, which has unleashed a pair of crackers front The Amalgamation of Soundz and The Quantic Soul Orchestra. The former 'Coastal' lllll lhouglits oooo live percussive Jungle iii a Johnny Weissrnuller. rather than l-d Rush stylee, doused wrth soulful swoons and croons. and is pretty damn brilliant. Will Holland's 080 go from strength to strength and this cute lil' 7" 'Ptishin' ()n' lllll lhoughts oooo l is well worth haying a rake around for.

So too is this fine otie hy CZR and 'Can You l-ell lt' tlexture oooo l IS all that Puff Daddy Wishes his wussy attempt at heing Armand Van Helden was: a big stomping heast of a house track With a vocal thicker than a member of Girls Aloud

Newcomer trio Ultra-Violet unleash a diverse three tracker: With 'UItra-Violet' fUV ooo l successfully reshaped into drum 8. bass. hreaks are given a suitath skewed rockist retune. YoshiToshi celebrate their 100th release by letting four eager heaver's get their reinixnig claws into four of the label's classics. Kid Chris footers ahout \Nllll Alcatiax' ‘Give Me Luv‘ to some success hut the rest don't light the heather on fire quite like they should tYoshrToshi oo l. Ending on a lighter note sniff out Silencers Signals. Critical Mass ooo la mug/y mound of hreakheat magic and Care in the Community's newest electro htirp. Flip past the hackneved Damage Control' and get straight to the retro rocket that IS "My Loose Tooth' (Mob oooo i. a much more antagonistic bundle of 80s toy. (Mark Robertson)

r is iniiiiirial to the point of

)is a conteinplatiVe mix of

Edinburgh Friday:

I CC Blooms at (‘(‘ Blooinx. 10.30pm» 3am. l-‘rcc. chkl}. D] All) dth the dcckx tilt!) at lhix ga} night \\ ilh hcr inimitable \ClL‘CllUll ol hiin camp and disco claxxicx. mo\ ing on to pumped-tip hotixc and dance ax tlic evening progrcxxCx.

86 THE LIST 17 31 Jul .‘1‘33

OCurios? present: Club Never Never at lloiigo('ltih lflpin 2.iiii to It-l \\ illi cult) to hicakdaiitt' toinpi :5 Jul old) 'I lit' dixtiiit‘tl) \‘ut‘lltl t‘ollt-ttnt' ptit on .llltllllt‘l ol lllL'll odd xhindigx t'ioxxing tht- gaiiitit of funk. dixt'o. hotixt'. hip hop. t'lt't Ito and mm (‘ia/t .lllllt alto) “llll it'xidt'nt hand litking ('iot'odilt'. hip hop dtidt-x I nc St lt'lkk" and I)Jx Kid lit-ll. \ti Mont"). llan THU”. (‘hango. \ial. \Vt-t- (i and (irt-t'n llhot

I Departure Lounge .tl rhc tum-x lflpiii iain LES ht'lort- midnight. L I” after IS Jul \t'“ \\Hlltl hcat/ltiiik t'\ploxioii aiming for .i tit-\t \ iht- iii a nut \t'iiut' liotn it'xidt'ntx Mi /iinhah\xt- .iiid x\\llt)l\ii’\. l'Ul tht' opening night lzdinhtii'gh l;t\tilll'llC l)olphin Hot diopx xoiiit' 'px}t'hcdt‘ht' ti’aiit't- |a//‘ ax \xcll .ix a ll\t‘ xt't li'oni l..itin |a// txpt-x l’it'aiitt- 841‘ [int ii'ii

I Digital at tht' \t'nut- \lorilhl} llt'\l date I5 .'\ll“._'.

I Dogma at Studio ll lfl. iflprn {am {the 25 Jul Ilaid .ix riailx and ax undt'i'gr'otiiid ax iiiolt'x. tt't'hno ol the hight'xt oi'dt'i' ax from thix rt-xidt'ntx \Pt'k‘lill.

I Dr No’s at Studio 34 \lorithl_\ llt'\l tlttlt‘ N :\llf_‘.

I El Barrio at H llai‘i‘io. lflpin iain l'i't't‘ £5. “with. St-t' 'l'hti.

I El Segundo at Bongo ( ‘ltih. Motilhl) tit-\t datt' .S' x\llj_'

I Evol at the liquid Rooiii.

ll).3flpiii iain. L5 \Vt-t'kly ladinhtii'gh'x longt‘xt running iiidit‘ night ix t'iilllllljJ tip for itx tncllth hii‘thda} thix :\ug. With the tixtial llll\ of thc ht'xt t'tii‘i't-nt and t'laxxit' allct‘nalnt‘. t‘i‘oxxm t't‘ tiint‘x. tl‘x .iit inxtittitton ali't'ad} and “Hit tht' i‘t't't'iit addition of thc hack i‘ooin. [ll.l}lllj: lioxt to Mr «k Mix Mogixai. lhc ltittii't- lookx likt' a happ} plat‘t' lor all tliingx l‘,\til.

I FreakLab at Sttidio 34, Monthh llL‘\l datt' H Aug.

I Free Range at \\L'k' RL'tl Bai. llelpin iain. l ht'loi't' midnight; (I allt'i'. \Vt't'kl). long ax it'x good tht'} 'll pla} it: liiiik. l)t\ll. hip hop. (iflx. 7flx. tlixt'o. inctal. t'otiiitr}. ptiiik. hltit‘x. Sflx. ‘le. daiit‘c. old xkool. )illl name it.

I FUNUK] at Pine (‘otint‘tl lllprii iani. t5. \Vt'ckl}. l'illlil) tht' xpt't‘ialixt xotindx ol' niaiiixtt'caiii Rtkll gi'oott'x. xiiiootli ht‘atx and let t‘cnttir} lla\a/.

I The 60-60 at ('ot‘tt‘ati l.otingt' ttltmiixtairx al ligoi. Ilpiii iarii. [.5 ([4). IS Jul. Montlil}. Sninging (iflx gal‘agt‘ lot the rock \arit't) \Ul'l') to dixappoiiit an) So Solid \tannaht'xi. xotil. niod. xoiil. Rtkll and \lt‘dl} lixtt'niiig tht- rightt-oiix 'l‘all l’aul Rohiiixon and .'\ll:_‘ll\ A (io-( io rt'iiiain t'cxidt'nt \titli xpct‘ial gtit'xl l‘raiik Mtit'ph) t( ioodlool f.

I Kombi at Bongo (‘luh Iflpin 3am. Ur t£5 “llll l'l_\t'r or Hawaiian xliirti. IS Jlll. \ltillllll}. :\ t‘t'lt‘l‘t'alliill (ll \tll‘l ctillui't‘ t't'lt-hrating 3f) _\t‘arx ol t'ltih t'laxxit‘x ll'Ulll Scott Young. l)anixt'. Jaxoii l,t't‘ :llld guth thxxt'l St‘iill.

I Manga at lltiiit')t‘tiiiili. Montlil) llt‘\l datt' .-\ug.

I Mocha Rocka! at Berlin llit-i'liatix. lflpin 3am. £7. 25 Jul. Montlil}. 'l'ito ol lidinhlll‘gh'x ht‘xl t'iillt't'lht‘x Join lol‘t‘t‘x. Space l‘at‘t' i‘t'xidt'iitx Spidcr and WC lllondc l-‘Iaxh hring tht' Rtkli. hip hop. l'tiiik. dixt'o and liltil'L‘ \xliilt‘ 'l‘okto Bill lztkt' cat't‘ til. lllL' liUll\C.

I Modern Lovers at ligo.

l lprii Rant. [3 hct'orc midnight; £5 at'tt-i'. I .'\ll:_'. Moiithl). l’p-hcat llll\ ol \oi'tht'rti Sottl. dccp ltiiik. hainiiioiid tan and retro xotiiidtra\x xt't'\ t‘d tip h} _\our lioxtx ('raig Jatiticxon and Andre“ l)i\ iiit‘ il)i\ lllL‘. l'tink Room) and \pCL'lill gticxl (‘hrlx (icddcx (“the t\ St‘htixlian l.

I Nu:0rder at ()pitiin. 5 0.30pm. {5 lil on “till thcri. \Vcckh. \t'it night for l-l-l7 )t'ai' oldx. loctixing on \\ll;tl tht‘ ()pitiiii doCx hcxt inctal. rock. ptiiik. xka. cnio. allci'natiw and grtingc. \o alcopopx htit ti‘cc drink l'L'lill\.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Loungt'. lflpin 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. l‘tinkcd tip \ot‘al houxc and dancc t'laxxicx lroin Stm ic (i and (‘alltiin Mtirt'a}.

I Planet Earth at ('itrux ('ltih

Ifl ‘Upin 1am :5 \\.'ckl\ \lll\l\ lioiii l‘Vh through to l‘lS" or iii othcr \xoitlx .r lit-alth_\ tloxt' of punk. Jl\'\\ \tatc. llt'\\ iornantit and win Ito pop

I Platinum Plus .ll ('oininplm itoiint'ih ('ltih .|.i\ai lffpiii jail) to it- lot l with ll\\'ll :5 ltil \t-xt hip hop. Iiiiik. R.\ll and xotil night dooii I t'itlt \\.i§. t'\pt‘tt tht' odd Inc l’\ oi hand. tool lle and .iit t-\hthitx all in thc t laxx}

cin itonx of thix t oint'itt-d t litiit h

I Pogo Vogue .ll liongo ( llil‘

Iflpiii 5am t'tht I \tig Montlih l'\pt'iiiitt' t'lt't lll‘lll\.l xkiitiiig .ill tht‘ \aiiotrx torriix of lllll\l\ inat'hiiit-x lll.ll\t' lhtx month xt't'x a lll.t\\l\t‘ ll\\' \llti\\t axt' \\llll l’aliit k \\.ilkt-i and thc Soti|t\it' ('ollt't ti\t'. tht' f lpt'iatoi. \tiiitit- | lo and Hi .\ii

I Radio Babylon .Il l-gn

lll illl‘lll iain {5 ilht'i :5 Jul Ix’adio liahtlon xtiikt'x hat k Iht- \lt'lH l’iaiikxtt'ix. Hiaiiixloiiii .iiid Mull hoxtcxx tht' di\iiit' \lixx l’t'iin} l’oiiixtai guidt' tori thiotigh an ct lL'\ ll\ Illl\ of groom tl.lll\t' intixit. t-lt't troid dixt‘o hicakx .iiid poxt xkool ltink

I Roadblock .II I)” \a \.r

lllpiii iani l'it-t- ht-toic Ilpiii. l L5 .iltt'i \\t't'k|\ \itt‘il xlopx tht' ll.llll\ iii had inttxit‘ “llt'll xht' digx tip Iht' ht'xt in ltiiik. dixt'o. houxt- and Work iotkin‘ llt'.il\

I Salsa Friday .it the \lt'iliii

‘lpin lain H l.\ .ltil Moiitlih l).lx J.llllt‘\ ( 'oiiiht' .iiid lxt'itli |)iniiit- hiiiig \oii loui' liotitx ol gtialit) xloinping good xalxa.

I Sativae Recordings Night .tl l'.“_'ti. \ltillllll} llt'\l tl.ilt' 2" .\llf,'

I Sistas al Mart‘o'x l.t'ixtiit' ('t'ntit' lllpni .iarn t-l ht-toit' inidiiight. t5 5” anti it: “Hit ll_\t'ii \Mx‘kl}. \\oild rtitixit' inaxh tip \t itli tht' ht-xt in .\lll\'.|ll. t't'ggat'. ragga. hhangia. Rt\ll and hip hop. l)i'iiik proiiiox all night .iiid tht' odd li\t' hand.

I Soul Biscuits .il (‘aliart-t \tillalt't' Ill. illpiii iain. [7' fUil, 25 .ltil. Monthl). \axl) l’. l'.\li'a aitd (iino pro\ tdt‘ lht' hip hop. ltiiik and It'ltlit'ld hit-.ikx at thix 'i‘t'xtdt‘ntx l'k‘\ it'\\ h) _\oti‘ xpt't'ial ax )ou the luck} ptinlt'i' can “\C [M toting xlipx pi‘otidcd to \lli)\\ “llt‘lt‘ )otii xtippoi't llt‘S and Much ix )otii’ law xpiiiiit-i. .-\lxo Jl’ lll'l\ll I)M(' (‘liaiiipi gtit-xtx \\ iih .\J at‘ting ax htixl/adiudit‘atoi:

I The Time Tunnel at \laxxa tloi‘nit'i'l} ('ltih Mt'i‘t'adoi. ltlpni iani. £5 1H \\llll tht‘ri. \Vt't'kl}. ll't‘lltl) \Vt'iid). Slioxthi/ Jaxt' and llt'tt} l-or'tl dixi‘tipt tht‘ xpat‘t' tiriit' t'oiitiiititirn \\llll tiiiit-x lrotn tht' (iflx_ 7flx atld S‘flx, ()i iiia_\ht' it'x itixt tht' .llk'tllllll,

I Velvet at lago, Ilpiii iain. U) it'5i. 35 Jul. .\ nt'\\ \toint‘n'x night for ga) gii'lit‘x and their xpct‘iall} lll\ itt'd ho_\ li‘it'iidx lllll‘ll can onl} gain .idinixxion ll act‘oinpanit-tl h_\ a lad} i. hoxtt-d h_\ Mit‘lit‘llt‘ (JO). \Vigglt-i Spt-t‘ial gticxix linpat‘t llrtiitinit'i‘x pi'o\idt' lllL' liw ht-atx.

Chart & Party

I The BIG One! at Mood ‘lpiii iaiii l'lL‘C ht‘ltll't' | lpin'. L5 allt'i' (live to int'niht'i'xi, \Vcckl}. .\ lantaxtit' xtart to thc \tt't'lxt'nd ax _\oti unort to all thoxt' pop t‘l;t\\lt‘\ ll‘ittlt tllt‘ l;t\l li\t' dt't‘adt‘x I Boogie Juice al l.'.'\ll.l\'llt'. lll.3flriiii Rain. 3 ht‘lorc Ilpiii; L5 attt-i‘. Wot-kl}. l’la_\ing otit tht- ht-xt lll Rtkll. chart and funk} latotirilt'x.

I The Dog’s Balearics at RCMllllllUll. “hillle iain. 5 ht'lort' iiiitliiight; L'h attt'i‘ (Li Hi. \Vcckl}. ’l‘ht- hcxt Mum and chart daiit‘c ntiiiihcrx ll'iilll throughout lllL' \llllllllL'l'.

I Office Affair at Stihtta) \cht land. 4pm 3am, l-rt't' ht‘loi't' ‘lpin; £5 altt'i‘ it-li. \Vcckl) (‘hai'l lllllL‘\. htiltt't and t'hcap driiikx \that clxc do _\oti nccd to make a tool of _\otii‘xcll in Hunt of )ou (ollcagucxl

I Office Party at (‘att'ndixh/lhxa. 4pm 5am. l-t'cc. \Vt-t-kl}. \t-tx night of after \toi‘k \llllllL'\\ and t'hccx} tun. Bucking hront‘ox. gaiiit-x and inorc to kccp tlic xuitcd iiiaxxcx cnicrtairicd. lillllt'l lill' pic-hilttkk'kl [Nil'lltN lax \\ L'll ;t\

a htix pit k tip \Cl\ it‘t'i

I The Party Continues . . . .tl l‘cppciminl | otiiigt' lflpin ‘~.iiii Li \M'ckh lht' l‘cppt'rinint l otiiigt‘ all xlaix hung lllt‘ \xt't-kt'nd icwllcix tht' ht'xt lllll\l\ xt'lt‘t lion in to“ it Stu it' (i. lt-it‘iiix lhornx and |oh_\ \.iltoiixt.tll diop Ix’t\ll .llltl t laxxit x alongxidt' an uplioiit llll\ of thart hitx

I The Subway .il \tih\\.i\ tl \\t‘t'kl\ \t't' lliti

I Why Not? at \\ h) \ot' lflpiti \iin ‘~ht'loit' |lpiii.15 ‘50 altt'i \\t't'k|_\ (hail. dantt‘ .ll‘tl liouxt' tor lllt' \tt't'kt'iid

Edinburgh Saturdays

Clt ih

I Ascension Goth Club .tl It-xmi Ron I hunt I” zflpin iani t-l itI

l|)( it\ lx’ int-inht'rxi “it .ltil loitiiighth \lonthlx lti .ixxot ration \\llll l-diiihtirgh

l lll\t‘lxll\ 'x ( iotli and Rock Sol it-t\ \tllllk'\ thix t lit-cu llll\ of tip to datc darkiit'xx lt'attiiiiig all thy lalt'xt «.‘oth.

rot k and indtixliial git‘atx

I Asylum .il Studio .‘1 llpiii ‘am

t5 .‘h .ltil loitnighlh lht' \lixxroii'x tloxtii .iiid diitx hiotht'i \ptK iahxing in iot'k. nu iiit'tal and otht'i hardtoit' \Ullllll\

OAudio Deluxe .ii iht- Ilorrt-xtorrih Ilpiii *ain tlll If» Jul Sniooth. xotilliil houxt' at thix xhindig lioxtt'd h_\ it'xidt'iit (‘iaig Smith illuxh lltixhi. “ho t-wii hax tht' likt' ol lxt-nm ‘l )opo ( ion/alt'x xiiigiiig hix piaixt'x '( ‘iaig hax tlt‘llt‘ a had good ioh t'dtitaling )otti trotxd' Spt't'ial gtixt lt'll_\ lliintt'r l\lll\l\ l’lanti ix \tinging liix \\.t\ in for lliix dalt' innit-d h) (it'oigit‘ I’otgit' lot a Inc |’.\ Sttt't'l lor I/ll\ ill/Ir I'll/\ 'l l/xl'ttrrt/ llt'lrlt'l\ ml 13 oil r/rm/ [’Ilit u/l rug/ll

I Audio Tourism at I’m» ( ‘aiit-

‘lpni iain l‘lk't' \h-t‘kh :\ xt'iiotix allt'tiiatnt' to t‘omt'iilional night t’ltihhiiig \\ itli ('iaig (it-t' i I” hill and ( it-ot'gt' l ilh Jtili

I CC Blooms .it ('(' llloonix.

Iii ifipni iaiii. l'rt't'. \Vt-t'kl} I” All) ix hat‘k again “llll inoi't' ol llk‘l tiadt'inaik high camp to houxt' dct'kiiit‘al t'\pt-i'tixc at thix .il\\;i)x hoat‘hiiig ga) \t-ntic.

. ;ll (illtlt‘tl lialhmll (Int-x. iiiidiiight -larii t7. “cckh. 'Iht' ('awx ait- ll'.lll\ltlllllt‘tl itito a \Hll'ltl ol Middlt' lzaxlt-rii ht-atx and darit't'ahlt' :\ra|iit' giooit'x.

I Colours Live! at the liquid Rooni Monthl} nt-\t datt' ‘) .'\llj._'.

I Cushy at \it'hol l‘.tl\\;lltl\.

Ilpiii iaiii. [3. In Jtil. I)J l'.ll.'tll Jaiiit'x ll‘llllllt' Noodle (‘il_\ ('alt'i p|a_\x kit'kin llUll\C iiitixit' of all \at'it'tit'x. ()t't'axioiial xtippoi't lioni .‘\lt'\ .'\\k‘l"\ and l.k't' Mtirra).

I Diggin’ Deeper at \itliol l'.tl\\.tl‘tl\. lfl iflpiii idlll L4 it‘i 3(thil 'llit' lhggtii’ llt't'p \llxtai'x rock tht' part) \iith tht-ii t-t‘lt't‘lit' hint of ltiiik. hip hop. icggat'. hcatx and lllHlC. Rt'xidt-ntx latian Roht'rixori. (ia\ in l‘Hll. Donald Mat'arthtii and Mark Halnt-att-x kit'k xtai't thc t'ltih \\ itli \ in_\l gt'nix to kt't'p )oti happ} and groming all night long. St't' \\ \\ \\.tlt't'ptlig totik lot more Hill).

I Diggity at lllk' l xtahlixhint-iit

lllpiii iain L i ht'lort- Ilpiii; {'7 «£5 int-inht'i'xi alter. \Vt'ckl} l)J l'ahtilo/ and Hair} I.(i gt't doxtn \tith tht'ii' had xt-l\cx. Pl;t}lll“.‘ \l.i|tlxt}|t' Rtkll. hip hop and \ll'L‘L'l xtitll

I Disco Inferno .tl ltgo.

lfl. iflpin iarii. LES sin in fang} drt-xxi 3ft Jul. \loiitlil}. .-\ night of dixt'o cream on l\\o floorx. (ililllllllt’tl tip and Ill )Ullr lact- dixco at'tion from [U low. \it'k Siht't'. M(‘ ()tix. l-tinkinaxlcr l'r} Cl and DJ (’axani it a.

I The til “LT RL'tl Halt

Ilpiii ‘iain. {4.5” tL-li. \Vt'ckl). Still the ht'xt llll\ ol llltllL‘. (illx garagc. iiorthcrn xotil. xka. 7flx punk aiid nt‘v. \tatc )ou‘rc hkcl} lU xlaggcr JL‘t'iixx. ;\ \\ L'll lH\ L'tl inxtitution that rcluxcx to change

I El Barrio at H Barrio. lllptn ‘ain. l'il‘L'C {5. \Vt'ckl}. SL'C 'l'llll

'piii iani